Public Act 098-1015
HB4304 EnrolledLRB098 15245 MLW 50252 b
AN ACT concerning transportation.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by changing
Sections 6-206.1 and 6-208.1 as follows:
(625 ILCS 5/6-206.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-206.1)
Sec. 6-206.1. Monitoring Device Driving Permit.
Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared a policy of the
State of Illinois that the driver who is impaired by alcohol,
other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compound or compounds is a
threat to the public safety and welfare. Therefore, to provide
a deterrent to such practice, a statutory summary driver's
license suspension is appropriate. It is also recognized that
driving is a privilege and therefore, that the granting of
driving privileges, in a manner consistent with public safety,
is warranted during the period of suspension in the form of a
monitoring device driving permit. A person who drives and fails
to comply with the requirements of the monitoring device
driving permit commits a violation of Section 6-303 of this
The following procedures shall apply whenever a first
offender, as defined in Section 11-500 of this Code, is
arrested for any offense as defined in Section 11-501 or a
similar provision of a local ordinance and is subject to the
provisions of Section 11-501.1:
(a) Upon mailing of the notice of suspension of driving
privileges as provided in subsection (h) of Section 11-501.1 of
this Code, the Secretary shall also send written notice
informing the person that he or she will be issued a monitoring
device driving permit (MDDP). The notice shall include, at
minimum, information summarizing the procedure to be followed
for issuance of the MDDP, installation of the breath alcohol
ignition installation device (BAIID), as provided in this
Section, exemption from BAIID installation requirements, and
procedures to be followed by those seeking indigent status, as
provided in this Section. The notice shall also include
information summarizing the procedure to be followed if the
person wishes to decline issuance of the MDDP. A copy of the
notice shall also be sent to the court of venue together with
the notice of suspension of driving privileges, as provided in
subsection (h) of Section 11-501. However, a MDDP shall not be
issued if the Secretary finds that:
(1) The offender's driver's license is otherwise
(2) Death or great bodily harm to another resulted from
the arrest for Section 11-501;
(3) The offender has been previously convicted of
reckless homicide or aggravated driving under the
influence involving death;
(4) The offender is less than 18 years of age; or
(5) The offender is a qualifying patient licensed under
the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act
who is in possession of a valid registry card issued under
that Act and refused to submit to standardized field
sobriety tests as required by subsection (a-5) of Section
11-501.1 or did submit to testing and failed the test or
Any offender participating in the MDDP program must pay the
Secretary a MDDP Administration Fee in an amount not to exceed
$30 per month, to be deposited into the Monitoring Device
Driving Permit Administration Fee Fund. The Secretary shall
establish by rule the amount and the procedures, terms, and
conditions relating to these fees. The offender must have an
ignition interlock device installed within 14 days of the date
the Secretary issues the MDDP. The ignition interlock device
provider must notify the Secretary, in a manner and form
prescribed by the Secretary, of the installation. If the
Secretary does not receive notice of installation, the
Secretary shall cancel the MDDP.
A MDDP shall not become effective prior to the 31st day of
the original statutory summary suspension.
Upon receipt of the notice, as provided in paragraph (a) of
this Section, the person may file a petition to decline
issuance of the MDDP with the court of venue. The court shall
admonish the offender of all consequences of declining issuance
of the MDDP including, but not limited to, the enhanced
penalties for driving while suspended. After being so
admonished, the offender shall be permitted, in writing, to
execute a notice declining issuance of the MDDP. This notice
shall be filed with the court and forwarded by the clerk of the
court to the Secretary. The offender may, at any time
thereafter, apply to the Secretary for issuance of a MDDP.
(a-1) A person issued a MDDP may drive for any purpose and
at any time, subject to the rules adopted by the Secretary
under subsection (g). The person must, at his or her own
expense, drive only vehicles equipped with an ignition
interlock device as defined in Section 1-129.1, but in no event
shall such person drive a commercial motor vehicle.
