Rep. Brandon W. Phelps

Filed: 3/28/2014

09800HB3825ham001LRB098 15386 OMW 57531 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3825 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Disaster Relief Act is amended by changing
5Section 3 as follows:
6 (15 ILCS 30/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 293.3)
7 Sec. 3. Disaster Response and Recovery Fund.
8 (a) Whenever funds regularly appropriated to the State and
9local governmental bodies for disaster response and recovery
10are insufficient to provide services, and when the Governor has
11declared a disaster by proclamation in accordance with Section
127 of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act or any
13successor Act, the Governor may draw upon the Disaster Response
14and Recovery Fund in order to provide services or to reimburse
15local governmental bodies furnishing services. The fund may be
16used for the payment of emergency employees, for the payment of

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1the Illinois National Guard when called to active duty and ,
2for disaster-related expenses of State Agencies and
3Departments, including and for the emergency purchase or
4renting of equipment and commodities and payment of emergency
5employees. The fund shall be used for furnishing emergency
6services and relief to the disaster area as a whole and shall
7not be used to provide private relief to persons sustaining
8property damages or personal injury as a result of a disaster
9or to finance disaster assistance grants under Section 9.5 of
10the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.
11 (b) As soon as practical after the effective date of this
12amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly, the State
13Comptroller shall direct and the State Treasurer shall transfer
14$5,900,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Disaster
15Response and Recovery Fund to meet the State's cost sharing
16obligations with the Federal Emergency Management Agency under
17the federal Assistance to Individuals and Households Program
18pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5174.
19(Source: P.A. 98-465, eff. 8-16-13; 98-616, eff. 12-31-13.)
20 Section 10. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act is
21amended by adding Section 9.5 as follows:
22 (20 ILCS 3305/9.5 new)
23 Sec. 9.5. Disaster assistance to local governments.
24 (a) The Illinois Emergency Management Agency may provide

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1disaster assistance grants to reimburse disaster response
2expenses for debris removal and emergency protective measures
3incurred by (1) a unit of local government as defined in the
4Illinois Constitution, (2) any school district, or (3) any
5public community college district, if that entity is located in
6a county that the Governor has declared a disaster area by
7proclamation in accordance with Section 7 of this Act. The
8grants shall be paid out of the Disaster Assistance to Local
9Governments Fund, which is created as a special fund in the
10State treasury. Subject to appropriation, moneys in the fund
11shall be used by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency to
12(1) finance disaster assistance grants under this Section and
13(2) finance direct program costs incurred by the Agency in
14administering this assistance program. The Illinois Emergency
15Management Agency shall adopt rules specifying grant
16eligibility requirements and provisions for grant
18 (b) This Section applies only to disasters occurring on or
19after November 17, 2013.
20 Section 15. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
21Section 5.855 as follows:
22 (30 ILCS 105/5.855 new)
23 Sec. 5.855. The Disaster Assistance to Local Governments

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1 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
2becoming law.".