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2 WHEREAS, Illinois law requires uniform health benefit and
3 prescription benefit cards; and
4 WHEREAS, The Uniform Health Care Benefits Information Card
5 Act (215 ILCS 139/) requires uniform physical cards "or other
6 technology"; and
7 WHEREAS, The Uniform Prescription Drug Information Card
8 Act (215 ILCS 138/) requires uniform physical cards "or other
9 technology"; and
10 WHEREAS, The General Assembly finds that new technology may
11 now allow both the Uniform Health Benefits Information Card and
12 the Uniform Prescription Drug Information Card to contain more
13 information that may improve the administrative accuracy and
14 efficiency of our health care system; and
15 WHEREAS, The General Assembly finds that a task force
16 should be formed to study and make recommendations for the
17 improvement of these information cards for health benefits and
18 prescription drugs; therefore, be it

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1 SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that the Uniform Health Care Benefit
2 Smart Card Implementation Task Force is created within and
3 staffed by the Illinois Department of Insurance; and be it
4 further
5 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall consist of 13 members
6 appointed as follows:
7 (1) the Director of Insurance who shall serve as the
8 chairperson;
9 (2) one member appointed by the President of the Senate
10 who shall be a Senator;
11 (3) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the
12 Senate who shall be Senator;
13 (4) one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of
14 Representatives who shall be a Representative;
15 (5) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the
16 House of Representatives who shall be a Representative;
17 (6) one member representing the Director of Healthcare
18 and Family Services;
19 (7) one member representing the medical profession,
20 appointed by the Director of Insurance;
21 (8) one member representing the hospitals of Illinois,
22 appointed by the Director of Insurance;
23 (9) three members representing the health insurance
24 industry, appointed by the Director of Insurance;
25 (10) one member representing prescription benefit

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1 plans, appointed by the Director of Insurance; and
2 (11) one member representing Illinois pharmacists,
3 appointed by the Director of Insurance; and be it further
4 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall study the feasibility
5 of adding additional information to these cards, including, but
6 not limited to, the insured's personal health record and
7 pertinent insurance benefit information; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That the members of the Task Force shall receive
9 no compensation as members of the Task Force and that only
10 members of the General Assembly and State employees may be
11 reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of
12 their duties as members of the Task Force from appropriations
13 made for such purpose; and be it further
14 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall make its
15 recommendations and shall submit a report of its findings to
16 the Governor and the General Assembly by April 1, 2011.