(a-2) Persons who are issued a MDDP and must drive
employer-owned vehicles in the course of their employment
duties may seek permission to drive an employer-owned vehicle
that does not have an ignition interlock device. The employer
shall provide to the Secretary a form, as prescribed by the
Secretary, completed by the employer verifying that the
employee must drive an employer-owned vehicle in the course of
employment. If approved by the Secretary, the form must be in
the driver's possession while operating an employer-owner
vehicle not equipped with an ignition interlock device. No
person may use this exemption to drive a school bus, school
vehicle, or a vehicle designed to transport more than 15
passengers. No person may use this exemption to drive an
employer-owned motor vehicle that is owned by an entity that is
wholly or partially owned by the person holding the MDDP, or by
a family member of the person holding the MDDP. No person may
use this exemption to drive an employer-owned vehicle that is
made available to the employee for personal use. No person may
drive the exempted vehicle more than 12 hours per day, 6 days
per week.
(a-3) Persons who are issued a MDDP and who must drive a
farm tractor to and from a farm, within 50 air miles from the
originating farm are exempt from installation of a BAIID on the
farm tractor, so long as the farm tractor is being used for the
exclusive purpose of conducting farm operations.
(b) (Blank).
(c) (Blank).
(c-1) If the holder of the MDDP is convicted of or receives
court supervision for a violation of Section 6-206.2, 6-303,
11-204, 11-204.1, 11-401, 11-501, 11-503, 11-506 or a similar
provision of a local ordinance or a similar out-of-state
offense or is convicted of or receives court supervision for
any offense for which alcohol or drugs is an element of the
offense and in which a motor vehicle was involved (for an
arrest other than the one for which the MDDP is issued), or
de-installs the BAIID without prior authorization from the
Secretary, the MDDP shall be cancelled.
(c-5) If the Secretary determines that the person seeking
the MDDP is indigent, the Secretary shall provide the person
with a written document as evidence of that determination, and
the person shall provide that written document to an ignition
interlock device provider. The provider shall install an
ignition interlock device on that person's vehicle without
charge to the person, and seek reimbursement from the Indigent
BAIID Fund. If the Secretary has deemed an offender indigent,
the BAIID provider shall also provide the normal monthly
monitoring services and the de-installation without charge to
the offender and seek reimbursement from the Indigent BAIID
Fund. Any other monetary charges, such as a lockout fee or
reset fee, shall be the responsibility of the MDDP holder. A
BAIID provider may not seek a security deposit from the
Indigent BAIID Fund.
(d) MDDP information shall be available only to the courts,
police officers, and the Secretary, except during the actual
period the MDDP is valid, during which time it shall be a
public record.
(e) (Blank).
(f) (Blank).
(g) The Secretary shall adopt rules for implementing this
Section. The rules adopted shall address issues including, but
not limited to: compliance with the requirements of the MDDP;
methods for determining compliance with those requirements;
the consequences of noncompliance with those requirements;
what constitutes a violation of the MDDP; methods for
determining indigency; and the duties of a person or entity
that supplies the ignition interlock device.
(h) The rules adopted under subsection (g) shall provide,
at a minimum, that the person is not in compliance with the
requirements of the MDDP if he or she:
(1) tampers or attempts to tamper with or circumvent
the proper operation of the ignition interlock device;
(2) provides valid breath samples that register blood
alcohol levels in excess of the number of times allowed
under the rules;
(3) fails to provide evidence sufficient to satisfy the
Secretary that the ignition interlock device has been
installed in the designated vehicle or vehicles; or
(4) fails to follow any other applicable rules adopted
by the Secretary.
(i) Any person or entity that supplies an ignition
interlock device as provided under this Section shall, in
addition to supplying only those devices which fully comply
with all the rules adopted under subsection (g), provide the
Secretary, within 7 days of inspection, all monitoring reports
of each person who has had an ignition interlock device
installed. These reports shall be furnished in a manner or form
as prescribed by the Secretary.
