Public Act 098-0029
HB2269 EnrolledLRB098 10267 JDS 40446 b
AN ACT concerning government.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Illinois Notary Public Act is amended by
changing Sections 3-102, 3-104, and 6-102 as follows:
(5 ILCS 312/3-102) (from Ch. 102, par. 203-102)
Sec. 3-102. Notarial Record; Residential Real Property
(a) This Section shall apply to every notarial act in
Illinois involving a document of conveyance that transfers or
purports to transfer title to residential real property located
in Cook County.
(b) As used in this Section, the following terms shall have
the meanings ascribed to them:
(1) "Document of Conveyance" shall mean a written
instrument that transfers or purports to transfer title
effecting a change in ownership to Residential Real
Property, excluding:
(i) court-ordered and court-authorized conveyances
of Residential Real Property, including without
limitation, quit-claim deeds executed pursuant to a
marital settlement agreement incorporated into a
judgment of dissolution of marriage, and transfers in
the administration of a probate estate;
(ii) judicial sale deeds relating to Residential
Real Property, including without limitation, sale
deeds issued pursuant to proceedings to foreclose a
mortgage or execute on a levy to enforce a judgment;
(iii) deeds transferring ownership of Residential
Real Property to a trust where the beneficiary is also
the grantor;
(iv) deeds from grantors to themselves that are
intended to change the nature or type of tenancy by
which they own Residential Real Property;
(v) deeds from a grantor to the grantor and another
natural person that are intended to establish a tenancy
by which the grantor and the other natural person own
Residential Real Property;
(vi) deeds executed to the mortgagee in lieu of
foreclosure of a mortgage; and
(vii) deeds transferring ownership to a revocable
or irrevocable grantor trust where the beneficiary
includes the grantor.
(2) "Financial Institution" shall mean a State or
federally chartered bank, savings and loan association,
savings bank, credit union, or trust company.
(3) "Notarial Record" shall mean the written document
created in conformity with this Section by a notary in
connection with Documents of Conveyance.
(4) "Residential Real Property" shall mean a building
or buildings located in Cook County, Illinois and
containing one to 4 dwelling units or an individual
residential condominium unit.
(5) "Title Insurance Agent" shall have the meaning
ascribed to it under the Title Insurance Act.
(6) "Title Insurance Company" shall have the meaning
ascribed to it under the Title Insurance Act.
(c) A notary appointed and commissioned as a notary in
Illinois shall, in addition to compliance with other provisions
of this Act, create a Notarial Record of each notarial act
performed in connection with a Document of Conveyance. The
Notarial Record shall contain:
(1) The date of the notarial act;
(2) The type, title, or a description of the Document
of Conveyance being notarized, and the property index
number ("PIN") used to identify the Residential Real
Property for assessment or taxation purposes and the common
street address for the Residential Real Property that is
the subject of the Document of Conveyance;
(3) The signature, printed name, and residence street
address of each person whose signature is the subject of
the notarial act and a certification by the person that the
property is Residential Real Property as defined in this
Section, which states "The undersigned grantor hereby
certifies that the real property identified in this
Notarial Record is Residential Real Property as defined in
the Illinois Notary Public Act".
(4) A description of the satisfactory evidence
reviewed by the notary to determine the identity of the
person whose signature is the subject of the notarial act;
(5) The date of notarization, the fee charged for the
notarial act, the Notary's home or business phone number,
the Notary's residence street address, the Notary's
commission expiration date, the correct legal name of the
Notary's employer or principal, and the business street
address of the Notary's employer or principal; and
(6) The notary public shall require the person signing
the Document of Conveyance (including an agent acting on
behalf of a principal under a duly executed power of
attorney), whose signature is the subject of the notarial
act, to place his or her right thumbprint on the Notarial
Record. If the right thumbprint is not available, then the
notary shall have the party use his or her left thumb, or
any available finger, and shall so indicate on the Notarial
Record. If the party signing the document is physically
unable to provide a thumbprint or fingerprint, the notary
shall so indicate on the Notarial Record and shall also
provide an explanation of that physical condition. The
notary may obtain the thumbprint by any means that reliably
captures the image of the finger in a physical or
electronic medium.
(d) If a notarial act under this Section is performed by a
notary who is a principal, employee, or agent of a Title
Insurance Company, Title Insurance Agent, Financial
Institution, or attorney at law, the notary shall deliver the
original Notarial Record to the notary's employer or principal
within 14 days after the performance of the notarial act for
retention for a period of 7 years as part of the employer's or
principal's business records. In the event of a sale or merger
of any of the foregoing entities or persons, the successor or
assignee of the entity or person shall assume the
responsibility to maintain the Notarial Record for the balance
of the 7-year business records retention period. Liquidation or
other cessation of activities in the ordinary course of
business by any of the foregoing entities or persons shall
relieve the entity or person from the obligation to maintain
Notarial Records after delivery of Notarial Records to the
Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois.
(e) If a notarial act is performed by a notary who is not a
principal, employee, or agent of a Title Insurance Company,
Title Insurance Agent, Financial Institution, or attorney at
law, the notary shall deliver the original Notarial Record
within 14 days after the performance of the notarial act to the
Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois for retention for a
period of 7 years, accompanied by a filing fee of $5.
(f) The Notarial Record required under subsection (c) of
this Section shall be created and maintained for each person
whose signature is the subject of a notarial act regarding a
Document of Conveyance and shall be in substantially the
following form:
Date Notarized:
Fee: $
The undersigned grantor hereby certifies that the real property
identified in this Notarial Record is Residential Real Property
as defined in the Illinois Notary Public Act.
