Public Act 097-1166
HB3450 EnrolledLRB097 08792 ASK 48922 b
AN ACT concerning liquor.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Liquor Control Act of 1934 is amended by
changing Sections 5-1, 6-4, 6-11, and 6-15 as follows:
(235 ILCS 5/5-1) (from Ch. 43, par. 115)
Sec. 5-1. Licenses issued by the Illinois Liquor Control
Commission shall be of the following classes:
(a) Manufacturer's license - Class 1. Distiller, Class 2.
Rectifier, Class 3. Brewer, Class 4. First Class Wine
Manufacturer, Class 5. Second Class Wine Manufacturer, Class 6.
First Class Winemaker, Class 7. Second Class Winemaker, Class
8. Limited Wine Manufacturer, Class 9. Craft Distiller, Class
10. Craft Brewer,
(b) Distributor's license,
(c) Importing Distributor's license,
(d) Retailer's license,
(e) Special Event Retailer's license (not-for-profit),
(f) Railroad license,
(g) Boat license,
(h) Non-Beverage User's license,
(i) Wine-maker's premises license,
(j) Airplane license,
(k) Foreign importer's license,
(l) Broker's license,
(m) Non-resident dealer's license,
(n) Brew Pub license,
(o) Auction liquor license,
(p) Caterer retailer license,
(q) Special use permit license,
(r) Winery shipper's license.
No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other legal
business entity that is engaged in the manufacturing of wine
may concurrently obtain and hold a wine-maker's license and a
wine manufacturer's license.
(a) A manufacturer's license shall allow the manufacture,
importation in bulk, storage, distribution and sale of
alcoholic liquor to persons without the State, as may be
permitted by law and to licensees in this State as follows:
Class 1. A Distiller may make sales and deliveries of
alcoholic liquor to distillers, rectifiers, importing
distributors, distributors and non-beverage users and to no
other licensees.
Class 2. A Rectifier, who is not a distiller, as defined
herein, may make sales and deliveries of alcoholic liquor to
rectifiers, importing distributors, distributors, retailers
and non-beverage users and to no other licensees.
Class 3. A Brewer may make sales and deliveries of beer to
importing distributors and distributors and may make sales as
authorized under subsection (e) of Section 6-4 of this Act.
Class 4. A first class wine-manufacturer may make sales and
deliveries of up to 50,000 gallons of wine to manufacturers,
importing distributors and distributors, and to no other
Class 5. A second class Wine manufacturer may make sales
and deliveries of more than 50,000 gallons of wine to
manufacturers, importing distributors and distributors and to
no other licensees.
Class 6. A first-class wine-maker's license shall allow the
manufacture of up to 50,000 gallons of wine per year, and the
storage and sale of such wine to distributors in the State and
to persons without the State, as may be permitted by law. A
person who, prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act
of the 95th General Assembly, is a holder of a first-class
wine-maker's license and annually produces more than 25,000
gallons of its own wine and who distributes its wine to
licensed retailers shall cease this practice on or before July
1, 2008 in compliance with this amendatory Act of the 95th
General Assembly.
Class 7. A second-class wine-maker's license shall allow
the manufacture of between 50,000 and 150,000 gallons of wine
per year, and the storage and sale of such wine to distributors
in this State and to persons without the State, as may be
permitted by law. A person who, prior to the effective date of
this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, is a holder
of a second-class wine-maker's license and annually produces
more than 25,000 gallons of its own wine and who distributes
its wine to licensed retailers shall cease this practice on or
before July 1, 2008 in compliance with this amendatory Act of
the 95th General Assembly.
Class 8. A limited wine-manufacturer may make sales and
deliveries not to exceed 40,000 gallons of wine per year to
distributors, and to non-licensees in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.
Class 9. A craft distiller license shall allow the
manufacture of up to 30,000 gallons of spirits by distillation
for one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of
the 97th General Assembly and up to 35,000 up to 15,000 gallons
of spirits by distillation per year thereafter and the storage
of such spirits. If a craft distiller licensee is not
affiliated with any other manufacturer, then the craft
distiller licensee may sell such spirits to distributors in
this State and up to 2,500 gallons of such spirits to and
non-licensees to the extent permitted by any exemption approved
by the Commission pursuant to Section 6-4 of this Act.
Any craft distiller licensed under this Act who on the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General
Assembly was licensed as a distiller and manufactured no more
spirits than permitted by this Section shall not be required to
pay the initial licensing fee.
Class 10. A craft brewer's license, which may only be
issued to a licensed brewer or licensed non-resident dealer,
shall allow the manufacture of up to 465,000 gallons of beer
per year. A craft brewer licensee may make sales and deliveries
to importing distributors and distributors and to retail
licensees in accordance with the conditions set forth in
paragraph (18) of subsection (a) of Section 3-12 of this Act.
(a-1) A manufacturer which is licensed in this State to
make sales or deliveries of alcoholic liquor and which enlists
agents, representatives, or individuals acting on its behalf
who contact licensed retailers on a regular and continual basis
in this State must register those agents, representatives, or
persons acting on its behalf with the State Commission.
Registration of agents, representatives, or persons acting
on behalf of a manufacturer is fulfilled by submitting a form
to the Commission. The form shall be developed by the
Commission and shall include the name and address of the
applicant, the name and address of the manufacturer he or she
represents, the territory or areas assigned to sell to or
discuss pricing terms of alcoholic liquor, and any other
questions deemed appropriate and necessary. All statements in
the forms required to be made by law or by rule shall be deemed
material, and any person who knowingly misstates any material
fact under oath in an application is guilty of a Class B
misdemeanor. Fraud, misrepresentation, false statements,
misleading statements, evasions, or suppression of material
facts in the securing of a registration are grounds for
suspension or revocation of the registration.
(b) A distributor's license shall allow the wholesale
purchase and storage of alcoholic liquors and sale of alcoholic
liquors to licensees in this State and to persons without the
State, as may be permitted by law.
(c) An importing distributor's license may be issued to and
held by those only who are duly licensed distributors, upon the
filing of an application by a duly licensed distributor, with
the Commission and the Commission shall, without the payment of
any fee, immediately issue such importing distributor's
license to the applicant, which shall allow the importation of
alcoholic liquor by the licensee into this State from any point
in the United States outside this State, and the purchase of
alcoholic liquor in barrels, casks or other bulk containers and
the bottling of such alcoholic liquors before resale thereof,
but all bottles or containers so filled shall be sealed,
labeled, stamped and otherwise made to comply with all
provisions, rules and regulations governing manufacturers in
the preparation and bottling of alcoholic liquors. The
importing distributor's license shall permit such licensee to
purchase alcoholic liquor from Illinois licensed non-resident
dealers and foreign importers only.
(d) A retailer's license shall allow the licensee to sell
and offer for sale at retail, only in the premises specified in
the license, alcoholic liquor for use or consumption, but not
for resale in any form. Nothing in this amendatory Act of the
95th General Assembly shall deny, limit, remove, or restrict
the ability of a holder of a retailer's license to transfer,
deliver, or ship alcoholic liquor to the purchaser for use or
consumption subject to any applicable local law or ordinance.
Any retail license issued to a manufacturer shall only permit
the manufacturer to sell beer at retail on the premises
actually occupied by the manufacturer. For the purpose of
further describing the type of business conducted at a retail
licensed premises, a retailer's licensee may be designated by
the State Commission as (i) an on premise consumption retailer,
(ii) an off premise sale retailer, or (iii) a combined on
premise consumption and off premise sale retailer.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection
(d), a retail licensee may sell alcoholic liquors to a special
event retailer licensee for resale to the extent permitted
under subsection (e).
(e) A special event retailer's license (not-for-profit)
shall permit the licensee to purchase alcoholic liquors from an
Illinois licensed distributor (unless the licensee purchases
less than $500 of alcoholic liquors for the special event, in
which case the licensee may purchase the alcoholic liquors from
a licensed retailer) and shall allow the licensee to sell and
offer for sale, at retail, alcoholic liquors for use or
consumption, but not for resale in any form and only at the
location and on the specific dates designated for the special
event in the license. An applicant for a special event retailer
license must (i) furnish with the application: (A) a resale
number issued under Section 2c of the Retailers' Occupation Tax
Act or evidence that the applicant is registered under Section
2a of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, (B) a current, valid
exemption identification number issued under Section 1g of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and a certification to the
Commission that the purchase of alcoholic liquors will be a
tax-exempt purchase, or (C) a statement that the applicant is
not registered under Section 2a of the Retailers' Occupation
Tax Act, does not hold a resale number under Section 2c of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and does not hold an exemption
number under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act,
in which event the Commission shall set forth on the special
event retailer's license a statement to that effect; (ii)
submit with the application proof satisfactory to the State
Commission that the applicant will provide dram shop liability
insurance in the maximum limits; and (iii) show proof
satisfactory to the State Commission that the applicant has
obtained local authority approval.
