Sen. Chapin Rose

Filed: 5/5/2015

09900SB1726sam005LRB099 07484 MLM 35121 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1726, AS AMENDED,
3by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
5 "Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by changing
6Sections 8-406, 8-406.1, and 8-510 as follows:
7 (220 ILCS 5/8-406) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 8-406)
8 Sec. 8-406. Certificate of public convenience and
10 (a) No public utility not owning any city or village
11franchise nor engaged in performing any public service or in
12furnishing any product or commodity within this State as of
13July 1, 1921 and not possessing a certificate of public
14convenience and necessity from the Illinois Commerce
15Commission, the State Public Utilities Commission or the Public
16Utilities Commission, at the time this amendatory Act of 1985

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1goes into effect, shall transact any business in this State
2until it shall have obtained a certificate from the Commission
3that public convenience and necessity require the transaction
4of such business.
5 (b) No public utility shall begin the construction of any
6new plant, equipment, property or facility which is not in
7substitution of any existing plant, equipment, property or
8facility or any extension or alteration thereof or in addition
9thereto, unless and until it shall have obtained from the
10Commission a certificate that public convenience and necessity
11require such construction. Whenever after a hearing the
12Commission determines that any new construction or the
13transaction of any business by a public utility will promote
14the public convenience and is necessary thereto, it shall have
15the power to issue certificates of public convenience and
16necessity. The Commission shall determine that proposed
17construction will promote the public convenience and necessity
18only if the utility demonstrates: (1) that the proposed
19construction is necessary to provide adequate, reliable, and
20efficient service to its customers and is the least-cost means
21of satisfying the service needs of its customers or that the
22proposed construction will promote the development of an
23effectively competitive electricity market that operates
24efficiently, is equitable to all customers, and is the least
25cost means of satisfying those objectives; (2) that the utility
26is capable of efficiently managing and supervising the

09900SB1726sam005- 3 -LRB099 07484 MLM 35121 a
1construction process and has taken sufficient action to ensure
2adequate and efficient construction and supervision thereof;
3and (3) that the utility is capable of financing the proposed
4construction without significant adverse financial
5consequences for the utility or its customers.
6 (c) After the effective date of this amendatory Act of
71987, no construction shall commence on any new nuclear power
8plant to be located within this State, and no certificate of
9public convenience and necessity or other authorization shall
10be issued therefor by the Commission, until the Director of the
11Illinois Environmental Protection Agency finds that the United
12States Government, through its authorized agency, has
13identified and approved a demonstrable technology or means for
14the disposal of high level nuclear waste, or until such
15construction has been specifically approved by a statute
16enacted by the General Assembly.
17 As used in this Section, "high level nuclear waste" means
18those aqueous wastes resulting from the operation of the first
19cycle of the solvent extraction system or equivalent and the
20concentrated wastes of the subsequent extraction cycles or
21equivalent in a facility for reprocessing irradiated reactor
22fuel and shall include spent fuel assemblies prior to fuel
24 (d) In making its determination, the Commission shall
25attach primary weight to the cost or cost savings to the
26customers of the utility. The Commission may consider any or

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1all factors which will or may affect such cost or cost savings,
2including the public utility's engineering judgment regarding
3the materials used for construction.
4 (e) The Commission may issue a temporary certificate which
5shall remain in force not to exceed one year in cases of
6emergency, to assure maintenance of adequate service or to
7serve particular customers, without notice or hearing, pending
8the determination of an application for a certificate, and may
9by regulation exempt from the requirements of this Section
10temporary acts or operations for which the issuance of a
11certificate will not be required in the public interest.
12 A public utility shall not be required to obtain but may
13apply for and obtain a certificate of public convenience and
14necessity pursuant to this Section with respect to any matter
15as to which it has received the authorization or order of the
16Commission under the Electric Supplier Act, and any such
17authorization or order granted a public utility by the
18Commission under that Act shall as between public utilities be
19deemed to be, and shall have except as provided in that Act the
20same force and effect as, a certificate of public convenience
21and necessity issued pursuant to this Section.
22 No electric cooperative shall be made or shall become a
23party to or shall be entitled to be heard or to otherwise
24appear or participate in any proceeding initiated under this
25Section for authorization of power plant construction and as to
26matters as to which a remedy is available under The Electric

