HB5488 EnrolledLRB103 37550 JAG 67674 b
1 AN ACT concerning conservation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Legacy
5Tree Program Task Force Act.
6 Section 5. Findings; purpose.
7 (a) The General Assembly finds that:
8 (1) Trees are essential to ecological, cultural, and
9 economic life on Earth.
10 (2) Trees support species diversity, food webs,
11 habitats, and numerous ecological processes, such as water
12 and air purification.
13 (3) Trees assist in regulating climate and soil
14 fertility.
15 (4) The State must commit to preserving and
16 celebrating our legacy and heritage trees and must develop
17 pathways for the public to advocate for the preservation
18 of trees in communities.
19 (b) The General Assembly intends this Act to help create a
20Statewide legacy tree program to promote the identification,
21awareness, commemoration, and preservation of significant
22trees within the State.

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1 Section 10. Legacy Tree Program Task Force.
2 (a) The Legacy Tree Program Task Force is created, shall
3meet on a quarterly basis for 4 years after the effective date
4of this Act, and shall, by no later than June 30, 2028, submit
5to the General Assembly, in accordance with Section 3.1 of the
6General Assembly Organization Act, a report that contains the
7final recommendations developed under subsection (b).
8 (b) The Legacy Tree Program Task Force shall establish
9recommendations for the creation of a statewide legacy tree
10recognition program to promote the identification, awareness,
11commemoration, and preservation of significant trees in the
13 (c) The Task Force shall consist of the following members:
14 (1) one representative of an environmental
15 organization, appointed by the Governor;
16 (2) one representative of the Morton Arboretum,
17 appointed by the Governor;
18 (3) the director of the Illinois Environmental
19 Protection Agency or a representative of their choosing;
20 (4) one representative of the Illinois Forestry
21 Development Council, appointed by the Governor;
22 (5) one representative of the Shawnee National Forest,
23 appointed by the Governor;
24 (6) one representative of the Southern Illinois
25 University Department of Forestry, appointed by the
26 Governor;

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1 (7) one representative of the University of Illinois
2 Extension forestry program, appointed by the Governor;
3 (8) one representative of an association that
4 represents Illinois arborists, appointed by the Governor;
5 (9) two representatives of the Department of Natural
6 Resources, appointed by the Governor;
7 (10) one representative of an environmental
8 organization that is different than the organization in
9 paragraph (1), appointed by the Governor;
10 (11) one representative of the Chicago Urban Forestry
11 Board, appointed by the Governor;
12 (12) one representative of a forest preserve district
13 in a county that is adjacent to Cook County, appointed by
14 the Governor;
15 (13) one representative of a forest preserve district
16 located south of Interstate 80, appointed by the Governor;
17 (14) one representative of a statewide organization
18 representing park districts, appointed by the Governor;
19 (15) one member of the House of Representatives,
20 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
21 (16) one member of the House of Representatives,
22 appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
23 Representatives;
24 (17) one member of the Senate, appointed by the
25 President of the Senate; and
26 (18) one member of the Senate, appointed by the

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1 Minority Leader of the Senate.
2 (d) Members of the Task Force shall serve without
4 (e) The Department of Natural Resources shall provide
5staff and administrative support services to the Task Force
6and serve as the lead and chair agency of the Task Force.
7 Section 15. Responsibilities. The Task Force shall
8establish recommendations for the following:
9 (1) criteria for a definition of legacy tree and
10 legacy tree standards that can be used on a variety of
11 trees;
12 (2) criteria for which the historical and cultural
13 significance of a tree could be measured;
14 (3) procedures for nominating trees on public and
15 private property;
16 (4) exploring partnership opportunities with units of
17 local government for oversight of the legacy tree program
18 and participation in the program;
19 (5) creating a public awareness program, including
20 digital media, a website, a legacy tree tool kit and
21 educational materials to be made available by the
22 Department of Natural Resources for use by units of local
23 government;
24 (6) exploring funding sources for the operation and
25 maintenance of the statewide legacy tree program,

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1 including grant funding opportunities to facilitate
2 participation in the program by units of local government;
3 (7) procedures for withdrawing trees from the program;
4 (8) procedures for legacy tree assessment;
5 (9) procedures for how a tree would be designated or
6 honored physically;
7 (10) procedures for mapping trees on a searchable
8 website; and
9 (11) procedures for delisting a healthy designated
10 legacy tree.