Senate Resolution 101 - Introduced SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 101 BY BEALL and BOETTGER A Resolution congratulating the Republic of China on 1 Taiwan on its twentieth anniversary of participating 2 in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and 3 supporting the Republic of China on Taiwan as a part 4 of the global community. 5 WHEREAS, the Republic of China on Taiwan in 2012 6 is celebrating 20 years of Taiwan’s participation in 7 the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum and 8 its active role in promoting economic cooperation in 9 the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in the areas of 10 broadening opportunities for digital computing, green 11 technologies, and renewable energy, improving crisis 12 management for small and medium-size enterprises, 13 and establishing a research center for typhoon and 14 society; and 15 WHEREAS, Taiwan in 2010 ranked as the United States’ 16 ninth largest trading partner in the world, serving as 17 the United States’ thirteenth largest export market and 18 ninth largest source of imports; and 19 WHEREAS, Taiwan is the world’s sixth largest market 20 for United States agricultural goods, as well as the 21 fifteenth-largest market for Iowa goods, worth $106 22 million in 2010, an increase of 12.9 percent above 23 Iowa’s exports to Taiwan in 2009, which exports could 24 increase further in coming years with the expected 25 purchases of soybeans and corn following the September 26 2011 visit of the Taiwan Agricultural Goodwill Mission 27 to Iowa and the Midwest, thus contributing to the 28 -1- LSB 5561SS (6) 84 jr/rj 1/ 3
S.R. 101 region’s economy; and 1 WHEREAS, Taiwan seeks greater regional integration 2 in the Asian-Pacific and welcomes the opportunity 3 presented by the United States announcement at the 4 2011 APEC leaders’ meeting of its intent to not only 5 join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the proposed 6 twenty-first century trade agreement between the United 7 States and eight other Asia-Pacific Rim countries, but 8 to expand TPP membership in the future to include other 9 countries, such as Taiwan; and 10 WHEREAS, Taiwan’s absence from international 11 organizations has impeded Taiwan’s ability to 12 participate in global climate initiatives and to 13 respond to natural disasters like Typhoon Morakot, 14 which struck Taiwan in the summer of 2009, an unusually 15 destructive typhoon season in the Pacific; and 16 WHEREAS, aviation safety has become a major global 17 concern since 2001, with Taiwan being a key air 18 transport hub in the Asia-Pacific region, with more 19 than 1 million flights passing through the Taipei 20 Flight Information Region, and with one of the world’s 21 largest airports by cargo volume, Taoyuan International 22 Airport; NOW THEREFORE, 23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, That the Iowa Senate 24 congratulates the Republic of China on Taiwan in 25 2012 on the one-hundredth anniversary of its Founding 26 Day of January 1, and separately, on its 20 years of 27 participation in the APEC forum; supports Taiwan’s 28 efforts to secure entry to the TPP, along with 29 the United States and other friendly Asia-Pacific 30 -2- LSB 5561SS (6) 84 jr/rj 2/ 3
S.R. 101 Rim countries; and reaffirms its support for the 1 participation of Taiwan in the United Nations 2 Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and 3 the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 4 to increase Taiwan’s international stature in and 5 contribution to the global community; and 6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of 7 the Senate is hereby directed to send a copy of this 8 Resolution to United States Secretary of State Hillary 9 Rodham Clinton; Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres 10 of the UNFCCC; Secretary General Raymond Benjamin of 11 the ICAO; President Ma Ying-jeou of the Republic of 12 China (Taiwan); and the Taipei Economic and Cultural 13 Office in Chicago, Illinois. 14 -3- LSB 5561SS (6) 84 jr/rj 3/ 3