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4CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created the Illinois Girls
5Adolescent Domestic Battery Task Force to address the problem
6of the detention of adolescent girls for domestic battery
7across the State; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall consist of the
9following members:
10 (1) three members of the House of Representatives,
11 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
12 (2) three members of the House of Representatives,
13 appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
14 Representatives;
15 (3) three members of the Senate, appointed by the
16 President of the Senate;
17 (4) three members of the Senate, appointed by the
18 Minority Leader of the Senate;
19 (5) the Director of the Illinois Coalition against

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1 Domestic Violence, or his or her designee; and
2 (6) the Director of the Department of State Police, or
3 his or her designee; and be it further
4 RESOLVED, That members of the Task Force shall serve
5without compensation; and be it further
6 RESOLVED, That the Department of Children and Family
7Services shall provide administrative and other support to the
8Task Force; and be it further
9 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall conduct a study on the
10detention of adolescent girls for domestic battery in the
11State, with the goal of achieving the following:
12 (1) developing a State plan to address the detention of
13 adolescent girls for domestic battery;
14 (2) reducing detention of adolescent girls for
15 domestic battery;
16 (3) promoting positive outcomes for girls' futures by
17 circumventing detention and avoiding negative impacts on
18 their futures;

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1 (4) preparing law enforcement, emergency medical
2 technicians, and 911 operators to intervene in an
3 appropriate manner when responding to an adolescent
4 domestic battery incident where the perpetrators are
5 girls;
6 (5) implementing a system for the sharing of domestic
7 violence data between government agencies in a manner that
8 ensures that the privacy of victims is protected and that
9 data collection respects the privacy of the victims;
10 (6) establishing policies to enable State government
11 to work with nongovernmental organizations and other
12 elements of the private sector to prevent domestic violence
13 and provide assistance to victims of domestic violence who
14 are United States citizens or foreign nationals;
15 (7) evaluating various approaches used by State and
16 local governments to increase public awareness of domestic
17 violence, including United States citizens and foreign
18 national victims;
19 (8) developing methods for protecting the rights of
20 victims of domestic violence, taking into account the need
21 to consider the human rights and special needs of women and
22 minors;

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1 (9) evaluating the necessity of treating victims of
2 domestic violence as crime victims rather than criminals;
3 and
4 (10) developing methods for promoting the safety of
5 victims of domestic violence; and be it further
6 RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall report its findings and
7recommendations to the General Assembly no later than June 30,
82018; and be it further
9 RESOLVED, That the Task Force is dissolved upon the filing
10of its report.