(f) A railroad license shall permit the licensee to import
alcoholic liquors into this State from any point in the United
States outside this State and to store such alcoholic liquors
in this State; to make wholesale purchases of alcoholic liquors
directly from manufacturers, foreign importers, distributors
and importing distributors from within or outside this State;
and to store such alcoholic liquors in this State; provided
that the above powers may be exercised only in connection with
the importation, purchase or storage of alcoholic liquors to be
sold or dispensed on a club, buffet, lounge or dining car
operated on an electric, gas or steam railway in this State;
and provided further, that railroad licensees exercising the
above powers shall be subject to all provisions of Article VIII
of this Act as applied to importing distributors. A railroad
license shall also permit the licensee to sell or dispense
alcoholic liquors on any club, buffet, lounge or dining car
operated on an electric, gas or steam railway regularly
operated by a common carrier in this State, but shall not
permit the sale for resale of any alcoholic liquors to any
licensee within this State. A license shall be obtained for
each car in which such sales are made.
(g) A boat license shall allow the sale of alcoholic liquor
in individual drinks, on any passenger boat regularly operated
as a common carrier on navigable waters in this State or on any
riverboat operated under the Riverboat Gambling Act, which boat
or riverboat maintains a public dining room or restaurant
(h) A non-beverage user's license shall allow the licensee
to purchase alcoholic liquor from a licensed manufacturer or
importing distributor, without the imposition of any tax upon
the business of such licensed manufacturer or importing
distributor as to such alcoholic liquor to be used by such
licensee solely for the non-beverage purposes set forth in
subsection (a) of Section 8-1 of this Act, and such licenses
shall be divided and classified and shall permit the purchase,
possession and use of limited and stated quantities of
alcoholic liquor as follows:
Class 1, not to exceed ......................... 500 gallons
Class 2, not to exceed ....................... 1,000 gallons
Class 3, not to exceed ....................... 5,000 gallons
Class 4, not to exceed ...................... 10,000 gallons
Class 5, not to exceed ....................... 50,000 gallons
(i) A wine-maker's premises license shall allow a licensee
that concurrently holds a first-class wine-maker's license to
sell and offer for sale at retail in the premises specified in
such license not more than 50,000 gallons of the first-class
wine-maker's wine that is made at the first-class wine-maker's
licensed premises per year for use or consumption, but not for
resale in any form. A wine-maker's premises license shall allow
a licensee who concurrently holds a second-class wine-maker's
license to sell and offer for sale at retail in the premises
specified in such license up to 100,000 gallons of the
second-class wine-maker's wine that is made at the second-class
wine-maker's licensed premises per year for use or consumption
but not for resale in any form. A wine-maker's premises license
shall allow a licensee that concurrently holds a first-class
wine-maker's license or a second-class wine-maker's license to
sell and offer for sale at retail at the premises specified in
the wine-maker's premises license, for use or consumption but
not for resale in any form, any beer, wine, and spirits
purchased from a licensed distributor. Upon approval from the
State Commission, a wine-maker's premises license shall allow
the licensee to sell and offer for sale at (i) the wine-maker's
licensed premises and (ii) at up to 2 additional locations for
use and consumption and not for resale. Each location shall
require additional licensing per location as specified in
Section 5-3 of this Act. A wine-maker's premises licensee shall
secure liquor liability insurance coverage in an amount at
least equal to the maximum liability amounts set forth in
subsection (a) of Section 6-21 of this Act.
(j) An airplane license shall permit the licensee to import
alcoholic liquors into this State from any point in the United
States outside this State and to store such alcoholic liquors
in this State; to make wholesale purchases of alcoholic liquors
directly from manufacturers, foreign importers, distributors
and importing distributors from within or outside this State;
and to store such alcoholic liquors in this State; provided
that the above powers may be exercised only in connection with
the importation, purchase or storage of alcoholic liquors to be
sold or dispensed on an airplane; and provided further, that
airplane licensees exercising the above powers shall be subject
to all provisions of Article VIII of this Act as applied to
importing distributors. An airplane licensee shall also permit
the sale or dispensing of alcoholic liquors on any passenger
airplane regularly operated by a common carrier in this State,
but shall not permit the sale for resale of any alcoholic
liquors to any licensee within this State. A single airplane
license shall be required of an airline company if liquor
service is provided on board aircraft in this State. The annual
fee for such license shall be as determined in Section 5-3.
(k) A foreign importer's license shall permit such licensee
to purchase alcoholic liquor from Illinois licensed
non-resident dealers only, and to import alcoholic liquor other
than in bulk from any point outside the United States and to
sell such alcoholic liquor to Illinois licensed importing
distributors and to no one else in Illinois; provided that (i)
the foreign importer registers with the State Commission every
brand of alcoholic liquor that it proposes to sell to Illinois
licensees during the license period, (ii) the foreign importer
complies with all of the provisions of Section 6-9 of this Act
with respect to registration of such Illinois licensees as may
be granted the right to sell such brands at wholesale, and
(iii) the foreign importer complies with the provisions of
Sections 6-5 and 6-6 of this Act to the same extent that these
provisions apply to manufacturers.
(l) (i) A broker's license shall be required of all persons
who solicit orders for, offer to sell or offer to supply
alcoholic liquor to retailers in the State of Illinois, or who
offer to retailers to ship or cause to be shipped or to make
contact with distillers, rectifiers, brewers or manufacturers
or any other party within or without the State of Illinois in
order that alcoholic liquors be shipped to a distributor,
importing distributor or foreign importer, whether such
solicitation or offer is consummated within or without the
State of Illinois.
No holder of a retailer's license issued by the Illinois
Liquor Control Commission shall purchase or receive any
alcoholic liquor, the order for which was solicited or offered
for sale to such retailer by a broker unless the broker is the
holder of a valid broker's license.
The broker shall, upon the acceptance by a retailer of the
broker's solicitation of an order or offer to sell or supply or
deliver or have delivered alcoholic liquors, promptly forward
to the Illinois Liquor Control Commission a notification of
said transaction in such form as the Commission may by
regulations prescribe.
(ii) A broker's license shall be required of a person
within this State, other than a retail licensee, who, for a fee
or commission, promotes, solicits, or accepts orders for
alcoholic liquor, for use or consumption and not for resale, to
be shipped from this State and delivered to residents outside
of this State by an express company, common carrier, or
contract carrier. This Section does not apply to any person who
promotes, solicits, or accepts orders for wine as specifically
authorized in Section 6-29 of this Act.
A broker's license under this subsection (l) shall not
entitle the holder to buy or sell any alcoholic liquors for his
own account or to take or deliver title to such alcoholic
This subsection (l) shall not apply to distributors,
employees of distributors, or employees of a manufacturer who
has registered the trademark, brand or name of the alcoholic
liquor pursuant to Section 6-9 of this Act, and who regularly
sells such alcoholic liquor in the State of Illinois only to
its registrants thereunder.
Any agent, representative, or person subject to
registration pursuant to subsection (a-1) of this Section shall
not be eligible to receive a broker's license.
(m) A non-resident dealer's license shall permit such
licensee to ship into and warehouse alcoholic liquor into this
State from any point outside of this State, and to sell such
alcoholic liquor to Illinois licensed foreign importers and
importing distributors and to no one else in this State;
provided that (i) said non-resident dealer shall register with
the Illinois Liquor Control Commission each and every brand of
alcoholic liquor which it proposes to sell to Illinois
licensees during the license period, (ii) it shall comply with
all of the provisions of Section 6-9 hereof with respect to
registration of such Illinois licensees as may be granted the
right to sell such brands at wholesale, and (iii) the
non-resident dealer shall comply with the provisions of
Sections 6-5 and 6-6 of this Act to the same extent that these
provisions apply to manufacturers.
(n) A brew pub license shall allow the licensee (i) to
manufacture beer only on the premises specified in the license,
(ii) to make sales of the beer manufactured on the premises or,
with the approval of the Commission, beer manufactured on
another brew pub licensed premises that is substantially owned
and operated by the same licensee to importing distributors,
distributors, and to non-licensees for use and consumption,
(iii) to store the beer upon the premises, and (iv) to sell and
offer for sale at retail from the licensed premises, provided
that a brew pub licensee shall not sell for off-premises
consumption more than 50,000 gallons per year. A person who
holds a brew pub license may simultaneously hold a craft brewer
license if he or she otherwise qualifies for the craft brewer
license and the craft brewer license is for a location separate
from the brew pub's licensed premises. A brew pub license shall
permit a person who has received prior approval from the
Commission to annually transfer no more than a total of 50,000
gallons of beer manufactured on premises to all other licensed
brew pubs that are substantially owned and operated by the same
(o) A caterer retailer license shall allow the holder to
serve alcoholic liquors as an incidental part of a food service
that serves prepared meals which excludes the serving of snacks
as the primary meal, either on or off-site whether licensed or
(p) An auction liquor license shall allow the licensee to
sell and offer for sale at auction wine and spirits for use or
consumption, or for resale by an Illinois liquor licensee in
accordance with provisions of this Act. An auction liquor
license will be issued to a person and it will permit the
auction liquor licensee to hold the auction anywhere in the
State. An auction liquor license must be obtained for each
auction at least 14 days in advance of the auction date.
(q) A special use permit license shall allow an Illinois
licensed retailer to transfer a portion of its alcoholic liquor
inventory from its retail licensed premises to the premises
specified in the license hereby created, and to sell or offer
for sale at retail, only in the premises specified in the
license hereby created, the transferred alcoholic liquor for
use or consumption, but not for resale in any form. A special
use permit license may be granted for the following time
periods: one day or less; 2 or more days to a maximum of 15 days
per location in any 12 month period. An applicant for the
special use permit license must also submit with the
application proof satisfactory to the State Commission that the
applicant will provide dram shop liability insurance to the
maximum limits and have local authority approval.
