HR0089LRB097 05976 JDS 46046 r
2 WHEREAS, The Department of State Police is charged with the
3responsibility for administering the Firearm Owners
4Identification Card Act (the "Act"); and
5 WHEREAS, The purpose of the Act is to protect the health,
6safety, and welfare of the public by providing a system of
7identifying persons who are not qualified to acquire or possess
8firearms, firearm ammunition, stun guns, and lasers; and
9 WHEREAS, Each applicant for a Firearm Owner's
10Identification Card ("Card") must complete an application and
11submit evidence that he or she meets specified criteria and is
12not prohibited by certain conditions from having a firearm; and
13 WHEREAS, Entering false information on an application is
14punishable as a Class 2 felony; and
15 WHEREAS, The Department of State Police must approve or
16deny all applications within 30 days after the date they are
17received; and
18 WHEREAS, The Department of State Police may revoke a
19previously issued Card if the person to whom the Card was
20issued is or was at the time of issuance ineligible for

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1approval; therefore, be it
4the Auditor General is directed to conduct a management audit
5of the Department of State Police's administration of the
6Firearm Owners Identification Card Act; and be it further
7 RESOLVED, That the audit include, but need not be limited
8to, the following determinations:
9 (1) What steps the Department of State Police takes to
10 determine whether an applicant is eligible or ineligible to
11 receive a Card and whether those steps appear to be
12 adequate;
13 (2) The total number of applicants during the past 3
14 years, the number of those applicants who were denied a
15 Card, and the reasons for denial;
16 (3) Whether the Department of State Police is approving
17 or denying all applications within 30 days after the date
18 they are received;
19 (4) The total number of Cards that were revoked during
20 the past 3 years and the reasons for revocation; and
21 (5) Whether, during the past 3 years, the Department of
22 State Police has denied any applications for a Card because
23 the applicant provided false information and, if so,
24 whether the Department of State Police made any referrals

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1 for criminal prosecution of applicants providing false
2 information on a Card application; and be it further
3 RESOLVED, That the Department of State Police and any other
4State agency, entity, or person that may have information
5relevant to this audit cooperate fully and promptly with the
6Auditor General's Office in its conduct; and be it further
7 RESOLVED, That the Auditor General commence this audit as
8soon as possible and, upon completion, distribute a report in
9accordance with Section 3-14 of the Illinois State Auditing