Rep. Daniel J. Burke

Filed: 3/16/2011

09700HB3136ham001LRB097 10899 RLJ 52240 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3136 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Commission on Taxpayer Oversight and Reduction of State
6Spending Act.
7 Section 5. Legislative intent. It is the continuing policy
8of the State to provide the citizens of Illinois with a
9government that is accountable to the taxpayers. To carry out
10this policy effectively, it is essential that the General
11Assembly examine expenditures of the State for programs and
12services and make recommendations to reduce spending.
13 Section 10. Creation of Commission. The Commission on
14Taxpayer Oversight and Reduction of State Spending, hereafter
15in this Act referred to as the "Commission", is created in the

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1Governor's Office of Management and Budget to examine
2expenditures of the State and make recommendations to the
3Governor and General Assembly to reduce State spending. The
4Commission shall:
5 (1) Conduct investigations to ascertain facts, review
6 appropriations and expenditures, and make recommendations
7 and reports concerning revenues and expenditures of the
8 State, its departments, subdivisions, and agencies,
9 whether created by the Constitution or otherwise.
10 (2) Review the budget submitted by the Governor and
11 make recommendations for reducing expenditures set forth
12 in the budget, provided the Commission shall take into
13 account any specific areas of reductions recommended for
14 the Commission's review by the Governor and the statewide
15 prioritized budgetary goals established by Section 50-25
16 of the State Budget Law of the Civil Administrative Code of
17 Illinois, as those goals are reflected in the budget
18 submitted by the Governor.
19 (3) Review programs, strategies, and activities
20 conducted by agencies and grant recipients to determine
21 whether they are achieving the prioritized outcomes and
22 meeting the goals established under Section 50-25 of the
23 State Budget Law of the Civil Administrative Code of
24 Illinois in an efficient manner and make recommendations to
25 reduce appropriations or expenditures of agencies and
26 grant recipients failing to meet the outcomes and goals.

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1 (4) Consider budgetary reductions at the State and
2 local levels of government through the reduction or
3 elimination of statutorily mandated expenditures or the
4 consolidation of government agencies and instrumentalities
5 to eliminate waste and inefficiency in the operation of
6 State and local government.
7 The Commission shall have continuing existence and may
8meet, act, and conduct its business at any place within this
9State, during the sessions of the General Assembly or any
10recess thereof, and in the interim periods between sessions.
11 Section 15. Composition of Committee. The Commission shall
12consist of 8 members as follows: 2 members of the General
13Assembly appointed by the President of the Senate, one of whom
14shall serve as co-chair of the Commission; 2 members of the
15General Assembly appointed by the Speaker of the House of
16Representatives, one of whom shall serve as co-chair of the
17Commission; 2 members of the General Assembly appointed by the
18Minority Leader of the Senate; and 2 members of the General
19Assembly appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
20Representatives. The Governor shall appoint 2 additional
21members to serve in a non-voting, advisory capacity. A vacancy
22shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment.
23 Section 20. Reports of the Commission. The Commission may,
24upon the concurrence of a majority of its members, issue a

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1report with recommendations. The Commission shall conduct at
2least one public hearing prior to issuing any report and allow
3interested persons to present their views and comments. The
4Commission may prescribe reasonable rules for the conduct of
5public hearings and issuance of reports. Reports of the
6Commission shall include the following: (i) the expenditure,
7State program, or service examined; (ii) a detailed description
8of the investigation conducted by the Commission; (iii) any
9inquiries for the Governor, if applicable, related to the
10expenditure, State program, or service; (iv) specific
11recommendations for change, improvement, reduction, or
12elimination of the State program or service; and (v) a detailed
13formal request for action by the Governor. Any report making a
14recommendation shall be filed with the Governor, Secretary of
15the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Representatives.
16 Section 25. Response of the Governor. Upon receipt of a
17report, the Governor shall respond, in writing, within 30
18calendar days. Such response shall be filed with the Secretary
19of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives. The
20Governor's response shall include a response to any inquiries
21made in the report and a specific response to each
22recommendation of the Commission stating whether the Governor
23accepts or rejects the recommendation. If the Governor accepts
24a recommendation of the Commission, the response shall include
25a description of any action that has or will be taken to comply

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1with the recommendation. If the Governor rejects the
2recommendation of the Commission, the response shall include
3reasons for the rejection.
4 Section 30. Cooperation of State agencies. The Governor's
5Office of Management and Budget shall cooperate with the
6Commission by providing relevant data, documents, and other
7information as requested by the Commission. The Governor's
8Office of Management and Budget shall, upon request, provide
9the Commission with an analysis of the costs or savings
10associated with any potential recommendation. At the request of
11the Commission, each State agency shall, without delay, make
12available any record or information requested and shall provide
13for examination and copying of all records, accounts, papers,
14reports, accounts, papers, reports, vouchers, correspondence,
15books and other documentation in the custody of that agency,
16including information stored in electronic data processing
17systems, which is related to or within the scope of an
18investigation conducted by the Commission.
19 Section 35. Administrative support. The Governor's Office
20of Management and Budget shall provide administrative and other
21support to the Commission.
22 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
23becoming law.".