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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate the congregation of St.
4Constance Church in Chicago on the occasion of the church's
5100th anniversary in 2016; and
6 WHEREAS, St. Constance Church was organized in 1916 at the
7request of 90 Polish families who belonged to Our Lady of
8Victory Church; members of the Polonia Club of Our Lady of
9Victory Roman Catholic Parish asked Auxiliary Bishop Paul P.
10Rhode to help them in their efforts to obtain a parish of their
11own; and
12 WHEREAS, On July 16, 1916, Archbishop George W. Mundelein
13appointed Rev. Alex Knitter, a former assistant at St. Adalbert
14Church, to organize the new national parish in the district
15known as Colonial Gardens, part of the larger Jefferson Park
16community; Father Knitter celebrated the first Mass in the home
17of Valentine Wachowski at Lawrence Avenue and Long Avenue; and
18 WHEREAS, On August 20, 1916, a simple frame church at
19Lawrence Avenue and Central Avenue, in the vicinity of the
20Dyniewicz Park subdivision, was rededicated as St. Constance
21Church; late in 1916, property bounded by Strong Street,
22Ainslie Street, Marmora Avenue, and Menard Avenue was selected

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1as the site of the new Polish parish; work later commenced on a
2three-story church and school building at 5809 West Strong
3Street, which was dedicated on October 7, 1917 by Archbishop
4Mundelein; the School Sisters of Notre Dame were invited by
5Father Knitter to staff the parish school; and
6 WHEREAS, St. Constance's modern church, designed by A.J.
7Del Bianco and Richard Donatoni, was completed in 1970; the
8bell tower was installed in 1980 and the wooden altar was
9installed by Jerzy Kenar in 1981; and
10 WHEREAS, In 1974, the Maximilian Kolbe School of Polish
11Language was founded at St. Constance Church; the school has
12continued its ministry of instructing young Chicagoans in the
13Polish language into the present day; and
14 WHEREAS, St. Constance Church remains a strong cultural
15center for the Polish diaspora in Chicago and much of the
16parish membership is Polish; confessions are still heard in
17Polish and liturgies held each Sunday are celebrated in both
18Polish and English; as the neighborhood has grown increasingly
19diverse, families of Italian, Irish, German, Filipino, and
20Latin American descent have joined this community of faith; and
21 WHEREAS, The congregation of St. Constance Church serve as
22models of hard work, integrity, and dedication for the people

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1of the State of Illinois; therefore, be it
4congratulate the congregation of St. Constance Church on the
5occasion of the church's 100th anniversary and wish them
6continued success and happiness in the future; and be it
8 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
9presented to St. Constance Church as a symbol of our esteem and