Grantor's (Signer's) Printed Name:
Grantor's (Signer's) Signature:
Grantor's (Signer's) Residential Street Address, City, State,
and Zip:
Type or Name of Document of Conveyance:
PIN No. of Residential Real Property:
Common Street Address of Residential Real Property:
Thumbprint or Fingerprint:
Description of Means of Identification:
Additional Comments:
Name of Notary Printed:
Notary Phone Number:
Commission Expiration Date:
Residential Street Address of Notary, City, State, and Zip:
Name of Notary's Employer or Principal:
Business Street Address of Notary's Employer or Principal,
City, State, and Zip:
(g) No copies of the original Notarial Record may be made
or retained by the Notary. The Notary's employer or principal
may retain copies of the Notarial Records as part of its
business records, subject to applicable privacy and
confidentiality standards.
(h) The failure of a notary to comply with the procedure
set forth in this Section shall not affect the validity of the
Residential Real Property transaction in connection to which
the Document of Conveyance is executed, in the absence of
(i) The Notarial Record or other medium containing the
thumbprint or fingerprint required by subsection (c)(6) shall
be made available or disclosed only upon receipt of a subpoena
duly authorized by a court of competent jurisdiction. Such
Notarial Record or other medium shall not be subject to
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act and shall not
be made available to any other party, other than a party in
succession of interest to the party maintaining the Notarial
Record or other medium pursuant to subsection (d) or (e).
(j) In the event there is a breach in the security of a
Notarial Record maintained pursuant to subsections (d) and (e)
by the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, the Recorder
shall notify the person identified as the "signer" in the
Notarial Record at the signer's residential street address set
forth in the Notarial Record. "Breach" shall mean unauthorized
acquisition of the fingerprint data contained in the Notarial
Record that compromises the security, confidentiality, or
integrity of the fingerprint data maintained by the Recorder.
The notification shall be in writing and made in the most
expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay,
consistent with any measures necessary to determine the scope
of the breach and restore the reasonable security,
confidentiality, and integrity of the Recorder's data system.
(k) Subsections (a) through (i) shall not apply on and
after July 1, 2018 2013.
(l) Beginning July 1, 2013, at the time of notarization, a
notary public shall officially sign every notary certificate
and affix the rubber stamp seal clearly and legibly using black
ink, so that it is capable of photographic reproduction. The
illegibility of any of the information required by this Section
does not affect the validity of a transaction.
(Source: P.A. 97-508, eff. 8-23-11.)
(5 ILCS 312/3-104) (from Ch. 102, par. 203-104)
Sec. 3-104. Maximum Fee.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section,
the maximum fee in this State is $1.00 for any notarial act
performed and, until July 1, 2018 2013, up to $25 for any
notarial act performed pursuant to Section 3-102.
(b) Fees for a notary public, agency, or any other person
who is not an attorney or an accredited representative filling
out immigration forms shall be limited to the following:
(1) $10 per form completion;
(2) $10 per page for the translation of a non-English
language into English where such translation is required
for immigration forms;
(3) $1 for notarizing;
(4) $3 to execute any procedures necessary to obtain a
document required to complete immigration forms; and
(5) A maximum of $75 for one complete application.
Fees authorized under this subsection shall not include
application fees required to be submitted with immigration
Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection
shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for a first offense
and a Class 3 felony for a second or subsequent offense
committed within 5 years of a previous conviction for the same
(c) Upon his own information or upon complaint of any
person, the Attorney General or any State's Attorney, or their
designee, may maintain an action for injunctive relief in the
court against any notary public or any other person who
violates the provisions of subsection (b) of this Section.
These remedies are in addition to, and not in substitution for,
other available remedies.
If the Attorney General or any State's Attorney fails to
bring an action as provided pursuant to this subsection within
90 days of receipt of a complaint, any person may file a civil
action to enforce the provisions of this subsection and
maintain an action for injunctive relief.
(d) All notaries public must provide receipts and keep
records for fees accepted for services provided. Failure to
provide receipts and keep records that can be presented as
evidence of no wrongdoing shall be construed as a presumptive
admission of allegations raised in complaints against the
notary for violations related to accepting prohibited fees.
(Source: P.A. 95-988, eff. 6-1-09.)
(5 ILCS 312/6-102) (from Ch. 102, par. 206-102)
Sec. 6-102. Notarial Acts.
(a) In taking an acknowledgment, the notary public must
determine, either from personal knowledge or from satisfactory
evidence, that the person appearing before the notary and
making the acknowledgment is the person whose true signature is
on the instrument.
(b) In taking a verification upon oath or affirmation, the
notary public must determine, either from personal knowledge or
from satisfactory evidence, that the person appearing before
the notary and making the verification is the person whose true
signature is on the statement verified.
(c) In witnessing or attesting a signature, the notary
public must determine, either from personal knowledge or from
satisfactory evidence, that the signature is that of the person
appearing before the notary and named therein.
(d) A notary public has satisfactory evidence that a person
is the person whose true signature is on a document if that
(1) is personally known to the notary;
(2) is identified upon the oath or affirmation of a
credible witness personally known to the notary; or
(3) is identified on the basis of identification
documents. Identification Until July 1, 2013,
identification documents are documents that are valid at
the time of the notarial act, issued by a state agency,
federal government agency, or consulate, and bearing the
photographic image of the individual's face and signature
of the individual.
(Source: P.A. 97-397, eff. 1-1-12.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.