Public Act 100-0253
HB0623 EnrolledLRB100 05653 RJF 15668 b
AN ACT concerning State government.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 1. Findings. Identity theft is a major concern for
the State of Illinois and its employees in both the receipt and
management of personal funds. Easy access to salary information
by identity thieves makes it easier for them to open new lines
of credit in their victims' names. Preventing reporting of the
exact amount of State employee salaries preserves employee
privacy by lessening the ease with which identity thieves
obtain information and helps protect State employees from
identity theft.
Section 5. The State Comptroller Act is amended by changing
Sections 20 and 27 as follows:
(15 ILCS 405/20) (from Ch. 15, par. 220)
Sec. 20. Annual report. The Comptroller shall annually, as
soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year but no
later than December 31, make out and present to the Governor,
the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the
Minority Leader of the House of Representatives a report,
showing the amount of warrants drawn on the treasury, on other
funds held by the State Treasurer and on any public funds held
by State agencies, during the preceding fiscal year, and
stating, particularly, on what account they were drawn, and if
drawn on the contingent fund, to whom and for what they were
issued. He or she shall, also, at the same time, report to the
Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House
of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the
Minority Leader of the House of Representatives the amount of
money received into the treasury, into other funds held by the
State Treasurer and into any other funds held by State agencies
during the preceding fiscal year, and stating particularly, the
source from which the same may be derived, and also a general
account of all the business of his office during the preceding
fiscal year. The report shall also summarize for the previous
fiscal year the information required under Section 19.
Within 60 days after the expiration of each calendar year,
the Comptroller shall compile, from records maintained and
available in his office, a list of all persons including those
employed in the Office of the Comptroller, who have been
employed by the State during the past calendar year and paid
from funds in the hands of the State Treasurer.
The list shall be arranged according to counties and shall
state in alphabetical order the name of each employee, the
address in the county in which he votes, except as specified
below, the position and the total salary paid to him or her
during the past calendar year, rounded to the nearest hundred
dollar. For persons employed by the Department of Corrections,
Department of Children and Family Services, Department of
Juvenile Justice, Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor, and the Department of State Police, as well as
their spouses, no address shall be listed. The list so compiled
and arranged shall be kept on file in the office of the
Comptroller and be open to inspection by the public at all
No person who utilizes the names obtained from this list
for solicitation shall represent that such solicitation is
authorized by any officer or agency of the State of Illinois.
Violation of this provision is a Business Offense punishable by
a fine not to exceed $3,000.
(Source: P.A. 98-411, eff. 8-16-13.)
(15 ILCS 405/27)
Sec. 27. Comptroller's online ledger. The Comptroller
shall establish and maintain an online repository of the
State's financial transactions, to be known as the
Comptroller's "Online Ledger". The Comptroller shall establish
rules and regulations pertaining to the establishment and
maintenance of the "Online Ledger". Any listing of an
immediately preceding year's amount of State employee salaries
on the "Online Ledger" shall list the total amount paid to a
State employee during that past calendar year, or a monthly
reporting of a State employee's salary from that past calendar
year, as rounded to the nearest hundred dollar. Any monthly
reporting of a State employee's salary for the current year
shall also be listed as rounded to the nearest hundred dollar.
The Comptroller, in his or her discretion, may list the
unadjusted total salary amount paid to a State employee for any
previous year other than the rounded salary amount for the
immediately preceding calendar year.
(Source: P.A. 99-393, eff. 1-1-16.)