(r) A winery shipper's license shall allow a person with a
first-class or second-class wine manufacturer's license, a
first-class or second-class wine-maker's license, or a limited
wine manufacturer's license or who is licensed to make wine
under the laws of another state to ship wine made by that
licensee directly to a resident of this State who is 21 years
of age or older for that resident's personal use and not for
resale. Prior to receiving a winery shipper's license, an
applicant for the license must provide the Commission with a
true copy of its current license in any state in which it is
licensed as a manufacturer of wine. An applicant for a winery
shipper's license must also complete an application form that
provides any other information the Commission deems necessary.
The application form shall include an acknowledgement
consenting to the jurisdiction of the Commission, the Illinois
Department of Revenue, and the courts of this State concerning
the enforcement of this Act and any related laws, rules, and
regulations, including authorizing the Department of Revenue
and the Commission to conduct audits for the purpose of
ensuring compliance with this amendatory Act.
A winery shipper licensee must pay to the Department of
Revenue the State liquor gallonage tax under Section 8-1 for
all wine that is sold by the licensee and shipped to a person
in this State. For the purposes of Section 8-1, a winery
shipper licensee shall be taxed in the same manner as a
manufacturer of wine. A licensee who is not otherwise required
to register under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act must
register under the Use Tax Act to collect and remit use tax to
the Department of Revenue for all gallons of wine that are sold
by the licensee and shipped to persons in this State. If a
licensee fails to remit the tax imposed under this Act in
accordance with the provisions of Article VIII of this Act, the
winery shipper's license shall be revoked in accordance with
the provisions of Article VII of this Act. If a licensee fails
to properly register and remit tax under the Use Tax Act or the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act for all wine that is sold by the
winery shipper and shipped to persons in this State, the winery
shipper's license shall be revoked in accordance with the
provisions of Article VII of this Act.
A winery shipper licensee must collect, maintain, and
submit to the Commission on a semi-annual basis the total
number of cases per resident of wine shipped to residents of
this State. A winery shipper licensed under this subsection (r)
must comply with the requirements of Section 6-29 of this
amendatory Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1367, eff. 7-28-10; 97-5, eff. 6-1-11; 97-455,
eff. 8-19-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)
(235 ILCS 5/6-4) (from Ch. 43, par. 121)
Sec. 6-4. (a) No person licensed by any licensing authority
as a distiller, or a wine manufacturer, or any subsidiary or
affiliate thereof, or any officer, associate, member, partner,
representative, employee, agent or shareholder owning more
than 5% of the outstanding shares of such person shall be
issued an importing distributor's or distributor's license,
nor shall any person licensed by any licensing authority as an
importing distributor, distributor or retailer, or any
subsidiary or affiliate thereof, or any officer or associate,
member, partner, representative, employee, agent or
shareholder owning more than 5% of the outstanding shares of
such person be issued a distiller's license or a wine
manufacturer's license; and no person or persons licensed as a
distiller by any licensing authority shall have any interest,
directly or indirectly, with such distributor or importing
However, an importing distributor or distributor, which on
January 1, 1985 is owned by a brewer, or any subsidiary or
affiliate thereof or any officer, associate, member, partner,
representative, employee, agent or shareholder owning more
than 5% of the outstanding shares of the importing distributor
or distributor referred to in this paragraph, may own or
acquire an ownership interest of more than 5% of the
outstanding shares of a wine manufacturer and be issued a wine
manufacturer's license by any licensing authority.
(b) The foregoing provisions shall not apply to any person
licensed by any licensing authority as a distiller or wine
manufacturer, or to any subsidiary or affiliate of any
distiller or wine manufacturer who shall have been heretofore
licensed by the State Commission as either an importing
distributor or distributor during the annual licensing period
expiring June 30, 1947, and shall actually have made sales
regularly to retailers.
(c) Provided, however, that in such instances where a
distributor's or importing distributor's license has been
issued to any distiller or wine manufacturer or to any
subsidiary or affiliate of any distiller or wine manufacturer
who has, during the licensing period ending June 30, 1947, sold
or distributed as such licensed distributor or importing
distributor alcoholic liquors and wines to retailers, such
distiller or wine manufacturer or any subsidiary or affiliate
of any distiller or wine manufacturer holding such
distributor's or importing distributor's license may continue
to sell or distribute to retailers such alcoholic liquors and
wines which are manufactured, distilled, processed or marketed
by distillers and wine manufacturers whose products it sold or
distributed to retailers during the whole or any part of its
licensing periods; and such additional brands and additional
products may be added to the line of such distributor or
importing distributor, provided, that such brands and such
products were not sold or distributed by any distributor or
importing distributor licensed by the State Commission during
the licensing period ending June 30, 1947, but can not sell or
distribute to retailers any other alcoholic liquors or wines.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any distiller licensed
anywhere to have any stock ownership or interest in any
distributor's or importing distributor's license wherein any
other person has an interest therein who is not a distiller and
does not own more than 5% of any stock in any distillery.
Nothing herein contained shall apply to such distillers or
their subsidiaries or affiliates, who had a distributor's or
importing distributor's license during the licensing period
ending June 30, 1947, which license was owned in whole by such
distiller, or subsidiaries or affiliates of such distiller.
(e) Any person having been licensed as a manufacturer shall
be permitted to receive one retailer's license for the premises
in which he or she actually conducts such business, permitting
only the retail sale of beer manufactured at such premises and
only on such premises, but no such person shall be entitled to
more than one retailer's license in any event, and, other than
a manufacturer of beer as stated above, no manufacturer or
distributor or importing distributor, excluding airplane
licensees exercising powers provided in paragraph (i) of
Section 5-1 of this Act, or any subsidiary or affiliate
thereof, or any officer, associate, member, partner,
representative, employee or agent, or shareholder shall be
issued a retailer's license, nor shall any person having a
retailer's license, excluding airplane licensees exercising
powers provided in paragraph (i) of Section 5-1 of this Act, or
any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, or any officer, associate,
member, partner, representative or agent, or shareholder be
issued a manufacturer's license or importing distributor's
A person licensed as a craft distiller not affiliated with
any other person manufacturing spirits may be authorized by the
Commission to sell up to 2,500 gallons of spirits produced by
the person to non-licensees for on or off-premises consumption
permitted to receive one retailer's license for the premises in
which he or she actually conducts business permitting only the
retail sale of spirits manufactured at such premises. Such
sales shall be limited to on-premises, in-person sales only,
for lawful consumption on or off premises, and such
authorization shall be considered a privilege granted by the
craft distiller license. A craft distiller licensed for retail
sale shall secure liquor liability insurance coverage in an
amount at least equal to the maximum liability amounts set
forth in subsection (a) of Section 6-21 of this Act.
(f) However, the foregoing prohibitions against any person
licensed as a distiller or wine manufacturer being issued a
retailer's license shall not apply:
(i) to any hotel, motel or restaurant whose principal
business is not the sale of alcoholic liquors if said
retailer's sales of any alcoholic liquors manufactured,
sold, distributed or controlled, directly or indirectly,
by any affiliate, subsidiary, officer, associate, member,
partner, representative, employee, agent or shareholder
owning more than 5% of the outstanding shares of such
person does not exceed 10% of the total alcoholic liquor
sales of said retail licensee; and
(ii) where the Commission determines, having
considered the public welfare, the economic impact upon the
State and the entirety of the facts and circumstances
involved, that the purpose and intent of this Section would
not be violated by granting an exemption.
(g) Notwithstanding any of the foregoing prohibitions, a
limited wine manufacturer may sell at retail at its
manufacturing site for on or off premises consumption and may
sell to distributors. A limited wine manufacturer licensee
shall secure liquor liability insurance coverage in an amount
at least equal to the maximum liability amounts set forth in
subsection (a) of Section 6-21 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-1367, eff. 7-28-10; 97-606, eff. 8-26-11.)
(235 ILCS 5/6-11)
Sec. 6-11. Sale near churches, schools, and hospitals.
(a) No license shall be issued for the sale at retail of
any alcoholic liquor within 100 feet of any church, school
other than an institution of higher learning, hospital, home
for aged or indigent persons or for veterans, their spouses or
children or any military or naval station, provided, that this
prohibition shall not apply to hotels offering restaurant
service, regularly organized clubs, or to restaurants, food
shops or other places where sale of alcoholic liquors is not
the principal business carried on if the place of business so
exempted is not located in a municipality of more than 500,000
persons, unless required by local ordinance; nor to the renewal
of a license for the sale at retail of alcoholic liquor on
premises within 100 feet of any church or school where the
church or school has been established within such 100 feet
since the issuance of the original license. In the case of a
church, the distance of 100 feet shall be measured to the
nearest part of any building used for worship services or
educational programs and not to property boundaries.
(b) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance of
a retail license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor to a
restaurant, the primary business of which is the sale of goods
baked on the premises if (i) the restaurant is newly
constructed and located on a lot of not less than 10,000 square
feet, (ii) the restaurant costs at least $1,000,000 to
construct, (iii) the licensee is the titleholder to the
premises and resides on the premises, and (iv) the construction
of the restaurant is completed within 18 months of the
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1998.
(c) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance of
a retail license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor
incidental to a restaurant if (1) the primary business of the
restaurant consists of the sale of food where the sale of
liquor is incidental to the sale of food and the applicant is a
completely new owner of the restaurant, (2) the immediately
prior owner or operator of the premises where the restaurant is
located operated the premises as a restaurant and held a valid
retail license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor at the
restaurant for at least part of the 24 months before the change
of ownership, and (3) the restaurant is located 75 or more feet
from a school.
(d) In the interest of further developing Illinois' economy
in the area of commerce, tourism, convention, and banquet
business, nothing in this Section shall prohibit issuance of a
retail license authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages to a
restaurant, banquet facility, grocery store, or hotel having
not fewer than 150 guest room accommodations located in a
municipality of more than 500,000 persons, notwithstanding the
proximity of such hotel, restaurant, banquet facility, or
grocery store to any church or school, if the licensed premises
described on the license are located within an enclosed mall or
building of a height of at least 6 stories, or 60 feet in the
case of a building that has been registered as a national
landmark, or in a grocery store having a minimum of 56,010
square feet of floor space in a single story building in an
open mall of at least 3.96 acres that is adjacent to a public
school that opened as a boys technical high school in 1934, or
in a grocery store having a minimum of 31,000 square feet of
floor space in a single story building located a distance of
more than 90 feet but less than 100 feet from a high school
that opened in 1928 as a junior high school and became a senior
high school in 1933, and in each of these cases if the sale of
alcoholic liquors is not the principal business carried on by
the licensee.
For purposes of this Section, a "banquet facility" is any
part of a building that caters to private parties and where the
sale of alcoholic liquors is not the principal business.
(e) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance of
a license to a church or private school to sell at retail
alcoholic liquor if any such sales are limited to periods when
groups are assembled on the premises solely for the promotion
of some common object other than the sale or consumption of
alcoholic liquors.
(f) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit a church or
church affiliated school located in a home rule municipality or
in a municipality with 75,000 or more inhabitants from locating
within 100 feet of a property for which there is a preexisting
license to sell alcoholic liquor at retail. In these instances,
the local zoning authority may, by ordinance adopted
simultaneously with the granting of an initial special use
zoning permit for the church or church affiliated school,
provide that the 100-foot restriction in this Section shall not
apply to that church or church affiliated school and future
retail liquor licenses.
(g) Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance of
a retail license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor at
premises within 100 feet, but not less than 90 feet, of a
public school if (1) the premises have been continuously
licensed to sell alcoholic liquor for a period of at least 50
years, (2) the premises are located in a municipality having a
population of over 500,000 inhabitants, (3) the licensee is an
individual who is a member of a family that has held the
previous 3 licenses for that location for more than 25 years,
(4) the principal of the school and the alderman of the ward in
which the school is located have delivered a written statement
to the local liquor control commissioner stating that they do
not object to the issuance of a license under this subsection
(g), and (5) the local liquor control commissioner has received
the written consent of a majority of the registered voters who
live within 200 feet of the premises.
(h) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor within premises and at an outdoor patio area attached to
premises that are located in a municipality with a population
in excess of 300,000 inhabitants and that are within 100 feet
of a church if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food,
(2) the sale of liquor is not the principal business
carried on by the licensee at the premises,
(3) the premises are less than 1,000 square feet,
(4) the premises are owned by the University of
(5) the premises are immediately adjacent to property
owned by a church and are not less than 20 nor more than 40
feet from the church space used for worship services, and
(6) the principal religious leader at the place of
worship has indicated his or her support for the issuance
of the license in writing.
(i) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license to sell alcoholic liquor at a premises
that is located within a municipality with a population in
excess of 300,000 inhabitants and is within 100 feet of a
church, synagogue, or other place of worship if:
(1) the primary entrance of the premises and the
primary entrance of the church, synagogue, or other place
of worship are at least 100 feet apart, on parallel
streets, and separated by an alley; and
(2) the principal religious leader at the place of
worship has not indicated his or her opposition to the
issuance or renewal of the license in writing.
(j) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
of a retail license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor at
a theater that is within 100 feet of a church if (1) the church
owns the theater, (2) the church leases the theater to one or
more entities, and (3) the theater is used by at least 5
different not-for-profit theater groups.
(k) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and is within
100 feet of a school if:
(1) the primary entrance of the premises and the
primary entrance of the school are parallel, on different
streets, and separated by an alley;
(2) the southeast corner of the premises are at least
350 feet from the southwest corner of the school;
(3) the school was built in 1978;
(4) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food;
(5) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(6) the applicant is the owner of the restaurant and
has held a valid license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor for the business to be conducted on the premises at
a different location for more than 7 years; and
(7) the premises is at least 2,300 square feet and sits
on a lot that is between 6,100 and 6,150 square feet.
(l) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and is within
100 feet of a church or school if:
(1) the primary entrance of the premises and the
closest entrance of the church or school is at least 90
feet apart and no greater than 95 feet apart;
(2) the shortest distance between the premises and the
church or school is at least 80 feet apart and no greater
than 85 feet apart;
(3) the applicant is the owner of the restaurant and on
November 15, 2006 held a valid license authorizing the sale
of alcoholic liquor for the business to be conducted on the
premises for at least 14 different locations;
(4) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food;
(5) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(6) the premises is at least 3,200 square feet and sits
on a lot that is between 7,150 and 7,200 square feet; and
(7) the principal religious leader at the place of
worship has not indicated his or her opposition to the
issuance or renewal of the license in writing.
(m) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and is within
100 feet of a church if:
(1) the premises and the church are perpendicular, and
the primary entrance of the premises faces South while the
primary entrance of the church faces West and the distance
between the two entrances is more than 100 feet;
(2) the shortest distance between the premises lot line
and the exterior wall of the church is at least 80 feet;
(3) the church was established at the current location
in 1916 and the present structure was erected in 1925;
(4) the premises is a single story, single use building
with at least 1,750 square feet and no more than 2,000
square feet;
(5) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food;
(6) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises; and
(7) the principal religious leader at the place of
worship has not indicated his or her opposition to the
issuance or renewal of the license in writing.
(n) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and is within
100 feet of a school if:
(1) the school is a City of Chicago School District 299
(2) the school is located within subarea E of City of
Chicago Residential Business Planned Development Number
(3) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee on the premises;
(4) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food; and
(5) the administration of City of Chicago School
District 299 has expressed, in writing, its support for the
issuance of the license.
(o) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a retail license authorizing the sale of
alcoholic liquor at a premises that is located within a
municipality in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a church if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food;
(2) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(3) the premises is located on a street that runs
perpendicular to the street on which the church is located;
(4) the primary entrance of the premises is at least
100 feet from the primary entrance of the church;
(5) the shortest distance between any part of the
premises and any part of the church is at least 60 feet;
(6) the premises is between 3,600 and 4,000 square feet
and sits on a lot that is between 3,600 and 4,000 square
feet; and
(7) the premises was built in the year 1909.
For purposes of this subsection (o), "premises" means a
place of business together with a privately owned outdoor
location that is adjacent to the place of business.
(p) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a church if:
(1) the shortest distance between the backdoor of the
premises, which is used as an emergency exit, and the
church is at least 80 feet;
(2) the church was established at the current location
in 1889; and
(3) liquor has been sold on the premises since at least
(q) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor within a premises that is located in a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a church-owned property if:
(1) the premises is located within a larger building
operated as a grocery store;
(2) the area of the premises does not exceed 720 square
feet and the area of the larger building exceeds 18,000
square feet;
(3) the larger building containing the premises is
within 100 feet of the nearest property line of a
church-owned property on which a church-affiliated school
is located;
(4) the sale of liquor is not the principal business
carried on within the larger building;
(5) the primary entrance of the larger building and the
premises and the primary entrance of the church-affiliated
school are on different, parallel streets, and the distance
between the 2 primary entrances is more than 100 feet;
(6) the larger building is separated from the
church-owned property and church-affiliated school by an
(7) the larger building containing the premises and the
church building front are on perpendicular streets and are
separated by a street; and
(8) (Blank).
(r) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance,
renewal, or maintenance of a license authorizing the sale of
alcoholic liquor incidental to the sale of food within a
restaurant established in a premises that is located in a
municipality with a population in excess of 1,000,000
inhabitants and within 100 feet of a church if:
(1) the primary entrance of the church and the primary
entrance of the restaurant are at least 100 feet apart;
(2) the restaurant has operated on the ground floor and
lower level of a multi-story, multi-use building for more
than 40 years;
(3) the primary business of the restaurant consists of
the sale of food where the sale of liquor is incidental to
the sale of food;
(4) the sale of alcoholic liquor is conducted primarily
in the below-grade level of the restaurant to which the
only public access is by a staircase located inside the
restaurant; and
(5) the restaurant has held a license authorizing the
sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises for more than 40
(s) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit renewal of a
license authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor at a premises
that is located within a municipality with a population more
than 5,000 and less than 10,000 and is within 100 feet of a
church if:
(1) the church was established at the location within
100 feet of the premises after a license for the sale of
alcoholic liquor at the premises was first issued;
(2) a license for sale of alcoholic liquor at the
premises was first issued before January 1, 2007; and
(3) a license for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the
premises has been continuously in effect since January 1,
2007, except for interruptions between licenses of no more
than 90 days.
