State of Illinois
2017 and 2018

Introduced , by Rep. Fred Crespo

See Index

Amends the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act. Authorizes the Department of Public Health to license freestanding rapid treatment emergency centers. Contains provisions concerning the requirements a facility must meet to be licensed as a freestanding rapid treatment emergency center. Requires the Department of Public Health to establish provisional licensure and licensing procedures by emergency rule. Makes related changes in the Emergency Medical Treatment Act, the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act, and the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. Amends the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act. Prohibits a person from constructing, modifying, or establishing a freestanding rapid treatment emergency center without obtaining a certificate of need permit from the Health Facilities and Services Review Board. Requires the Health Facilities and Services Review Board to establish provisional permit application guidelines by emergency rule. Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Contains provisions concerning reimbursements to freestanding rapid treatment emergency centers. Amends the Illinois Public Aid Code. Directs the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to adopt rates to be paid for services delivered by a freestanding rapid treatment emergency center. Effective immediately.
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HB4037LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 AN ACT concerning regulation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act is
5amended by changing Section 3 and by adding Section 5.1b as
7 (20 ILCS 3960/3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1153)
8 (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2019)
9 Sec. 3. Definitions. As used in this Act:
10 "Health care facilities" means and includes the following
11facilities, organizations, and related persons:
12 (1) An ambulatory surgical treatment center required
13 to be licensed pursuant to the Ambulatory Surgical
14 Treatment Center Act.
15 (2) An institution, place, building, or agency
16 required to be licensed pursuant to the Hospital Licensing
17 Act.
18 (3) Skilled and intermediate long term care facilities
19 licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act.
20 (A) If a demonstration project under the Nursing
21 Home Care Act applies for a certificate of need to
22 convert to a nursing facility, it shall meet the
23 licensure and certificate of need requirements in

HB4037- 2 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 effect as of the date of application.
2 (B) Except as provided in item (A) of this
3 subsection, this Act does not apply to facilities
4 granted waivers under Section 3-102.2 of the Nursing
5 Home Care Act.
6 (3.5) Skilled and intermediate care facilities
7 licensed under the ID/DD Community Care Act or the MC/DD
8 Act. No permit or exemption is required for a facility
9 licensed under the ID/DD Community Care Act or the MC/DD
10 Act prior to the reduction of the number of beds at a
11 facility. If there is a total reduction of beds at a
12 facility licensed under the ID/DD Community Care Act or the
13 MC/DD Act, this is a discontinuation or closure of the
14 facility. If a facility licensed under the ID/DD Community
15 Care Act or the MC/DD Act reduces the number of beds or
16 discontinues the facility, that facility must notify the
17 Board as provided in Section 14.1 of this Act.
18 (3.7) Facilities licensed under the Specialized Mental
19 Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013.
20 (4) Hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory surgical
21 treatment centers, or kidney disease treatment centers
22 maintained by the State or any department or agency
23 thereof.
24 (5) Kidney disease treatment centers, including a
25 free-standing hemodialysis unit required to be licensed
26 under the End Stage Renal Disease Facility Act.

HB4037- 3 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (A) This Act does not apply to a dialysis facility
2 that provides only dialysis training, support, and
3 related services to individuals with end stage renal
4 disease who have elected to receive home dialysis.
5 (B) This Act does not apply to a dialysis unit
6 located in a licensed nursing home that offers or
7 provides dialysis-related services to residents with
8 end stage renal disease who have elected to receive
9 home dialysis within the nursing home.
10 (C) The Board, however, may require dialysis
11 facilities and licensed nursing homes under items (A)
12 and (B) of this subsection to report statistical
13 information on a quarterly basis to the Board to be
14 used by the Board to conduct analyses on the need for
15 proposed kidney disease treatment centers.
16 (6) An institution, place, building, or room used for
17 the performance of outpatient surgical procedures that is
18 leased, owned, or operated by or on behalf of an
19 out-of-state facility.
20 (7) An institution, place, building, or room used for
21 provision of a health care category of service, including,
22 but not limited to, cardiac catheterization and open heart
23 surgery.
24 (8) An institution, place, building, or room housing
25 major medical equipment used in the direct clinical
26 diagnosis or treatment of patients, and whose project cost

HB4037- 4 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 is in excess of the capital expenditure minimum.
2 "Health care facilities" does not include the following
3entities or facility transactions:
4 (1) Federally-owned facilities.
5 (2) Facilities used solely for healing by prayer or
6 spiritual means.
7 (3) An existing facility located on any campus facility
8 as defined in Section 5-5.8b of the Illinois Public Aid
9 Code, provided that the campus facility encompasses 30 or
10 more contiguous acres and that the new or renovated
11 facility is intended for use by a licensed residential
12 facility.
13 (4) Facilities licensed under the Supportive
14 Residences Licensing Act or the Assisted Living and Shared
15 Housing Act.
16 (5) Facilities designated as supportive living
17 facilities that are in good standing with the program
18 established under Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public
19 Aid Code.
20 (6) Facilities established and operating under the
21 Alternative Health Care Delivery Act as a children's
22 community-based health care center alternative health care
23 model demonstration program or as an Alzheimer's Disease
24 Management Center alternative health care model
25 demonstration program.
26 (7) The closure of an entity or a portion of an entity

HB4037- 5 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized
2 Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD
3 Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, with the exception of
4 facilities operated by a county or Illinois Veterans Homes,
5 that elect to convert, in whole or in part, to an assisted
6 living or shared housing establishment licensed under the
7 Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act and with the
8 exception of a facility licensed under the Specialized
9 Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013 in connection with
10 a proposal to close a facility and re-establish the
11 facility in another location.
12 (8) Any change of ownership of a health care facility
13 that is licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act, the
14 Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the
15 ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, with the
16 exception of facilities operated by a county or Illinois
17 Veterans Homes. Changes of ownership of facilities
18 licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act must meet the
19 requirements set forth in Sections 3-101 through 3-119 of
20 the Nursing Home Care Act.
21 With the exception of those health care facilities
22specifically included in this Section, nothing in this Act
23shall be intended to include facilities operated as a part of
24the practice of a physician or other licensed health care
25professional, whether practicing in his individual capacity or
26within the legal structure of any partnership, medical or

