Senate File 2388 - Enrolled

                              SENATE FILE       
                              BY  COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND

                              (SUCCESSOR TO SSB
                                   A BILL FOR
                                       Senate File 2388

                             AN ACT

    Section 1.  Section 29C.24, subsection 3, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (6), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    (6)  The assessment of property taxes by the department
 of revenue under sections 428.24 through 428.26, 428.28, and
 428.29, or chapters 433, 434, 435, and 437 through 438, or by
 a local assessor under another provision of law, on property
 brought into the state to aid in the performance of disaster
 or emergency=related work during a disaster response period if
 such property does not remain in the state after the conclusion
 of the disaster response period.
    Sec. 2.  Section 331.401, subsection 1, paragraph k, Code
 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    k.  Levy taxes as certified to it by tax=certifying bodies
 in the county, in accordance with the statutes authorizing the
 levies and in accordance with chapter 24 and sections 444.1 to
 444.8, and levy taxes as required in chapters 433, 434, 437,
 and 438.
    Sec. 3.  Section 331.427, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph
 1, Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    Except as otherwise provided by state law, county revenues
 from taxes and other sources for general county services shall
 be credited to the general fund of the county, including
 revenues received under sections 9I.11, 101A.3, 101A.7, 123.36,
 123.143, 142D.9, 176A.8, 321.105, 321.152, 321G.7, 321I.8,
 section 331.554, subsection 6, sections 341A.20, 364.3, 368.21,
 423A.7, 428A.8, 433.15, 434.19, 445.57, 453A.35, 458A.21,
 483A.12, 533.329, 556B.1, 583.6, 602.8108, 904.908, and 906.17,
 and the following:
    Sec. 4.  Section 331.512, subsection 7, Code 2018, is amended
 by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 5.  Section 331.559, subsection 17, Code 2018, is
 amended by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 6.  Section 427.1, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended
 to read as follows:
    2.  Municipal and military property.  The property of a
 county, township, city, school corporation, levee district,
 drainage district, district organized under chapter 357E, or
 the Iowa national guard, when devoted to public use and not
 held for pecuniary profit, except property of a municipally
 owned electric utility held under joint ownership and property
 of an electric power facility financed under chapter 28F or
 476A that shall be subject to taxation under chapter 437A
 and facilities of a municipal utility that are used for the
 provision of local exchange services pursuant to chapter 476,
 but only to the extent such facilities are used to provide such
 services, which shall be subject to taxation under chapter 433,
 except that section 433.11 shall not apply. The exemption for
 property owned by a city or county also applies to property
 which is operated by a city or county as a library, art
 gallery or museum, conservatory, botanical garden or display,
 observatory or science museum, or as a location for holding
 athletic contests, sports or entertainment events, expositions,
 meetings or conventions, or leased from the city or county for
 any such purposes, or leased from the city or county by the
 Iowa national guard or by a federal agency for the benefit of
 the Iowa national guard when devoted for public use and not
 for pecuniary profit. Food and beverages may be served at the
 events or locations without affecting the exemptions, provided
 the city has approved the serving of food and beverages on the
 property if the property is owned by the city or the county
 has approved the serving of food and beverages on the property
 if the property is owned by the county. The exemption for
 property owned by a city or county also applies to property
 which is located at an airport and leased to a fixed base
 operator providing aeronautical services to the public.
    Sec. 7.  Section 427.1, subsection 40, paragraph a, Code
 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  The owner of broadband infrastructure shall be entitled
 to an exemption from taxation to the extent provided in this
 subsection for assessment years beginning before January
 1, 2022. For the purposes of this subsection, "broadband
 infrastructure" and "targeted service area" mean the same as
 defined in section 8B.1.
    Sec. 8.  Section 427.1, subsection 40, Code 2018, is amended
 by adding the following new paragraph:
    NEW PARAGRAPH.  i.  This subsection is repealed July 1, 2024.
    Sec. 9.  Section 427A.1, subsection 1, paragraphs c and d,
 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
    c.  Buildings, structures or improvements, any of which are
 constructed on or in the land, attached to the land, or placed
 upon a foundation whether or not attached to the foundation.
