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1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Illinois Human Services Commission Act.
6 Section 5. Legislative findings. The General Assembly
7finds that:
8 (1) The State of Illinois depends upon public and private
9service providers to deliver many critical human services
10necessary to protect and enhance the welfare of its citizens,
11including its most vulnerable populations.
12 (2) The citizens of Illinois and their communities depend
13upon these services to protect public health, create individual
14and family well-being, improve public safety, revitalize local
15economies, and enhance learning.
16 (3) Human services play a vital role in every community and
17legislative district across the State, providing jobs and
18revenue in addition to services and supports to children and
19youth, families, workers, the elderly, people with
20disabilities, and other vulnerable populations.
21 (4) A strong and well-managed network of public and private
22human services is integral to the achievement of other State
23goals in the areas of health and wellness, educational

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1outcomes, workforce development, and an improved business
3 (5) A lack of adequate appropriations, clear goals,
4spending priorities, and measurable outcomes along with delays
5in payments, inadequate rates, duplicative reporting
6requirements, and other systemic barriers prevent private
7entities from achieving the goal of a strong and effective
8network of well-managed public and private service providers.
9 (6) The maintenance of a strong and well-managed network of
10human services requires a joint planning process that brings
11together public and private experts in human services to
12identify best practices and strategies.
13 Section 10. Illinois Human Services Commission. The
14Illinois Human Services Commission is created to undertake a
15systematic review of human services programs with the goal of
16ensuring their consistent delivery in the State.
17 Section 15. Duties.
18 (a) The Commission shall review all State human services
19programs and make recommendations for achieving a system that
20will provide for the efficient and effective delivery of high
21quality human services. These recommendations shall include
22the following elements:
23 (1) Ensuring adequate appropriations for the provision
24 of human services.

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1 (2) Establishing processes for determining fair,
2 adequate, and timely reimbursement.
3 (3) Maintaining efficient management of publicly
4 funded programs and services.
5 (4) Implementing best practices within the human
6 services field.
7 (5) Creating outcome measures and accountability
8 mechanisms.
9 (6) Developing projections for future human services
10 needs based on demographic trends and other related
11 variables.
12 (b) The Commission shall make best efforts to:
13 (1) Use existing reports, research, and planning
14 efforts and call for additional reports and research to
15 support its work.
16 (2) Seek input from existing advisory councils and task
17 forces that address human services delivery, as well as
18 other human services experts and the public at large,
19 including one or more public hearings to take and consider
20 public comment.
21 (3) Identify opportunities for increased efficiency or
22 cross-agency collaboration regarding human services
23 delivery.
24 Section 20. Membership; appointments; meetings; support.
25 (a) The Commission shall include representation from both

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1public and private organizations, and its membership shall
2reflect regional, racial, and cultural diversity to ensure
3representation of the needs of all Illinois citizens.
4Commission members shall include one member appointed by the
5President of the Senate, one member appointed by the Minority
6Leader of the Senate, one member appointed by the Speaker of
7the House of Representatives, one member appointed by the
8Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, and other
9members appointed by the Governor. The Governor's appointments
10shall include, without limitation, the following:
11 (1) A co-chair from the Office of the Governor and a
12 co-chair not employed by a governmental entity to represent
13 the interests of nongovernmental organizations.
14 (2) Eight members of the General Assembly representing
15 each of the majority and minority caucuses of each chamber.
16 (3) The Directors or Secretaries of the following State
17 agencies or their designees:
18 (A) Department of Human Services.
19 (B) Department of Children and Family Services.
20 (C) Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
21 (D) State Board of Education.
22 (E) Department on Aging.
23 (F) Department of Juvenile Justice.
24 (G) Department of Corrections.
25 (H) Department of Public Health.
26 (4) Local government stakeholders and nongovernmental

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1 stakeholders with an interest in human services, including
2 representation among the following private-sector fields
3 and constituencies:
4 (A) Early childhood education and development.
5 (B) Child care.
6 (C) Child welfare.
7 (D) Youth services.
8 (E) Developmental disabilities.
9 (F) Mental health.
10 (H) Employment and training.
11 (I) Sexual and domestic violence.
12 (J) Alcohol and substance abuse.
13 (K) Local community collaborations among human
14 services programs.
15 (L) Immigrant services.
16 (M) Affordable housing.
17 (N) Re-entry.
18 (O) Food and nutrition.
19 (P) Homelessness.
20 (Q) Older adults.
21 (R) Physical disabilities.
22 (S) Business.
23 (T) Philanthropy.
24 (U) Labor.
25 (V) Law enforcement.
26 (b) Members shall serve without compensation for the

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1duration of the Commission.
2 (c) In the event of a vacancy, the appointment to fill the
3vacancy shall be made in the same manner as the original
5 (d) The Commission shall convene within 60 days after the
6effective date of this Act. The initial meeting of the
7Commission shall be convened by the co-chair selected by the
8Governor. Subsequent meetings shall convene at the call of the
9co-chairs. The Commission shall meet on a quarterly basis, or
10more often if necessary.
11 (e) The Department of Human Services shall provide
12administrative support to the Commission.
13 Section 25. Report. The Commission shall report to the
14Governor and the General Assembly on the Commission's progress
15toward its goals and objectives by June 30, 2013, and every
16June 30 thereafter.
17 Section 30. Transparency. In addition to whatever policies
18or procedures it may adopt, all operations of the Commission
19shall be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of
20Information Act and the Open Meetings Act. This Section shall
21not be construed so as to preclude other State laws from
22applying to the Commission and its activities.