(t) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor incidental to the sale of food within a restaurant that
is established in a premises that is located in a municipality
with a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within
100 feet of a school and a church if:
(1) the restaurant is located inside a five-story
building with over 16,800 square feet of commercial space;
(2) the area of the premises does not exceed 31,050
square feet;
(3) the area of the restaurant does not exceed 5,800
square feet;
(4) the building has no less than 78 condominium units;
(5) the construction of the building in which the
restaurant is located was completed in 2006;
(6) the building has 10 storefront properties, 3 of
which are used for the restaurant;
(7) the restaurant will open for business in 2010;
(8) the building is north of the school and separated
by an alley; and
(9) the principal religious leader of the church and
either the alderman of the ward in which the school is
located or the principal of the school have delivered a
written statement to the local liquor control commissioner
stating that he or she does not object to the issuance of a
license under this subsection (t).
(u) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license to sell alcoholic liquor at a premises
that is located within a municipality with a population in
excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100 feet of a school
(1) the premises operates as a restaurant and has been
in operation since February 2008;
(2) the applicant is the owner of the premises;
(3) the sale of alcoholic liquor is incidental to the
sale of food;
(4) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee on the premises;
(5) the premises occupy the first floor of a 3-story
building that is at least 90 years old;
(6) the rear lot of the school and the rear corner of
the building that the premises occupy are separated by an
(7) the distance from the southwest corner of the
property line of the school and the northeast corner of the
building that the premises occupy is at least 16 feet, 5
(8) the distance from the rear door of the premises to
the southwest corner of the property line of the school is
at least 93 feet;
(9) the school is a City of Chicago School District 299
(10) the school's main structure was erected in 1902
and an addition was built to the main structure in 1959;
(11) the principal of the school and the alderman in
whose district the premises are located have expressed, in
writing, their support for the issuance of the license.
(v) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and is within
100 feet of a school if:
(1) the total land area of the premises for which the
license or renewal is sought is more than 600,000 square
(2) the premises for which the license or renewal is
sought has more than 600 parking stalls;
(3) the total area of all buildings on the premises for
which the license or renewal is sought exceeds 140,000
square feet;
(4) the property line of the premises for which the
license or renewal is sought is separated from the property
line of the school by a street;
(5) the distance from the school's property line to the
property line of the premises for which the license or
renewal is sought is at least 60 feet;
(6) as of the effective date of this amendatory Act of
the 97th General Assembly, the premises for which the
license or renewal is sought is located in the Illinois
Medical District.
(w) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license to sell alcoholic liquor at a premises
that is located within a municipality with a population in
excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100 feet of a church
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food;
(2) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(3) the premises occupy the first floor and basement of
a 2-story building that is 106 years old;
(4) the premises is at least 7,000 square feet and
located on a lot that is at least 11,000 square feet;
(5) the premises is located directly west of the
church, on perpendicular streets, and separated by an
(6) the distance between the property line of the
premises and the property line of the church is at least 20
(7) the distance between the primary entrance of the
premises and the primary entrance of the church is at least
130 feet; and
(8) the church has been at its location for at least 40
(x) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a church if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(2) the church has been operating in its current
location since 1973;
(3) the premises has been operating in its current
location since 1988;
(4) the church and the premises are owned by the same
(5) the premises is used for cultural and educational
(6) the primary entrance to the premises and the
primary entrance to the church are located on the same
(7) the principal religious leader of the church has
indicated his support of the issuance of the license;
(8) the premises is a 2-story building of approximately
23,000 square feet; and
(9) the premises houses a ballroom on its ground floor
of approximately 5,000 square feet.
(y) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a school if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(2) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food;
(3) according to the municipality, the distance
between the east property line of the premises and the west
property line of the school is 97.8 feet;
(4) the school is a City of Chicago School District 299
(5) the school has been operating since 1959;
(6) the primary entrance to the premises and the
primary entrance to the school are located on the same
(7) the street on which the entrances of the premises
and the school are located is a major diagonal
(8) the premises is a single-story building of
approximately 2,900 square feet; and
(9) the premises is used for commercial purposes only.
(z) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a mosque if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(2) the licensee shall only sell packaged liquors at
the premises;
(3) the licensee is a national retail chain having over
100 locations within the municipality;
(4) the licensee has over 8,000 locations nationwide;
(5) the licensee has locations in all 50 states;
(6) the premises is located in the North-East quadrant
of the municipality;
(7) the premises is a free-standing building that has
"drive-through" pharmacy service;
(8) the premises has approximately 14,490 square feet
of retail space;
(9) the premises has approximately 799 square feet of
pharmacy space;
(10) the premises is located on a major arterial street
that runs east-west and accepts truck traffic; and
(11) the alderman of the ward in which the premises is
located has expressed, in writing, his or her support for
the issuance of the license.
(aa) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a church if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(2) the licensee shall only sell packaged liquors at
the premises;
(3) the licensee is a national retail chain having over
100 locations within the municipality;
(4) the licensee has over 8,000 locations nationwide;
(5) the licensee has locations in all 50 states;
(6) the premises is located in the North-East quadrant
of the municipality;
(7) the premises is located across the street from a
national grocery chain outlet;
(8) the premises has approximately 16,148 square feet
of retail space;
(9) the premises has approximately 992 square feet of
pharmacy space;
(10) the premises is located on a major arterial street
that runs north-south and accepts truck traffic; and
(11) the alderman of the ward in which the premises is
located has expressed, in writing, his or her support for
the issuance of the license.
(bb) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a church if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(2) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the sale of food;
(3) the primary entrance to the premises and the
primary entrance to the church are located on the same
(4) the premises is across the street from the church;
(5) the street on which the premises and the church are
located is a major arterial street that runs east-west;
(6) the church is an elder-led and Bible-based Assyrian
(7) the premises and the church are both single-story
(8) the storefront directly west of the church is being
used as a restaurant; and
(9) the distance between the northern-most property
line of the premises and the southern-most property line of
the church is 65 feet.
(cc) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor at a premises that is located within a municipality with
a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and within 100
feet of a school if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(2) the licensee shall only sell packaged liquors at
the premises;
(3) the licensee is a national retail chain;
(4) as of October 25, 2011, the licensee has 1,767
stores operating nationwide, 87 stores operating in the
State, and 10 stores operating within the municipality;
(5) the licensee shall occupy approximately 124,000
square feet of space in the basement and first and second
floors of a building located across the street from a
(6) the school opened in August of 2009 and occupies
approximately 67,000 square feet of space; and
(7) the building in which the premises shall be located
has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places
since April 17, 1970.
(dd) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor within a full-service grocery store at a premises that
is located within a municipality with a population in excess of
1,000,000 inhabitants and is within 100 feet of a school if:
(1) the premises is constructed on land that was
purchased from the municipality at a fair market price;
(2) the premises is constructed on land that was
previously used as a parking facility for public safety
(3) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(4) the main entrance to the store is more than 100
feet from the main entrance to the school;
(5) the premises is to be new construction;
(6) the school is a private school;
(7) the principal of the school has given written
approval for the license;
(8) the alderman of the ward where the premises is
located has given written approval of the issuance of the
(9) the grocery store level of the premises is between
60,000 and 70,000 square feet; and
(10) the owner and operator of the grocery store
operates 2 other grocery stores that have alcoholic liquor
licenses within the same municipality.
(ee) Notwithstanding any provision in this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor within a full-service grocery store at a premises that
is located within a municipality with a population in excess of
1,000,000 inhabitants and is within 100 hundred feet of a
school if:
(1) the premises is constructed on land that once
contained an industrial steel facility;
(2) the premises is located on land that has undergone
environmental remediation;
(3) the premises is located within a retail complex
containing retail stores where some of the stores sell
alcoholic beverages;
(4) the principal activity of any restaurant in the
retail complex is the sale of food, and the sale of
alcoholic liquor is incidental to the sale of food;
(5) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the grocery store;
(6) the entrance to any business that sells alcoholic
liquor is more than 100 feet from the entrance to the
(7) the alderman of the ward where the premises is
located has given written approval of the issuance of the
license; and
(8) the principal of the school has given written
consent to the issuance of the license.
(ff) (dd) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to
the contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the
issuance or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of
alcoholic liquor at a premises that is located within a
municipality with a population in excess of 1,000,000
inhabitants and within 100 feet of a school if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on at the premises;
(2) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is
incidental to the operation of a theater;
(3) the premises is a one and one-half-story building
of approximately 10,000 square feet;
(4) the school is a City of Chicago School District 299
(5) the primary entrance of the premises and the
primary entrance of the school are at least 300 feet apart
and no more than 400 feet apart;
(6) the alderman of the ward in which the premises is
located has expressed, in writing, his support for the
issuance of the license; and
(7) the principal of the school has expressed, in
writing, that there is no objection to the issuance of a
license under this subsection (ff) (dd).
