State of Illinois
2013 and 2014

Introduced , by Rep. Brad E. Halbrook

50 ILCS 750/15.4 from Ch. 134, par. 45.4

Amends the Emergency Telephone System Act. Provides that members of the Emergency Telephone System Board shall serve staggered 4 year terms. Provides guidelines regarding staggering the terms of currently serving board members. Provides that board members may be re-appointed upon the expiration of their terms. Provides that the corporate authorities of a county or municipality may, by a vote of three-fourths of the members elected, remove any Emergency Telephone System Board member for misconduct or neglect of office. Effective immediately.
LRB098 07785 OMW 37864 b


HB3207LRB098 07785 OMW 37864 b
1 AN ACT concerning local government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Emergency Telephone System Act is amended by
5changing Section 15.4 as follows:
6 (50 ILCS 750/15.4) (from Ch. 134, par. 45.4)
7 Sec. 15.4. Emergency Telephone System Board; powers.
8 (a) The corporate authorities of any county or municipality
9that imposes a surcharge under Section 15.3 shall establish an
10Emergency Telephone System Board. The corporate authorities
11shall provide for the manner of appointment and the number of
12members of the Board, provided that the board shall consist of
13not fewer than 5 members, one of whom must be a public member
14who is a resident of the local exchange service territory
15included in the 9-1-1 coverage area, one of whom (in counties
16with a population less than 100,000) must be a member of the
17county board, and at least 3 of whom shall be representative of
18the 9-1-1 public safety agencies, including but not limited to
19police departments, fire departments, emergency medical
20services providers, and emergency services and disaster
21agencies, and appointed on the basis of their ability or
22experience. In counties with a population of more than 100,000
23but less than 2,000,000, a member of the county board may serve

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1on the Emergency Telephone System Board. Elected officials,
2including members of a county board, are also eligible to serve
3on the board. Members of the board shall serve without
4compensation but shall be reimbursed for their actual and
5necessary expenses. Any 2 or more municipalities, counties, or
6combination thereof, that impose a surcharge under Section 15.3
7may, instead of establishing individual boards, establish by
8intergovernmental agreement a Joint Emergency Telephone System
9Board pursuant to this Section. The manner of appointment of
10such a joint board shall be prescribed in the agreement.
11 Upon the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 98th
12General Assembly, appointed members of the Emergency Telephone
13System Board shall serve staggered 4-year terms. The corporate
14authorities of any county or municipality shall apply term
15limits to board members currently serving their terms in the
16following manner: (1) one-third of board members' terms shall
17expire on January 1, 2015; (2) one-third of board members'
18terms shall expire on January 1, 2017; and (3) remaining board
19members' terms shall expire on January 1, 2019. Board members
20may be re-appointed upon the expiration of their terms by the
21corporate authorities of any county or municipality.
22 The corporate authorities of a county or municipality may,
23by a vote of three-fourths of the members elected, remove any
24Emergency Telephone System Board member for misconduct or
25neglect of office.
26 (b) The powers and duties of the board shall be defined by

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1ordinance of the municipality or county, or by
2intergovernmental agreement in the case of a joint board. The
3powers and duties shall include, but need not be limited to the
5 (1) Planning a 9-1-1 system.
6 (2) Coordinating and supervising the implementation,
7 upgrading, or maintenance of the system, including the
8 establishment of equipment specifications and coding
9 systems.
10 (3) Receiving moneys from the surcharge imposed under
11 Section 15.3, and from any other source, for deposit into
12 the Emergency Telephone System Fund.
13 (4) Authorizing all disbursements from the fund.
14 (5) Hiring any staff necessary for the implementation
15 or upgrade of the system.
16 (6) Participating in a Regional Pilot Project to
17 implement next generation 9-1-1, as defined in this Act,
18 subject to the conditions set forth in this Act.
19 (c) All moneys received by a board pursuant to a surcharge
20imposed under Section 15.3 shall be deposited into a separate
21interest-bearing Emergency Telephone System Fund account. The
22treasurer of the municipality or county that has established
23the board or, in the case of a joint board, any municipal or
24county treasurer designated in the intergovernmental
25agreement, shall be custodian of the fund. All interest
26accruing on the fund shall remain in the fund. No expenditures

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1may be made from such fund except upon the direction of the
2board by resolution passed by a majority of all members of the
3board. Expenditures may be made only to pay for the costs
4associated with the following:
5 (1) The design of the Emergency Telephone System.
6 (2) The coding of an initial Master Street Address
7 Guide data base, and update and maintenance thereof.
8 (3) The repayment of any moneys advanced for the
9 implementation of the system.
10 (4) The charges for Automatic Number Identification
11 and Automatic Location Identification equipment, a
12 computer aided dispatch system that records, maintains,
13 and integrates information, mobile data transmitters
14 equipped with automatic vehicle locators, and maintenance,
15 replacement and update thereof to increase operational
16 efficiency and improve the provision of emergency
17 services.
18 (5) The non-recurring charges related to installation
19 of the Emergency Telephone System and the ongoing network
20 charges.
21 (6) The acquisition and installation, or the
22 reimbursement of costs therefor to other governmental
23 bodies that have incurred those costs, of road or street
24 signs that are essential to the implementation of the
25 emergency telephone system and that are not duplicative of
26 signs that are the responsibility of the jurisdiction

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1 charged with maintaining road and street signs.
2 (7) Other products and services necessary for the
3 implementation, upgrade, and maintenance of the system and
4 any other purpose related to the operation of the system,
5 including costs attributable directly to the construction,
6 leasing, or maintenance of any buildings or facilities or
7 costs of personnel attributable directly to the operation
8 of the system. Costs attributable directly to the operation
9 of an emergency telephone system do not include the costs
10 of public safety agency personnel who are and equipment
11 that is dispatched in response to an emergency call.
12 (7.5) The purchase of real property if the purchase is
13 made before March 16, 2006.
14 (8) In the case of a municipality that imposes a
15 surcharge under subsection (h) of Section 15.3, moneys may
16 also be used for any anti-terrorism or emergency
17 preparedness measures, including, but not limited to,
18 preparedness planning, providing local matching funds for
19 federal or State grants, personnel training, and
20 specialized equipment, including surveillance cameras as
21 needed to deal with natural and terrorist-inspired
22 emergency situations or events.
23 (9) The defraying of expenses incurred in
24 participation in a Regional Pilot Project to implement next
25 generation 9-1-1, subject to the conditions set forth in
26 this Act.

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1 (10) The implementation of a computer aided dispatch
2 system or hosted supplemental 9-1-1 services.
3 Moneys in the fund may also be transferred to a
4participating fire protection district to reimburse volunteer
5firefighters who man remote telephone switching facilities
6when dedicated 9-1-1 lines are down.
7 (d) The board shall complete the data base before
8implementation of the 9-1-1 system. The error ratio of the data
9base shall not at any time exceed 1% of the total data base.
10(Source: P.A. 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 96-1443, eff. 8-20-10;
1197-517, eff. 8-23-11; 97-1018, eff. 8-17-12.)
12 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
13becoming law.