Idaho Representative Douglas Pickett [R]

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
IDSJM102PassIMMIGRATION -- States findings of the Legislature and requests the President of the United States and the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States take action to secure the border, to stop illegal immigration, and to adopt and imp...
Reported signed by the Speaker & ordered delivered to Secretary of State
IDH0608PassAGRICULTURE -- Adds to existing law to provide for agricultural protection areas.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2024 Session Law Chapter 215 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDH0668PassNO PUBLIC FUNDS FOR GENDER TRANSITION -- Adds to existing law to prohibit the use of public funds for gender transition procedures.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 27, 2024 Session Law Chapter 209 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDS1329PassPARENTAL RIGHTS -- Adds to existing law to provide for parental rights in medical decision-making.
Session Law Chapter 148 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDH0403PassSOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICTS -- Amends existing law to establish provisions regarding a reduction in the number of supervisors and to revise provisions regarding terms of office, the filling of vacancies, and quorums.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 14, 2024 Session Law Chapter 39 Effective: 03/14/2024
IDS1243PassGRAZING -- Adds to existing law to provide for permits.
Session Law Chapter 38 Effective: 07/01/2024

Sine Die
PESTICIDES -- Adds to existing law to provide for warning labels.
To House Business Committee

Sine Die
PESTICIDES -- Adds to existing law to allow certain labels to satisfy any requirements for a warning regarding health or safety or any other provision or doctrine of state law.
Filed in Office of the Secretary of Senate

Sine Die
WATER RESOURCES -- States findings of the Legislature and resolves that the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer be managed by the Idaho Department of Water Resources in a manner consistent with the prior appropriation doctrine as defined by Idaho law.
To House Resources and Conservation Committee
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