HR0731LRB103 40056 LAW 71514 r
2 WHEREAS, Illinois Alliance for Clean Transportation
3(IACT), the 10th "Clean Cities" coalition designated by the
4U.S. Department of Energy in May 1994, is celebrating its 30th
5anniversary; and
6 WHEREAS, The Clean Cities national network has built
7bipartisan support, deep connections within the transportation
8industry, and active partnerships with hundreds of public and
9private stakeholders; and
10 WHEREAS, IACT and its members are celebrating 30 years of
11boosting the State's energy security, economic vitality, and
12quality of life by advancing affordable, efficient, and clean
13transportation fuels and technologies; and
14 WHEREAS, IACT and its members act locally in urban,
15suburban, and rural communities to help Illinois businesses
16and residents meet their climate, financial, and energy goals,
17to foster the State's economic, environmental, and energy
18security, and to move transportation systems into the clean
19energy future; and
20 WHEREAS, IACT and its members work to advance the State's
21transportation system and to help businesses and consumers

HR0731- 2 -LRB103 40056 LAW 71514 r
1adopt alternative fuel vehicles and advanced transportation
2technologies, contributing to the coalition's activities over
3the past 30 years through eliminating an estimated 2.2 million
4tons of emissions; and
5 WHEREAS, IACT has become one of the most successful Clean
6Cities coalitions in the country thanks to many federal,
7State, and local government agencies, auto manufacturers,
8local car dealers, fuel suppliers, conversion companies,
9environmental organizations, corporations, small businesses,
10and individuals providing their time and resources during the
11past 30 years; and
12 WHEREAS, IACT's mission in deploying "American fuels" and
13clean fuel vehicles, such as those running on natural gas,
14ethanol, propane, biodiesel, and electricity, have helped
15improve air quality, provided for greater energy independence,
16and led to the creation of many small businesses and jobs in
17our State; and
18 WHEREAS, IACT and its members have partnered with many
19government and business fleets in Illinois that have become
20national leaders in greening their fleets and demonstrating
21the environmental and economic benefits of using Illinois' own
22domestic and renewable energy sources; and

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1 WHEREAS, IACT and its members have worked to implement
2over 15,000 alternative fuel vehicles and more than 400 fuel
3stations for E85, propane, natural gas, biodiesel, hydrogen,
4and electric vehicle charging throughout Illinois; and
5 WHEREAS, IACT and its members have helped school districts
6adopt school buses with low to no tailpipe emissions, creating
7cleaner air at local schools, and have incorporated
8community-driven choices to improve equitable access to
9advanced transportation; and
10 WHEREAS, IACT and its members have tailored projects to
11respond to unique needs through partnerships with hundreds of
12stakeholders and shared mobility options, including shuttles,
13buses, e-bikes, and scooters, have reduced travel costs,
14energy consumption, and traffic congestion; therefore, be it