(j) Upon making a determination that a violation of the
requirements of the MDDP has occurred, the Secretary shall
extend the summary suspension period for an additional 3 months
beyond the originally imposed summary suspension period,
during which time the person shall only be allowed to drive
vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock device; provided
further there are no limitations on the total number of times
the summary suspension may be extended. The Secretary may,
however, limit the number of extensions imposed for violations
occurring during any one monitoring period, as set forth by
rule. Any person whose summary suspension is extended pursuant
to this Section shall have the right to contest the extension
through a hearing with the Secretary, pursuant to Section 2-118
of this Code. If the summary suspension has already terminated
prior to the Secretary receiving the monitoring report that
shows a violation, the Secretary shall be authorized to suspend
the person's driving privileges for 3 months, provided that the
Secretary may, by rule, limit the number of suspensions to be
entered pursuant to this paragraph for violations occurring
during any one monitoring period. Any person whose license is
suspended pursuant to this paragraph, after the summary
suspension had already terminated, shall have the right to
contest the suspension through a hearing with the Secretary,
pursuant to Section 2-118 of this Code. The only permit the
person shall be eligible for during this new suspension period
is a MDDP.
(k) A person who has had his or her summary suspension
extended for the third time, or has any combination of 3
extensions and new suspensions, entered as a result of a
violation that occurred while holding the MDDP, so long as the
extensions and new suspensions relate to the same summary
suspension, shall have his or her vehicle impounded for a
period of 30 days, at the person's own expense. A person who
has his or her summary suspension extended for the fourth time,
or has any combination of 4 extensions and new suspensions,
entered as a result of a violation that occurred while holding
the MDDP, so long as the extensions and new suspensions relate
to the same summary suspension, shall have his or her vehicle
subject to seizure and forfeiture. The Secretary shall notify
the prosecuting authority of any third or fourth extensions or
new suspension entered as a result of a violation that occurred
while the person held a MDDP. Upon receipt of the notification,
the prosecuting authority shall impound or forfeit the vehicle.
The impoundment or forfeiture of a vehicle shall be conducted
pursuant to the procedure specified in Article 36 of the
Criminal Code of 2012.
(l) A person whose driving privileges have been suspended
under Section 11-501.1 of this Code and who had a MDDP that was
cancelled, or would have been cancelled had notification of a
violation been received prior to expiration of the MDDP,
pursuant to subsection (c-1) of this Section, shall not be
eligible for reinstatement when the summary suspension is
scheduled to terminate. Instead, the person's driving
privileges shall be suspended for a period of not less than
twice the original summary suspension period, or for the length
of any extensions entered under subsection (j), whichever is
longer. During the period of suspension, the person shall be
eligible only to apply for a restricted driving permit. If a
restricted driving permit is granted, the offender may only
operate vehicles equipped with a BAIID in accordance with this
(m) Any person or entity that supplies an ignition
interlock device under this Section shall, for each ignition
interlock device installed, pay 5% of the total gross revenue
received for the device, including monthly monitoring fees,
into the Indigent BAIID Fund. This 5% shall be clearly
indicated as a separate surcharge on each invoice that is
issued. The Secretary shall conduct an annual review of the
fund to determine whether the surcharge is sufficient to
provide for indigent users. The Secretary may increase or
decrease this surcharge requirement as needed.
(n) Any person or entity that supplies an ignition
interlock device under this Section that is requested to
provide an ignition interlock device to a person who presents
written documentation of indigency from the Secretary, as
provided in subsection (c-5) of this Section, shall install the
device on the person's vehicle without charge to the person and
shall seek reimbursement from the Indigent BAIID Fund.
(o) The Indigent BAIID Fund is created as a special fund in
the State treasury. The Secretary shall, subject to
appropriation by the General Assembly, use all money in the
Indigent BAIID Fund to reimburse ignition interlock device
providers who have installed devices in vehicles of indigent
persons. The Secretary shall make payments to such providers
every 3 months. If the amount of money in the fund at the time
payments are made is not sufficient to pay all requests for
reimbursement submitted during that 3 month period, the
Secretary shall make payments on a pro-rata basis, and those
payments shall be considered payment in full for the requests
(p) The Monitoring Device Driving Permit Administration
Fee Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury.
The Secretary shall, subject to appropriation by the General
Assembly, use the money paid into this fund to offset its
administrative costs for administering MDDPs.
