Senate File 300 - Introduced SENATE FILE 300 BY COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 1137) A BILL FOR An Act increasing the annual aggregate tax credit authorization 1 limit for the endow Iowa tax credit and eliminating the 2 use of wagering tax revenues for the credit, and including 3 effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 5 TLSB 1506SV (2) 85 mm/sc
S.F. 300 Section 1. Section 15E.305, subsection 2, Code 2013, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 2. The aggregate amount of tax credits authorized pursuant 3 to this section shall not exceed a total of three six million 4 five hundred thousand dollars plus such additional credit 5 amount as provided by this section annually. 6 a. The maximum amount of tax credits granted to a taxpayer 7 shall not exceed five percent of the aggregate amount of tax 8 credits authorized. 9 a. b. Ten percent of the aggregate amount of tax credits 10 authorized in a calendar year shall be reserved for those 11 endowment gifts in amounts of thirty thousand dollars or less. 12 If by September 1 of a calendar year the entire ten percent of 13 the reserved tax credits is not distributed, the remaining tax 14 credits shall be available to any other eligible applicants. 15 b. For purposes of this subsection , the additional credit 16 amount shall be an amount for each applicable calendar year 17 determined by the department of revenue equal to the amount of 18 money credited as provided by section 99F.11, subsection 3 , 19 paragraph ā€œdā€ , subparagraph (3), for the prior fiscal year. 20 Sec. 2. Section 99F.11, subsection 3, paragraph d, 21 subparagraph (3), Code 2013, is amended by striking the 22 subparagraph. 23 Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT. This Act, being deemed of 24 immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment. 25 Sec. 4. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. This Act applies 26 retroactively to January 1, 2012, for endow Iowa tax credits 27 authorized on or after that date and for endow Iowa tax credit 28 applications received on or after that date. 29 EXPLANATION 30 This bill relates to the annual aggregate tax credit 31 authorization limit for the endow Iowa tax credit and the use 32 of wagering tax revenues. 33 Under current law, the amount of endow Iowa tax credits that 34 may be authorized in a calendar year cannot exceed a total of 35 -1- LSB 1506SV (2) 85 mm/sc 1/ 2
S.F. 300 $3.5 million plus a certain percentage of the wagering tax 1 receipts as provided in Code section 99F.11. The bill amends 2 this annual limit to provide that a maximum of $6.5 million per 3 calendar year may be authorized and to provide that amounts 4 collected from the wagering tax pursuant to Code section 99F.11 5 will no longer be used to fund the endow Iowa tax credit. 6 The bill takes effect upon enactment and applies 7 retroactively to January 1, 2012, for endow Iowa tax credits 8 authorized on or after that date and for endow Iowa tax credit 9 applications received on or after that date. 10 -2- LSB 1506SV (2) 85 mm/sc 2/ 2