Senate Resolution 115 - Introduced SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 115 BY COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION A Resolution honoring Senator Dennis H. Black for 1 over three decades of service in the Iowa General 2 Assembly. 3 WHEREAS, Dennis H. Black was first elected to the 4 House of Representatives in 1982, and after six terms 5 he was elected to the Senate in 1994; and 6 WHEREAS, both as a profession and avocation, Senator 7 Black was a conservationist, and as time passed, he 8 showed a passion and talent for history; and 9 WHEREAS, over three decades, Senator Black has 10 served on a wide array of legislative committees, 11 currently serving on the Agriculture, Appropriations, 12 Natural Resources and Environment (Vice Chair), 13 Veterans Affairs, and Ways and Means standing 14 committees, the Agriculture and Natural Resources 15 Appropriations Subcommittee (Chair), and the 16 International Relations Committee of the Legislative 17 Council; and 18 WHEREAS, Senator Black also served as an unofficial 19 Iowa ambassador, traveling around the world to promote 20 Iowa ties and here in the Statehouse greeting foreign 21 guests and showing them Iowa hospitality; and 22 WHEREAS, Senator Black tirelessly promoted Iowa 23 agriculture through international trade; and 24 WHEREAS, well into his legislative career, Senator 25 Black researched and promoted Iowa and American 26 history, leading to his publication of “Profiles of 27 Valor”, the Senator’s profile of Iowa’s 57 Civil War 28 -1- LSB 6194SV (5) 85 jr/nh 1/ 2
S.R. 115 Medal of Honor recipients; NOW THEREFORE, 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, That the Senate 2 honors the public service of Senator Dennis H. Black 3 —— conservationist, lawmaker, good-will ambassador, 4 historian, and author —— and wishes him the best in the 5 years to come. 6 -2- LSB 6194SV (5) 85 jr/nh 2/ 2