HR0078 LRB096 10816 GRL 21036 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3 Representatives are pleased to congratulate the congregation
4 of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wine Hill on the
5 occasion of the church's 150th anniversary; and
6 WHEREAS, The rich history of St. Paul's Evangelical
7 Lutheran Church began in March of 1859, when a group of men in
8 the Wine Hill area purchased four acres of land from Anthony
9 Steele for $40.00; the church's original deed was recorded in
10 Chester on May 27, 1859; on May 12, 1859, after much
11 deliberation, the church's first constitution was created,
12 with 34 charter members signing their names to create "The
13 Church of St. Paul's German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation
14 in Randolph County, Illinois", named after St. Peter-Paul
15 Kirche in Hermannsberg, Germany; and
16 WHEREAS, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church's first
17 building was constructed during the summer of 1859; a "new
18 order", the church's constitution, was read and adopted on
19 November 30, 1860; the congregation, in need of a pastor,
20 decided to call from the Missouri Synod and asked Pastor Martin
21 Eirich of Chester to serve as interim pastor; he accepted this
22 position and served until 1861; and

HR0078 - 2 - LRB096 10816 GRL 21036 r
1 WHEREAS, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church's first
2 church bell was cast in St. Louis by J.G. Stuckstede Bros. Co.
3 in 1871 and was placed in the first church building; the bell
4 was later moved into the bell tower of the present church when
5 the building was built in 1883 and still calls the parishioners
6 to worship every Sunday; and
7 WHEREAS, In 1876, a new frame school was built on ground
8 purchased by St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church; the
9 building still stands in its original location, making it the
10 oldest church building on the premises; and
11 WHEREAS, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church's current
12 building was dedicated on November 25, 1883; the building cost
13 $11,357.50 to build, with all but the cost of the pipe organ
14 paid by dedication day, due to many members mortgaging their
15 farms, homes, and other property in order to dedicate the
16 church debt-free; and
17 WHEREAS, Today, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
18 still serves as a house of worship to the people of Wine Hill
19 and the surrounding area under the leadership of Reverend Tim
20 B. Zechiel; therefore, be it

HR0078 - 3 - LRB096 10816 GRL 21036 r
1 congratulate the congregation of St. Paul's Evangelical
2 Lutheran Church on the occasion of the church's 150th
3 anniversary and for the church's work spreading the Lord's
4 Word; and be it further
5 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
6 presented to Reverend Tim B. Zechiel as a symbol of our esteem
7 and respect.