(gg) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor incidental to the sale of food within a restaurant or
banquet facility established in a premises that is located in a
municipality with a population in excess of 1,000,000
inhabitants and within 100 feet of a church if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the premises;
(2) the property on which the church is located and the
property on which the premises are located are both within
a district originally listed on the National Register of
Historic Places on February 14, 1979;
(3) the property on which the premises are located
contains one or more multi-story buildings that are at
least 95 years old and have no more than three stories;
(4) the building in which the church is located is at
least 120 years old;
(5) the property on which the church is located is
immediately adjacent to and west of the property on which
the premises are located;
(6) the western boundary of the property on which the
premises are located is no less than 118 feet in length and
no more than 122 feet in length;
(7) as of December 31, 2012, both the church property
and the property on which the premises are located are
within 250 feet of City of Chicago Business-Residential
Planned Development Number 38;
(8) the principal religious leader at the place of
worship has indicated his or her support for the issuance
of the license in writing; and
(9) the alderman in whose district the premises are
located has expressed his or her support for the issuance
of the license in writing.
For the purposes of this subsection, "banquet facility"
means the part of the building that is located on the floor
above a restaurant and caters to private parties and where the
sale of alcoholic liquors is not the principal business.
(hh) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor within a hotel and at an outdoor patio area attached to
the hotel that are located in a municipality with a population
in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and that are within 100 feet
of a hospital if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal
business carried on by the licensee at the hotel;
(2) the hotel is located within the City of Chicago
Business Planned Development Number 468; and
(3) the hospital is located within the City of Chicago
Institutional Planned Development Number 3.
(ii) Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the
contrary, nothing in this Section shall prohibit the issuance
or renewal of a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic
liquor within a restaurant and at an outdoor patio area
attached to the restaurant that are located in a municipality
with a population in excess of 1,000,000 inhabitants and that
are within 100 feet of a church if:
(1) the sale of alcoholic liquor at the premises is not
the principal business carried on by the licensee and is
incidental to the sale of food;
(2) the restaurant has been operated on the street
level of a 2-story building located on a corner lot since
(3) the restaurant is between 3,700 and 4,000 square
feet and sits on a lot that is no more than 6,200 square
(4) the primary entrance to the restaurant and the
primary entrance to the church are located on the same
(5) the street on which the restaurant and the church
are located is a major east-west street;
(6) the restaurant and the church are separated by a
one-way northbound street;
(7) the church is located to the west of and no more
than 65 feet from the restaurant; and
(8) the principal religious leader at the place of
worship has indicated his or her consent to the issuance of
the license in writing.
(Source: P.A. 96-283, eff. 8-11-09; 96-744, eff. 8-25-09;
96-851, eff. 12-23-09; 96-871, eff. 1-21-10; 96-1051, eff.
7-14-10; 97-9, eff. 6-14-11; 97-12, eff. 6-14-11; 97-634, eff.
12-16-11; 97-774, eff. 7-13-12; 97-780, eff. 7-13-12; 97-806,
eff. 7-13-12; revised 7-23-12.)
(235 ILCS 5/6-15) (from Ch. 43, par. 130)
Sec. 6-15. No alcoholic liquors shall be sold or delivered
in any building belonging to or under the control of the State
or any political subdivision thereof except as provided in this
Act. The corporate authorities of any city, village,
incorporated town, township, or county may provide by
ordinance, however, that alcoholic liquor may be sold or
delivered in any specifically designated building belonging to
or under the control of the municipality, township, or county,
or in any building located on land under the control of the
municipality, township, or county; provided that such township
or county complies with all applicable local ordinances in any
incorporated area of the township or county. Alcoholic liquor
may be delivered to and sold under the authority of a special
use permit on any property owned by a conservation district
organized under the Conservation District Act, provided that
(i) the alcoholic liquor is sold only at an event authorized by
the governing board of the conservation district, (ii) the
issuance of the special use permit is authorized by the local
liquor control commissioner of the territory in which the
property is located, and (iii) the special use permit
authorizes the sale of alcoholic liquor for one day or less.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at any airport
belonging to or under the control of a municipality of more
than 25,000 inhabitants, or in any building or on any golf
course owned by a park district organized under the Park
District Code, subject to the approval of the governing board
of the district, or in any building or on any golf course owned
by a forest preserve district organized under the Downstate
Forest Preserve District Act, subject to the approval of the
governing board of the district, or on the grounds within 500
feet of any building owned by a forest preserve district
organized under the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act
during times when food is dispensed for consumption within 500
feet of the building from which the food is dispensed, subject
to the approval of the governing board of the district, or in a
building owned by a Local Mass Transit District organized under
the Local Mass Transit District Act, subject to the approval of
the governing Board of the District, or in Bicentennial Park,
or on the premises of the City of Mendota Lake Park located
adjacent to Route 51 in Mendota, Illinois, or on the premises
of Camden Park in Milan, Illinois, or in the community center
owned by the City of Loves Park that is located at 1000 River
Park Drive in Loves Park, Illinois, or, in connection with the
operation of an established food serving facility during times
when food is dispensed for consumption on the premises, and at
the following aquarium and museums located in public parks: Art
Institute of Chicago, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago
Historical Society, Field Museum of Natural History, Museum of
Science and Industry, DuSable Museum of African American
History, John G. Shedd Aquarium and Adler Planetarium, or at
Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences in Peoria, or in
connection with the operation of the facilities of the Chicago
Zoological Society or the Chicago Horticultural Society on land
owned by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, or on any
land used for a golf course or for recreational purposes owned
by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, subject to the
control of the Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioners
and applicable local law, provided that dram shop liability
insurance is provided at maximum coverage limits so as to hold
the District harmless from all financial loss, damage, and
harm, or in any building located on land owned by the Chicago
Park District if approved by the Park District Commissioners,
or on any land used for a golf course or for recreational
purposes and owned by the Illinois International Port District
if approved by the District's governing board, or at any
airport, golf course, faculty center, or facility in which
conference and convention type activities take place belonging
to or under control of any State university or public community
college district, provided that with respect to a facility for
conference and convention type activities alcoholic liquors
shall be limited to the use of the convention or conference
participants or participants in cultural, political or
educational activities held in such facilities, and provided
further that the faculty or staff of the State university or a
public community college district, or members of an
organization of students, alumni, faculty or staff of the State
university or a public community college district are active
participants in the conference or convention, or in Memorial
Stadium on the campus of the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign during games in which the Chicago Bears
professional football team is playing in that stadium during
the renovation of Soldier Field, not more than one and a half
hours before the start of the game and not after the end of the
third quarter of the game, or in the Pavilion Facility on the
campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago during games in
which the Chicago Storm professional soccer team is playing in
that facility, not more than one and a half hours before the
start of the game and not after the end of the third quarter of
the game, or in the Pavilion Facility on the campus of the
University of Illinois at Chicago during games in which the
WNBA professional women's basketball team is playing in that
facility, not more than one and a half hours before the start
of the game and not after the 10-minute mark of the second half
of the game, or by a catering establishment which has rented
facilities from a board of trustees of a public community
college district, or in a restaurant that is operated by a
commercial tenant in the North Campus Parking Deck building
that (1) is located at 1201 West University Avenue, Urbana,
Illinois and (2) is owned by the Board of Trustees of the
University of Illinois, or, if approved by the District board,
on land owned by the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater
Chicago and leased to others for a term of at least 20 years.
Nothing in this Section precludes the sale or delivery of
alcoholic liquor in the form of original packaged goods in
premises located at 500 S. Racine in Chicago belonging to the
University of Illinois and used primarily as a grocery store by
a commercial tenant during the term of a lease that predates
the University's acquisition of the premises; but the
University shall have no power or authority to renew, transfer,
or extend the lease with terms allowing the sale of alcoholic
liquor; and the sale of alcoholic liquor shall be subject to
all local laws and regulations. After the acquisition by
Winnebago County of the property located at 404 Elm Street in
Rockford, a commercial tenant who sold alcoholic liquor at
retail on a portion of the property under a valid license at
the time of the acquisition may continue to do so for so long
as the tenant and the County may agree under existing or future
leases, subject to all local laws and regulations regarding the
sale of alcoholic liquor. Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to
and sold at Memorial Hall, located at 211 North Main Street,
Rockford, under conditions approved by Winnebago County and
subject to all local laws and regulations regarding the sale of
alcoholic liquor. Each facility shall provide dram shop
liability in maximum insurance coverage limits so as to save
harmless the State, municipality, State university, airport,
golf course, faculty center, facility in which conference and
convention type activities take place, park district, Forest
Preserve District, public community college district,
aquarium, museum, or sanitary district from all financial loss,
damage or harm. Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in
buildings of golf courses owned by municipalities or Illinois
State University in connection with the operation of an
established food serving facility during times when food is
dispensed for consumption upon the premises. Alcoholic liquors
may be delivered to and sold at retail in any building owned by
a fire protection district organized under the Fire Protection
District Act, provided that such delivery and sale is approved
by the board of trustees of the district, and provided further
that such delivery and sale is limited to fundraising events
and to a maximum of 6 events per year.
