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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate William Janas as he
4retires from his position at the Nabisco Bakery after 40 years
5of dedicated service; and
6 WHEREAS, William Janas was born in Anna on August 4, 1952,
7the same year that the Nabisco Bakery was opened at 7300 South
8Kedzie Avenue in Chicago; and
9 WHEREAS, William Janas was raised by his mother and
10grandparents in the shadow of the Nabisco Bakery in Chicago's
11Marquette Park neighborhood; he was a graduate of Nativity of
12the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Grade School, and, after
13attending 3 different high schools in 3 different states, he
14graduated from St. Bonaventure High School in Sturtevant,
15Wisconsin; and
16 WHEREAS, After being encouraged by his uncle George Janas,
17Business Manager for District 8 of the International
18Association of Machinists, William Janas started his career at
19the Nabisco Bakery as an apprentice machinist on October 23,
201973; and
21 WHEREAS, William Janas trained at Washburne Trade School,

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1graduated from the 4-year apprenticeship program, and then
2dedicated himself to a career where he repaired and maintained
3the many different machines that produce the Nabisco products
4that are enjoyed by many throughout the United States; and
5 WHEREAS, William Janas has also been a member of Local 49
6of the International Association of Machinists and volunteered
7his time throughout the years as a steward and a member of the
8contract negotiating committee; and
9 WHEREAS, Throughout his 40 years at the Nabisco Bakery,
10William Janas worked countless hours of overtime, and through
11this dedication and sacrifice, he and his wife, Patricia, were
12able to put their 2 children through college; and
13 WHEREAS, Despite the long hours he dedicated to his job,
14William Janas volunteered as a coach for many Darien Youth Club
15soccer, basketball, and baseball teams and he is known amongst
16his friends, family, and neighbors for giving baskets full of
17Nabisco cookies during the Holiday season and for special
18occasions; and
19 WHEREAS, For the last 5 years, William Janas has worked as
20a planner at the Nabisco Bakery; and
21 WHEREAS, William Janas's 40-year career will be celebrated

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1on his last day at work on February 7, 2014; therefore, be it
4we congratulate William Janas on the occasion of his retirement
5from the Nabisco Bakery, thank him for being a model of hard
6work and commitment to his family and community, and wish him
7all the best in his future endeavors; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
9presented to William Janas as an expression of our esteem and