State of Illinois
2023 and 2024

Introduced , by Rep. Tony M. McCombie

New Act

Creates the School District Impact Note Act. Requires every bill that could have a negative impact on the finances of a school district in the State or that could cause a school district to expend additional staffing resources to have prepared for it by the Illinois State Board of Education a brief explanatory statement or note describing the bill's anticipated impact on education in the State. Specifies the contents of the note and the circumstances under which the note is to be prepared. Clarifies that the preparation of such a note does not preclude a State official or employee from participating in legislative hearings concerning the bill. Provides that the subject matter of bills submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education shall be kept in strict confidence, and no information relating to the bill or its anticipated impact on education in the State shall be divulged, before the bill's introduction in the General Assembly, by any State official or employee of the State Board, except to the bill's sponsor or his or her designee. Effective immediately.
LRB103 33862 JDS 63677 b


HB4850LRB103 33862 JDS 63677 b
1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the School
5District Impact Note Act.
6 Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
7 "Impact on education in the State" means the total sum
8that the State Board estimates school districts in the State
9will expend to implement a bill and the total number of
10additional hours that the State Board estimates teachers and
11school administrators in the State will expend implementing
12the requirements of a bill.
13 "State Board" means the Illinois State Board of Education.
14 Section 10. Applicability. Every bill that could have a
15negative impact on the finances of a school district in the
16State or that could cause a school district to expend
17additional staffing resources shall have prepared for it by
18the State Board, before second reading in the house of
19introduction, a brief explanatory statement or note describing
20the bill's anticipated impact on education in the State.
21 Section 15. Preparation of the School District Impact

HB4850- 2 -LRB103 33862 JDS 63677 b
2 (a) Upon request of the sponsor of a bill described in
3Section 10, the State Board shall prepare a written note
4setting forth the information required by Section 10. The note
5shall be designated as a School District Impact Note and shall
6be furnished to the sponsor within 10 calendar days after the
7request. If, because of the complexity of the bill, additional
8time is required for preparation of the School District Impact
9Note, the State Board may so notify the sponsor and request an
10extension of time not to exceed 5 additional days within which
11to furnish the School District Impact Note. An extension may
12not, however, be beyond May 15 following the date of the
14 (b) Whenever the sponsor of any bill is of the opinion that
15no School District Impact Note is necessary, any member of
16either house may thereafter request that a School District
17Impact Note be obtained, and in such case, the matter shall be
18decided by majority vote of those present and voting in the
19house of which he or she is a member. If the sponsor believes
20that a School District Impact Note request has been filed in
21bad faith, the sponsor may ask for a vote to render one or more
22School District Impact Note requests inapplicable.
23 (c) Whenever a bill is amended on the floor of either house
24in a manner as to bring it within the description of bills set
25forth in Section 10, a majority of that house may propose that
26no action be taken upon the amendment until the sponsor of the

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1amendment presents a School District Impact Note to the
3 Section 20. Content of the School District Impact Note.
4 (a) The School District Impact Note shall be factual,
5brief, and concise and shall provide as reliable of a
6statement of the bill's anticipated impact on education in the
7State as is possible under the circumstances. The School
8District Impact Note shall include both the immediate
9financial impact and, if determinable or reasonably
10foreseeable, the long-range financial impact of the bill, as
11well as short-term and long-term estimates of additional
12staffing needs. The School District Impact Note must also
13state whether the bill will have a disparate impact on the
14finances or staffing needs of school districts in the State.
15 (b) No comment or opinion shall be included in the School
16District Impact Note with regard to the merits of the bill for
17which the School District Impact Note is prepared; however,
18technical or mechanical defects in the bill may be noted. The
19School District Impact Note shall be signed by the State
20Superintendent of Education or his or her designee.
21 Section 25. Participation in hearing. The fact that a
22School District Impact Note is prepared for any bill shall not
23preclude or restrict the appearance before any committee of
24the General Assembly of any State official or employee who

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1desires to be heard in support of or in opposition to the bill.
2 Section 30. Confidentiality. The subject matter of bills
3submitted to the State Board shall be kept in strict
4confidence by the State Board, and no information relating to
5the bill or its anticipated impact on education in the State
6shall be divulged, before the bill's introduction in the
7General Assembly, by any State official or employee of the
8State Board, except to the bill's sponsor or his or her
10 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
11becoming law.