(q) The Secretary is authorized to prescribe such forms as
it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 97-229; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 97-1150, eff.
1-25-13; 98-122, eff. 1-1-14.)
(625 ILCS 5/6-208.1) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-208.1)
(Text of Section from P.A. 96-1526 and 98-122)
Sec. 6-208.1. Period of statutory summary alcohol, other
drug, or intoxicating compound related suspension or
(a) Unless the statutory summary suspension has been
rescinded, any person whose privilege to drive a motor vehicle
on the public highways has been summarily suspended, pursuant
to Section 11-501.1, shall not be eligible for restoration of
the privilege until the expiration of:
1. Twelve months from the effective date of the
statutory summary suspension for a refusal or failure to
complete a test or tests authorized under Section 11-501.1,
if the person was not involved in a motor vehicle accident
that caused personal injury or death to another; or
2. Six months from the effective date of the statutory
summary suspension imposed following the person's
submission to a chemical test which disclosed an alcohol
concentration of 0.08 or more, or any amount of a drug,
substance, or intoxicating compound in such person's
breath, blood, or urine resulting from the unlawful use or
consumption of cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control Act,
a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled
Substances Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use
of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as
listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community
Protection Act, pursuant to Section 11-501.1; or
3. Three years from the effective date of the statutory
summary suspension for any person other than a first
offender who refuses or fails to complete a test or tests
to determine the alcohol, drug, or intoxicating compound
concentration pursuant to Section 11-501.1; or
4. One year from the effective date of the summary
suspension imposed for any person other than a first
offender following submission to a chemical test which
disclosed an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more pursuant
to Section 11-501.1 or any amount of a drug, substance or
compound in such person's blood or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or consumption of cannabis listed in the
Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance listed in the
Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating
compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act,
or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine
Control and Community Protection Act; or
5. Six months from the effective date of the statutory
summary suspension imposed for any person following
submission to a standardized field sobriety test that
disclosed impairment if the person is a qualifying patient
licensed under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis
Pilot Program Act who is in possession of a valid registry
card issued under that Act and submitted to testing under
subsection (a-5) of Section 11-501.1.
(b) Following a statutory summary suspension of the
privilege to drive a motor vehicle under Section 11-501.1,
driving privileges shall be restored unless the person is
otherwise suspended, revoked, or cancelled by this Code. If the
court has reason to believe that the person's driving privilege
should not be restored, the court shall notify the Secretary of
State prior to the expiration of the statutory summary
suspension so appropriate action may be taken pursuant to this
(c) Driving privileges may not be restored until all
applicable reinstatement fees, as provided by this Code, have
been paid to the Secretary of State and the appropriate entry
made to the driver's record.
(d) Where a driving privilege has been summarily suspended
or revoked under Section 11-501.1 and the person is
subsequently convicted of violating Section 11-501, or a
similar provision of a local ordinance, for the same incident,
any period served on statutory summary suspension or revocation
shall be credited toward the minimum period of revocation of
driving privileges imposed pursuant to Section 6-205.
(e) A first offender who refused chemical testing and whose
driving privileges were summarily revoked pursuant to Section
11-501.1 shall not be eligible for a monitoring device driving
permit, but may make application for reinstatement or for a
restricted driving permit after a period of one year has
elapsed from the effective date of the revocation (Blank).
(f) (Blank).
(g) Following a statutory summary suspension of driving
privileges pursuant to Section 11-501.1 where the person was
not a first offender, as defined in Section 11-500, the
Secretary of State may not issue a restricted driving permit.
(h) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 95-355, eff. 1-1-08; 95-400, eff. 1-1-09; 95-876,
eff. 8-21-08; 96-1526, eff. 2-14-11; 98-122, eff. 1-1-14.)
