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1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Archaeological and Paleontological
5Resources Protection Act is amended by changing Sections .02
6and 5 as follows:
7 (20 ILCS 3435/.02) (from Ch. 127, par. 133c.02)
8 Sec. .02. For purposes of this Act:
9 (a) "Archaeological resource" means any significant
10material remains or localities of past human life or
11activities on public land, including but not limited to
12artifacts, historic and prehistoric human skeletal remains,
13mounds, earthworks, shipwrecks, forts, village sites or mines.
14 (b) "Disturb" includes defacing, mutilating, injuring,
15exposing, removing, destroying, desecrating or molesting in
16any way.
17 (c) "Paleontological resource" means any significant
18fossil or material remains on public lands including traces or
19impressions of animals or plants that occur as part of the
20geological record that are known and are included in the files
21maintained by the Illinois State Museum under Section 10.
22 (d) "Person" means any natural individual, firm, trust,
23estate, partnership, association, joint stock company, joint

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1venture, corporation or a receiver, trustee, guardian or other
2representative appointed by order of any court, the federal
3and State governments, including State universities created by
4statute or any city, town, county or other political
5subdivision of this State.
6 (e) "Public land" means any land owned, but does not
7include land leased as lessee, by the State of Illinois or its
8agencies, a State university created by statute, a
9municipality or a unit of local government.
10(Source: P.A. 86-459; 86-707.)
11 (20 ILCS 3435/5) (from Ch. 127, par. 133c5)
12 Sec. 5. Any violation of Section 3 not involving the
13disturbance of human skeletal remains is a Class A misdemeanor
14and the violator shall be subject to imprisonment and a fine
15not in excess of $5,000; any subsequent violation is a Class 4
16felony. Any violation of Section 3 involving disturbance of
17human skeletal remains is a Class 4 felony. Each disturbance
18of an archaeological site or a paleontological site shall
19constitute a single offense. Persons convicted of a violation
20of Section 3 shall also be liable for civil damages to be
21assessed by the land managing agency and the Department of
22Natural Resources. Civil damages may include:
23 (a) forfeiture of any and all equipment used in
24 acquiring the protected material;
25 (b) any and all costs incurred in cleaning, restoring,

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1 analyzing, accessioning and curating the recovered
2 materials;
3 (c) any and all costs associated with restoring the
4 land to its original contour;
5 (d) any and all costs associated with recovery of data
6 and analyzing, publishing, accessioning and curating
7 materials when the prohibited activity is so extensive as
8 to preclude the restoration of the archaeological or
9 paleontological site;
10 (e) any and all costs associated with the
11 determination and collection of the civil damages.
12 When civil damages are recovered through the Attorney
13General, the proceeds shall be deposited into the Historic
14Sites Fund; when civil damages are recovered through the
15State's Attorney, the proceeds shall be deposited into the
16county fund designated by the county board.
17(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
18 Section 10. The Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act is
19amended by changing Sections 0.01, 1, 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
2010, 12, 13, 14, and 15 and by adding Sections 3.5 and 17 as
22 (20 ILCS 3440/0.01) (from Ch. 127, par. 2660)
23 Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Human
24Skeletal Remains Protection Act.

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1(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
2 (20 ILCS 3440/1) (from Ch. 127, par. 2661)
3 Sec. 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this Act:
4 (a) "Human skeletal remains" include the bones and
5decomposed fleshy parts of a deceased human body.
6 (b) "Unregistered graves" are any graves or locations
7where a human body has been buried or deposited; is over 100
8years old; and is not in a cemetery registered with or licensed
9by the State Comptroller under the Cemetery Care Act or under
10the authority of the Illinois Department of Financial and
11Professional Regulation pursuant to the Cemetery Oversight
12Act, whichever is applicable.
13 (c) "Grave artifacts" are any item of human manufacture or
14use that is associated with the human skeletal remains in an
15unregistered grave.
16 (d) "Grave markers" are any tomb, monument, stone,
17ornament, mound, or other item of human manufacture that is
18associated with an unregistered grave.
19 (e) "Person" means any natural individual, firm, trust,
20estate, partnership, association, joint stock company, joint
21venture, corporation or a receiver, trustee, guardian or other
22representatives appointed by order of any court, the Federal
23and State governments, including State Universities created by
24statute or any city, town, county or other political
25subdivision of this State.

