Rep. Michael J. Zalewski

Filed: 3/7/2013

09800HB1019ham002LRB098 03915 HEP 42473 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 1019, AS AMENDED,
3with reference to page and line numbers of House Amendment No.
41, on page 2, line 24, by changing "a false allegation" to "an
5intentional false report"; and
6on page 8, line 14, by changing "a false allegation" to "an
7intentional false report"; and
8on page 14, line 25, by changing "a false allegation" to "an
9intentional false report"; and
10on page 17, line 3, by changing "a false allegation" to "an
11intentional false report"; and
12on page 17, line 18, by changing "of the allegation" to "into
13whether or not the report is an intentional false report"; and

09800HB1019ham002- 2 -LRB098 03915 HEP 42473 a
1on page 17, line 21, by changing "that the allegation is
2unfounded" to "evidence of an intentional false report"; and
3on page 17, line 23, by changing "allegation" to "report"; and
4on page 18, line 10, by changing "the allegation" to "whether
5or not the report is an intentional false report"; and
6on page 18, line 18, by changing "a false allegation" to "an
7intentional false report".