Sen. John G. Mulroe

Filed: 4/25/2013

09800SB0450sam001LRB098 04688 JDS 45052 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 450 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Illinois Pension Code is amended by
5changing Sections 5-167.5 and 6-164.2 as follows:
6 (40 ILCS 5/5-167.5) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 5-167.5)
7 Sec. 5-167.5. Payments to city.
8 (a) For the purposes of this Section, "city annuitant"
9means a person receiving an age and service annuity, a widow's
10annuity, a child's annuity, or a minimum annuity under this
11Article as a direct result of previous employment by the City
12of Chicago ("the city").
13 (b) The board shall pay to the city, on behalf of the
14board's city annuitants who participate in any of the city's
15health care plans, the following amounts:
16 (1) From July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2008, $85 per

09800SB0450sam001- 2 -LRB098 04688 JDS 45052 a
1 month for each such annuitant who is not eligible to
2 receive Medicare benefits and $55 per month for each such
3 annuitant who is eligible to receive Medicare benefits.
4 (2) From July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2015 2013, $95
5 per month for each such annuitant who is not eligible to
6 receive Medicare benefits and $65 per month for each such
7 annuitant who is eligible to receive Medicare benefits.
8 The payments described in this subsection shall be paid
9from the tax levy authorized under Section 5-168; such amounts
10shall be credited to the reserve for group hospital care and
11group medical and surgical plan benefits, and all payments to
12the city required under this subsection shall be charged
13against it.
14 (c) The city health care plans referred to in this Section
15and the board's payments to the city under this Section are not
16and shall not be construed to be pension or retirement benefits
17for the purposes of Section 5 of Article XIII of the Illinois
18Constitution of 1970.
19(Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02; 93-42, eff. 7-1-03.)
20 (40 ILCS 5/6-164.2) (from Ch. 108 1/2, par. 6-164.2)
21 Sec. 6-164.2. Payments to city.
22 (a) For the purposes of this Section, "city annuitant"
23means a person receiving an age and service annuity, a widow's
24annuity, a child's annuity, or a minimum annuity under this
25Article as a direct result of previous employment by the City

09800SB0450sam001- 3 -LRB098 04688 JDS 45052 a
1of Chicago ("the city").
2 (b) The board shall pay to the city, on behalf of the
3board's city annuitants who participate in any of the city's
4health care plans, the following amounts:
5 (1) From July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2008, $85 per
6 month for each such annuitant who is not eligible to
7 receive Medicare benefits and $55 per month for each such
8 annuitant who is eligible to receive Medicare benefits.
9 (2) From July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2015 2013, $95
10 per month for each such annuitant who is not eligible to
11 receive Medicare benefits and $65 per month for each such
12 annuitant who is eligible to receive Medicare benefits.
13 The payments described in this subsection shall be paid
14from the tax levy authorized under Section 6-165; such amounts
15shall be credited to the reserve for group hospital care and
16group medical and surgical plan benefits, and all payments to
17the city required under this subsection shall be charged
18against it.
19 (c) The city health care plans referred to in this Section
20and the board's payments to the city under this Section are not
21and shall not be construed to be pension or retirement benefits
22for the purposes of Section 5 of Article XIII of the Illinois
23Constitution of 1970.
24(Source: P.A. 92-599, eff. 6-28-02; 93-42, eff. 7-1-03.)
25 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon

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1becoming law.".