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1 (f) "Disturb" includes excavating, removing, exposing,
2defacing, mutilating, destroying, molesting, or desecrating in
3any way human skeletal remains, unregistered graves, and grave
5 (g) "Consultation" means a formal, two-way,
6government-to-government dialogue between official
7representatives of federally recognized tribes and the United
8States Department of the Interior to discuss federal proposals
9before the United States Department of the Interior makes
10decisions on those proposals. The United States Department of
11the Interior, the Department of Natural Resources, and the
12Illinois State Museum shall provide sufficient notice to
13appropriate federally recognized tribal leaders of upcoming
14consultation sessions and, following the consultations
15sessions, report to those tribal leaders how the final
16decision incorporates tribal input.
17(Source: P.A. 96-863, eff. 3-1-10; 97-679, eff. 2-6-12.)
18 (20 ILCS 3440/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 2663)
19 Sec. 3. Notification to coroner. Any person who discovers
20human skeletal remains subject to this Act shall promptly
21notify the coroner within 48 hours. Any person who knowingly
22fails to report such a discovery within 48 hours is guilty of a
23Class C misdemeanor, unless such person has reasonable cause
24to believe that the coroner had already been so notified. If
25the human skeletal remains appear to be from an unregistered

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1grave, the coroner shall promptly notify the Department of
2Natural Resources prior to their removal. Nothing in this Act
3shall be construed to apply to human skeletal remains subject
4to "An Act to revise the law in relation to coroners".
5(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
6 (20 ILCS 3440/3.5 new)
7 Sec. 3.5. Native American Review Group. The State of
8Illinois presents a unique situation in that it has not
9maintained meaningful consulting relationships with tribal
10nations aboriginal to the land now known as the State of
11Illinois. Without meaningful relationships between the State
12of Illinois and tribal nations, there has been harm caused to
13tribal nations and trust needs to be rebuilt as the State works
14to correct those harmful mistakes. As tribal nations
15strengthen their histories, it is of utmost importance to
16uphold law and policy in relation to the sovereign status of
17tribes. Despite the State of Illinois' long history of
18removing tribal nations, this Act requires that a project that
19may affect a historical property of religious and cultural
20significance to the affected tribe or tribes be subject to
21consultation and review from the Native American Review Group
22at the Illinois State Museum. Historical properties of
23religious and ceremonial significance include: archeological
24sites, burial grounds, and mounds. The types of activities
25that may affect properties of religious and cultural

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1significance include: actions taken to disturb the ground and
2new construction in underdeveloped natural areas.
3 The Native American Review Group shall be appointed by the
4Director of Natural Resources and shall consist of at least
5one tribal representative from each one of the over 30 tribal
6nations that have been identified as having historical
7presence in Illinois. These representatives shall be a tribal
8chairperson, tribal historic preservation officer, or
9designated official for the respective tribe. The Native
10American Review Group shall be notified immediately and all
11activity on the property shall immediately cease if: (1)
12remains are found; (2) any property with religious and
13cultural significance will be disturbed; and (3) any property
14with religious and cultural significance is accidentally
15disturbed. This group shall convene and review any request
16made to the Department of Natural Resources for a land permit.
17The Department of Natural Resources may issue a land permit
18only after the Native American Review Group has reviewed the
19proposal and approved the request or provided revisions to the
21 (20 ILCS 3440/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 2664)
22 Sec. 4. Human burial sites; knowingly disturbing human
23skeletal remains; penalty; permit. It is unlawful for any
24person, either by oneself himself or through an agent, to
25knowingly disturb human skeletal remains, grave markers, and

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1grave artifacts in unregistered graves protected by this Act
2unless such person obtains a permit issued by the Department
3of Natural Resources. Any person who violates this Section
4commits a Class 4 felony. When grave disturbances must occur a
5land permit must be obtained from the Department of Natural
6Resources. When a land permit request is received, the
7Department of Natural Resources shall immediately contact the
8Director of Tribal Relations at the Illinois State Museum who
9shall immediately engage the Native American Review Group who
10shall approve or deny the request.
11(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
12 (20 ILCS 3440/4.5)
13 Sec. 4.5. O'Hare Modernization.
14 The O'Hare Modernization Act shall be subject to this Act.
15Any future O'Hare developments must be reviewed and approved
16by the Native American Review Group. Nothing in this Act
17limits the authority of the City of Chicago to exercise its
18powers under the O'Hare Modernization Act or requires that
19City, or any person acting on behalf of that City, to obtain a
20permit under this Act when acquiring property or otherwise
21exercising its powers under the O'Hare Modernization Act.
22(Source: P.A. 93-450, eff. 8-6-03.)
23 (20 ILCS 3440/5) (from Ch. 127, par. 2665)
24 Sec. 5. Human burial sites; appropriation for sale;

