HR0045LRB099 05979 MST 26030 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representative are saddened to learn of the death of Leslie
4Clyde Robertson of Creal Springs, who passed away on January
512, 2015; and
6 WHEREAS, Clyde Robertson was born outside of Creal Springs
7on February 3, 1922 to Jesse and Alla (nee Kelly) Robertson; he
8attended Southern Illinois Normal University; at the age of 19,
9he began teaching 7th and 8th grades at Creal Springs School,
10where he also coached basketball; his teaching career was
11delayed when he was was drafted into the United States Army in
12November of 1942; he served in Burma, India, and China as a
13cryptographer with the rank of Staff Sergeant; he was
14discharged following the end of World War II and married
15Waneida Davis in June of 1946 in Wasson Baptist Church; and
16 WHEREAS, Clyde Robertson returned to Creal Springs
17following the war and began teaching agricultural night classes
18to veterans; he then became a rural letter mail carrier in
19Creal Springs; he served for 36 years and was recognized for
20driving one million miles on his mail route without an
21accident; along with his brother, he started the Robinwood
22development at Lake of Egypt; and

HR0045- 2 -LRB099 05979 MST 26030 r
1 WHEREAS, Clyde Robertson served 2 terms on the Marion
2Community Unit School District #2 Board; he served many years
3on the Creal Springs city board and the park board, and was
4instrumental in starting the Wonder Water Reunion and parade;
5in 1996, an annual award was established in his honor named
6"The Clyde Robertson Community Service Award"; and
7 WHEREAS, Clyde Robertson was the first commander of the
8Veterans of Foreign Wars in Creal Springs; he was a member of
9Creal Springs United Methodist Church, where he was a Sunday
10school teacher, superintendent, church board member, choir
11leader, Bible study teacher, and building fund treasurer; he
12took part in the church's Christmas plays and was eager to
13volunteer for any task; he had 61 years of perfect Sunday
14school attendance; he enjoyed gardening, traveling, hunting,
15talking with others, and spending time with his grandchildren;
17 WHEREAS, Clyde Robertson was preceded in death by his wife
18of 61 years, Waneida; his son, Tom; his daughter, Diana Kay;
19his brothers, Paul and Bill; and his sisters, Afton Baker,
20Imogene Hilliard, and Marie Baysinger; and
21 WHEREAS, Clyde Robertson is survived by his son, Dan
22(Terrie) Robertson; his 3 grandchildren, Demita, Brent, and
23Heather Robertson; his 2 brothers, Jim Robertson and Earl

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1Robertson; and his daughter-in-law, Kathy Hearn; therefore, be
5mourn the passing of Leslie Clyde Robertson, and extend our
6sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew
7and loved him; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
9presented to the family of Clyde Robertson as an expression of
10our deepest sympathy.