Sen. James F. Clayborne, Jr.

Filed: 2/23/2012

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2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 350 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Illinois Procurement Code is amended by
5changing Section 10-15 as follows:
6 (30 ILCS 500/10-15)
7 Sec. 10-15. Procurement compliance monitors.
8 (a) The Procurement Policy Board Executive Ethics
9Commission shall appoint procurement compliance monitors to
10oversee and review the procurement processes. Each procurement
11compliance monitor shall serve a term of 5 years beginning on
12the date of the officer's appointment. The changes made by this
13amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly do not affect the
14terms of the procurement compliance monitors serving on the
15effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
16Assembly. Each procurement compliance monitor shall have an

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1office located in the State agency that the monitor serves but
2shall report to the Procurement Policy Board appropriate chief
3procurement officer. The compliance monitor shall have direct
4communications with the executive officer of a State agency in
5exercising duties. A procurement compliance monitor may be
6removed only for cause after a hearing by the Procurement
7Policy Board Executive Ethics Commission. The appropriate
8chief procurement officer or executive officer of the State
9agency housing the procurement compliance monitor may
10institute a complaint against the procurement compliance
11monitor with the Board Commission and the Board Commission
12shall hold a public hearing based on the complaint. The
13procurement compliance monitor, State purchasing officer,
14appropriate chief procurement officer, and executive officer
15of the State agency shall receive notice of the hearing and
16shall be permitted to present their respective arguments on the
17complaint. After the hearing, upon a three-fifths vote, the
18Board Commission shall determine whether the procurement
19compliance monitor shall be removed. The salary of a
20procurement compliance monitor shall be established by the
21Procurement Policy Board Executive Ethics Commission and may
22not be diminished during the officer's term.
23 (b) The procurement compliance monitor may: (i) review each
24contract or contract amendment prior to execution to ensure
25that applicable procurement and contracting standards were
26followed; (ii) attend any procurement meetings; (iii) access

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1any records or files related to procurement; (iv) issue reports
2to the Procurement Policy Board and the chief procurement
3officer on procurement issues that present issues or that have
4not been corrected after consultation with appropriate State
5officials; (v) ensure the State agency is maintaining
6appropriate records; and (vi) ensure transparency of the
7procurement process.
8 (c) If the procurement compliance monitor is aware of
9misconduct, waste, or inefficiency with respect to State
10procurement, the procurement compliance monitor shall advise
11the State agency of the issue. If the State agency does not
12correct the issue, the monitor shall report the problem to the
13Procurement Policy Board, the chief procurement officer, and
14Inspector General.
15(Source: P.A. 96-795, eff. 7-1-10 (see Section 5 of P.A. 96-793
16for the effective date of changes made by P.A. 96-795).)
17 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1,