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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois General Assembly wish
3to congratulate McHenry County Clerk Katherine Schultz on the
4occasion of her retirement after 55 years of dedicated service
5to the McHenry County Clerk's Office; and
6 WHEREAS, Katherine Schultz went to work at the McHenry
7County Clerk's Office on October 16, 1959, shortly after
8graduating from Woodstock High School; her first job was as a
9Deputy Clerk under former County Clerk Vernon Kays; and
10 WHEREAS, In those early years, Katherine Schultz worked on
11automating voter registration records by using metal plates
12with an addressograph machine; and
13 WHEREAS, In 1965, Katherine Schultz was put in charge of
14voter registration; in 1969, she became involved with the
15transition to a punch card system for voting; and
16 WHEREAS, Katherine Schultz began the tedious duty of
17performing tax extensions by hand in 1972, which was before the
18era of personal computers; in 1973, she became the Chief Tax
19Extender; and
20 WHEREAS, In 1978, Katherine Schultz began serving as Chief

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1Deputy Clerk for County Clerk Rosemary Azzaro; and
2 WHEREAS, On December 1, 1990, Katherine Schultz was elected
3to serve as County Clerk of McHenry County; since her election
4in 1990, she has served a total of 6 full terms; and
5 WHEREAS, Due to Katherine Schultz's leadership, McHenry
6County became the first large county to implement optical scan
7voting technology in 1999-2000; and
8 WHEREAS, In 2001, Katherine Schultz was recognized by the
9Illinois House of Representatives through a resolution for her
10research and implementation of the optical scanning voting
11machines; and
12 WHEREAS, At the October 20, 2009 McHenry County Board
13meeting, Katherine Schultz was honored with a special
14proclamation in appreciation of her 50 years of service to
15McHenry County; and
16 WHEREAS, On October 20, 2009 an oak tree was planted and
17the road leading into the lot at the McHenry County
18Administration Building was named the "Honorary Katherine C.
19Schultz Way" in honor of Katherine Schultz's 50 years of
20service; and

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1 WHEREAS, In 2011, the Illinois Association of County Clerks
2and Recorders named Katherine Schultz "County Clerk of the
3Year" for being the best in her profession in the State and in
4honor of her vast knowledge, experience, and helpfulness to
5other county clerks; and
6 WHEREAS, The 2013 McHenry County Annual Financial Report
7was dedicated to Katherine Schultz in recognition of her
8outstanding service to the citizens of McHenry County and her
9many contributions to the County Clerk's Office; and
10 WHEREAS, During her time in the Clerk's Office, Katherine
11Schultz has been involved with voting in 13 presidential
12elections; the county's population has grown tremendously
13during her time in the Clerk's Office, from 47,137 voters in 58
14precincts in 1960 to 204,440 voters in 212 precincts today; and
15 WHEREAS, A reception will be held for Katherine Schultz on
16December 3, 2014 in honor of her retirement and her many years
17of dedicated service; and
18 WHEREAS, After 55 years in the McHenry County Clerk's
19Office and 24 years as McHenry County Clerk, Katherine Schultz
20has been responsible for many acts that have improved the
21transparency, efficiency, and integrity of McHenry County
22elections; therefore, be it

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3we thank McHenry County Clerk Katherine Schultz for her many
4years of service to the people of McHenry County, congratulate
5her on the occasion of her retirement, and wish her all the
6best in her future endeavors; and be it further
7 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8presented to Katherine Schultz as an expression of our
9congratulations and appreciation for a job well done.