AN ACT making appropriations.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:


Section 5. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 97-0730, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by changing Section 25 of Article 1 as follows:

(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 1, Sec. 25)

Sec. 25. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department on Aging:



Payable from General Revenue Fund:

For grants and for administrative

expenses associated with the purchase

of services covered by the Community

Care Program, including prior year

Costs.......................... 860,124,400 687,124,400

For Grants and for Administrative

Expenses Associated with

Comprehensive Care Coordination,

including prior year costs................... 57,406,400

For Grants for Retired Senior

Volunteer Program............................... 557,400

For Planning and Service Grants to

Area Agencies on Aging........................ 5,800,000

For Grants for the Foster

Grandparent Program............................. 243,800

For Expenses to the Area Agencies

on Aging for Long-Term Care Systems

Development..................................... 246,300

For the Ombudsman Program...................... 1,348,400

For Grants for distribution to the 13 Area

Agencies on Aging for costs for home

delivered meals and mobile food equipment............. 0

Grants for Community Based Services

including information and referral

services, transportation and delivered

meals................................................. 0

Grants for Community Based Services for

equal distribution to each of the 13

Area Agencies on Aging.......................... 758,800

Total $926,485,500 $753,485,500

Payable from the Tobacco Settlement

Recovery Fund:

For Medicaid-Community Care Program............ 9,000,000

For the Ordinary and Contingent Expenses

of the Senior citizens Circuit Breaker

and Pharmaceutical Assistance Program................. 0

For Grants and Administrative

Expenses of Senior Health

Assistance Programs........................... 1,600,000

Payable from Services for Older Americans Fund:

For Adult Food Care Program...................... 200,000

For Title V Employment Services................ 6,500,000

For Title III C-1 Congregate Meals Program.... 21,000,000

For Title III C-2 Home Delivered

Meals Program................................ 11,000,000

For Title III Social Services................. 17,000,000

For National Lunch Program..................... 1,800,000

For National Family Caregiver

Support Program............................... 7,500,000

For Title VII Prevention of Elder

Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation................ 500,000

For Title VII Long Term Care

Ombudsman Services for Older Americans........ 1,000,000

For Title III D Preventive Health.............. 1,000,000

For Nutrition Services Incentive Program....... 8,500,000

For Additional Title V Grant....................... 0

Total $76,000,000

Section 10. “AN ACT making appropriations”, Public Act 97-0730, approved June 30, 2012, is amended by adding Section 95 to Article 6 as follows:

(P.A. 97-0730, Art. 6, Sec. 95 new)

Sec. 95. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for the purpose hereinafter named:

Payable from the General Revenue Fund:

For deposit into the Healthcare

Provider Relief Fund...................... 151,000,000

Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect immediately upon becoming law.