HB4037- 6 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1professional corporation, or unincorporated medical or
2professional group. Further, this Act shall not apply to
3physicians or other licensed health care professional's
4practices where such practices are carried out in a portion of
5a health care facility under contract with such health care
6facility by a physician or by other licensed health care
7professionals, whether practicing in his individual capacity
8or within the legal structure of any partnership, medical or
9professional corporation, or unincorporated medical or
10professional groups, unless the entity constructs, modifies,
11or establishes a health care facility as specifically defined
12in this Section. This Act shall apply to construction or
13modification and to establishment by such health care facility
14of such contracted portion which is subject to facility
15licensing requirements, irrespective of the party responsible
16for such action or attendant financial obligation.
17 "Person" means any one or more natural persons, legal
18entities, governmental bodies other than federal, or any
19combination thereof.
20 "Consumer" means any person other than a person (a) whose
21major occupation currently involves or whose official capacity
22within the last 12 months has involved the providing,
23administering or financing of any type of health care facility,
24(b) who is engaged in health research or the teaching of
25health, (c) who has a material financial interest in any
26activity which involves the providing, administering or

HB4037- 7 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1financing of any type of health care facility, or (d) who is or
2ever has been a member of the immediate family of the person
3defined by (a), (b), or (c).
4 "State Board" or "Board" means the Health Facilities and
5Services Review Board.
6 "Construction or modification" means the establishment,
7erection, building, alteration, reconstruction, modernization,
8improvement, extension, discontinuation, change of ownership,
9of or by a health care facility, or the purchase or acquisition
10by or through a health care facility of equipment or service
11for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes or for facility
12administration or operation, or any capital expenditure made by
13or on behalf of a health care facility which exceeds the
14capital expenditure minimum; however, any capital expenditure
15made by or on behalf of a health care facility for (i) the
16construction or modification of a facility licensed under the
17Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act or (ii) a conversion
18project undertaken in accordance with Section 30 of the Older
19Adult Services Act shall be excluded from any obligations under
20this Act.
21 "Establish" means the construction of a health care
22facility or the replacement of an existing facility on another
23site or the initiation of a category of service.
24 "Major medical equipment" means medical equipment which is
25used for the provision of medical and other health services and
26which costs in excess of the capital expenditure minimum,

HB4037- 8 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1except that such term does not include medical equipment
2acquired by or on behalf of a clinical laboratory to provide
3clinical laboratory services if the clinical laboratory is
4independent of a physician's office and a hospital and it has
5been determined under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to
6meet the requirements of paragraphs (10) and (11) of Section
71861(s) of such Act. In determining whether medical equipment
8has a value in excess of the capital expenditure minimum, the
9value of studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings,
10specifications, and other activities essential to the
11acquisition of such equipment shall be included.
12 "Capital Expenditure" means an expenditure: (A) made by or
13on behalf of a health care facility (as such a facility is
14defined in this Act); and (B) which under generally accepted
15accounting principles is not properly chargeable as an expense
16of operation and maintenance, or is made to obtain by lease or
17comparable arrangement any facility or part thereof or any
18equipment for a facility or part; and which exceeds the capital
19expenditure minimum.
20 For the purpose of this paragraph, the cost of any studies,
21surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, and
22other activities essential to the acquisition, improvement,
23expansion, or replacement of any plant or equipment with
24respect to which an expenditure is made shall be included in
25determining if such expenditure exceeds the capital
26expenditures minimum. Unless otherwise interdependent, or

HB4037- 9 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1submitted as one project by the applicant, components of
2construction or modification undertaken by means of a single
3construction contract or financed through the issuance of a
4single debt instrument shall not be grouped together as one
5project. Donations of equipment or facilities to a health care
6facility which if acquired directly by such facility would be
7subject to review under this Act shall be considered capital
8expenditures, and a transfer of equipment or facilities for
9less than fair market value shall be considered a capital
10expenditure for purposes of this Act if a transfer of the
11equipment or facilities at fair market value would be subject
12to review.
13 "Capital expenditure minimum" means $11,500,000 for
14projects by hospital applicants, $6,500,000 for applicants for
15projects related to skilled and intermediate care long-term
16care facilities licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act, and
17$3,000,000 for projects by all other applicants, which shall be
18annually adjusted to reflect the increase in construction costs
19due to inflation, for major medical equipment and for all other
20capital expenditures.
21 "Non-clinical service area" means an area (i) for the
22benefit of the patients, visitors, staff, or employees of a
23health care facility and (ii) not directly related to the
24diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation of persons receiving
25services from the health care facility. "Non-clinical service
26areas" include, but are not limited to, chapels; gift shops;

HB4037- 10 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1news stands; computer systems; tunnels, walkways, and
2elevators; telephone systems; projects to comply with life
3safety codes; educational facilities; student housing;
4patient, employee, staff, and visitor dining areas;
5administration and volunteer offices; modernization of
6structural components (such as roof replacement and masonry
7work); boiler repair or replacement; vehicle maintenance and
8storage facilities; parking facilities; mechanical systems for
9heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; loading docks; and
10repair or replacement of carpeting, tile, wall coverings,
11window coverings or treatments, or furniture. Solely for the
12purpose of this definition, "non-clinical service area" does
13not include health and fitness centers.
14 "Areawide" means a major area of the State delineated on a
15geographic, demographic, and functional basis for health
16planning and for health service and having within it one or
17more local areas for health planning and health service. The
18term "region", as contrasted with the term "subregion", and the
19word "area" may be used synonymously with the term "areawide".
20 "Local" means a subarea of a delineated major area that on
21a geographic, demographic, and functional basis may be
22considered to be part of such major area. The term "subregion"
23may be used synonymously with the term "local".
24 "Physician" means a person licensed to practice in
25accordance with the Medical Practice Act of 1987, as amended.
26 "Licensed health care professional" means a person

