AN ACT concerning appropriations.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:


Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

Section 5. The amount of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Coal Development Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to the owner of a generating station located in Williamson County, Illinois using Illinois coal to generate electricity for rural Southern Illinois communities for the purposes specified in the Illinois Coal and Energy Development Bond Act and Section 8.1 of the Energy Conservation and Coal Development Bond Act.

Section 10. The amount of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Coal Development Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to the owner of a generating station located in Sangamon County, Illinois using Illinois coal to generate electricity for the purposes specified in the Illinois Coal and Energy Development Bond Act and Section 8.1 of the Energy Conservation and Coal Development Bond Act.

Section 15. The amount of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Coal Development Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to the owner of a generating station located in Washington County, Illinois using Illinois coal to generate electricity for the purposes specified in the Illinois Coal and Energy Development Bond Act and Section 8.1 of the Energy Conservation and Coal Development Bond Act.

Section 20. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from any appropriation herein made in this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.


Department of Agriculture

Section 5. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for repairs, maintenance, and capital improvements including construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair and installation of capital facilities, cost of planning, supplies, materials, equipment, services and all other expenses required to complete the work:

Payable from Agricultural Premium Fund:

For various projects at the State

Fairgrounds ................................. 600,000

For various projects at the DuQuoin State

Fairgrounds................................... .250,000

Total $850,000

Section 10. The amount of $8,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Partners for Conservation Projects Fund to the Department of Agriculture for the Conservation Practices Cost-Share program.




Section 10. The sum of $725,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the administration and payment of grants to local governmental units for the construction, maintenance, and improvement of boat access areas.

Section 15. The sum of $120,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the purposes of the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act and for the administration and payment of grants to local governmental units for the construction, land acquisition, lease, maintenance and improvement of snowmobile trails and access areas.

Section 20. To the extent federal funds including reimbursements are available for such purposes, the sum of $3,175,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for all costs for construction and development of facilities for transient, non-trailerable recreational boats, including grants for such purposes and authorized under the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program.

Section 25. The sum of $150,000, new appropriation, is appropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the Chain O’Lakes – Fox River Waterway Management Agency for the Agency’s operational expenses.

Section 30. The following named sums, new appropriations, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:

Payable from State Boating Act Fund:

For multiple use facilities and programs

for boating purposes provided by the

Department of Natural Resources,

Including construction and development,

all costs for supplies, materials,

labor, land acquisition, services, studies

and all other expenses required to comply

with the intent of this appropriation........ 1,500,000

Payable from State Parks Fund:

For multiple use facilities and programs

for park and trail purposes provided by

the Department of Natural Resources, including

construction and development, all costs

for supplies, materials, labor, land

acquisition, services, studies, and

all other expenses required to comply with

the intent of this appropriation................ 150,000

Section 35. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for acquisition and development, including grants, for the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan within the Dominion of Canada or the United States which specifically provides waterfowl for the Mississippi Flyway.

Section 40. To the extent federal funds including reimbursements are available for such purposes, the sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Wildlife and Fish Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for construction and renovation of waste reception facilities for recreational boaters, including grants for such purposes authorized under the Clean Vessel Act.

Section 50. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, herein made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:

Payable from Forest Reserve Fund:

For U.S. Forest Service Program............... 500,000

Section 55. The sum of $110,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Plugging and Restoration Fund to the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mines and Minerals for the Landowner Grant Program authorized under the Oil and Gas Act, as amended by Public Act 90-0260.

Section 60. The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources from the Abandoned Mined Lands Set Aside Fund for grants and contracts to conduct research, planning and construction to eliminate hazards created by abandoned mines and any other expenses necessary for emergency response.

Section 65. The sum of $110,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources from the State Furbearer Fund for the conservation of fur bearing mammals in accordance with the provisions of Section 5/1.32 of the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter amended.

Section 70. The following named sums, new appropriations, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:

Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund:

For the acquisition, preservation and

stewardship of natural areas, including habitats

for endangered and threatened species, high

quality natural communities, wetlands

and other areas with unique or unusual

natural heritage qualities.................. 1,000,000

Section 75. The sum of $11,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for expenses connected with and to make grants to local governments and to distressed communities as provided in the "Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Act".