(Text of Section from P.A. 96-1344, 97-229, and 98-122)
Sec. 6-208.1. Period of statutory summary alcohol, other
drug, or intoxicating compound related suspension or
(a) Unless the statutory summary suspension has been
rescinded, any person whose privilege to drive a motor vehicle
on the public highways has been summarily suspended, pursuant
to Section 11-501.1, shall not be eligible for restoration of
the privilege until the expiration of:
1. Twelve months from the effective date of the
statutory summary suspension for a refusal or failure to
complete a test or tests authorized under Section 11-501.1,
if the person was not involved in a motor vehicle accident
crash that caused personal injury or death to another; or
2. Six months from the effective date of the statutory
summary suspension imposed following the person's
submission to a chemical test which disclosed an alcohol
concentration of 0.08 or more, or any amount of a drug,
substance, or intoxicating compound in such person's
breath, blood, or urine resulting from the unlawful use or
consumption of cannabis listed in the Cannabis Control Act,
a controlled substance listed in the Illinois Controlled
Substances Act, an intoxicating compound listed in the Use
of Intoxicating Compounds Act, or methamphetamine as
listed in the Methamphetamine Control and Community
Protection Act, pursuant to Section 11-501.1; or
3. Three years from the effective date of the statutory
summary suspension for any person other than a first
offender who refuses or fails to complete a test or tests
to determine the alcohol, drug, or intoxicating compound
concentration pursuant to Section 11-501.1; or
4. One year from the effective date of the summary
suspension imposed for any person other than a first
offender following submission to a chemical test which
disclosed an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more pursuant
to Section 11-501.1 or any amount of a drug, substance or
compound in such person's blood or urine resulting from the
unlawful use or consumption of cannabis listed in the
Cannabis Control Act, a controlled substance listed in the
Illinois Controlled Substances Act, an intoxicating
compound listed in the Use of Intoxicating Compounds Act,
or methamphetamine as listed in the Methamphetamine
Control and Community Protection Act; or
5. Six months from the effective date of the statutory
summary suspension imposed for any person following
submission to a standardized field sobriety test that
disclosed impairment if the person is a qualifying patient
licensed under the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis
Pilot Program Act who is in possession of a valid registry
card issued under that Act and submitted to testing under
subsection (a-5) of Section 11-501.1.
(a-1) Unless the statutory summary revocation has been
rescinded, any person whose privilege to drive has been
summarily revoked pursuant to Section 11-501.1 may not make
application for a license or permit until the expiration of one
year from the effective date of the summary revocation.
(b) Following a statutory summary suspension of the
privilege to drive a motor vehicle under Section 11-501.1,
driving privileges shall be restored unless the person is
otherwise suspended, revoked, or cancelled by this Code. If the
court has reason to believe that the person's driving privilege
should not be restored, the court shall notify the Secretary of
State prior to the expiration of the statutory summary
suspension so appropriate action may be taken pursuant to this
(c) Driving privileges may not be restored until all
applicable reinstatement fees, as provided by this Code, have
been paid to the Secretary of State and the appropriate entry
made to the driver's record.
(d) Where a driving privilege has been summarily suspended
or revoked under Section 11-501.1 and the person is
subsequently convicted of violating Section 11-501, or a
similar provision of a local ordinance, for the same incident,
any period served on statutory summary suspension or revocation
shall be credited toward the minimum period of revocation of
driving privileges imposed pursuant to Section 6-205.
(e) Following a statutory summary suspension of driving
privileges pursuant to Section 11-501.1, for a first offender,
the circuit court shall, unless the offender has opted in
writing not to have a monitoring device driving permit issued,
order the Secretary of State to issue a monitoring device
driving permit as provided in Section 6-206.1. A monitoring
device driving permit shall not be effective prior to the 31st
day of the statutory summary suspension. A first offender who
refused chemical testing and whose driving privileges were
summarily revoked pursuant to Section 11-501.1 shall not be
eligible for a monitoring device driving permit, but may make
application for reinstatement or for a restricted driving
permit after a period of one year has elapsed from the
effective date of the revocation.
(f) (Blank).
(g) Following a statutory summary suspension of driving
privileges pursuant to Section 11-501.1 where the person was
not a first offender, as defined in Section 11-500, the
Secretary of State may not issue a restricted driving permit.
(h) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 96-1344, eff. 7-1-11; 97-229, eff. 7-28-11;
98-122, eff. 1-1-14.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.