SB0611 EnrolledLRB100 07372 MJP 17436 b
1 AN ACT concerning safety.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Mahomet Aquifer Protection Task Force Act.
6 Section 5. Mahomet Aquifer Protection Task Force created.
7There is created the Mahomet Aquifer Protection Task Force to
8address the issue of maintaining the clean drinking water of
9the Mahomet Aquifer, the principal aquifer in east-central
10Illinois. The Mahomet Aquifer Protection Task Force shall
11consist of the following persons:
12 (1) one member of the Senate, appointed by the
13 President of the Senate;
14 (2) one member of the House of Representatives,
15 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
16 (3) one member of the Senate, appointed by the Minority
17 Leader of the Senate;
18 (4) one member of the House of Representatives,
19 appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
20 Representatives;
21 (5) one member representing the Illinois Environmental
22 Protection Agency, appointed by the Director of the
23 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency;

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1 (6) two members representing a national waste and
2 recycling organization, appointed by the Governor;
3 (7) one member representing a statewide environmental
4 organization, appointed by the Governor;
5 (8) three members representing a non-profit consortium
6 dedicated to the sustainability of the Mahomet Aquifer,
7 appointed by the Governor;
8 (9) one member representing the Illinois State Water
9 Survey of the Prairie Research Institute of the University
10 of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, appointed by the
11 Governor;
12 (10) one member representing a statewide association
13 representing the pipe trades, appointed by the Governor;
14 (11) one member representing the State's largest
15 general farm organization, appointed by the Governor;
16 (12) one member representing a statewide trade
17 association representing manufacturers, appointed by the
18 Governor;
19 (13) one member representing a community health care
20 organization located over the Mahomet Aquifer, appointed
21 by the Governor;
22 (14) seven members representing local government
23 bodies located over the Mahomet Aquifer, appointed by the
24 Governor;
25 (15) one member representing a State labor
26 organization that represents employees in the solid waste,

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1 recycling, and related industries, appointed by the
2 Governor; and
3 (16) one member representing a statewide business
4 association with a focus on environmental issues,
5 appointed by the Governor.
6 Members shall be appointed within 90 days after the
7effective date of this Act. The members of the Mahomet Aquifer
8Protection Task Force shall serve without compensation.
9 Section 10. Administrative support. The Illinois
10Environmental Protection Agency shall provide administrative
11and other support to the Mahomet Aquifer Protection Task Force.
12 Section 15. Duties of Mahomet Aquifer Protection Task
13Force. The Mahomet Aquifer Protection Task Force shall conduct
14a study of the Mahomet Aquifer in furtherance of:
15 (1) developing a State plan to maintain the groundwater
16 quality of the Mahomet Aquifer;
17 (2) identifying potential and current contamination
18 threats to the water quality of the Mahomet Aquifer;
19 (3) identifying actions that might be taken to ensure
20 the long-term protection of the Mahomet Aquifer; and
21 (4) making legislative recommendations for future
22 protection of the Mahomet Aquifer.
23 Section 20. Report. On or before July 1, 2018, the Mahomet

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1Aquifer Protection Task Force shall report its findings and
2recommendations to the General Assembly, by filing copies of
3its report as provided in Section 3.1 of the General Assembly
4Organization Act, and to the Governor.
5 Section 90. Expiration. This Act is repealed on July 1,
7 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
8becoming law.