Section 80. The sum of $550,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Pheasant Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the conservation of pheasants in accordance with the provisions of Section 5/1.31 of the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter amended.


Section 85. The sum of $1,350,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the preservation and maintenance of high quality habitat lands in accordance with the provisions of the "Habitat Endowment Act", as now or hereafter amended.

Section 90. The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the preservation and maintenance of a high quality fish and wildlife habitat and to promote the heritage of outdoor sports in Illinois from revenue derived from the sale of Sportsmen Series license plates.

Section 95. The sum of $900,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the Office of Water Resources from the Flood Control Land Lease Fund for disbursement of monies received pursuant to Act of Congress dated September 3, 1954 (68 Statutes 1266, same as appears in Section 701c-3, Title 33, United States Code Annotated), provided such disbursement shall be in compliance with 15 ILCS 515/1 Illinois Compiled Statutes.

Section 100. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, herein made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:

Payable from Land and Water Recreation Fund:

For Outdoor Recreation Programs ................2,500,000

Section 105. The sum of $600,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trails Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to units of local governments, not-for-profit organizations, and other groups to operate, maintain and acquire land for off-highway vehicle trails and parks as provided for in the Recreational Trails of Illinois Act, including administration, enforcement, planning and implementation of this Act.

Section 110. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, herein made either independently or in cooperation with the Federal Government or any agency thereof, any municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the State, or with any public or private corporation, organization, or individual, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:

Payable from Federal Title IV Fire

Protection Assistance Fund:

For Rural Community Fire Protection

Programs........................................ 325,000

Section 115. The sum of $80,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Snowmobile Trail Establishment Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for

the administration and payment of grants to nonprofit snowmobile clubs and organizations for construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of snowmobile trails and areas for the use of snowmobiles.

Section 120. The sum of $625,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Forestry Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of grants to timber growers for implementation of

acceptable forestry management practices as provided in the "Illinois Forestry Development Act" as now or hereafter amended.

Section 125. To the extent Federal Funds including reimbursements are made available for such purposes, the sum of $300,000, is appropriated from the Illinois Forestry Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for Forest Stewardship Technical Assistance.

Section 130. The sum of $160,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of grants for the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan within the Dominion of Canada or the United States which specifically provides waterfowl to the Mississippi Flyway as provided in the "Wildlife Code", as amended.

Section 135. The sum of $160,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of grants for the development of waterfowl propagation areas within the Dominion of Canada or the United States which specifically provide waterfowl for the Mississippi Flyway as provided in the "Wildlife Code", as amended.

Section 140. The sum of $750,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of attracting waterfowl and improving public migratory waterfowl areas within the State.

Section 145. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants to units of local government for the acquisition and development of bike paths.

Section 150. The sum of $750,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for land acquisition, development and maintenance of bike paths and all other related expenses connected with the acquisition, development and maintenance of bike paths.

Section 155. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Park and Conservation Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the development and maintenance, and other related expenses of recreational trails and trail-related projects authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, provided such amount shall not exceed funds to be made available for such purposes from State or federal sources.

Section 160. The following named sum, new appropriation, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the object and purpose hereinafter named, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:

Payable from the Park and Conservation Fund:

For multiple use facilities and programs

for park and trail purposes provided by

the Department of Natural Resources, including

construction and development, all costs

for supplies, materials, labor, land

acquisition, services, studies, and

all other expenses required to comply with

the intent of this appropriation .................1,000,000

Section 165. The following named sums, new appropriations, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:

Payable from the Adeline Jay Geo-Karis

Illinois Beach Marina Fund:

For rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair,

replacing, fixed assets, and improvement

of facilities at North Point Marina at

Winthrop Harbor................................. 375,000

Section 170. The sum of $6,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources from the Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Council Federal Trust Fund for grants and contracts to conduct research, planning and construction to eliminate hazards created by abandoned mines, and any other expenses necessary for emergency response.

Section 175. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred or any expenditure made from appropriations herein made in Sections 100, 175, 180, 195, 200 and 205 of this Article until after the purpose and amount of such expenditure has been approved in writing by the Governor.

