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2 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis is a non-contagious systemic disease
3of unknown origin; it is commonly diagnosed with the detection
4of inflamed, microscopic growths called granulomas that grow
5and often affect the lungs, skin, eyes, and nervous system; and
6 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis can affect any organ of the body and
7more than one organ at any given time; and
8 WHEREAS, The inflammation of such vital organs may cause
9seizures, blindness, disfiguring lesions, and heart failure;
11 WHEREAS, Some famous suffers of sarcoidosis include NBC
12sportscaster Darrian Chapman, Hall of Fame athletes Bill
13Russell and Reggie White, gospel singer Mahalia Jackson, and
14comedian Bernie Mac, who passed away as a result of
15sarcoidosis; many other celebrities have or have had
16sarcoidosis; and
17 WHEREAS, Many individuals stricken with sarcoidosis
18eventually develop a serious disability or a potentially fatal
19condition; and
20 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis was once thought to be an uncommon

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1condition, but is now known to affect tens of thousands of
2people throughout the United States; and
3 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis afflicts African Americans up to 8
4times more frequently than other races; and
5 WHEREAS, As many people with Sarcoidosis have no symptoms,
6it is difficult to measure how many people have the condition;
8 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis is a disease that affects Americans
9nationwide and people around the world, yet its causes and
10potential treatments remain a mystery; and
11 WHEREAS, Skin-related symptoms of this chronic,
12multi-systemic disease were first recognized more than 100
13years ago, but the effects of the disease on other organs were
14not observed until recently; and
15 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis was the chief diagnosis of the death
16of fluorescent light bulb workers in Salem, Massachusetts in
17the 1940s; and
18 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis was the first diagnosis for an
19overwhelming majority of rescue workers present at the World
20Trade Center on September 11, 2001; and

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1 WHEREAS, Sarcoidosis has been documented to be
2disproportionately found among factory workers, Navy deck
3grinders, and members of other military branches; and
4 WHEREAS, Today, researchers are still trying to learn more
5about the causes, cures, and overall nature of sarcoidosis; and
6 WHEREAS, The American Lung Association, the National
7Sarcoidosis Society, and the National Sarcoidosis Foundation
8have actively advocated for more research to better understand
9how environmental and occupational exposures may increase the
10risk of sarcoidosis; and
11 WHEREAS, The National Sarcoidosis Society's Chicago
12Headquarters and the National Sarcoidosis Foundation strive to
13serve those afflicted by the disease by focusing efforts on
14public policy, research, funding, patient services, support
15group meet, public awareness, education, and finding a cure;
17 WHEREAS, It would be fitting to designate the month of
18April 2015 as Illinois Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, a month
19with worldwide events to increase public awareness of the need
20to support individuals with sarcoidosis, educate others on the
21environmental and occupational issues associated with

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1sarcoidosis, and educate medical and professionals who care for
2individuals with sarcoidosis; therefore, be it
5SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we designate the month of April
62015 as Illinois Sarcoidosis Awareness Month in the State of
7Illinois and show our support for the goals and ideals of
8National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month; and be it further
9 RESOLVED, That we encourage the federal government and the
10other 49 states to show their support of the goals and ideals
11of National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month; and be it further
12 RESOLVED, That we recognize sarcoidosis' prominent yet
13hidden role in America's workforce history and acknowledge the
14diligent efforts of individuals and organizations who observe
15National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, and show our support for
16research efforts to better understand the link between
17sarcoidosis and specific occupations where sarcoidosis is
18disproportionately represented.