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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to honor Representative Chris Nybo
4on his time in the General Assembly and his commitment to the
5people of his district; and
6 WHEREAS, Representative Nybo was born in Elmhurst and is a
7lifelong resident of the western suburbs; he graduated from
8Fenwick High School, Dartmouth College (Phi Beta Kappa and
9summa cum laude), and the University of Chicago Law School; he
10is an active supporter of the Ray Graham Association for People
11With Disabilities, the York Senior Center, Elmhurst Youth
12Baseball, and Immaculate Conception Parish, and was selected as
13a Harry S. Truman Scholar by the United States Government; and
14 WHEREAS, Representative Nybo first served as an Elmhurst
15alderman; while on the council, he exercised consistent
16leadership in supporting ongoing economic development efforts,
17including a new commuter/shopping parking deck in downtown
18Elmhurst, $1 million of infrastructure improvements to a
19neighborhood business district, and the new Elmhurst Memorial
20Hospital; and
21 WHEREAS, Representative Nybo effectively worked with
22colleagues to demand more disciplined spending, eliminate

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1structural budget deficits, and keep property taxes low; and
2 WHEREAS, Representative Nybo completed his term on the
3council serving as vice-chairman of the Public Affairs & Safety
4Committee, where he successfully initiated numerous traffic
5safety improvements; and
6 WHEREAS, While in the General Assembly, Representative
7Nybo served on the Mass Transit committee, the Consumer
8Protection committee, the Environment and Energy committee,
9the Transportation and Tollway Oversight committees, and was
10also appointed to the Select Committee on Discipline on
11Representative Derreck Smith; and
12 WHEREAS, Representative Nybo was chief sponsor to several
13significant pieces of legislation during his tenure, including
14the School Epi-pen Bill, which allows school nurses to
15administer lifesaving epinephrine to students having severe
16allergic reactions, and the banning of self-promotion of
17elected officials on state funded billboards, both of which
18were signed into law last summer; he also supported a balanced
19budget and meaningful pension reform measures; and
20 WHEREAS, Representative Nybo professionally is a lawyer,
21assisting small and large businesses on a variety of employment
22matters and has been honored on the 2011 and 2010 Illinois

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1Rising Stars list featuring outstanding young lawyers in the
2State of Illinois; and
3 WHEREAS, Representative Nybo currently lives in Elmhurst
4with his wife, Faye and their 3 children, Connor (6), Olivia
5(4), and Allison (1); they are active members of Immaculate
6Conception Parish; therefore, be it
9we honor Representative Chris Nybo on his time in the General
10Assembly and his commitment to the people of his district; and
11be it further
12 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to Representative Nybo as an expression of our
14deepest sympathy.