Total, this Article $170,215,000



Section 5. The sum of $330,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to units of local government for sewer systems and

wastewater treatment facilities pursuant to rules defining the Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan program and for transfer of funds to establish reserve accounts, construction accounts or any other necessary funds or accounts in order to implement a leveraged loan program.

Section 10. The sum of $110,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for financial assistance to units of local government and privately owned community water supplies for drinking water infrastructure projects pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, and for transfer of funds to establish reserve accounts, construction accounts or any other necessary funds or accounts in order to implement a leveraged program.

Section 15. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for a green infrastructure financial assistance program to address water quality issues.

Section 20. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for a small community water supply financial assistance program to address compliance problems.

Section 25. No contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred for any expenditures from appropriations in Section 1 of this Article until after the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.

Total, this Article $447,000,000



Section 237. The sum of $5,000,002, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to the Department of Transportation to extend the metrolink rail-line to Mid-America Airport, including but not limited to, general infrastructure improvements authorized under Section 2705-305 of the Department of Transportation Law (20 ILCS 2705/2705-305) such as parking lot infrastructure upgrades, pedestrian access improvements, ingress and egress infrastructure and construction of a pedestrian overpass at the Southwestern Illinois College metrolink station.


Section 5. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the sum of $180,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Architect of the Capitol to meet its operational expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

Section 10. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the object and purpose hereinafter named, is appropriated to the Illinois Arts Council to enhance the cultural environment in Illinois:

Payable from Illinois Arts Council

Federal Grant Fund:

For Grants and Programs to Enhance

the Cultural Environment and associated

administrative costs........................... 500,000

Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the State Comptroller to pay certain appointed officer of the Executive Branch of the State Government, at the various rates prescribed by law:

Executive Inspector Generals

For the Executive Inspector General for the

Office of the Governor........................... 150,200

For the Executive Inspector General for the

Office of the Attorney General................... 106,500

For the Executive Inspector General for the

Office of the Secretary of State................. 115,600

For the Executive Inspector General for the

Office of the Comptroller........................ 101,100

For the Executive Inspector General for the

Office of the Treasurer.......................... 106,000

Section 20. The following named amount, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, is appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State to meet the ordinary, contingent, and distributive expenses of the following organizational unit of the Office of the Secretary of State:


For Refunds:

Payable from Road Fund......................... 2,284,200

Section 25. In addition to any other amounts appropriated for such purposes, the amount of $131,472,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for educational purposes.

Section 30. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the sum of $1,481,950, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the State Board of Elections to meet its operational expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

Section 35. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the object and purpose hereinafter named, to meet its operational expense of the Property Tax Appeal Board:

Payable from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund:

For Personal Services.......................... 1,851,900

For State Contributions to

Social Security................................. 141,700

For Group Insurance.............................. 418,500

For Contractual Services.......................... 47,000

For Travel........................................ 33,600

For Commodities.................................... 9,600

For Printing....................................... 5,800

For Equipment...................................... 4,600

For Electronic Data Processing.................... 43,200

For Telecommunication Services.................... 30,000

For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 14,000

For Refunds.......................................... 200

For Costs Associated with the Appeal

Process and the Reestablishment of a

Cook County Office.............................. 200,000

Total $2,800,100

Section 40. The following named amount, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Court of Claims for payment of claims as follows:

For claims under the Crime Victims Compensation Act:

Payable from the Court of Claims Federal Recovery

Victim Compensation Grant Fund............... 3,029,000

Section 45. In addition to other amounts appropriated for these purposes, the following are appropriated to the Department of Human Services in the approximate costs set forth below for the following purposes:

Payable from Health and Human Services

Medicaid Trust Fund:

For the Home Based Support Services Program

for services to additional children......... 2,500,000

For the Home Based Support Services Program

for services to additional adults........... 2,500,000

For diversion, transition, and

aftercare from institutional settings

for persons with a mental illness........... 6,000,000

For Supportive MI Housing................... 20,565,000

For Grants for Supportive Housing Services... 3,382,500

Section 50. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the sum of $418,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the State Police Merit Board to meet its operational expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

Section 55. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Attorney General Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for ordinary and contingent expenses, including State law enforcement purposes.

