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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of Clevan
4Tucker Jr., who passed away on March 25, 2024; and
5 WHEREAS, Clevan Tucker was born to Laurene and Clevan
6Tucker Sr. in Chicago on July 7, 1947; he was baptized in the
7Catholic church at an early age and attended St. Joachim
8School; he became certified in many trades at Chicago Vocation
9High School, graduating in June 1966; he received a Bachelor
10of Science in Education from Chicago State University in June
111970; he was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1971, where he
12trained and served active duty as a marksman shooter; he was
13honorably discharged on August 31, 1973; and
14 WHEREAS, After graduating college, Clevan Tucker briefly
15taught before being drafted into military service; after his
16discharge, he returned to work for Chicago Public Schools,
17teaching art at Calumet High School; he served as the head of
18the Art Department for many years and as the director of the
19stage crew, leading many successful school productions; he
20retired from teaching after nearly 30 years of service; and
21 WHEREAS, Throughout his life, Clevan Tucker received many
22accolades, including an award for outstanding and dedicated

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1service from the Chicago Board of Education and an Outstanding
2Teacher Award from Calumet High School in 1985 and in 1987; he
3received the prestigious Oppenheimer Family Foundation Teacher
4Incentive Grant in 2003; he also received an award from
5Alderperson Freddrenna Lyle for his dedication to the
6community of the 6th ward in 2009; and
7 WHEREAS, Following his retirement, Clevan Tucker became
8more involved in the Roseland Heights Community, serving as
9vice president and then president of the Roseland Heights
10Community Association; he was an active member of the Red Line
11Extension Coalition in partnership with West Chesterfield and
12the 95th Street Businesses from State Street to Martin Luther
13King Jr. Drive; he created the plan for University Village 95,
14commonly referred to as UV95, and introduced it to surrounding
15communities, asking for support; he had recently became a
16Community Advisory Group member for the 95th Street Corridor
17Plan sponsored by multiple city agencies; he also successfully
18implemented the Roseland Heights Boulevard of Gardens in two
19different locations; and
20 WHEREAS, Clevan Tucker was a strong, committed resident of
21his community; he was hard working, detail-oriented, kind,
22outspoken, strong, and loved by many; he was always looking
23out for his neighbors, friends, and others; he could be
24counted on to put a funny spin on any situation in an effort to

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1lessen the stress and concerns of daily life; and
2 WHEREAS, Clevan Tucker was preceded in death by his
3parents and his siblings, Glorya Jean, Carlene, and Harold;
4therefore, be it
7we mourn the passing of Clevan Tucker Jr. and extend our
8sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew
9and loved him; and be it further