Sen. Scott M. Bennett

Filed: 4/21/2017

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2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1991, AS AMENDED,
3by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
5 "Section 5. The School Code is amended by adding Section
62-3.80c as follows:
7 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.80c new)
8 Sec. 2-3.80c. Agriculture Education Shortage Task Force.
9 (a) The General Assembly recognizes that agriculture is the
10most basic and singularly important industry in the State, that
11agriculture is of central importance to the welfare and
12economic stability of the State, and that the maintenance of
13this vital industry requires a continued source of trained and
14qualified agriculture educators to train future generations of
16 In 2016, to respond to the ongoing teacher shortage in

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1agriculture education in Illinois, the General Assembly passed
2Public Act 99-826, which deemed agriculture education as an
3area of critical need in Illinois.
4 (b) There is hereby created the Agriculture Education
5Shortage Task Force consisting of the following members:
6 (1) one member of the Senate appointed by the President
7 of the Senate;
8 (2) one member of the Senate appointed by the Minority
9 Leader of the Senate;
10 (3) one member of the House appointed by the Speaker of
11 the House of Representatives;
12 (4) one member of the House appointed by the Minority
13 Leader of the House of Representatives;
14 (5) the Head Consultant for agriculture education at
15 the State Board of Education under subsection (c) of
16 Section 2-3.80 of this Code; and
17 (6) 4 appointees from the Committee established under
18 subsection (d) of Section 2-3.80 of this Code, consisting
19 of 2 secondary agriculture teachers, one community college
20 agriculture teacher, and one university agriculture
21 teacher educator.
22 (c) The Task Force shall review and provide a report to the
23Governor and General Assembly, including the following:
24 (1) the current number of agriculture education
25 teachers in Illinois who currently teach utilizing a
26 professional educator license;

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1 (2) the current number of agriculture education
2 teachers who teach utilizing an educator license with
3 stipulations;
4 (3) the number of graduates who have graduated from an
5 approved agriculture education program at a public
6 university in this State in each of the past 4 years;
7 (4) the number of agriculture education job openings at
8 secondary education programs in Illinois in each of the
9 past 4 years;
10 (5) recommendations to the General Assembly for
11 recruitment and retention of agriculture education
12 teachers, including recommendations on funding for
13 existing incentive programs and budget items to recruit and
14 retain agriculture education teachers;
15 (6) recommendations to the General Assembly for
16 participation in federal programs that may assist in the
17 recruitment and retention of agriculture teachers; and
18 (7) recommendations for reforms to current licensure
19 and testing requirements necessary for an agriculture
20 education applicant to attain a professional educator
21 license.
22 (d) The chairperson of the Agriculture Education Shortage
23Task Force shall be elected by majority vote of the Task Force
24members who are members of the General Assembly appointed by
25the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
26Representatives, the Minority Leader of the Senate, and the

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1Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, who shall
2establish meeting dates, times, and locations for the
3Agriculture Education Shortage Task Force and shall file a
4final report with the Governor and General Assembly as required
5by this Section.
6 (e) The State Board of Education shall provide
7administrative and other support as necessary.
8 (f) The appointments required for the Agriculture
9Education Shortage Task Force shall be made within 30 days
10after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th
11General Assembly.
12 (g) The first meeting of the Agriculture Education Shortage
13Task Force shall commence within 60 days after the effective
14date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General Assembly.
15 (h) The Agriculture Education Shortage Task Force shall
16hold at least 3 meetings. Members of the Task Force may
17participate by video link or phone.
18 (i) A majority vote of all members of the Agriculture
19Education Shortage Task Force is necessary for recommendations
20to the Governor and General Assembly.
21 (j) The Agriculture Education Shortage Task Force shall
22file its final report with the Governor and General Assembly no
23later than January 1, 2019.
24 (k) This Section is repealed on February 1, 2019.
25 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon

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1becoming law.".