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2 WHEREAS, First responders are some of our most valuable
3public servants; they protect both the community and residents
4in the State on a daily basis and can face tremendous pressure
5from the events in which they are involved; and
6 WHEREAS, Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United
7States and first responders are at a greater risk for suicide
8due to the nature of their work; and
9 WHEREAS, The State has an obligation to protect those who
10dedicate themselves to protecting its residents; therefore, be
14SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created the First
15Responders Suicide Task Force to pursue recommendations to help
16reduce the risk and rates of suicide among first responders;
17and be it further
18 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall be composed of the
19following members:
20 (1) The Director of the Illinois State Police or his or
21 her designee;

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1 (2) The Director of the Illinois Department of Public
2 Health or his or her designee;
3 (3) Two members of the House of Representatives
4 appointed by the Speaker of the House, one of whom will
5 serve as Co-Chair;
6 (4) Two members of the House of Representatives
7 appointed by the House Minority Leader;
8 (5) Two members of the Senate appointed by the Senate
9 President, one of whom will serve as Co-Chair;
10 (6) Two members of the Senate appointed by the Senate
11 Minority Leader;
12 (7) Two members who represent two different mental
13 health organizations, one appointed by the minority leader
14 of the House and one appointed by the minority leader of
15 the Senate;
16 (8) One member who represents an organization that
17 advocates on behalf of police appointed by the Speaker of
18 the House;
19 (9) One member who represents the Chicago Police
20 Department appointed by the House Minority Leader;
21 (10) Two members who represent organizations that
22 advocate on behalf of firefighters appointed by the Senate
23 President;
24 (11) One member who represents the Chicago Fire
25 Department appointed by the Senate Minority Leader;
26 (12) One member who represents an organization that

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1 advocates on behalf of sheriffs in the State of Illinois
2 appointed by the Speaker of the House; and be it further
3 RESOLVED, That members of the Task Force shall be appointed
4within 30 days after passage of this resolution and shall serve
5without compensation; and be it further
6 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall commence meeting as
7soon as possible; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That the Illinois State Police shall provide
9administrative support for the Task Force, and if the subject
10matter is either sensitive or classified, the Task Force may
11hold the hearings in private; and be it further
12 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall issue a final report to
13the General Assembly by January 1, 2020 and, upon the filing of
14its report, is dissolved; and be it further
15 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
16delivered to the above mentioned elected and appointed