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1penalty. It is unlawful for any person, either by himself or
2through an agent, to recklessly appropriate for profit, use
3for profit, sell, purchase, or transport for sale or profit
4any human remains, grave artifacts, or grave markers. A person
5who violates this Section commits a Class A misdemeanor for a
6first violation and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent
7violation knowingly disturb a grave marker protected by this
8Act unless such person obtains a permit issued by the
9Department of Natural Resources.
10(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
11 (20 ILCS 3440/6) (from Ch. 127, par. 2666)
12 Sec. 6. Human burial sites; unknowingly disturb; actions;
13permits. If the State Burial Coordinator determines that
14infrastructure repair, renovation, or improvements will
15disturb an unregistered grave, human remains, or a grave
16marker, then the State Burial Coordinator shall determine
17whether the grave, remains, or grave marker is Native
18American. If the grave, remains, or grave marker is identified
19as Native American by the State Burial Coordinator, then any
20and all work must immediately cease, and within 48 hours, the
21Department of Natural Resources must be notified and the
22formal Section 106 consultation process with Native American
23nations must take place before any work can resume. For work to
24proceed, a land permit must be issued by the Department of
25Natural Resources after appropriate tribal review and

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1consultation has been completed. A person who violates this
2Section commits a Class A misdemeanor for a first violation
3and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent violation. It
4is unlawful for any person, either by himself or through an
5agent, to offer any human skeletal remains, grave artifacts or
6grave markers for sale or exchange with the knowledge that
7they have been collected or excavated in violation of this
9(Source: P.A. 86-151.)
10 (20 ILCS 3440/7) (from Ch. 127, par. 2667)
11 Sec. 7. Human burial sites-knowingly disturb private
12property, permitting, penalties. It is unlawful for any
13person, either by himself or through an agent, to knowingly
14allow the disturbance of human skeletal remains, unregistered
15graves, grave artifacts or grave markers on property
16controlled by that person unless such disturbance is
17authorized by a permit issued by the Historic Preservation
18Agency. A person who violates this Section commits a Class A
19misdemeanor for a first violation and a Class 4 felony for a
20second or subsequent violation. When grave disturbances must
21occur, a land permit must be obtained from the Department of
22Natural Resources, and the State Burial Coordinator shall
23determine whether the grave that is to be disturbed is a Native
24American grave. When a land permit request is received, the
25Department of Natural Resources shall immediately contact the

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1Director of Tribal Relations at the Illinois State Museum who
2shall immediately engage the Native American Review Group who
3shall approve or deny the request.
4(Source: P.A. 86-151.)
5 (20 ILCS 3440/8) (from Ch. 127, par. 2668)
6 Sec. 8. Criminal prosecutions for violations of Act. The
7State's Attorney of the county in which a violation of
8Sections 4, 5, 6, or 7 of this Act is alleged to have occurred,
9or the Attorney General, may be requested by the Department
10Director of Natural Resources to initiate criminal
11prosecutions or to seek civil damages, injunctive relief and
12any other appropriate relief. The Department of Natural
13Resources shall co-operate with the State's Attorney or the
14Attorney General. Persons aware of any violations of this Act
15shall contact the Department of Natural Resources.
16(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
17 (20 ILCS 3440/9) (from Ch. 127, par. 2669)
18 Sec. 9. Reward for information leading to arrest and
19conviction of offenders. The Department of Natural Resources
20is authorized to offer a reward of up to $5,000 $2000 for
21information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons
22who violate Section Sections 4, 5, 6, and 7 of this Act.
23(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)

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1 (20 ILCS 3440/10) (from Ch. 127, par. 2670)
2 Sec. 10. Registry of offenders. The Department of Natural
3Resources shall create a registry of offenders who violate
4this Act and shall impose additional penalties on repeat
5offenders Any violation of Sections 4, 6 or 7 of this Act is a
6Class A misdemeanor and the violator shall be subject to
7imprisonment for not more than 1 year and a fine not in excess
8of $10,000; any subsequent violation is a Class 4 felony. Each
9disturbance of an unregistered grave constitutes a separate
11(Source: P.A. 86-151.)
12 (20 ILCS 3440/12) (from Ch. 127, par. 2672)
13 Sec. 12. Civil damages. Persons convicted of a violation
14of Section 4, or 5, 6, or 7 of this Act shall also be liable
15for civil damages to be assessed by the Department of Natural
16Resources in consultation with Native American tribes Historic
17Preservation Agency. Civil damages may include:
18 (a) forfeiture of any and all equipment used in disturbing
19the protected unregistered graves or grave markers;
20 (b) any and all costs incurred in cleaning, restoring,
21analyzing, accessioning, traveling for tribal nation
22representatives, and curating the recovered materials;
23 (c) any and all costs associated with restoring the land
24to its original contour or the grave marker to its original
25condition in consultation with federally recognized tribes;

