HB3511 EngrossedLRB101 10991 CPF 56175 b
1 AN ACT concerning health.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the the
5Maternal Mental Health Conditions Education, Early Diagnosis,
6and Treatment Act.
7 Section 5. Findings. The General Assembly finds the
9 (1) Maternal depression is a common complication of
10 pregnancy. Maternal mental health disorders encompass a
11 range of mental health conditions, such as depression,
12 anxiety, and postpartum psychosis.
13 (2) Maternal mental health conditions affect one in 5
14 women during or after pregnancy, but all women are at risk
15 of suffering from maternal mental health conditions.
16 (3) Untreated maternal mental health conditions
17 significantly and negatively impact the short-term and
18 long-term health and well-being of affected women and their
19 children.
20 (4) Untreated maternal mental health conditions cause
21 adverse birth outcomes, impaired maternal-infant bonding,
22 poor infant growth, childhood emotional and behavioral
23 problems, and significant medical and economic costs,

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1 estimated to be $22,500 per mother.
2 (5) Lack of understanding and social stigma of mental
3 health conditions prevent women and families from
4 understanding the signs, symptoms, and risks involved with
5 maternal mental health conditions and disproportionately
6 affect women who lack access to social support networks.
7 (6) It is the intent of the General Assembly to raise
8 awareness of the risk factors, signs, symptoms, and
9 treatment options for maternal mental health conditions
10 among pregnant women and their families, the general
11 public, primary health care providers, and health care
12 providers who care for pregnant women, postpartum women,
13 and newborn infants.
14 Section 10. Definitions. In this Act:
15 "General acute care hospital" means a health facility
16having a duly constituted governing body with overall
17administrative and professional responsibility and an
18organized medical staff that provides 24-hour inpatient care,
19including the following basic services: medical, nursing,
20surgical, anesthesia, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, and
21dietary services. A general acute care hospital may include
22more than one physical plant maintained and operated on
23separate premises. A general acute care hospital that
24exclusively provides acute medical rehabilitation center
25services, including at least physical therapy, occupational

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1therapy, and speech therapy, may provide for the required
2surgical and anesthesia services through a contract with
3another acute care hospital.
4 "Maternal mental health condition" means a mental health
5condition that occurs during pregnancy or during the postpartum
6period and includes, but is not limited to, postpartum
8 "Perinatal unit" is a maternity and newborn service of a
9hospital for the provision of care during pregnancy, labor,
10delivery, and postpartum and neonatal periods with appropriate
11staff, space, equipment, and supplies.
12 "Special hospital" means a health facility having a duly
13constituted governing body with overall administrative and
14professional responsibility and an organized medical or dental
15staff that provides inpatient or outpatient care in dentistry
16or maternity.
17 Section 15. Educational program about maternal mental
18health conditions. A general acute care hospital or special
19hospital that has a perinatal unit, in collaboration with
20medical staff, shall by January 1, 2021 develop and implement a
21program to provide education and information to appropriate
22health care professionals and patients about maternal mental
23health conditions. The educational program developed under
24this Section shall include all of the following:
25 (a) Education and information for postpartum women and

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1families about maternal mental health conditions,
2post-hospital treatment options, and community resources.
3 (b) Education and information for hospital employees
4regularly assigned to work in the perinatal unit, including, as
5appropriate, registered nurses and social workers, about
6maternal mental health conditions.
7 (c) Any other service the hospital determines should be
8included in the program to provide optimal patient care.