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1Supplier Act.
2 (f) Such certificates may be altered or modified by the
3Commission, upon its own motion or upon application by the
4person or corporation affected. Unless exercised within a
5period of 2 years from the grant thereof authority conferred by
6a certificate of convenience and necessity issued by the
7Commission shall be null and void.
8 No certificate of public convenience and necessity shall be
9construed as granting a monopoly or an exclusive privilege,
10immunity or franchise.
11 (g) A public utility that undertakes any of the actions
12described in items (1) through (3) of this subsection (g) or
13that has obtained approval pursuant to Section 8-406.1 of this
14Act shall not be required to comply with the requirements of
15this Section to the extent such requirements otherwise would
16apply. For purposes of this Section and Section 8-406.1 of this
17Act, "high voltage electric service line" means an electric
18line having a design voltage of 100,000 or more. For purposes
19of this subsection (g), a public utility may do any of the
21 (1) replace or upgrade any existing high voltage
22 electric service line and related facilities,
23 notwithstanding its length;
24 (2) relocate any existing high voltage electric
25 service line and related facilities, notwithstanding its
26 length, to accommodate construction or expansion of a

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1 roadway or other transportation infrastructure; or
2 (3) construct a high voltage electric service line and
3 related facilities that is constructed solely to serve a
4 single customer's premises or to provide a generator
5 interconnection to the public utility's transmission
6 system and that will pass under or over the premises owned
7 by the customer or generator to be served or under or over
8 premises for which the customer or generator has secured
9 the necessary right of way.
10 (h) A public utility seeking to construct a high-voltage
11electric service line and related facilities (Project) must
12show that the utility has held a minimum of 2 pre-filing public
13meetings to receive public comment concerning the Project in
14each county where the Project is to be located, no earlier than
156 months prior to filing an application for a certificate of
16public convenience and necessity from the Commission. Notice of
17the public meeting shall be published in a newspaper of general
18circulation within the affected county once a week for 3
19consecutive weeks, beginning no earlier than one month prior to
20the first public meeting. If the Project traverses 2 contiguous
21counties and where in one county the transmission line mileage
22and number of landowners over whose property the proposed route
23traverses is one-fifth or less of the transmission line mileage
24and number of such landowners of the other county, then the
25utility may combine the 2 pre-filing meetings in the county
26with the greater transmission line mileage and affected

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1landowners. All other requirements regarding pre-filing
2meetings shall apply in both counties. Notice of the public
3meeting, including a description of the Project, must be
4provided in writing to the clerk of each county where the
5Project is to be located. A representative of the Commission
6shall be invited to each pre-filing public meeting.
7 (i) For applications filed after the effective date of this
8amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, the Commission
9shall by registered mail notify each owner of record of land,
10as identified in the records of the relevant county tax
11assessor, included in the right-of-way over which the utility
12seeks in its application to construct a high-voltage electric
13line of the time and place scheduled for the initial hearing on
14the public utility's application. The utility shall reimburse
15the Commission for the cost of the postage and supplies
16incurred for mailing the notice.
17(Source: P.A. 95-700, eff. 11-9-07; 96-1348, eff. 7-28-10.)
18 (220 ILCS 5/8-406.1)
19 Sec. 8-406.1. Certificate of public convenience and
20necessity; expedited procedure.
21 (a) A public utility may apply for a certificate of public
22convenience and necessity pursuant to this Section for the
23construction of any new high voltage electric service line and
24related facilities (Project). To facilitate the expedited
25review process of an application filed pursuant to this