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1 (d) any and all costs associated with recovery of data,
2and analyzing, publishing, accessioning and curating materials
3when the prohibited activity is so extensive as to preclude
4the restoration of the unregistered burials or grave markers;
5 (e) any and all costs for the State of Illinois and
6affected tribal nations associated with the reinterment of the
7human skeletal remains in consultation with federally
8recognized tribes;
9 (f) any and all costs associated with the determination
10and collection of the civil damages.
11 When civil damages are recovered through the Attorney
12General, the proceeds shall be deposited into the Tribal
13Repatriation Historic Sites Fund, which is created as a
14special fund in the State treasury. The moneys in the Fund
15shall be used, subject to appropriation, for tribal
16repatriation or interment; when civil damages are recovered
17through the State's Attorney, the proceeds shall be deposited
18into the county funds designated by the county board
19specifically and only used for tribal repatriation or
21(Source: P.A. 86-151.)
22 (20 ILCS 3440/13) (from Ch. 127, par. 2673)
23 Sec. 13. Permits for the disturbance or removal of human
25 (a) The Director Department of Natural Resources shall

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1develop regulations, in consultation with the Illinois State
2Museum and federally recognized Native American nations
3geographically and culturally affiliated with Illinois,
4whereby permits may be issued for the disturbance or removal,
5or both, of Native American human skeletal remains and grave
6artifacts from unregistered graves or the disturbance or
7removal, or both, of Native American grave markers.
8 (b) Each permit shall specify all terms and conditions
9under which the removal of Native American human skeletal
10remains, Native American grave artifacts, or Native American
11grave markers shall be carried out. All costs accrued in the
12removal of the aforementioned materials shall be borne by the
13permit applicant. Upon completion of the project, the permit
14holder shall submit a report of the results to the Department
15of Natural Resources, the Director of the Illinois State
16Museum, and any affiliated federally recognized Native
17American nations geographically and culturally affiliated with
19 (c) If such human remains are not Native American or their
20ethnic identity cannot be ascertained, as determined by the
21State Burial Law Coordinator, the human remains shall be dealt
22with in accordance with provisions established by the
23appropriate authority. If such burials are Native American, as
24determined by the Illinois State Archaeologist, efforts shall
25be made by the Illinois State Archaeologist, in consultation
26with the Native American tribe having a probable historical

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1and cultural heritage with the burial site, to ascertain their
2tribal identity. If their probable tribal identity can be
3determined and the remains have been removed from their
4original context, such remains shall be turned over to
5contemporary tribal leaders for disposition.
6 (d) If tribal identity cannot be determined, the Native
7American remains must be dealt with in accordance with
8provisions established by the State Burial Coordinator
9consistent with the requirements of the Native American Graves
10Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 if they are from
11public land. If removed Native American remains are from
12private land they shall be dealt with in accordance with
13provisions established by the State Burial Law Coordinator. If
14it is deemed desirable by the Illinois State Archaeologist,
15removed remains shall be studied in a timely and respectful
16manner by a qualified professional archaeologist or a
17qualified physical anthropologist before being delivered to
18tribal leaders or before being reburied.
19(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
20 (20 ILCS 3440/14) (from Ch. 127, par. 2674)
21 Sec. 14. Human remains in unregistered graves. All Native
22American human skeletal remains and grave artifacts in
23unregistered graves are the property of the Native American
24nations geographically and culturally affiliated with
25Illinois. The Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois

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1State Museum shall have the right to maintain and care for, in
2compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and
3Repatriation Act of 1990, Native American property until
4appropriate and tribal consultation has been completed and
5tribes have made the final decision for repatriation or
6reinterment of the property. The Illinois State Museum shall
7maintain records, conduct tribal consultation, provide reports
8to tribal nations, and lead repatriation and reinterment
9efforts with tribal approval held in trust for the people of
10Illinois by the State and are under the jurisdiction of the
11Department of Natural Resources. All materials collected under
12this Act shall be maintained, with dignity and respect, for
13the people of the State under the care of the Illinois State
15(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
16 (20 ILCS 3440/15) (from Ch. 127, par. 2675)
17 Sec. 15. Rules. The Department of Natural Resources, in
18consultation with federally recognized Native American nations
19shall adopt promulgate such rules regulations as may be
20necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.
21(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
22 (20 ILCS 3440/17 new)
23 Sec. 17. Creation of cemetery. The Director of Natural
24Resources, in cooperation with the Illinois State Museum and

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1in consultation with the federally recognized tribes with
2geographical and cultural affiliation with Illinois, may
3create a cemetery on existing State lands for the reburial of
4repatriated Native American remains and materials. The
5cemetery shall not be used by the public and shall be protected
6by the State of Illinois. The Director of Natural Resources
7shall cooperate with the Illinois State Archaeologist and the
8Illinois State Museum to coordinate reinterment in the
10 (20 ILCS 3440/2 rep.)
11 (20 ILCS 3440/4.75 rep.)
12 (20 ILCS 3440/11 rep.)
13 Section 15. The Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act is
14amended by repealing Sections 2, 4.75, and 11.
15 Section 20. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
16Section 5.990 as follows: