Senate File 253 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  CHAPMAN, ANDERSON,
                                     CHELGREN, EDLER,
                                     COSTELLO, GUTH,
                                     BERTRAND, FEENSTRA, C.
                                     JOHNSON, KRAAYENBRINK,
                                     SINCLAIR, BEHN,
                                     SEGEBART, BREITBACH,
                                     ROZENBOOM, GREENE,
                                     LOFGREN, SCHULTZ, D.
                                     JOHNSON, SMITH, and

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the protection of life beginning at
  2    conception, and including effective date provisions.
    TLSB 1400XS (4) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  1.19  Rights and protections
  1  2 beginning at conception ==== construction.
  1  3    1.  The sovereign state of Iowa recognizes that life is
  1  4 valued and protected from the moment of conception, and
  1  5 each life, from that moment, is accorded the same rights and
  1  6 protections guaranteed to all persons by the Constitution of
  1  7 the United States, the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and
  1  8 the laws of this state.
  1  9    2.  This section shall not be construed to create or
  1 10 recognize a right to an abortion, to impose civil or criminal
  1 11 liability on a woman upon whom an abortion is performed, or to
  1 12 prohibit the use of any means of contraception.
  1 13    3.  For the purposes of this section:
  1 14    a.  "Abortifacient" means a method of inhibiting the
  1 15 development of a human pregnancy at any stage following
  1 16 conception.
  1 17    b.  "Abortion" means as defined in section 146.1.
  1 18    c.  "Conception" means the process of combining the male
  1 19 gamete, or sperm, with the female gamete, or ovum, resulting
  1 20 in a fertilized ovum or zygote.
  1 21    d.  "Contraception" means a method of inhibiting the
  1 22 development of a human pregnancy at any stage prior to
  1 23 conception. "Contraception" does not include an abortifacient.
  1 24    Sec. 2.  APPELLATE JURISDICTION.  The Iowa supreme court
  1 25 shall not have appellate jurisdiction over the provisions of
  1 26 this Act.
  1 27    Sec. 3.  SEVERABILITY CLAUSE.  If any provision of this
  1 28 Act or its application to any person or circumstance is held
  1 29 invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or
  1 30 application of this Act which can be given effect without
  1 31 the invalid provision or application, and to this end the
  1 32 provisions of this Act are severable.
  1 33    Sec. 4.  EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT.  This Act, being deemed of
  1 34 immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment.
  1 35                           EXPLANATION
  2  1 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2  2 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2  3    This bill relates to the protection of life beginning at
  2  4 conception.
  2  5    The bill provides that the sovereign state of Iowa
  2  6 recognizes that life is valued and protected from the moment
  2  7 of conception and each life is accorded the same rights and
  2  8 protections guaranteed to all persons by the constitutions of
  2  9 the state of Iowa and the United States, and by the laws of the
  2 10 state.
  2 11    The bill provides that notwithstanding any other law to
  2 12 the contrary, the bill is not to be construed to create or
  2 13 recognize a right to an abortion; to impose civil or criminal
  2 14 liability on a woman upon whom an abortion is performed;
  2 15 or to prohibit the use of any means of contraception. The
  2 16 bill defines "abortifacient", abortion", "conception", and
  2 17 "contraception" for the purposes of the bill.
       LSB 1400XS (4) 87