Senate File 63 - Introduced SENATE FILE 63 BY SORENSON A BILL FOR An Act relating to the electronic tracking and monitoring of 1 persons on the sex offender registry. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 1419XS (2) 85 jm/sc
S.F. 63 Section 1. Section 232.52A, subsection 2, Code 2013, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 2. If the duration of a dispositional order is extended 3 pursuant to section 232.53, subsection 3 , the court may 4 continue or shall extend supervision by an electronic tracking 5 and monitoring system in addition to any other conditions of 6 supervision. 7 Sec. 2. Section 692A.124, Code 2013, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 692A.124 Electronic monitoring. 10 1. A sex offender , including a juvenile under the 11 supervision of the juvenile court, who is placed on probation, 12 parole, work release, special sentence, or any other type of 13 conditional release, may shall be supervised by an electronic 14 tracking and monitoring system in addition to any other 15 conditions of supervision. 16 2. The determination to use electronic tracking and 17 monitoring to supervise a sex offender shall be based upon 18 a validated risk assessment approved by the department of 19 corrections, and also upon the sex offender’s criminal history, 20 progress in treatment and supervision, and other relevant 21 factors. 22 3. If a sex offender is under the jurisdiction of the 23 juvenile court, the determination to use electronic tracking 24 and monitoring to supervise the sex offender shall be based 25 upon a risk assessment performed by a juvenile court officer. 26 Sec. 3. Section 915.17A, Code 2013, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 915.17A Notification by judicial district department of 29 correctional services. 30 A judicial district department of correctional services 31 shall notify a registered victim, regarding a sex offender 32 convicted of a sex offense against a minor who is under the 33 supervision of a judicial district department of correctional 34 services, of the following: 35 -1- LSB 1419XS (2) 85 jm/sc 1/ 2
S.F. 63 1. The beginning and ending date for of the use of an 1 electronic tracking and monitoring system to supervise the sex 2 offender and the type of electronic tracking and monitoring 3 system used. 4 2. The date of any modification to the use of an electronic 5 tracking and monitoring system and the nature of the change. 6 EXPLANATION 7 This bill relates to the electronic tracking and monitoring 8 of persons on the sex offender registry. 9 Under the bill, a person who is on the sex offender registry, 10 including a juvenile under the supervision of the juvenile 11 court, who is placed on probation, parole, work release, 12 special sentence, or any other type of conditional release, 13 is required to be supervised by an electronic tracking and 14 monitoring system in addition to any other conditions of 15 supervision. 16 Current law allows but does not require the supervision of a 17 sex offender on the sex offender registry, including a juvenile 18 sex offender, by an electronic tracking and monitoring system 19 in addition to any other conditions of supervision. 20 The bill also requires a judicial district department of 21 correctional services to notify a registered victim, regarding 22 the sex offender convicted of the sex offense against the 23 victim, who is under supervision of the judicial district 24 department, of the beginning and ending date of the use of 25 an electronic tracking and monitoring system to supervise 26 the sex offender including the type of electronic tracking 27 and monitoring system used. Current law only requires the 28 judicial district department to provide such notification to 29 the registered victim if the sex offender is convicted of a sex 30 offense against a minor and is being electronically monitored 31 or tracked. 32 -2- LSB 1419XS (2) 85 jm/sc 2/ 2