 However, property taxed under chapter 435, and property that is
 a concrete batch plant as that term is defined in subsection 4,
 and to the extent provided in subsection 6A, property that is
 transmission property shall not be assessed and taxed as real
    d.  Buildings, structures, equipment, machinery or
 improvements, any of which are attached to the buildings,
 structures, or improvements defined in paragraph "c" of this
 subsection.  However, to the extent provided in subsection 6A,
 property that is transmission property shall not be assessed
 and taxed as real property.
    Sec. 10.  Section 427A.1, subsection 1, paragraph h, Code
 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    h.  Property assessed by the department of revenue pursuant
 to sections 428.24 to 428.29, or chapters 433, 434, 437, 437A,
 437B, and 438.
    Sec. 11.  Section 427A.1, Code 2018, is amended by adding the
 following new subsection:
    NEW SUBSECTION.  6A.  a.  For purposes of this section,
 "transmission property" means cable and wire facilities,
 poles, aerial cable, underground cable, buried cable,
 intrabuilding network cable, or aerial wire within the meaning
 of and for purposes of the uniform system of accounts for
 telecommunication companies in 47 C.F.R. pt. 32, in effect on
 the effective date of this Act. "Transmission property" also
 includes lines, electronic equipment, headend electronics,
 poles, aerial cable, cable drops, lasers, fiber optics,
 underground cable, and any electronics attached thereto used to
 provide telecommunications service, cable television signals,
 or internet service to subscribers. "Transmission property"
 does not include a tower as defined in section 8C.2.
    b.  Transmission property that is not subject to assessment
 and taxation under chapter 433, shall be subject to assessment
 and taxation as follows:
    (1)  For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2019, at
 seventy=five percent of the transmission property's actual
    (2)  For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2020, at
 fifty percent of the transmission property's actual value.
    (3)  For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2021, at
 thirty percent of the transmission property's actual value.
    (4)  For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2022, and
 each subsequent assessment year, transmission property shall
 not be assessed and taxed as real property.
    Sec. 12.  Section 427B.17, subsection 8, paragraph a, Code
 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  This section shall not apply to property assessed by the
 department of revenue pursuant to sections 428.24 to 428.29, or
 chapters 433, 434, 437, 437A, 437B, and 438, and such property
 shall not receive the benefits of this section.
    Sec. 13.  Section 429.1, Code 2018, is amended to read as
    429.1  Notice of assessment.
    The department of revenue shall, at the time of making
 the assessment of property as provided in chapters 428, 433,
  434, 437, and 438, inform the person assessed, by mail, of
 the valuation put upon the taxpayer's property. The notice
 shall contain a notice of the taxpayer's right of appeal to the
 director of revenue as provided in section 429.2.
    Sec. 14.  Section 433.4, Code 2018, is amended by adding the
 following new subsection:
    NEW SUBSECTION.  3.  For the assessment years beginning
 January 1, 2019, January 1, 2020, and January 1, 2021,
 following the partial exemption from taxation under subsection
 2, each company assessed for taxation under this chapter shall
 receive an additional exemption from taxation on the value of
 the company's property as provided in this subsection.
    a.  For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2019, the
 amount of the additional exemption for each company shall be
 equal to twenty=five percent of the amount of the company's
 actual value, as determined under subsection 1, remaining
 following application of the exemption under subsection 2 for
 the assessment year.
    b.  For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2020, the
 amount of the additional exemption for each company shall be
 equal to fifty percent of the amount of the company's actual
 value, as determined under subsection 1, remaining following
 application of the exemption under subsection 2 for the
 assessment year.
    c.  For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2021, the
 amount of the additional exemption for each company shall be
 equal to seventy percent of the amount of the company's actual
 value, as determined under subsection 1, remaining following
 application of the exemption under subsection 2 for the
 assessment year.
    Sec. 15.  Section 433.5, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended
 to read as follows:
    2.  The department of revenue shall ascertain the exemption
 value per mile of the property of each company within this
 state by dividing the amount of the total exemption for that
 company determined under section 433.4, subsection subsections
  2 and 3, by the number of miles of line of such company within
 the state, and the result shall be deemed and held to be the
 exemption value per mile of line for that company.
    Sec. 16.  NEW SECTION.  433.16  Applicability == future
    1.  This chapter applies to the assessment and taxation of
 telephone and telegraph company property for assessment years
 beginning before January 1, 2022.
    2.  This chapter is repealed on July 1, 2024.
    Sec. 17.  Section 437.15, Code 2018, is amended to read as
    437.15  Reassessment == procedure and requirements.
 Sections 433.14, and 433.15, Code 2018, and sections 439.1,
  and 439.2 shall apply to the property of transmission lines
 which are referred to in section 437.2.
    Sec. 18.  Section 441.19, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  Supplemental and optional to the procedure for the
 assessment of property by the assessor as provided in this
 chapter, the assessor may require from all persons required
 to list their property for taxation as provided by sections
 428.1 and 428.2, a supplemental return to be prescribed by
 the director of revenue upon which the person shall list
 the person's property. The supplemental return shall be in
 substantially the same form as now prescribed by law for
 the assessment rolls used in the listing of property by the
 assessors. However, for assessment years beginning on or after
 January 1, 2018, and unless otherwise required for property
 valued by the department of revenue pursuant to chapters 428,
 433, 437, and 438, a supplemental return shall not request,
 and a person shall not be otherwise required to provide to the
 assessor for property assessment purposes, sales or receipts
 data, expense data, balance sheets, bank account information,
 or other data related to the financial condition of a business
 operating in whole or in part on the property if the property
 is both classified as commercial or industrial property and
 owned and used by the owner of the business. Every person
 required to list property for taxation shall make a complete
 listing of the property upon supplemental forms and return the
 listing to the assessor as promptly as possible. The return
 shall be verified over the signature of the person making the
 return and section 441.25 applies to any person making such
 a return. The assessor shall make supplemental return forms
 available as soon as practicable after the first day of January
 of each year. The assessor shall make supplemental return
 forms available to the taxpayer by mail, or at a designated
 place within the taxing district.
    Sec. 19.  Section 441.21, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended
 to read as follows:
    2.  In the event market value of the property being assessed
 cannot be readily established in the foregoing manner, then
 the assessor may determine the value of the property using the
 other uniform and recognized appraisal methods including its
 productive and earning capacity, if any, industrial conditions,
 its cost, physical and functional depreciation and obsolescence
 and replacement cost, and all other factors which would assist
 in determining the fair and reasonable market value of the
 property but the actual value shall not be determined by use
 of only one such factor. The following shall not be taken into
 consideration:  Special value or use value of the property to
 its present owner, and the goodwill or value of a business
 which uses the property as distinguished from the value of
 the property as property. In addition, for assessment years
 beginning on or after January 1, 2018, and unless otherwise
 required for property valued by the department of revenue
 pursuant to chapters 428, 433, 437, and 438, the assessor
 shall not take into consideration and shall not request from
 any person sales or receipts data, expense data, balance
 sheets, bank account information, or other data related to
 the financial condition of a business operating in whole or
 in part on the property if the property is both classified as
 commercial or industrial property and owned and used by the
 owner of the business. However, in assessing property that
 is rented or leased to low=income individuals and families
 as authorized by section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code,
 as amended, and which section limits the amount that the
 individual or family pays for the rental or lease of units
 in the property, the assessor shall, unless the owner elects
 to withdraw the property from the assessment procedures for
 section 42 property, use the productive and earning capacity
 from the actual rents received as a method of appraisal and
 shall take into account the extent to which that use and
 limitation reduces the market value of the property. The
 assessor shall not consider any tax credit equity or other
 subsidized financing as income provided to the property in
 determining the assessed value. The property owner shall
 notify the assessor when property is withdrawn from section 42
 eligibility under the Internal Revenue Code or if the owner
 elects to withdraw the property from the assessment procedures
 for section 42 property under this subsection. The property
 shall not be subject to section 42 assessment procedures
 for the assessment year for which section 42 eligibility is
 withdrawn or an election is made. This notification must
 be provided to the assessor no later than March 1 of the
 assessment year or the owner will be subject to a penalty of
 five hundred dollars for that assessment year. The penalty
 shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner
 as regular property taxes. An election to withdraw from the
 assessment procedures for section 42 property is irrevocable.
 Property that is withdrawn from the assessment procedures
 for section 42 property shall be classified and assessed as
 multiresidential property unless the property otherwise fails
 to meet the requirements of section 441.21, subsection 13.
 Upon adoption of uniform rules by the department of revenue
 or succeeding authority covering assessments and valuations
 of such properties, the valuation on such properties shall be
 determined in accordance with such rules and in accordance with
 forms and guidelines contained in the real property appraisal
 manual prepared by the department as updated from time to time
 for assessment purposes to assure uniformity, but such rules,
 forms, and guidelines shall not be inconsistent with or change
 the foregoing means of determining the actual, market, taxable,
  and assessed values.