HB4037- 11 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1licensed to practice a health profession under pertinent
2licensing statutes of the State of Illinois.
3 "Director" means the Director of the Illinois Department of
4Public Health.
5 "Agency" or "Department" means the Illinois Department of
6Public Health.
7 "Alternative health care model" means a facility or program
8authorized under the Alternative Health Care Delivery Act.
9 "Out-of-state facility" means a person that is both (i)
10licensed as a hospital or as an ambulatory surgery center under
11the laws of another state or that qualifies as a hospital or an
12ambulatory surgery center under regulations adopted pursuant
13to the Social Security Act and (ii) not licensed under the
14Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act, the Hospital
15Licensing Act, or the Nursing Home Care Act. Affiliates of
16out-of-state facilities shall be considered out-of-state
17facilities. Affiliates of Illinois licensed health care
18facilities 100% owned by an Illinois licensed health care
19facility, its parent, or Illinois physicians licensed to
20practice medicine in all its branches shall not be considered
21out-of-state facilities. Nothing in this definition shall be
22construed to include an office or any part of an office of a
23physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches in
24Illinois that is not required to be licensed under the
25Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act.
26 "Change of ownership of a health care facility" means a

HB4037- 12 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1change in the person who has ownership or control of a health
2care facility's physical plant and capital assets. A change in
3ownership is indicated by the following transactions: sale,
4transfer, acquisition, lease, change of sponsorship, or other
5means of transferring control.
6 "Related person" means any person that: (i) is at least 50%
7owned, directly or indirectly, by either the health care
8facility or a person owning, directly or indirectly, at least
950% of the health care facility; or (ii) owns, directly or
10indirectly, at least 50% of the health care facility.
11 "Charity care" means care provided by a health care
12facility for which the provider does not expect to receive
13payment from the patient or a third-party payer.
14 "Freestanding emergency center" means a facility subject
15to licensure under Section 32.5 of the Emergency Medical
16Services (EMS) Systems Act.
17 "Freestanding rapid treatment emergency center" means a
18facility subject to licensure under Section 32.6 of the
19Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act.
20 "Category of service" means a grouping by generic class of
21various types or levels of support functions, equipment, care,
22or treatment provided to patients or residents, including, but
23not limited to, classes such as medical-surgical, pediatrics,
24or cardiac catheterization. A category of service may include
25subcategories or levels of care that identify a particular
26degree or type of care within the category of service. Nothing

HB4037- 13 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1in this definition shall be construed to include the practice
2of a physician or other licensed health care professional while
3functioning in an office providing for the care, diagnosis, or
4treatment of patients. A category of service that is subject to
5the Board's jurisdiction must be designated in rules adopted by
6the Board.
7 "State Board Staff Report" means the document that sets
8forth the review and findings of the State Board staff, as
9prescribed by the State Board, regarding applications subject
10to Board jurisdiction.
11(Source: P.A. 98-414, eff. 1-1-14; 98-629, eff. 1-1-15; 98-651,
12eff. 6-16-14; 98-1086, eff. 8-26-14; 99-78, eff. 7-20-15;
1399-180, eff. 7-29-15; 99-527, eff. 1-1-17.)
14 (20 ILCS 3960/5.1b new)
15 Sec. 5.1b. Freestanding rapid treatment emergency centers.
16No person shall construct, modify, or establish a freestanding
17rapid treatment emergency center in Illinois, or acquire major
18medical equipment or make capital expenditures in relation to
19such a facility in excess of the capital expenditure minimum,
20as defined by this Act, without first obtaining a certificate
21of need permit from the State Board in accordance with
22criteria, standards, and procedures adopted by the State Board
23for freestanding rapid treatment emergency centers that ensure
24the availability of and community access to essential emergency
25medical services. The State Board is granted the authority

HB4037- 14 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1under this Act to establish provisional certificate of need
2permit application guidelines by emergency rule and shall do so
3within 120 days of the effective date of this amendatory Act of
4the 100th General Assembly.
5 Section 10. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems
6Act is amended by changing Section 3.20 and by adding Section
732.6 as follows:
8 (210 ILCS 50/3.20)
9 Sec. 3.20. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems.
10 (a) "Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System" means an
11organization of hospitals, vehicle service providers and
12personnel approved by the Department in a specific geographic
13area, which coordinates and provides pre-hospital and
14inter-hospital emergency care and non-emergency medical
15transports at a BLS, ILS and/or ALS level pursuant to a System
16program plan submitted to and approved by the Department, and
17pursuant to the EMS Region Plan adopted for the EMS Region in
18which the System is located.
19 (b) One hospital in each System program plan must be
20designated as the Resource Hospital. All other hospitals which
21are located within the geographic boundaries of a System and
22which have standby, basic or comprehensive level emergency
23departments must function in that EMS System as either an
24Associate Hospital or Participating Hospital and follow all

HB4037- 15 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1System policies specified in the System Program Plan, including
2but not limited to the replacement of drugs and equipment used
3by providers who have delivered patients to their emergency
4departments. All hospitals and vehicle service providers
5participating in an EMS System must specify their level of
6participation in the System Program Plan.
7 (c) The Department shall have the authority and
8responsibility to:
9 (1) Approve BLS, ILS and ALS level EMS Systems which
10 meet minimum standards and criteria established in rules
11 adopted by the Department pursuant to this Act, including
12 the submission of a Program Plan for Department approval.
13 Beginning September 1, 1997, the Department shall approve
14 the development of a new EMS System only when a local or
15 regional need for establishing such System has been
16 verified by the Department. This shall not be construed as
17 a needs assessment for health planning or other purposes
18 outside of this Act. Following Department approval, EMS
19 Systems must be fully operational within one year from the
20 date of approval.
21 (2) Monitor EMS Systems, based on minimum standards for
22 continuing operation as prescribed in rules adopted by the
23 Department pursuant to this Act, which shall include
24 requirements for submitting Program Plan amendments to the
25 Department for approval.
26 (3) Renew EMS System approvals every 4 years, after an

HB4037- 16 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 inspection, based on compliance with the standards for
2 continuing operation prescribed in rules adopted by the
3 Department pursuant to this Act.
4 (4) Suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew approval of any
5 EMS System, after providing an opportunity for a hearing,
6 when findings show that it does not meet the minimum
7 standards for continuing operation as prescribed by the
8 Department, or is found to be in violation of its
9 previously approved Program Plan.
10 (5) Require each EMS System to adopt written protocols
11 for the bypassing of or diversion to any hospital, trauma
12 center or regional trauma center, which provide that a
13 person shall not be transported to a facility other than
14 the nearest hospital, regional trauma center or trauma
15 center unless the medical benefits to the patient
16 reasonably expected from the provision of appropriate
17 medical treatment at a more distant facility outweigh the
18 increased risks to the patient from transport to the more
19 distant facility, or the transport is in accordance with
20 the System's protocols for patient choice or refusal.
21 (6) Require that the EMS Medical Director of an ILS or
22 ALS level EMS System be a physician licensed to practice
23 medicine in all of its branches in Illinois, and certified
24 by the American Board of Emergency Medicine or the American
25 Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine, and that the EMS
26 Medical Director of a BLS level EMS System be a physician

HB4037- 17 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches in
2 Illinois, with regular and frequent involvement in
3 pre-hospital emergency medical services. In addition, all
4 EMS Medical Directors shall:
5 (A) Have experience on an EMS vehicle at the
6 highest level available within the System, or make
7 provision to gain such experience within 12 months
8 prior to the date responsibility for the System is
9 assumed or within 90 days after assuming the position;
10 (B) Be thoroughly knowledgeable of all skills
11 included in the scope of practices of all levels of EMS
12 personnel within the System;
13 (C) Have or make provision to gain experience
14 instructing students at a level similar to that of the
15 levels of EMS personnel within the System; and
16 (D) For ILS and ALS EMS Medical Directors,
17 successfully complete a Department-approved EMS
18 Medical Director's Course.
19 (7) Prescribe statewide EMS data elements to be
20 collected and documented by providers in all EMS Systems
21 for all emergency and non-emergency medical services, with
22 a one-year phase-in for commencing collection of such data
23 elements.
24 (8) Define, through rules adopted pursuant to this Act,
25 the terms "Resource Hospital", "Associate Hospital",
26 "Participating Hospital", "Basic Emergency Department",

HB4037- 18 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 "Standby Emergency Department", "Comprehensive Emergency
2 Department", "EMS Medical Director", "EMS Administrative
3 Director", and "EMS System Coordinator".
4 (A) (Blank).
5 (B) (Blank).
6 (9) Investigate the circumstances that caused a
7 hospital in an EMS system to go on bypass status to
8 determine whether that hospital's decision to go on bypass
9 status was reasonable. The Department may impose
10 sanctions, as set forth in Section 3.140 of the Act, upon a
11 Department determination that the hospital unreasonably
12 went on bypass status in violation of the Act.
13 (10) Evaluate the capacity and performance of any
14 freestanding emergency center established under Section
15 32.5 of this Act in meeting emergency medical service needs
16 of the public, including compliance with applicable
17 emergency medical standards and assurance of the
18 availability of and immediate access to the highest quality
19 of medical care possible.
20 (11) Permit limited EMS System participation by
21 facilities operated by the United States Department of
22 Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration. Subject
23 to patient preference, Illinois EMS providers may
24 transport patients to Veterans Health Administration
25 facilities that voluntarily participate in an EMS System.
26 Any Veterans Health Administration facility seeking

HB4037- 19 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 limited participation in an EMS System shall agree to
2 comply with all Department administrative rules
3 implementing this Section. The Department may promulgate
4 rules, including, but not limited to, the types of Veterans
5 Health Administration facilities that may participate in
6 an EMS System and the limitations of participation.
7 (12) Evaluate the capacity and performance of any
8 freestanding rapid treatment emergency center established
9 under Section 32.6 of this Act in meeting emergency medical
10 service needs of the public, including compliance with
11 applicable emergency medical standards and assurance of
12 the availability of and immediate access to the highest
13 quality of medical care possible.
14(Source: P.A. 97-333, eff. 8-12-11; 98-973, eff. 8-15-14.)
15 (210 ILCS 50/32.6 new)
16 Sec. 32.6. Freestanding Rapid Treatment Emergency Center.
17 (a) The Department shall issue an annual Freestanding Rapid
18Treatment Emergency Center (FRTEC) license to a facility that
19has received a certificate of need permit from the Health
20Facilities and Services Review Board to establish a FRTEC and:
21 (1) is located: (A) in a municipality with a population
22 in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants; (B) within or serving
23 an area designated by the United States Department of
24 Health and Human Services as a medically underserved area
25 or population; (C) within or serving an area designated by

HB4037- 20 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 the United States Department of Health and Human Services
2 as a health professional shortage area; and (D) within one
3 mile of the location of a general acute care hospital that
4 closed between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013;
5 (2) is affiliated with, by contractual or other means,
6 one or more acute care hospitals located within 5 miles of
7 the FRTEC, which shall serve as backup hospital providers
8 for the FRTEC, and is not a part of any affiliate
9 hospital's physical plant;
10 (3) meets the standards adopted by the Department by
11 rule for licensed FRTECs, including, but not limited to:
12 (A) facility design, specification, operation, and
13 maintenance standards; (B) equipment standards; and (C)
14 the number and qualifications of emergency medical
15 personnel and other staff, which must include at least one
16 board certified emergency physician present at the FRTEC 24
17 hours per day;
18 (4) limits its participation in the EMS System strictly
19 to receiving patients within the capabilities of the FRTEC,
20 which shall be determined according to protocols jointly
21 developed between the FRTEC and the Resource Hospital in
22 the relevant trauma region; these protocols must be
23 approved by the FRTEC's Medical Director, the Resource
24 Hospital, and the Department;
25 (5) provides comprehensive emergency treatment
26 services, as defined in the rules adopted by the Department

HB4037- 21 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 under the Hospital Licensing Act, 24 hours per day, on an
2 outpatient basis;
3 (6) provides an ambulance and maintains on site
4 ambulance services staffed with paramedics 24 hours per
5 day;
6 (7) complies with all State and federal patient rights
7 provisions, including, but not limited to, the Emergency
8 Medical Treatment Act and the federal Emergency Medical
9 Treatment and Active Labor Act;
10 (8) maintains a referral network with one or more acute
11 care backup provider hospitals located within 5 miles of
12 the FRTEC, on a contractual basis; the contract with the
13 referral hospital shall include, but not be limited to, a
14 requirement to maintain a communication system with the
15 referral hospital;
16 (9) reports to the Department any patient transfers
17 from the FRTEC to any of its affiliated acute care
18 hospitals within 48 hours of the transfer plus any other
19 data determined to be relevant by the Department;
20 (10) submits to the Department, on a quarterly basis,
21 the FRTEC's morbidity and mortality rates for patients
22 treated at the FRTEC and other data determined to be
23 relevant by the Department;
24 (11) does not describe itself or hold itself out to the
25 general public as a full service hospital or a hospital's
26 emergency department in its advertising or marketing

HB4037- 22 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 activities;
2 (12) complies with any other rules adopted by the
3 Department under this Act that relate to FRTECs;
4 (13) passes the Department's site inspection for
5 compliance with the FRTEC requirements of this Act;
6 (14) submits a copy of the certificate of need permit
7 issued by the Health Facilities and Services Review Board
8 indicating that the facility has complied with the Illinois
9 Health Facilities Planning Act with respect to all health
10 services to be provided at the FRTEC;
11 (15) submits an application for designation as a FRTEC
12 in a manner and form prescribed by the Department by rule;
13 and
14 (16) pays the annual license fee as determined by the
15 Department by rule.
16 (b) The Department:
17 (1) shall annually inspect facilities of initial FRTEC
18 applicants and licensed FRTECs, and issue annual licenses
19 to or annually relicense FRTECs that satisfy the
20 Department's licensure requirements as set forth in
21 subsection (a);
22 (2) shall suspend, revoke, refuse to issue, or refuse
23 to renew the license of any FRTEC, after notice and an
24 opportunity for a hearing, when the Department finds that
25 the FRTEC has failed to comply with the standards and
26 requirements of this Act or rules adopted by the Department

HB4037- 23 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 under this Act;
2 (3) shall issue an emergency suspension order for any
3 FRTEC when the Director or his or her designee has
4 determined that the continued operation of the FRTEC poses
5 an immediate and serious danger to the public health,
6 safety, and welfare; an opportunity for a hearing shall be
7 promptly initiated after an emergency suspension order has
8 been issued; and
9 (4) is granted the authority under this Act to
10 establish provisional licensure and licensing procedures
11 under this Act by emergency rule and shall do so within 120
12 days of the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
13 100th General Assembly.
14 Section 15. The Emergency Medical Treatment Act is amended
15by changing Section 2 as follows:
16 (210 ILCS 70/2)
17 Sec. 2. Findings; prohibited terms.
18 (a) The Illinois General Assembly makes all of the
19following findings:
20 (1) Hospital emergency services are not always the most
21 appropriate level of care for patients seeking unscheduled
22 medical care or for patients who do not have a regular
23 physician who can treat a significant or acute medical
24 condition not considered critical, debilitating, or

HB4037- 24 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 life-threatening.
2 (2) Hospital emergency rooms are over-utilized and too
3 often over-burdened with many injuries or illnesses that
4 could be managed in a less intensive clinical setting or
5 physician's office.
6 (3) Over-utilization of hospital emergency departments
7 contributes to excess medical and health insurance costs.
8 (4) The use of the term "emergi-" or a similar term in
9 a facility's posted or advertised name may confuse the
10 public and prospective patients regarding the type of
11 services offered relative to those provided by a hospital
12 emergency department. There is significant risk to the
13 public health and safety if persons requiring treatment for
14 a critical or life-threatening condition inappropriately
15 use such facilities.
16 (5) Many times patients are not clearly aware of the
17 policies and procedures of their insurer or health plan
18 that must be followed in the use of emergency rooms versus
19 non-emergent clinics and what rights they have under the
20 law in regard to appropriately sought emergency care.
21 (6) There is a need to more effectively educate health
22 care payers and consumers about the most appropriate use of
23 the various available levels of medical care and
24 particularly the use of hospital emergency rooms and
25 walk-in medical clinics that do not require appointments.
26 (b) No person, facility, or entity shall hold itself out to

HB4037- 25 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1the public as an "emergi-" or "emergent" care center or use any
2similar term, as defined by rule, that would give the
3impression that emergency medical treatment is provided by the
4person or entity or at the facility unless the facility is the
5emergency room of a facility licensed as a hospital under the
6Hospital Licensing Act or a facility licensed as a freestanding
7emergency center or a freestanding rapid treatment emergency
8center under the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act.
9This Section does not prohibit a person, facility, or entity
10from holding itself out to the public as an "urgi-" or "urgent"
11care center.
12 (c) Violation of this Section constitutes a business
13offense with a minimum fine of $5,000 plus $1,000 per day for a
14continuing violation, with a maximum of $25,000.
15 (d) The Director of Public Health in the name of the people
16of the State, through the Attorney General, may bring an action
17for an injunction or to restrain a violation of this Section or
18the rules adopted pursuant to this Section or to enjoin the
19future operation or maintenance of any facility in violation of
20this Section or the rules adopted pursuant to this Section.
21 (e) The Department of Public Health shall adopt rules
22necessary for the implementation of this Section.
23(Source: P.A. 98-977, eff. 1-1-15.)
24 Section 20. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by
25adding Section 370b.2 as follows:

HB4037- 26 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (215 ILCS 5/370b.2 new)
2 Sec. 370b.2. Reimbursement of freestanding rapid treatment
3emergency centers.
4 (a) An individual or group policy of accident and health
5insurance shall have copayments or coinsurance for emergency
6services provided at a freestanding rapid treatment emergency
7center at the same levels the plan provides for emergency
8services delivered in other health care facilities covered
9under the plan.
10 (b) Reimbursement to a freestanding rapid treatment
11emergency center licensed under the Emergency Medical Services
12(EMS) Systems Act that performs emergency services
13reimbursable under an individual or group policy of accident
14and health insurance shall be at a rate substantially similar
15to the rate paid to a hospital licensed under the Hospital
16Licensing Act with a hospital-based emergency department or at
17a freestanding emergency center licensed under the Emergency
18Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act, which shall include, but
19not be limited to, facility fees and professional fees.
20 Section 25. The Health Care Worker Background Check Act is
21amended by changing Section 15 as follows:
22 (225 ILCS 46/15)
23 Sec. 15. Definitions. In this Act:

HB4037- 27 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 "Applicant" means an individual seeking employment with a
2health care employer who has received a bona fide conditional
3offer of employment.
4 "Conditional offer of employment" means a bona fide offer
5of employment by a health care employer to an applicant, which
6is contingent upon the receipt of a report from the Department
7of Public Health indicating that the applicant does not have a
8record of conviction of any of the criminal offenses enumerated
9in Section 25.
10 "Direct care" means the provision of nursing care or
11assistance with feeding, dressing, movement, bathing,
12toileting, or other personal needs, including home services as
13defined in the Home Health, Home Services, and Home Nursing
14Agency Licensing Act. The entity responsible for inspecting and
15licensing, certifying, or registering the health care employer
16may, by administrative rule, prescribe guidelines for
17interpreting this definition with regard to the health care
18employers that it licenses.
19 "Disqualifying offenses" means those offenses set forth in
20Section 25 of this Act.
21 "Employee" means any individual hired, employed, or
22retained to which this Act applies.
23 "Fingerprint-based criminal history records check" means a
24livescan fingerprint-based criminal history records check
25submitted as a fee applicant inquiry in the form and manner
26prescribed by the Department of State Police.

HB4037- 28 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 "Health care employer" means:
2 (1) the owner or licensee of any of the following:
3 (i) a community living facility, as defined in the
4 Community Living Facilities Act;
5 (ii) a life care facility, as defined in the Life
6 Care Facilities Act;
7 (iii) a long-term care facility;
8 (iv) a home health agency, home services agency, or
9 home nursing agency as defined in the Home Health, Home
10 Services, and Home Nursing Agency Licensing Act;
11 (v) a hospice care program or volunteer hospice
12 program, as defined in the Hospice Program Licensing
13 Act;
14 (vi) a hospital, as defined in the Hospital
15 Licensing Act;
16 (vii) (blank);
17 (viii) a nurse agency, as defined in the Nurse
18 Agency Licensing Act;
19 (ix) a respite care provider, as defined in the
20 Respite Program Act;
21 (ix-a) an establishment licensed under the
22 Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act;
23 (x) a supportive living program, as defined in the
24 Illinois Public Aid Code;
25 (xi) early childhood intervention programs as
26 described in 59 Ill. Adm. Code 121;

HB4037- 29 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (xii) the University of Illinois Hospital,
2 Chicago;
3 (xiii) programs funded by the Department on Aging
4 through the Community Care Program;
5 (xiv) programs certified to participate in the
6 Supportive Living Program authorized pursuant to
7 Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code;
8 (xv) programs listed by the Emergency Medical
9 Services (EMS) Systems Act as Freestanding Emergency
10 Centers or Freestanding Rapid Treatment Emergency
11 Centers;
12 (xvi) locations licensed under the Alternative
13 Health Care Delivery Act;
14 (2) a day training program certified by the Department
15 of Human Services;
16 (3) a community integrated living arrangement operated
17 by a community mental health and developmental service
18 agency, as defined in the Community-Integrated Living
19 Arrangements Licensing and Certification Act; or
20 (4) the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program,
21 including any regional long term care ombudsman programs
22 under Section 4.04 of the Illinois Act on the Aging, only
23 for the purpose of securing background checks.
24 "Initiate" means obtaining from a student, applicant, or
25employee his or her social security number, demographics, a
26disclosure statement, and an authorization for the Department

HB4037- 30 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1of Public Health or its designee to request a fingerprint-based
2criminal history records check; transmitting this information
3electronically to the Department of Public Health; conducting
4Internet searches on certain web sites, including without
5limitation the Illinois Sex Offender Registry, the Department
6of Corrections' Sex Offender Search Engine, the Department of
7Corrections' Inmate Search Engine, the Department of
8Corrections Wanted Fugitives Search Engine, the National Sex
9Offender Public Registry, and the website of the Health and
10Human Services Office of Inspector General to determine if the
11applicant has been adjudicated a sex offender, has been a
12prison inmate, or has committed Medicare or Medicaid fraud, or
13conducting similar searches as defined by rule; and having the
14student, applicant, or employee's fingerprints collected and
15transmitted electronically to the Department of State Police.
16 "Livescan vendor" means an entity whose equipment has been
17certified by the Department of State Police to collect an
18individual's demographics and inkless fingerprints and, in a
19manner prescribed by the Department of State Police and the
20Department of Public Health, electronically transmit the
21fingerprints and required data to the Department of State
22Police and a daily file of required data to the Department of
23Public Health. The Department of Public Health shall negotiate
24a contract with one or more vendors that effectively
25demonstrate that the vendor has 2 or more years of experience
26transmitting fingerprints electronically to the Department of

HB4037- 31 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1State Police and that the vendor can successfully transmit the
2required data in a manner prescribed by the Department of
3Public Health. Vendor authorization may be further defined by
4administrative rule.
5 "Long-term care facility" means a facility licensed by the
6State or certified under federal law as a long-term care
7facility, including without limitation facilities licensed
8under the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health
9Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or
10the MC/DD Act, a supportive living facility, an assisted living
11establishment, or a shared housing establishment or registered
12as a board and care home.
13(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)
14 Section 30. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by
15adding Section 5-35 as follows:
16 (305 ILCS 5/5-35 new)
17 Sec. 5-35. Freestanding rapid treatment emergency center
18reimbursement. The Illinois Department shall adopt rates to be
19paid for services delivered by freestanding rapid treatment
20emergency centers licensed under the Emergency Medical
21Services (EMS) Systems Act to qualified individuals. The rates
22established by the Illinois Department shall be substantially
23similar to the rates paid for services delivered to qualified
24individuals in an emergency room of a hospital licensed under

HB4037- 32 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1the Hospital Licensing Act or a freestanding emergency center
2licensed under the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems
3Act. Rates shall be established no later than 90 days after the
4effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General
6 Section 35. The Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act is
7amended by changing Section 10 as follows:
8 (325 ILCS 2/10)
9 Sec. 10. Definitions. In this Act:
10 "Abandon" has the same meaning as in the Abused and
11Neglected Child Reporting Act.
12 "Abused child" has the same meaning as in the Abused and
13Neglected Child Reporting Act.
14 "Child-placing agency" means a licensed public or private
15agency that receives a child for the purpose of placing or
16arranging for the placement of the child in a foster family
17home or other facility for child care, apart from the custody
18of the child's parents.
19 "Department" or "DCFS" means the Illinois Department of
20Children and Family Services.
21 "Emergency medical facility" means a freestanding
22emergency center, freestanding rapid treatment emergency
23center, or trauma center, as defined in the Emergency Medical
24Services (EMS) Systems Act.