Section 60. The following named amounts are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:

No. 01-CC-0914, Linda Zimmerman-Wozniak,

Contract, against the Department of

Professional Regulation.................... $18,328.65

No. 10-CC-0754, Children’s Home and Aid

Society of Illinois, Debt, against the

Department of Human Services............... $95,716.53

No. 10-CC-2090, Sonia Shankman Orthogenic

School, Debt, against the Department of

Human Services............................ $114,885.81

No. 10-CC-2350, Value Options, Inc., Debt,

against the Department of Human Services... $62,737.43

No. 10-CC-2359, Lutheran Child & Family

Services of Illinois, Debt, against the

Department of Human Services............... $51,913.26

For payments of awards for lapsed

appropriation claims less than $50,000.... $242,293.63

Section 65. The following named amounts are appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 091, Clean Air Act Permit Fund, to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:

For payments of awards for lapsed

appropriation claims less than $50,000..... $13,479.98

Section 70. The following named amounts are appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 314, Facilities Management Revolving Fund to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:

For payments of awards for lapsed

appropriation claims less than $50,000..... $14,011.02

Section 75. The following named amounts are appropriated to the Court of Claims from State Fund 906, State Police Services Fund to pay claims in conformity with awards and recommendations made by the Court of Claims as follows:

No. 10-CC-1853, IBM Corporation, Debt,

against the Illinois State Police.......... $70,000.00

Section 80. The following amount is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Court of Claims to pay a claim based upon an alleged breach of contract wherein the parties entered into a settlement to resolve all issues, but no funds remained available under the contract and appropriation. The specific claim to be paid by this appropriation is as follows:

No. 07-CC-0298, Vacala Construction

against the Capital Development Board..... $581,361.05


Section 7200. The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to Youth Connection Charter for construction of a hydroponics rooftop greenhouse and conservatory at Pedro Albizu Campos High School.

Section 7205. The amount of $200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Chicago Department of Transportation for Wilson Avenue Streetscape.

Section 7210. The amount of $35,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2010, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 10, Section 3220 of Public Act 96-0039, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Village of Glen Carbon for purchase, construction, and development of parks and walking trails, including all prior incurred costs.

Section 7215. The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Chicago West Side Christian School for general infrastructure upgrades.


Section 5. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Sections 10, 15, and 20 of Article 19 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 19, Sec. 10)

Sec. 10. The following amounts, or so much of those amounts as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes named, are appropriated to the Illinois State Board of Education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 2009:

From the Common School Fund:

For General State Aid...................... 3,997,865,800

From the Education Assistance Fund:

For General State Aid........................ 602,439,300

For General State Aid – Hold Harmless......... 15,670,600

(Source: 096HB859enr)

(096HB859enr, Art. 19, Sec. 15)

Sec. 15. The following amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, which shall be used by the Illinois State Board of Education exclusively for the foregoing purposes and not, under any circumstances, for personal services expenditures or other operational or administrative costs, are appropriated to the Illinois State Board of Education for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 2009:

From the General Revenue Fund:

For Disabled Student Personnel

Reimbursement............................... 368,151,700

For Disabled Student Transportation

Reimbursement............................... 357,096,600

For Disabled Student Tuition,

Private Tuition............................. 157,652,800

For Funding for Children Requiring

Special Education, 14-7.02

of the School Code.......................... 275,076,800

For Reimbursement for the Free Breakfast/

Lunch Program................................ 26,300,000

For Summer School Payments, 18-4.3

of the School Code........................... 11,700,000

For Transportation-Regular/Vocational

Common School Transportation

Reimbursement, 29-5 of the School Code...... 270,009,700

For Regular Education Reimbursement

Per 18-3 of the School Code.................. 13,000,000

For Special Education Reimbursement

Per 14-7.03 of the School Code.............. 120,200,000

Total $1,926,936,800

(Source: 096HB859enr)

(096HB859enr, Art. 19, Sec. 20)

Sec. 20. In addition to other amounts appropriated, the amount of $370,743,600, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois State Board of Education for operational expenses, awards, grants, and permanent improvements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 2010.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 10. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 22 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 22, Sec. 5)

