Rep. Jim Durkin

Filed: 4/17/2013

09800HB2199ham002LRB098 09307 RPM 44753 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2199 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Department of Public Health Powers and
5Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
6amended by changing Section 2310-643 as follows:
7 (20 ILCS 2310/2310-643)
8 Sec. 2310-643. Illinois State Diabetes Commission.
9 (a) Commission established. The Illinois State Diabetes
10Commission is established within the Department of Public
11Health. The Commission shall consist of members that are
12residents of this State and shall include an Executive
13Committee appointed by the Director. The members of the
14Commission shall be appointed by the Director as follows:
15 (1) The Director or the Director's designee, who shall
16 serve as chairperson of the Commission.

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1 (2) Physicians who are board certified in
2 endocrinology, with at least one physician with expertise
3 and experience in the treatment of childhood diabetes and
4 at least one physician with expertise and experience in the
5 treatment of adult onset diabetes.
6 (3) Health care professionals with expertise and
7 experience in the prevention, treatment, and control of
8 diabetes.
9 (4) Representatives of organizations or groups that
10 advocate on behalf of persons suffering from diabetes.
11 (5) Representatives of voluntary health organizations
12 or advocacy groups with an interest in the prevention,
13 treatment, and control of diabetes.
14 (6) Members of the public who have been diagnosed with
15 diabetes.
16 The Director may appoint additional members deemed
17necessary and appropriate by the Director.
18 Members of the Commission shall be appointed by June 1,
192010. A member shall continue to serve until his or her
20successor is duly appointed and qualified.
21 (b) Meetings. Meetings shall be held 3 times per year or at
22the call of the Commission chairperson.
23 (c) Reimbursement. Members shall serve without
24compensation but shall, subject to appropriation, be
25reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses actually
26incurred in the performance of the member's official duties.

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1 (d) Department support. The Department shall provide
2administrative support and current staff as necessary for the
3effective operation of the Commission.
4 (e) Duties. The Commission shall perform all of the
5following duties:
6 (1) Hold public hearings to gather information from the
7 general public on issues pertaining to the prevention,
8 treatment, and control of diabetes.
9 (2) Develop a strategy for the prevention, treatment,
10 and control of diabetes in this State.
11 (3) Examine the needs of adults, children, racial and
12 ethnic minorities, and medically underserved populations
13 who have diabetes.
14 (4) Prepare and make available an annual report on the
15 activities of the Commission to the Director, the Speaker
16 of the House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the
17 House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, the
18 Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Governor by June 30
19 of each year, beginning on June 30, 2011.
20 (f) Funding. The Department may accept on behalf of the
21Commission any federal funds or gifts and donations from
22individuals, private organizations, and foundations and any
23other funds that may become available.
24 (g) Rules. The Director may adopt rules to implement and
25administer this Section.
26 (h) Report. By January 10, 2015 and January 10 of each

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1odd-numbered year thereafter, the Commission shall submit a
2report to the General Assembly containing the following:
3 (1) the financial impact and reach that diabetes of all
4 types is having on the State and the Department; this
5 assessment shall include the number of people with diabetes
6 impacted in this State or covered by the State Medicaid
7 program, the number of people with diabetes and family
8 members impacted by prevention and diabetes control
9 programs implemented by the Department, the financial toll
10 or impact diabetes and its complications places on the
11 Department's diabetes program, and the financial toll or
12 impact diabetes and its complications places on the
13 diabetes program in comparison to other chronic diseases
14 and conditions;
15 (2) an assessment of the benefits of implemented
16 programs and activities aimed at controlling diabetes and
17 preventing the disease; this assessment shall also
18 document the amount and source for any funding directed to
19 the Department from the General Assembly for programs and
20 activities aimed at reaching those with diabetes;
21 (3) a description of the level of coordination that
22 exists between the Department and other entities on
23 activities, programs, and messaging on managing, treating,
24 or preventing all forms of diabetes and its complications;
25 (4) the development or revision of a detailed action
26 plan for battling diabetes with a range of actionable items

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1 for consideration by the General Assembly; the plan shall
2 identify proposed action steps to reduce the impact of
3 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and related diabetes
4 complications; the plan shall also identify expected
5 outcomes of the action steps proposed for the 2 years
6 following the submission of the report while also
7 establishing benchmarks for controlling and preventing
8 relevant forms of diabetes; and
9 (5) the development of a detailed budget blueprint
10 identifying needs, costs, and resources required to
11 implement the plan identified in item (4) of this
12 subsection (h); this blueprint shall include a budget range
13 for all options presented in the plan identified in item
14 (4) of this subsection (h) for consideration by the General
15 Assembly.
16 The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall
17provide cooperation to the Department of Public Health to
18facilitate the implementation of this subsection (h).
19(Source: P.A. 96-1406, eff. 7-29-10.)".