HB4037- 33 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 "Emergency medical professional" includes licensed
2physicians, and any emergency medical technician, emergency
3medical technician-intermediate, advanced emergency medical
4technician, paramedic, trauma nurse specialist, and
5pre-hospital registered nurse, as defined in the Emergency
6Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act.
7 "Fire station" means a fire station within the State with
8at least one staff person.
9 "Hospital" has the same meaning as in the Hospital
10Licensing Act.
11 "Legal custody" means the relationship created by a court
12order in the best interest of a newborn infant that imposes on
13the infant's custodian the responsibility of physical
14possession of the infant, the duty to protect, train, and
15discipline the infant, and the duty to provide the infant with
16food, shelter, education, and medical care, except as these are
17limited by parental rights and responsibilities.
18 "Neglected child" has the same meaning as in the Abused and
19Neglected Child Reporting Act.
20 "Newborn infant" means a child who a licensed physician
21reasonably believes is 30 days old or less at the time the
22child is initially relinquished to a hospital, police station,
23fire station, or emergency medical facility, and who is not an
24abused or a neglected child.
25 "Police station" means a municipal police station, a county
26sheriff's office, a campus police department located on any

HB4037- 34 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1college or university owned or controlled by the State or any
2private college or private university that is not owned or
3controlled by the State when employees of the campus police
4department are present, or any of the district headquarters of
5the Illinois State Police.
6 "Relinquish" means to bring a newborn infant, who a
7licensed physician reasonably believes is 30 days old or less,
8to a hospital, police station, fire station, or emergency
9medical facility and to leave the infant with personnel of the
10facility, if the person leaving the infant does not express an
11intent to return for the infant or states that he or she will
12not return for the infant. In the case of a mother who gives
13birth to an infant in a hospital, the mother's act of leaving
14that newborn infant at the hospital (i) without expressing an
15intent to return for the infant or (ii) stating that she will
16not return for the infant is not a "relinquishment" under this
18 "Temporary protective custody" means the temporary
19placement of a newborn infant within a hospital or other
20medical facility out of the custody of the infant's parent.
21(Source: P.A. 97-293, eff. 8-11-11; 98-973, eff. 8-15-14.)
22 Section 40. The Illinois Controlled Substances Act is
23amended by changing Section 318 as follows:
24 (720 ILCS 570/318)

HB4037- 35 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 Sec. 318. Confidentiality of information.
2 (a) Information received by the central repository under
3Section 316 and former Section 321 is confidential.
4 (b) The Department must carry out a program to protect the
5confidentiality of the information described in subsection
6(a). The Department may disclose the information to another
7person only under subsection (c), (d), or (f) and may charge a
8fee not to exceed the actual cost of furnishing the
10 (c) The Department may disclose confidential information
11described in subsection (a) to any person who is engaged in
12receiving, processing, or storing the information.
13 (d) The Department may release confidential information
14described in subsection (a) to the following persons:
15 (1) A governing body that licenses practitioners and is
16 engaged in an investigation, an adjudication, or a
17 prosecution of a violation under any State or federal law
18 that involves a controlled substance.
19 (2) An investigator for the Consumer Protection
20 Division of the office of the Attorney General, a
21 prosecuting attorney, the Attorney General, a deputy
22 Attorney General, or an investigator from the office of the
23 Attorney General, who is engaged in any of the following
24 activities involving controlled substances:
25 (A) an investigation;
26 (B) an adjudication; or

HB4037- 36 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (C) a prosecution of a violation under any State or
2 federal law that involves a controlled substance.
3 (3) A law enforcement officer who is:
4 (A) authorized by the Illinois State Police or the
5 office of a county sheriff or State's Attorney or
6 municipal police department of Illinois to receive
7 information of the type requested for the purpose of
8 investigations involving controlled substances; or
9 (B) approved by the Department to receive
10 information of the type requested for the purpose of
11 investigations involving controlled substances; and
12 (C) engaged in the investigation or prosecution of
13 a violation under any State or federal law that
14 involves a controlled substance.
15 (e) Before the Department releases confidential
16information under subsection (d), the applicant must
17demonstrate in writing to the Department that:
18 (1) the applicant has reason to believe that a
19 violation under any State or federal law that involves a
20 controlled substance has occurred; and
21 (2) the requested information is reasonably related to
22 the investigation, adjudication, or prosecution of the
23 violation described in subdivision (1).
24 (f) The Department may receive and release prescription
25record information under Section 316 and former Section 321 to:
26 (1) a governing body that licenses practitioners;

HB4037- 37 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (2) an investigator for the Consumer Protection
2 Division of the office of the Attorney General, a
3 prosecuting attorney, the Attorney General, a deputy
4 Attorney General, or an investigator from the office of the
5 Attorney General;
6 (3) any Illinois law enforcement officer who is:
7 (A) authorized to receive the type of information
8 released; and
9 (B) approved by the Department to receive the type
10 of information released; or
11 (4) prescription monitoring entities in other states
12 per the provisions outlined in subsection (g) and (h)
13 below;
14confidential prescription record information collected under
15Sections 316 and 321 (now repealed) that identifies vendors or
16practitioners, or both, who are prescribing or dispensing large
17quantities of Schedule II, III, IV, or V controlled substances
18outside the scope of their practice, pharmacy, or business, as
19determined by the Advisory Committee created by Section 320.
20 (g) The information described in subsection (f) may not be
21released until it has been reviewed by an employee of the
22Department who is licensed as a prescriber or a dispenser and
23until that employee has certified that further investigation is
24warranted. However, failure to comply with this subsection (g)
25does not invalidate the use of any evidence that is otherwise
26admissible in a proceeding described in subsection (h).

HB4037- 38 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (h) An investigator or a law enforcement officer receiving
2confidential information under subsection (c), (d), or (f) may
3disclose the information to a law enforcement officer or an
4attorney for the office of the Attorney General for use as
5evidence in the following:
6 (1) A proceeding under any State or federal law that
7 involves a controlled substance.
8 (2) A criminal proceeding or a proceeding in juvenile
9 court that involves a controlled substance.
10 (i) The Department may compile statistical reports from the
11information described in subsection (a). The reports must not
12include information that identifies, by name, license or
13address, any practitioner, dispenser, ultimate user, or other
14person administering a controlled substance.
15 (j) Based upon federal, initial and maintenance funding, a
16prescriber and dispenser inquiry system shall be developed to
17assist the health care community in its goal of effective
18clinical practice and to prevent patients from diverting or
19abusing medications.
20 (1) An inquirer shall have read-only access to a
21 stand-alone database which shall contain records for the
22 previous 12 months.
23 (2) Dispensers may, upon positive and secure
24 identification, make an inquiry on a patient or customer
25 solely for a medical purpose as delineated within the
26 federal HIPAA law.

