Sen. Jeffrey M. Schoenberg

Filed: 5/22/2012

09700SB0556sam001LRB097 04352 KMW 69889 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 556 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Local Government Energy Conservation Act is
5amended by changing Sections 5 and 15 as follows:
6 (50 ILCS 515/5)
7 Sec. 5. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the
8context clearly requires otherwise:
9 "Energy conservation measure" means any improvement,
10repair, alteration, or betterment of any building or facility
11owned or operated by a unit of local government or any
12equipment, fixture, or furnishing to be added to or used in any
13such building or facility, subject to all applicable building
14codes, that is designed to reduce energy consumption or
15operating costs, and may include, without limitation, one or
16more of the following:

09700SB0556sam001- 2 -LRB097 04352 KMW 69889 a
1 (1) Insulation of the building structure or systems
2 within the building.
3 (2) Storm windows or doors, caulking or
4 weatherstripping, multiglazed windows or doors, heat
5 absorbing or heat reflective glazed and coated window or
6 door systems, additional glazing, reductions in glass
7 area, or other window and door system modifications that
8 reduce energy consumption.
9 (3) Automated or computerized energy control systems.
10 (4) Heating, ventilating, or air conditioning system
11 modifications or replacements.
12 (5) Replacement or modification of lighting fixtures,
13 including street lights, parking lot lights, and
14 pedestrian walkway lights, to increase the energy
15 efficiency of the lighting system without increasing the
16 overall illumination of a facility, unless an increase in
17 illumination is necessary to conform to the applicable
18 State or local building code for the lighting system after
19 the proposed modifications are made.
20 (6) Energy recovery systems.
21 (7) Energy conservation measures that provide
22 long-term operating cost reductions.
23 "Guaranteed energy savings contract" means a contract for:
24(i) the implementation of an energy audit, data collection, and
25other related analyses preliminary to the undertaking of energy
26conservation measures; (ii) the evaluation and recommendation

09700SB0556sam001- 3 -LRB097 04352 KMW 69889 a
1of energy conservation measures; (iii) the implementation of
2one or more energy conservation measures; and (iv) the
3implementation of project monitoring and data collection to
4verify post-installation energy consumption and energy-related
5operating costs. The contract shall provide that all payments,
6except obligations on termination of the contract before its
7expiration, are to be made over time and that the savings are
8guaranteed to the extent necessary to pay the costs of the
9energy conservation measures. Energy savings may include
10energy reduction and offsetting sources of renewable energy
11funds including renewable energy credits and carbon credits.
12 "Qualified provider" means a person or business whose
13employees are experienced and trained in the design,
14implementation, or installation of energy conservation
15measures. The minimum training required for any person or
16employee under this paragraph shall be the satisfactory
17completion of at least 40 hours of course instruction dealing
18with energy conservation measures. A qualified provider to whom
19the contract is awarded shall give a sufficient bond to the
20unit of local government for its faithful performance.
21 "Request for proposals" means a competitive selection
22achieved by negotiated procurement. The request for proposals
23shall be announced through at least one public notice, at least
2414 days before the request date in a newspaper published in the
25territory comprising the unit of local government or, if no
26newspaper is published in that territory, in a newspaper of

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1general circulation in the area of the unit of local
2government, from a unit of local government that will
3administer the program, requesting innovative solutions and
4proposals for energy conservation measures. Proposals
5submitted shall be sealed. The request for proposals shall
6include all of the following:
7 (1) The name and address of the unit of local
8 government.
9 (2) The name, address, title, and phone number of a
10 contact person.
11 (3) Notice indicating that the unit of local government
12 is requesting qualified providers to propose energy
13 conservation measures through a guaranteed energy savings
14 contract.
15 (4) The date, time, and place where proposals must be
16 received.
17 (5) The evaluation criteria for assessing the
18 proposals.
19 (6) Any other stipulations and clarifications the unit
20 of local government may require.
21 "Unit of local government" means a county, township,
22municipality, or park district.
23(Source: P.A. 96-1197, eff. 7-22-10.)
24 (50 ILCS 515/15)
25 Sec. 15. Award of guaranteed energy savings contract.

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1Sealed proposals must be opened by a member of the unit of
2local government's governing body or an employee of the unit of
3local government at a public opening at which the contents of
4the proposals must be announced. Each person or entity
5submitting a sealed proposal must receive at least 10 days
6notice of the time and place of the opening. The unit of local
7government shall select the qualified provider that best meets
8the needs of the unit of local government. The unit of local
9government shall provide public notice of (i) the meeting at
10which it proposes to award a guaranteed energy savings
11contract, (ii) the names of the parties to the proposed
12contract, and (iii) the purpose of the contract. The public
13notice shall be made at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
14After evaluating the proposals under Section 10, a unit of
15local government may enter into a guaranteed energy savings
16contract with a qualified provider if it finds that the amount
17it would spend on the energy conservation measures recommended
18in the proposal would not exceed the amount to be saved in
19either energy or operational costs, or both, within a 20 10
20year period from the date of installation, if the
21recommendations in the proposal are followed.
22(Source: P.A. 88-173.)
23 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
24becoming law.".