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1Section, an application shall include all of the following:
2 (1) Information in support of the application that
3 shall include the following:
4 (A) A detailed description of the Project,
5 including location maps and plot plans to scale showing
6 all major components.
7 (B) The following engineering data:
8 (i) a detailed Project description including:
9 (I) name and destination of the Project;
10 (II) design voltage rating (kV);
11 (III) operating voltage rating (kV); and
12 (IV) normal peak operating current rating;
13 (ii) a conductor, structures, and substations
14 description including:
15 (I) conductor size and type;
16 (II) type of structures;
17 (III) height of typical structures;
18 (IV) an explanation why these structures
19 were selected;
20 (V) dimensional drawings of the typical
21 structures to be used in the Project; and
22 (VI) a list of the names of all new (and
23 existing if applicable) substations or
24 switching stations that will be associated
25 with the proposed new high voltage electric
26 service line;

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1 (iii) the location of the site and
2 right-of-way including:
3 (I) miles of right-of-way;
4 (II) miles of circuit;
5 (III) width of the right-of-way; and
6 (IV) a brief description of the area
7 traversed by the proposed high voltage
8 electric service line, including a description
9 of the general land uses in the area and the
10 type of terrain crossed by the proposed line;
11 (iv) assumptions, bases, formulae, and methods
12 used in the development and preparation of the
13 diagrams and accompanying data, and a technical
14 description providing the following information:
15 (I) number of circuits, with
16 identification as to whether the circuit is
17 overhead or underground;
18 (II) the operating voltage and frequency;
19 and
20 (III) conductor size and type and number
21 of conductors per phase;
22 (v) if the proposed interconnection is an
23 overhead line, the following additional
24 information also must be provided:
25 (I) the wind and ice loading design
26 parameters;

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1 (II) a full description and drawing of a
2 typical supporting structure, including
3 strength specifications;
4 (III) structure spacing with typical
5 ruling and maximum spans;
6 (IV) conductor (phase) spacing; and
7 (V) the designed line-to-ground and
8 conductor-side clearances;
9 (vi) if an underground or underwater
10 interconnection is proposed, the following
11 additional information also must be provided:
12 (I) burial depth;
13 (II) type of cable and a description of any
14 required supporting equipment, such as
15 insulation medium pressurizing or forced
16 cooling;
17 (III) cathodic protection scheme; and
18 (IV) type of dielectric fluid and
19 safeguards used to limit potential spills in
20 waterways;
21 (vii) technical diagrams that provide
22 clarification of any item under this item (1)
23 should be included; and
24 (viii) applicant shall provide and identify a
25 primary right-of-way and one or more alternate
26 rights-of-way for the Project as part of the

09900SB1726sam005- 11 -LRB099 07484 MLM 35121 a
1 filing. To the extent applicable, for each
2 right-of-way, an applicant shall provide the
3 information described in this subsection (a). Upon
4 a showing of good cause in its filing, an applicant
5 may be excused from providing and identifying
6 alternate rights-of-way.
7 (2) An application fee of $100,000, which shall be paid
8 into the Public Utility Fund at the time the Chief Clerk of
9 the Commission deems it complete and accepts the filing.
10 (3) Information showing that the utility has held a
11 minimum of 3 pre-filing public meetings to receive public
12 comment concerning the Project in each county where the
13 Project is to be located, no earlier than 6 months prior to
14 the filing of the application. Notice of the public meeting
15 shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation
16 within the affected county once a week for 3 consecutive
17 weeks, beginning no earlier than one month prior to the
18 first public meeting. If the Project traverses 2 contiguous
19 counties and where in one county the transmission line
20 mileage and number of landowners over whose property the
21 proposed route traverses is 1/5 or less of the transmission
22 line mileage and number of such landowners of the other
23 county, then the utility may combine the 3 pre-filing
24 meetings in the county with the greater transmission line
25 mileage and affected landowners. All other requirements
26 regarding pre-filing meetings shall apply in both