HB4037- 39 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (3) The Department shall provide a one-to-one secure
2 link and encrypted software necessary to establish the link
3 between an inquirer and the Department. Technical
4 assistance shall also be provided.
5 (4) Written inquiries are acceptable but must include
6 the fee and the requestor's Drug Enforcement
7 Administration license number and submitted upon the
8 requestor's business stationery.
9 (5) As directed by the Prescription Monitoring Program
10 Advisory Committee and the Clinical Director for the
11 Prescription Monitoring Program, aggregate data that does
12 not indicate any prescriber, practitioner, dispenser, or
13 patient may be used for clinical studies.
14 (6) Tracking analysis shall be established and used per
15 administrative rule.
16 (7) Nothing in this Act or Illinois law shall be
17 construed to require a prescriber or dispenser to make use
18 of this inquiry system.
19 (8) If there is an adverse outcome because of a
20 prescriber or dispenser making an inquiry, which is
21 initiated in good faith, the prescriber or dispenser shall
22 be held harmless from any civil liability.
23 (k) The Department shall establish, by rule, the process by
24which to evaluate possible erroneous association of
25prescriptions to any licensed prescriber or end user of the
26Illinois Prescription Information Library (PIL).

HB4037- 40 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (l) The Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory Committee
2is authorized to evaluate the need for and method of
3establishing a patient specific identifier.
4 (m) Patients who identify prescriptions attributed to them
5that were not obtained by them shall be given access to their
6personal prescription history pursuant to the validation
7process as set forth by administrative rule.
8 (n) The Prescription Monitoring Program is authorized to
9develop operational push reports to entities with compatible
10electronic medical records. The process shall be covered within
11administrative rule established by the Department.
12 (o) Hospital emergency departments and freestanding
13healthcare facilities, including, but not limited to,
14freestanding emergency centers and freestanding rapid
15treatment emergency centers, providing healthcare to walk-in
16patients may obtain, for the purpose of improving patient care,
17a unique identifier for each shift to utilize the PIL system.
18 (p) The Prescription Monitoring Program shall
19automatically create a log-in to the inquiry system when a
20prescriber or dispenser obtains or renews his or her controlled
21substance license. The Department of Financial and
22Professional Regulation must provide the Prescription
23Monitoring Program with electronic access to the license
24information of a prescriber or dispenser to facilitate the
25creation of this profile. The Prescription Monitoring Program
26shall send the prescriber or dispenser information regarding

HB4037- 41 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1the inquiry system, including instructions on how to log into
2the system, instructions on how to use the system to promote
3effective clinical practice, and opportunities for continuing
4education for the prescribing of controlled substances. The
5Prescription Monitoring Program shall also send to all enrolled
6prescribers, dispensers, and designees information regarding
7the unsolicited reports produced pursuant to Section 314.5 of
8this Act.
9 (q) A prescriber or dispenser may authorize a designee to
10consult the inquiry system established by the Department under
11this subsection on his or her behalf, provided that all the
12following conditions are met:
13 (1) the designee so authorized is employed by the same
14 hospital or health care system; is employed by the same
15 professional practice; or is under contract with such
16 practice, hospital, or health care system;
17 (2) the prescriber or dispenser takes reasonable steps
18 to ensure that such designee is sufficiently competent in
19 the use of the inquiry system;
20 (3) the prescriber or dispenser remains responsible
21 for ensuring that access to the inquiry system by the
22 designee is limited to authorized purposes and occurs in a
23 manner that protects the confidentiality of the
24 information obtained from the inquiry system, and remains
25 responsible for any breach of confidentiality; and
26 (4) the ultimate decision as to whether or not to

HB4037- 42 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 prescribe or dispense a controlled substance remains with
2 the prescriber or dispenser.
3 The Prescription Monitoring Program shall send to
4registered designees information regarding the inquiry system,
5including instructions on how to log onto the system.
6 (r) The Prescription Monitoring Program shall maintain an
7Internet website in conjunction with its prescriber and
8dispenser inquiry system. This website shall include, at a
9minimum, the following information:
10 (1) current clinical guidelines developed by health
11 care professional organizations on the prescribing of
12 opioids or other controlled substances as determined by the
13 Advisory Committee;
14 (2) accredited continuing education programs related
15 to prescribing of controlled substances;
16 (3) programs or information developed by health care
17 professionals that may be used to assess patients or help
18 ensure compliance with prescriptions;
19 (4) updates from the Food and Drug Administration, the
20 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other
21 public and private organizations which are relevant to
22 prescribing;
23 (5) relevant medical studies related to prescribing;
24 (6) other information regarding the prescription of
25 controlled substances; and
26 (7) information regarding prescription drug disposal

HB4037- 43 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 events, including take-back programs or other disposal
2 options or events.
3 The content of the Internet website shall be periodically
4reviewed by the Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory
5Committee as set forth in Section 320 and updated in accordance
6with the recommendation of the advisory committee.
7 (s) The Prescription Monitoring Program shall regularly
8send electronic updates to the registered users of the Program.
9The Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory Committee shall
10review any communications sent to registered users and also
11make recommendations for communications as set forth in Section
12320. These updates shall include the following information:
13 (1) opportunities for accredited continuing education
14 programs related to prescribing of controlled substances;
15 (2) current clinical guidelines developed by health
16 care professional organizations on the prescribing of
17 opioids or other drugs as determined by the Advisory
18 Committee;
19 (3) programs or information developed by health care
20 professionals that may be used to assess patients or help
21 ensure compliance with prescriptions;
22 (4) updates from the Food and Drug Administration, the
23 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other
24 public and private organizations which are relevant to
25 prescribing;
26 (5) relevant medical studies related to prescribing;

HB4037- 44 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
1 (6) other information regarding prescribing of
2 controlled substances;
3 (7) information regarding prescription drug disposal
4 events, including take-back programs or other disposal
5 options or events; and
6 (8) reminders that the Prescription Monitoring Program
7 is a useful clinical tool.
8(Source: P.A. 99-480, eff. 9-9-15.)
9 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
10becoming law.

HB4037- 45 -LRB100 12373 MJP 25139 b
2 Statutes amended in order of appearance