Sec. 5. The amount of $6,907,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Employment Security for to meet its operational expenses, awards, grants, and permanent improvements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 15. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 31 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 31, Sec. 5)

Sec. 5. The amount of $425,031,100, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission for to meet its operational expenses, awards, grants, and permanent improvements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 20. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 10 of Article 38 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 38, Sec. 10)

Sec. 10. In addition to other amounts appropriated, the amount of $407,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the State Appellate Defender for operational expenses, awards, grants, State matching grant purposes, and permanent improvements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 25. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 10 of Article 39 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 39, Sec. 10)

Sec. 10. In addition to other amounts appropriated, the amount of $3,243,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor for operational expenses, awards, grants, State matching grant purposes, and permanent improvements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 30. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 68 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 68, Sec. 5)

Sec. 5. The amount of $1,232,200 $1,297,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Prisoner Review Board to meet its operational expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 35. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 260 of Article 102 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 102, Sec. 260)

Sec. 260. The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2010, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 9, Section 260 of Public Act 96-0039, as amended, is reappropriated from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to Chicago International Charter School: Northtown Academy for costs associated with capital improvements to the facility, including prior incurred costs.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 40. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 6 of Article 55 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 55, Sec. 6)

Sec. 6. In addition to other amounts appropriated, the amount of $306,473,400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department on Aging for operational expenses, awards, grants and permanent improvements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, and prior year costs.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 45. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 95 of Article 42 as follows:

(096HB859enr, Art. 42, Sec. 95)

Sec. 95. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:



Payable from the Solid Waste Management Fund:

For Grants, Contracts and Administrative

Expenses Associated with Providing Financial

Assistance for Recycling and Reuse in

Accordance with Section 22.15 of the

Environmental Protection Act, the Illinois

Solid Waste Management Act and the Solid

Waste Planning and Recycling Act,

including prior year costs................... 10,500,000

Payable from the Alternate Fuels Fund:

For Administration and Grant Expenses

of the Ethanol Fuel Research Program,

Including Prior Year Costs.................... 1,000,000

Payable from the Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund:

For Grants, Loans, Investments and

Administrative Expenses of the Renewable

Energy Resources Program, and the

Illinois Renewable Fuels Development

Program, Including Prior Year Costs.......... 10,000,000

Payable from the Energy Efficiency Trust Fund:

For Grants and Administrative Expenses

Relating to Projects that Promote Energy

Efficiency, Including Prior Year Costs........ 5,000,000

For Grants, Contracts and Administrative Expenses

Associated with the Energy Efficiency Portfolio

Standard Program, Including Prior Year Costs. 60,000,000

Payable from the DCEO Energy Projects Fund:

For Expenses and Grants Connected with

Energy Programs, Including Prior Year

Costs............................. 65,000,000 5,000,000

Payable from the Federal Energy Fund:

For Expenses and Grants Connected with

the State Energy Program, Including

Prior Year Costs.............................. 3,000,000

Payable from the Petroleum Violation Fund:

For Expenses and Grants Connected with

Energy Programs, Including Prior Year

Costs......................................... 3,000,000

(Source: 096HB859enr)


Section 5. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:


For the Partners for Conservation

Program to implement ecosystem-based

management for Illinois’ natural resources:

Payable from the Partners

for Conservation Fund........................... 1,511,400

Section 10. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the following named sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:


For expenses of the Park and Conservation program:

Payable from Park and

Conservation Fund.............................. 1,000,000

Section 15. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 95 of Article 8 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 8, Sec. 95)

Sec. 95. The sum of $16,344,800, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2010 2009, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 27, Section 80 of Public Act 96-46 is reappropriated from the Vocational Rehabilitation Fund to the Department of Human Services for Case Services to Individuals.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 20. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the sum of $4,487,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Sports Facilities Fund to the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority for its corporate purposes.

Section 25. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Comptroller to pay certain officers of the Legislative Branch of the State Government, at the various rates prescribed by law:

Officers and Members of General Assembly

For State Contribution to Social Security:

From General Revenue Fund...................... 1,211,200

Section 30. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by adding new Sections 64 and 85 and changing Section 65 of Article 56 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 56, Sec. 64 new)

Sec. 64. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Police DUI Fund to the Department of State Police for the operations part of the State Police DUI Fund, to be used for equipment purchases to assist in the prevention of driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxication compounds.

