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2 WHEREAS, Thousands of families across Illinois are
3affected by metastatic breast cancer; and
4 WHEREAS, Much of the talk around breast cancer focuses on
5early detection and routine diagnosis, where we have seen
6tremendous progress in the last 30 years; and
7 WHEREAS, The story for advanced disease is quite different;
8metastatic breast cancer patients continue to face many unique
9challenges, such as the emotional and physical demands of
10continual treatment; and
11 WHEREAS, Currently no cure exists for metastatic breast
12cancer and many of those with metastatic breast cancer will
13continue treatment with the goal of extending the best quality
14of life possible; and
15 WHEREAS, One in eight women in the U.S. could be diagnosed
16with breast cancer; specifically in Illinois, it is expected
17that 11,560 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019;
19 WHEREAS, In the U.S., it is estimated that over 154,000
20women have metastatic breast cancer; this devastating stage of

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1breast cancer occurs when cancer spreads beyond the breast to
2other parts of the body, including the bones, lungs, liver, and
3brain; and
4 WHEREAS, In 2019, it is estimated that more than 1,720
5women in Illinois will die of breast cancer, nearly all due to
6metastatic breast cancer; and
7 WHEREAS, Metastatic breast cancer affects all races and
8socioeconomic classes; while Caucasian women see slightly
9higher incidence rates of breast cancer, the mortality rate for
10African-American women with breast cancer is 39 percent higher
11than that of Caucasian women, and breast cancer is the leading
12cause of cancer-related death for Hispanic women; and
13 WHEREAS, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
14defines health equity as when every person has the opportunity
15to "attain his or her full health potential"; and
16 WHEREAS, Any discussions of breast cancer should include
17the spectrum from screening through the treatment of and
18support of those with metastatic breast cancer; and
19 WHEREAS, Metastatic breast cancer cuts short the lives of
20too many people in Illinois, leaving a lasting effect on their
21families; and

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1 WHEREAS, While there have been treatment advances in
2metastatic breast cancer, many of those advances have
3benefitted a subset of patients with specific types of
4metastatic breast cancer; and
5 WHEREAS, While metastatic breast cancer remains incurable,
6there is reason to be hopeful; extensive research efforts are
7underway to address this high unmet need; and
8 WHEREAS, is a searchable
9database which provides patients, family members and the public
10with information about current ongoing clinical research
11studies; and
12 WHEREAS, Additional focus is needed on the needs of the
13patient, promising research efforts in the development of more
14effective treatments, and the personal and social burdens of
15metastatic breast cancer for all women regardless of their
16race, ethnicity, or economic status; and
17 WHEREAS, More research is needed for metastatic breast
18cancer so that new and more effective treatments can be
19developed, as well as a push for critical research and advanced
20treatments for metastatic breast cancer; Metastatic Breast
21Cancer Awareness Day is an opportunity to shed light on the

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1devastation metastatic breast cancer brings to communities
2throughout the State; and
3 WHEREAS, Individuals diagnosed with metastatic breast
4cancer can speak with their physician to learn more about the
5disease and find support groups and services in their community
6or online; therefore, be it
9we declare October 13, 2019 as "Metastatic Breast Cancer
10Awareness Day" in the State of Illinois; and be it further
11 RESOLVED, That the citizens of Illinois are urged to become
12informed and aware of metastatic breast cancer and to support
13funding for programs to reduce barriers to breast cancer
14screening, detection, and treatment for underserved women.