SB0641 EngrossedLRB100 06133 SLF 16165 b
1 AN ACT concerning animals.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Animal Control Act is amended by changing
5Section 3 and by adding Section 3.5 as follows:
6 (510 ILCS 5/3) (from Ch. 8, par. 353)
7 Sec. 3. The County Board Chairman with the consent of the
8County Board shall appoint an Administrator. Appointments
9shall be made as necessary to keep this position filled at all
10times. The Administrator may appoint as many Deputy
11Administrators and Animal Control Wardens to aid him or her as
12authorized by the Board. The compensation for the
13Administrator, Deputy Administrators, and Animal Control
14Wardens shall be fixed by the Board. The Administrator may be
15removed from office by the County Board Chairman, with the
16consent of the County Board.
17 The Board shall provide necessary personnel, training,
18equipment, supplies, and facilities, and shall operate pounds
19or contract for their operation as necessary to effectuate the
20program. The Board may enter into contracts or agreements with
21persons to assist in the operation of the program and may
22establish a county animal population control program.
23 The Board shall be empowered to utilize monies from their

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1General Corporate Fund to effectuate the intent of this Act.
2 The Board is authorized by ordinance to require the
3registration and may require microchipping of dogs and cats.
4The Board shall impose an individual dog or cat registration
5fee with a minimum differential of $10 for intact dogs or cats.
6Ten dollars of the differential shall be placed either in a
7county animal population control fund or in the State's Pet
8Population Control Fund. If the money is placed in the county
9animal population control fund it shall be used to (i) spay,
10neuter, or sterilize adopted dogs or cats or (ii) spay or
11neuter dogs or cats owned by low income county residents who
12are eligible for the Food Stamp Program. All persons selling
13dogs or cats or keeping registries of dogs or cats shall
14cooperate and provide information to the Administrator as
15required by Board ordinance, including sales, number of
16litters, and ownership of dogs and cats. If microchips are
17required, the microchip number may serve as the county animal
18control registration number.
19 In obtaining information required to implement this Act,
20the Department shall have power to subpoena and bring before it
21any person in this State and to take testimony either orally or
22by deposition, or both, with the same fees and mileage and in
23the same manner as prescribed by law for civil cases in courts
24of this State.
25 The Director shall have power to administer oaths to
26witnesses at any hearing which the Department is authorized by

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1law to conduct, and any other oaths required or authorized in
2any Act administered by the Department.
3 This Section does not apply to feral cats.
4(Source: P.A. 93-548, eff. 8-19-03; 94-639, eff. 8-22-05.)
5 (510 ILCS 5/3.5 new)
6 Sec. 3.5. County animal population fund use limitation.
7Funds from the $10 set aside of the differential under Section
83 of this Act that is placed in the county animal population
9control fund may only be used to (1) spay, neuter, vaccinate,
10or sterilize adopted dogs or cats; (2) spay, neuter, or
11vaccinate dogs or cats owned by low income county residents who
12are eligible for the Food Stamp Program or Social Security
13Disability Benefits Program; or (3) spay, neuter, and vaccinate
14feral cats in programs recognized by the county or a
15municipality. This Section does not apply to a county with
163,000,000 or more inhabitants.