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 56, Sec. 65)

Sec. 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:


Payable from State Crime Laboratory Fund........... 750,000

Payable from the State Police DUI Fund:

For Administration and Operation

of State Crime Laboratory DUI Fund.............. 150,000

For Operations Part of the

State Police DUI Fund, to be

Used for Equipment Purchases

to Assist in the Prevention of

Driving while Under the Influence

of Alcohol, Drugs or Intoxication

Compounds.................................... .1,000,000

Total $1,150,000

Payable from State Offender DNA

Identification System Fund................... 3,423,500

(Source: 096HB859enr)

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 56, Sec. 85 new)

Sec. 85 The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Police Streetgang-Related Crime Fund to the Department of State Police for operations and initiatives to combat and prevent streetgang-related crime.

Section 35. In addition to other amounts appropriated for this purpose, the sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Agriculture to pay for entertainment and other related expenses at the DuQuoin State Fair.

Section 40. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 83 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 83, Sec. 5)

Sec. 5. The amount of $1,570,000 $292,930, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority to meet its operational expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 45. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by repealing Section 45 of Article 6 and by amending Section 7 of Article 6 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 6, Sec. 7)

Sec. 7. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named are appropriated to the Department of Central Management Services:



For Personal Services................................. 0

For State Contributions to State

Employees' Retirement System.......................... 0

For State Contribution to

Social Security....................................... 0

For Group Insurance.................................... 0

For Contractual Services........................... 9,000

For Travel............................................. 0

For Commodities........................................ 0

For Printing........................................... 0

For Equipment.......................................... 0

For Electronic Data Processing................. 1,000,000

For Telecommunications Services.................... 7,700

Total $1,016,700


For Personal Services........................... 640,700

For State Contribution to State

Employees' Retirement Fund...................... 193,900

For State Contributions to Social

Security......................................... 49,000

For Group Insurance.............................. 116,000

For Contractual Services......................... 119,000

For Travel......................................... 9,000

For Commodities.................................... 1,000

For Printing....................................... 1,000

For Equipment...................................... 1,000

For Electronic Data Processing......................... 0

For Telecommunications Services.................... 3,800

Total $1,134,400


For Personal Services............................ 649,000

For State Contributions to State

Employees' Retirement System.................... 196,400

For State Contribution to

Social Security.................................. 49,600

For Group Insurance.............................. 116,000

For Contractual Services.......................... 18,000

For Travel........................................ 10,000

For Commodities.................................... 4,000

For Printing......................................... 800

For Equipment...................................... 4,000

For Electronic Data Processing................. 3,200,000

For Telecommunications Services..................... 0

Total 4,247,800


For Personal Services.................................. 0

For State Contributions to Social

Security.............................................. 0

For Group Insurance.................................... 0

For Contractual Services............................... 0

For Travel............................................. 0

For Commodities........................................ 0

For Printing........................................... 0

For Equipment.......................................... 0

For Electronic Data Processing......................... 0

For Telecommunications Services........................ 0

For Operation of Auto Equipment........................ 0

For Professional Services including

Administrative and Related Costs............. 15,000,000



To fund central administrative costs

in connection with the implementation

of the American Recovery and

Reinvestment Act............................... 20,000,000

Total $15,000,000

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 50. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Sections 7 and 60 of Article 15 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 15, Sec. 7)

Sec. 7. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:


Payable from Radiation Protection Fund:

For Personal Services.................................. 0

For State Contributions to

Social Security....................................... 0

For Group Insurance.................................... 0

For Contractual Services.......................... 24,300

For Travel......................................... 4,900

For Commodities.................................... 1,000

For Printing....................................... 1,000

For Electronic Data Processing.................... 24,300

For Telecommunications Services................... 10,700

For Operation of Auto Equipment.................... 4,900

Total $71,100

Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency

Preparedness Fund:

For Personal Services.......................... 2,036,600

For State Contributions to State

Employees' Retirement System.................... 616,100

For State Contributions to

Social Security................................. 155,900

For Group Insurance.............................. 406,000

For Contractual Services......................... 411,500

For Travel........................................ 11,700

For Commodities.................................... 5,900

For Printing....................................... 4,900

For Equipment..................................... 21,400

For Electronic Data Processing................... 332,700

For Telecommunications Services................... 72,000

For Operation of Auto Equipment................... 11,700

Total $4,086,400

Payable from the Emergency Management

Preparedness Fund:

For an Emergency Management

Preparedness Program........................ $10,000,000

Payable from the Federal Civil Preparedness

Administrative Fund:

For Terrorism Preparedness and

Training costs in the current

and prior years............................ $148,300,000

For Terrorism Preparedness and

Training costs in the current

and prior years in the Chicago

Urban Area................................. $286,500,000

Payable from the September 11th Fund:

For grants, contracts, and administrative

expenses pursuant to 625 ILCS 5/3-660 653,

including prior year costs..................... $200,000

(Source: 096HB859enr)

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 15, Sec. 60)

Sec. 60. The sum of $373,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Radiation Protection Fund to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency for expenses associated with local responder programs local responder training, demonstrations, research, studies and investigations under funding agreements with the Federal Government.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 55. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by repealing Section 75 and changing Sections 90 and 150 of Article 51 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 51, Sec. 90)

Sec. 90. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the General Professions Dedicated Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation:


For Personal Services............... 2,651,400 2,579,100

For State Contributions to State

Employees' Retirement System........ 802,100 780,200

For State Contributions to

Social Security..................... 203,000 197,400

For Group Insurance.................. 652,500 638,000

For Contractual Services............. 144,100 98,900

For Travel............................ 79,600 72,800

For Refunds........................... 30,100 29,100

Total $4,562,800 $4,395,500

(Source: (096HB859enr)

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 51, Sec. 150)

Sec. 150. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the Professions Indirect Cost Fund to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation:

For Personal Services......................... 10,454,800

For State Contributions to State

Employees' Retirement System.................. 3,162,900

For State Contributions to Social Security....... 799,800

For Group Insurance............................ 2,276,500

For Contractual Services........ 9,244,800 5,744,800

For Travel........................................ 47,600

For Commodities................................... 93,400

For Printing..................................... 144,000

For Equipment.................................... 152,600

For Electronic Data Processing................. 2,356,300

For Telecommunications Services.................. 819,500

For Operation of Auto Equipment.................. 217,500

Total $29,769,700 $26,269,700

(Source: (096HB859enr)

Section 60. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 90 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 90, Sec. 5)

Sec. 5. The amount of $8,271,000 $1,334,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Executive Ethics Commission to meet its operational expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)

Section 65. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then “An Act concerning appropriations” (House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly) is amended by changing Section 5 of Article 95 as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 95, Sec. 5)

Sec. 5. The amount of $586,000 $274,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Procurement Policy Board to meet its operational expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.

(Source: 096HB859enr)


Section 5. If and only if House Bill 859 of the 96th General Assembly becomes law, then Sections 1 and 86 of Article 116 are amended as follows:

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 116, Sec. 1)

Sec. 1. The sum of $47,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2010, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 23, Section 5 of Public Act 96-0035, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for grants awarded under the Community Health Center Construction Act, with $2,000,000 of the amount going for the Dental Clinic Grant Program as contained in Senate Bill 1393 of the 96th General Assembly.

(Source: 096HB0859enr)

(09600HB0859enr, Art. 116, Sec. 86)

Sec. 86. The following named amounts, or so much there of as may be necessary and remain unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2010, from appropriations heretofore made in Article 60, Section 40 of Public Act 96-35, are reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of Children and Family Services (formerly for the Department of Juvenile Justice) for the projects hereinafter enumerated:


(From Article 60, Section 40 of Public Act 96-35)

For replacing roofs, in addition

to funds previously appropriated................. 425,874


For replacing the sprinkler system .............. 6,500,000


For replacing roofs ............................... 221,000


For upgrading HVAC system ......................... 606,000

Total....................................... $7,752,874

(Source: 096HB0859enr)


Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2010.