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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Dr. Barbara Henley on the
4occasion of her retirement as Vice Chancellor for Student
5Affairs and Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies
6at the University of Illinois at Chicago; and
7 WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Henley is a native of Chicago and an
8alumnus of the Chicago Public Schools; she graduated from the
9University of Illinois at Chicago with an undergraduate degree
10in history; she earned a master's degree and a doctorate from
11Ohio State University in Counselor Education with an emphasis
12in Counseling Psychology; she held administrative and
13leadership positions at several universities; and
14 WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Henley, with 20 years of service, is
15the longest-serving Vice Chancellor in the history of the
16entire University of Illinois system; she administers a
17550-member Student Affairs division encompassing services
18focused on academic and career services, counseling, financial
19aid, international services and diversity support, and
20wellness and campus housing services, among many others; and
21 WHEREAS, During her 20-year tenure as Vice Chancellor, Dr.
22Barbara Henley established a fundraising operation in Student

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1Affairs that included a gala for a newly-endowed scholarship
2fund for outstanding students who are leaders; she led program
3planning for several major student life construction and
4renovation projects; and
5 WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Henley oversaw the introduction of
6student learning and success initiatives including the UIC
7Experience, the signature program designed to engage students
8in outside-the-classroom learning throughout the City of
9Chicago, and globally; under her leadership the Commuter
10Student Resource Center and a new Student Veterans Resource
11Center were planned and opened; and
12 WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Henley has served the University on
13numerous committees and as a member of the Chancellor's Cabinet
14since 1996; she served as co-chair of the Undergraduate Policy
15Council from 2013-2015; she served on the search committees for
16the UIC provost in 1997, 2000, 2001, 2010, and 2015; she was
17chair of the UIC September 11 Commemoration Committee in 2012,
18and a member of the steering committee of the UIC NCAA
19recertification committees in 2002 and 2010; she served as
20coordinator of the planning committee for the re-dedication of
21the UIC Memorial Grove in 2014 and as a member of the
22President's Council of the University of Illinois Foundation
23since 2006; she was also a member and coordinator of Chicago
24campus activities for the University of Illinois Presidential

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1Inauguration Committee in 2005; and
2 WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Henley has held leadership roles in
3several professional associations including the American
4Psychological Association, the APLU Council of Student
5Affairs, and NASPA, the association for student affairs
6professionals in higher education; and
7 WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Henley is the recipient of numerous
8honors and awards, including the 2014 Mary Herrick Scholarship
9Fund for DuSable High School Lifetime Achievement Award, the
102007 State Farm and Clear Channel Radio Phenomenal Woman Award,
11the NASPA Foundation's Pillar of the Profession Award, the
12Distinguished Service to the Profession of Student Affairs
13Regional Award, the Outstanding Senior Student Affairs Officer
14Regional Award, Northern Illinois University Legacy Award, and
15the 2015 National Association of Black Women in Higher
16Education Leadership in Higher Education Award; and
17 WHEREAS, In addition to her work at the University, Dr.
18Barbara Henley volunteers in her community and is an Illinois
19licensed clinical psychologist; and
20 WHEREAS, Dr. Barbara Henley serves as a model of hard work,
21integrity, and dedication for the people of the State of
22Illinois; therefore, be it

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3congratulate Dr. Barbara Henley on the occasion of her
4retirement and wish her continued success and happiness in the
5future; and be it further
6 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to Dr. Barbara Henley as a symbol of our esteem and