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1 counties. Notice of the public meeting, including a
2 description of the Project, must be provided in writing to
3 the clerk of each county where the Project is to be
4 located. A representative of the Commission shall be
5 invited to each pre-filing public meeting.
6 For applications filed after the effective date of this
7amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, the Commission
8shall by registered mail notify each owner of record of the
9land, as identified in the records of the relevant county tax
10assessor, included in the primary or alternate rights-of-way
11identified in the utility's application of the time and place
12scheduled for the initial hearing upon the public utility's
13application. The utility shall reimburse the Commission for the
14cost of the postage and supplies incurred for mailing the
16 (b) At the first status hearing the administrative law
17judge shall set a schedule for discovery that shall take into
18consideration the expedited nature of the proceeding.
19 (c) Nothing in this Section prohibits a utility from
20requesting, or the Commission from approving, protection of
21confidential or proprietary information under applicable law.
22The public utility may seek confidential protection of any of
23the information provided pursuant to this Section, subject to
24Commission approval.
25 (d) The public utility shall publish notice of its
26application in the official State newspaper within 10 days

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1following the date of the application's filing.
2 (e) The public utility shall establish a dedicated website
3for the Project 3 weeks prior to the first public meeting and
4maintain the website until construction of the Project is
5complete. The website address shall be included in all public
7 (f) The Commission shall, after notice and hearing, grant a
8certificate of public convenience and necessity filed in
9accordance with the requirements of this Section if, based upon
10the application filed with the Commission and the evidentiary
11record, it finds the Project will promote the public
12convenience and necessity and that all of the following
13criteria are satisfied:
14 (1) That the Project is necessary to provide adequate,
15 reliable, and efficient service to the public utility's
16 customers and is the least-cost means of satisfying the
17 service needs of the public utility's customers or that the
18 Project will promote the development of an effectively
19 competitive electricity market that operates efficiently,
20 is equitable to all customers, and is the least cost means
21 of satisfying those objectives.
22 (2) That the public utility is capable of efficiently
23 managing and supervising the construction process and has
24 taken sufficient action to ensure adequate and efficient
25 construction and supervision of the construction.
26 (3) That the public utility is capable of financing the

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1 proposed construction without significant adverse
2 financial consequences for the utility or its customers.
3 (g) The Commission shall issue its decision with findings
4of fact and conclusions of law granting or denying the
5application no later than 150 days after the application is
6filed. The Commission may extend the 150-day deadline upon
7notice by an additional 75 days if, on or before the 30th day
8after the filing of the application, the Commission finds that
9good cause exists to extend the 150-day period.
10 (h) In the event the Commission grants a public utility's
11application for a certificate pursuant to this Section, the
12public utility shall pay a one-time construction fee to each
13county in which the Project is constructed within 30 days after
14the completion of construction. The construction fee shall be
15$20,000 per mile of high voltage electric service line
16constructed in that county, or a proportionate fraction of that
17fee. The fee shall be in lieu of any permitting fees that
18otherwise would be imposed by a county. Counties receiving a
19payment under this subsection (h) may distribute all or
20portions of the fee to local taxing districts in that county.
21 (i) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, a
22decision granting a certificate under this Section shall
23include an order pursuant to Section 8-503 of this Act
24authorizing or directing the construction of the high voltage
25electric service line and related facilities as approved by the
26Commission, in the manner and within the time specified in said

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2(Source: P.A. 96-1348, eff. 7-28-10.)
3 (220 ILCS 5/8-510) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 8-510)
4 Sec. 8-510. Land surveys and land use studies. For the
5purpose of making land surveys and land use studies, any public
6utility that has been granted a certificate of public
7convenience and necessity by, or received an order under
8Section 8-503 or 8-406.1 of this Act from, the Commission may,
930 days after providing written notice to the owner thereof by
10registered mail and after providing a second notice to the
11owner of record, as identified in the records of the relevant
12county tax assessor, by telephone or electronic mail or by
13registered mail in the event the property owner has not been
14notified by other means, at least 3 days, but not more than 15
15days, prior to the stated date in the notice, identifying the
16date when land surveys and land use studies will first begin on
17their property and informing the landowner that they or their
18agent may be present when the land surveys or land use studies
19occur, enter upon the property of any owner who has refused
20permission for entrance upon that property, but subject to
21responsibility for all damages which may be inflicted thereby.
22(Source: P.A. 96-1348, eff. 7-28-10.)
23 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
24becoming law.".