Alcoholic liquors may be served or sold in buildings under
the control of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Illinois for events that the Board may determine are public
events and not related student activities. The Board of
Trustees shall issue a written policy within 6 months of the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General
Assembly concerning the types of events that would be eligible
for an exemption. Thereafter, the Board of Trustees may issue
revised, updated, new, or amended policies as it deems
necessary and appropriate. In preparing its written policy, the
Board of Trustees shall, among other factors it considers
relevant and important, give consideration to the following:
(i) whether the event is a student activity or student related
activity; (ii) whether the physical setting of the event is
conducive to control of liquor sales and distribution; (iii)
the ability of the event operator to ensure that the sale or
serving of alcoholic liquors and the demeanor of the
participants are in accordance with State law and University
policies; (iv) regarding the anticipated attendees at the
event, the relative proportion of individuals under the age of
21 to individuals age 21 or older; (v) the ability of the venue
operator to prevent the sale or distribution of alcoholic
liquors to individuals under the age of 21; (vi) whether the
event prohibits participants from removing alcoholic beverages
from the venue; and (vii) whether the event prohibits
participants from providing their own alcoholic liquors to the
venue. In addition, any policy submitted by the Board of
Trustees to the Illinois Liquor Control Commission must require
that any event at which alcoholic liquors are served or sold in
buildings under the control of the Board of Trustees shall
require the prior written approval of the Office of the
Chancellor for the University campus where the event is
located. The Board of Trustees shall submit its policy, and any
subsequently revised, updated, new, or amended policies, to the
Illinois Liquor Control Commission, and any University event,
or location for an event, exempted under such policies shall
apply for a license under the applicable Sections of this Act.
Alcoholic liquors may be served or sold in buildings under
the control of the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois
University for events that the Board may determine are public
events and not student-related activities. The Board of
Trustees shall issue a written policy within 6 months after
June 28, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act 97-45)
concerning the types of events that would be eligible for an
exemption. Thereafter, the Board of Trustees may issue revised,
updated, new, or amended policies as it deems necessary and
appropriate. In preparing its written policy, the Board of
Trustees shall, in addition to other factors it considers
relevant and important, give consideration to the following:
(i) whether the event is a student activity or student-related
activity; (ii) whether the physical setting of the event is
conducive to control of liquor sales and distribution; (iii)
the ability of the event operator to ensure that the sale or
serving of alcoholic liquors and the demeanor of the
participants are in accordance with State law and University
policies; (iv) the anticipated attendees at the event and the
relative proportion of individuals under the age of 21 to
individuals age 21 or older; (v) the ability of the venue
operator to prevent the sale or distribution of alcoholic
liquors to individuals under the age of 21; (vi) whether the
event prohibits participants from removing alcoholic beverages
from the venue; and (vii) whether the event prohibits
participants from providing their own alcoholic liquors to the
Alcoholic liquors may be served or sold in buildings under
the control of the Board of Trustees of Illinois State
University for events that the Board may determine are public
events and not student-related activities. The Board of
Trustees shall issue a written policy within 6 months after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
Assembly concerning the types of events that would be eligible
for an exemption. Thereafter, the Board of Trustees may issue
revised, updated, new, or amended policies as it deems
necessary and appropriate. In preparing its written policy, the
Board of Trustees shall, in addition to other factors it
considers relevant and important, give consideration to the
following: (i) whether the event is a student activity or
student-related activity; (ii) whether the physical setting of
the event is conducive to control of liquor sales and
distribution; (iii) the ability of the event operator to ensure
that the sale or serving of alcoholic liquors and the demeanor
of the participants are in accordance with State law and
University policies; (iv) the anticipated attendees at the
event and the relative proportion of individuals under the age
of 21 to individuals age 21 or older; (v) the ability of the
venue operator to prevent the sale or distribution of alcoholic
liquors to individuals under the age of 21; (vi) whether the
event prohibits participants from removing alcoholic beverages
from the venue; and (vii) whether the event prohibits
participants from providing their own alcoholic liquors to the
Alcoholic liquor may be delivered to and sold at retail in
the Dorchester Senior Business Center owned by the Village of
Dolton if the alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in
connection with organized functions for which the planned
attendance is 20 or more persons, and if the person or facility
selling or dispensing the alcoholic liquor has provided dram
shop liability insurance in maximum limits so as to hold
harmless the Village of Dolton and the State from all financial
loss, damage and harm.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail in
any building used as an Illinois State Armory provided:
(i) the Adjutant General's written consent to the
issuance of a license to sell alcoholic liquor in such
building is filed with the Commission;
(ii) the alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in
connection with organized functions held on special
(iii) the organized function is one for which the
planned attendance is 25 or more persons; and
(iv) the facility selling or dispensing the alcoholic
liquors has provided dram shop liability insurance in
maximum limits so as to save harmless the facility and the
State from all financial loss, damage or harm.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail in
the Chicago Civic Center, provided that:
(i) the written consent of the Public Building
Commission which administers the Chicago Civic Center is
filed with the Commission;
(ii) the alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in
connection with organized functions held on special
(iii) the organized function is one for which the
planned attendance is 25 or more persons;
(iv) the facility selling or dispensing the alcoholic
liquors has provided dram shop liability insurance in
maximum limits so as to hold harmless the Civic Center, the
City of Chicago and the State from all financial loss,
damage or harm; and
(v) all applicable local ordinances are complied with.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered or sold in any building
belonging to or under the control of any city, village or
incorporated town where more than 75% of the physical
properties of the building is used for commercial or
recreational purposes, and the building is located upon a pier
extending into or over the waters of a navigable lake or stream
or on the shore of a navigable lake or stream. In accordance
with a license issued under this Act, alcoholic liquor may be
sold, served, or delivered in buildings and facilities under
the control of the Department of Natural Resources during
events or activities lasting no more than 7 continuous days
upon the written approval of the Director of Natural Resources
acting as the controlling government authority. The Director of
Natural Resources may specify conditions on that approval,
including but not limited to requirements for insurance and
hours of operation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Act, alcoholic liquor sold by a United States Army Corps of
Engineers or Department of Natural Resources concessionaire
who was operating on June 1, 1991 for on-premises consumption
only is not subject to the provisions of Articles IV and IX.
Beer and wine may be sold on the premises of the Joliet Park
District Stadium owned by the Joliet Park District when written
consent to the issuance of a license to sell beer and wine in
such premises is filed with the local liquor commissioner by
the Joliet Park District. Beer and wine may be sold in
buildings on the grounds of State veterans' homes when written
consent to the issuance of a license to sell beer and wine in
such buildings is filed with the Commission by the Department
of Veterans' Affairs, and the facility shall provide dram shop
liability in maximum insurance coverage limits so as to save
the facility harmless from all financial loss, damage or harm.
Such liquors may be delivered to and sold at any property owned
or held under lease by a Metropolitan Pier and Exposition
Authority or Metropolitan Exposition and Auditorium Authority.
Beer and wine may be sold and dispensed at professional
sporting events and at professional concerts and other
entertainment events conducted on premises owned by the Forest
Preserve District of Kane County, subject to the control of the
District Commissioners and applicable local law, provided that
dram shop liability insurance is provided at maximum coverage
limits so as to hold the District harmless from all financial
loss, damage and harm.
Nothing in this Section shall preclude the sale or delivery
of beer and wine at a State or county fair or the sale or
delivery of beer or wine at a city fair in any otherwise lawful
Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in buildings in
State parks under the control of the Department of Natural
Resources, provided:
a. the State park has overnight lodging facilities with
some restaurant facilities or, not having overnight
lodging facilities, has restaurant facilities which serve
complete luncheon and dinner or supper meals,
b. consent to the issuance of a license to sell
alcoholic liquors in the buildings has been filed with the
commission by the Department of Natural Resources, and
c. the alcoholic liquors are sold by the State park
lodge or restaurant concessionaire only during the hours
from 11 o'clock a.m. until 12 o'clock midnight.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, alcoholic
liquor sold by the State park or restaurant concessionaire
is not subject to the provisions of Articles IV and IX.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in buildings on
properties under the control of the Historic Sites and
Preservation Division of the Historic Preservation Agency or
the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum provided:
a. the property has overnight lodging facilities with
some restaurant facilities or, not having overnight
lodging facilities, has restaurant facilities which serve
complete luncheon and dinner or supper meals,
b. consent to the issuance of a license to sell
alcoholic liquors in the buildings has been filed with the
commission by the Historic Sites and Preservation Division
of the Historic Preservation Agency or the Abraham Lincoln
Presidential Library and Museum, and
c. the alcoholic liquors are sold by the lodge or
restaurant concessionaire only during the hours from 11
o'clock a.m. until 12 o'clock midnight.
The sale of alcoholic liquors pursuant to this Section does
not authorize the establishment and operation of facilities
commonly called taverns, saloons, bars, cocktail lounges, and
the like except as a part of lodge and restaurant facilities in
State parks or golf courses owned by Forest Preserve Districts
with a population of less than 3,000,000 or municipalities or
park districts.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in the Springfield
Administration Building of the Department of Transportation
and the Illinois State Armory in Springfield; provided, that
the controlling government authority may consent to such sales
only if
a. the request is from a not-for-profit organization;
b. such sales would not impede normal operations of the
departments involved;
c. the not-for-profit organization provides dram shop
liability in maximum insurance coverage limits and agrees
to defend, save harmless and indemnify the State of
Illinois from all financial loss, damage or harm;
d. no such sale shall be made during normal working
hours of the State of Illinois; and
e. the consent is in writing.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail in buildings in
recreational areas of river conservancy districts under the
control of, or leased from, the river conservancy districts.
Such sales are subject to reasonable local regulations as
provided in Article IV; however, no such regulations may
prohibit or substantially impair the sale of alcoholic liquors
on Sundays or Holidays.
Alcoholic liquors may be provided in long term care
facilities owned or operated by a county under Division 5-21 or
5-22 of the Counties Code, when approved by the facility
operator and not in conflict with the regulations of the
Illinois Department of Public Health, to residents of the
facility who have had their consumption of the alcoholic
liquors provided approved in writing by a physician licensed to
practice medicine in all its branches.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and dispensed in
State housing assigned to employees of the Department of
Corrections. No person shall furnish or allow to be furnished
any alcoholic liquors to any prisoner confined in any jail,
reformatory, prison or house of correction except upon a
physician's prescription for medicinal purposes.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail or dispensed at the
Willard Ice Building in Springfield, at the State Library in
Springfield, and at Illinois State Museum facilities by (1) an
agency of the State, whether legislative, judicial or
executive, provided that such agency first obtains written
permission to sell or dispense alcoholic liquors from the
controlling government authority, or by (2) a not-for-profit
organization, provided that such organization:
a. Obtains written consent from the controlling
government authority;
b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner
that does not impair normal operations of State offices
located in the building;
c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in
connection with an official activity in the building;
d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram
shop liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in
which the carrier agrees to defend, save harmless and
indemnify the State of Illinois from all financial loss,
damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors.
Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit
organization or agency of the State from employing the services
of a catering establishment for the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors at authorized functions.
The controlling government authority for the Willard Ice
Building in Springfield shall be the Director of the Department
of Revenue. The controlling government authority for Illinois
State Museum facilities shall be the Director of the Illinois
State Museum. The controlling government authority for the
State Library in Springfield shall be the Secretary of State.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail or
dispensed at any facility, property or building under the
jurisdiction of the Historic Sites and Preservation Division of
the Historic Preservation Agency or the Abraham Lincoln
Presidential Library and Museum where the delivery, sale or
dispensing is by (1) an agency of the State, whether
legislative, judicial or executive, provided that such agency
first obtains written permission to sell or dispense alcoholic
liquors from a controlling government authority, or by (2) an
individual or organization provided that such individual or
a. Obtains written consent from the controlling
government authority;
b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner
that does not impair normal workings of State offices or
operations located at the facility, property or building;
c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in
connection with an official activity of the individual or
organization in the facility, property or building;
d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram
shop liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in
which the carrier agrees to defend, save harmless and
indemnify the State of Illinois from all financial loss,
damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors.
The controlling government authority for the Historic
Sites and Preservation Division of the Historic Preservation
Agency shall be the Director of the Historic Sites and
Preservation, and the controlling government authority for the
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum shall be the
Director of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at retail or
dispensed for consumption at the Michael Bilandic Building at
160 North LaSalle Street, Chicago IL 60601, after the normal
business hours of any day care or child care facility located
in the building, by (1) a commercial tenant or subtenant
conducting business on the premises under a lease made pursuant
to Section 405-315 of the Department of Central Management
Services Law (20 ILCS 405/405-315), provided that such tenant
or subtenant who accepts delivery of, sells, or dispenses
alcoholic liquors shall procure and maintain dram shop
liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in which the
carrier agrees to defend, indemnify, and save harmless the
State of Illinois from all financial loss, damage, or harm
arising out of the delivery, sale, or dispensing of alcoholic
liquors, or by (2) an agency of the State, whether legislative,
judicial, or executive, provided that such agency first obtains
written permission to accept delivery of and sell or dispense
alcoholic liquors from the Director of Central Management
Services, or by (3) a not-for-profit organization, provided
that such organization:
a. obtains written consent from the Department of
Central Management Services;
b. accepts delivery of and sells or dispenses the
alcoholic liquors in a manner that does not impair normal
operations of State offices located in the building;
c. accepts delivery of and sells or dispenses alcoholic
liquors only in connection with an official activity in the
building; and
d. provides, or its catering service provides, dram
shop liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in
which the carrier agrees to defend, save harmless, and
indemnify the State of Illinois from all financial loss,
damage, or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors.
Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit
organization or agency of the State from employing the services
of a catering establishment for the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors at functions authorized by the Director of
Central Management Services.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail or dispensed at the
James R. Thompson Center in Chicago, subject to the provisions
of Section 7.4 of the State Property Control Act, and 222 South
College Street in Springfield, Illinois by (1) a commercial
tenant or subtenant conducting business on the premises under a
lease or sublease made pursuant to Section 405-315 of the
Department of Central Management Services Law (20 ILCS
405/405-315), provided that such tenant or subtenant who sells
or dispenses alcoholic liquors shall procure and maintain dram
shop liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in
which the carrier agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless
the State of Illinois from all financial loss, damage or harm
arising out of the sale or dispensing of alcoholic liquors, or
by (2) an agency of the State, whether legislative, judicial or
executive, provided that such agency first obtains written
permission to sell or dispense alcoholic liquors from the
Director of Central Management Services, or by (3) a
not-for-profit organization, provided that such organization:
a. Obtains written consent from the Department of
Central Management Services;
b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner
that does not impair normal operations of State offices
located in the building;
c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in
connection with an official activity in the building;
d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram
shop liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in
which the carrier agrees to defend, save harmless and
indemnify the State of Illinois from all financial loss,
damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors.
Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit
organization or agency of the State from employing the services
of a catering establishment for the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors at functions authorized by the Director of
Central Management Services.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered at any facility
owned by the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority provided that
dram shop liability insurance has been made available in a
form, with such coverage and in such amounts as the Authority
reasonably determines is necessary.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold at retail or dispensed at the
Rockford State Office Building by (1) an agency of the State,
whether legislative, judicial or executive, provided that such
agency first obtains written permission to sell or dispense
alcoholic liquors from the Department of Central Management
Services, or by (2) a not-for-profit organization, provided
that such organization:
a. Obtains written consent from the Department of
Central Management Services;
b. Sells or dispenses the alcoholic liquors in a manner
that does not impair normal operations of State offices
located in the building;
c. Sells or dispenses alcoholic liquors only in
connection with an official activity in the building;
d. Provides, or its catering service provides, dram
shop liability insurance in maximum coverage limits and in
which the carrier agrees to defend, save harmless and
indemnify the State of Illinois from all financial loss,
damage or harm arising out of the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors.
Nothing in this Act shall prevent a not-for-profit
organization or agency of the State from employing the services
of a catering establishment for the selling or dispensing of
alcoholic liquors at functions authorized by the Department of
Central Management Services.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in a building
that is owned by McLean County, situated on land owned by the
county in the City of Bloomington, and used by the McLean
County Historical Society if the sale or delivery is approved
by an ordinance adopted by the county board, and the
municipality in which the building is located may not prohibit
that sale or delivery, notwithstanding any other provision of
this Section. The regulation of the sale and delivery of
alcoholic liquor in a building that is owned by McLean County,
situated on land owned by the county, and used by the McLean
County Historical Society as provided in this paragraph is an
exclusive power and function of the State and is a denial and
limitation under Article VII, Section 6, subsection (h) of the
Illinois Constitution of the power of a home rule municipality
to regulate that sale and delivery.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in any building
situated on land held in trust for any school district
organized under Article 34 of the School Code, if the building
is not used for school purposes and if the sale or delivery is
approved by the board of education.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in buildings
owned by the Community Building Complex Committee of Boone
County, Illinois if the person or facility selling or
dispensing the alcoholic liquor has provided dram shop
liability insurance with coverage and in amounts that the
Committee reasonably determines are necessary.
Alcoholic liquors may be sold or delivered in the building
located at 1200 Centerville Avenue in Belleville, Illinois and
occupied by either the Belleville Area Special Education
District or the Belleville Area Special Services Cooperative.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at the Louis
Joliet Renaissance Center, City Center Campus, located at 214
N. Ottawa Street, Joliet, and the Food Services/Culinary Arts
Department facilities, Main Campus, located at 1215 Houbolt
Road, Joliet, owned by or under the control of Joliet Junior
College, Illinois Community College District No. 525.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at Triton
College, Illinois Community College District No. 504.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at the
College of DuPage, Illinois Community College District No. 502.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at the
building located at 446 East Hickory Avenue in Apple River,
Illinois, owned by the Apple River Fire Protection District,
and occupied by the Apple River Community Association if the
alcoholic liquor is sold or dispensed only in connection with
organized functions approved by the Apple River Community
Association for which the planned attendance is 20 or more
persons and if the person or facility selling or dispensing the
alcoholic liquor has provided dram shop liability insurance in
maximum limits so as to hold harmless the Apple River Fire
Protection District, the Village of Apple River, and the Apple
River Community Association from all financial loss, damage,
and harm.
Alcoholic liquors may be delivered to and sold at the Sikia
Restaurant, Kennedy King College Campus, located at 740 West
63rd Street, Chicago, and at the Food Services in the Great
Hall/Washburne Culinary Institute Department facility, Kennedy
King College Campus, located at 740 West 63rd Street, Chicago,
owned by or under the control of City Colleges of Chicago,
Illinois Community College District No. 508.
(Source: P.A. 97-33, eff. 6-28-11; 97-45, eff. 6-28-11; 97-51,
eff. 6-28-11; 97-167, eff. 7-22-11; 97-250, eff. 8-4-11;
97-395, eff. 8-16-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.