    Sec. 20.  Section 441.21, subsection 5, paragraph a, Code
 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    a.  For valuations established as of January 1, 1979,
 property valued by the department of revenue pursuant to
 chapters 428, 433, 437, and 438 shall be considered as one
 class of property and shall be assessed as a percentage of
 its actual value. The percentage shall be determined by the
 director of revenue in accordance with the provisions of this
 section. For valuations established as of January 1, 1979, the
 percentage shall be the quotient of the dividend and divisor
 as defined in this section. The dividend shall be the total
 actual valuation established for 1978 by the department of
 revenue, plus ten percent of the amount so determined. The
 divisor for property valued by the department of revenue
 pursuant to chapters 428, 433, 437, and 438 shall be the
 valuation established for 1978, plus the amount of value added
 to the total actual value by the revaluation of the property
 by the department of revenue as of January 1, 1979. For
 valuations established as of January 1, 1980, property valued
 by the department of revenue pursuant to chapters 428, 433,
  437, and 438 shall be assessed at a percentage of its actual
 value. The percentage shall be determined by the director of
 revenue in accordance with the provisions of this section. For
 valuations established as of January 1, 1980, the percentage
 shall be the quotient of the dividend and divisor as defined in
 this section. The dividend shall be the total actual valuation
 established for 1979 by the department of revenue, plus eight
 percent of the amount so determined. The divisor for property
 valued by the department of revenue pursuant to chapters 428,
 433, 437, and 438 shall be the valuation established for 1979,
 plus the amount of value added to the total actual value by the
 revaluation of the property by the department of revenue as of
 January 1, 1980. For valuations established as of January 1,
 1981, and each year thereafter, the percentage of actual value
 at which property valued by the department of revenue pursuant
 to chapters 428, 433, 437, and 438 shall be assessed shall be
 calculated in accordance with the methods provided herein,
 except that any references to ten percent in this subsection
 shall be eight percent. For valuations established on or after
 January 1, 2013, property valued by the department of revenue
 pursuant to chapter 434 shall be assessed at a percentage of
 its actual value equal to the percentage of actual value at
 which property assessed as commercial property is assessed
 under paragraph "b" for the same assessment year.
    Sec. 21.  Section 441.21, subsections 9 and 10, Code 2018,
 are amended to read as follows:
    9.  Not later than November 1, 1979, and November 1 of each
 subsequent year, the director shall certify to the county
 auditor of each county the percentages of actual value at
 which residential property, agricultural property, commercial
 property, industrial property, multiresidential property,
 property valued by the department of revenue pursuant to
 chapter 434, and property valued by the department of revenue
 pursuant to chapters 428, 433, 437, and 438 in each assessing
 jurisdiction in the county shall be assessed for taxation. The
 county auditor shall proceed to determine the assessed values
 of agricultural property, residential property, commercial
 property, industrial property, multiresidential property,
 property valued by the department of revenue pursuant to
 chapter 434, and property valued by the department of revenue
 pursuant to chapters 428, 433, 437, and 438 by applying such
 percentages to the current actual value of such property,
 as reported to the county auditor by the assessor, and the
 assessed values so determined shall be the taxable values of
 such properties upon which the levy shall be made.
    10.  The percentage of actual value computed by the
 department of revenue for agricultural property, residential
 property, commercial property, industrial property,
 multiresidential property, property valued by the department
 of revenue pursuant to chapter 434, and property valued by the
 department of revenue pursuant to chapters 428, 433, 437, and
 438 and used to determine assessed values of those classes
 of property does not constitute a rule as defined in section
 17A.2, subsection 11.
    Sec. 22.  Section 441.73, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended
 to read as follows:
    1.  A litigation expense fund is created in the state
 treasury. The litigation expense fund shall be used for the
 payment of litigation expenses incurred by the state to defend
 property valuations established by the director of revenue
 pursuant to section 428.24 and chapters 433, 434, 437, 437A,
 437B, and 438, and for the payment of litigation expenses
 incurred by the state to defend the imposition of replacement
 taxes and statewide property taxes under  chapters 437A and
    Sec. 23.  Section 476.1D, subsection 10, Code 2018, is
 amended by striking the subsection.
    Sec. 24.  FUTURE ASSESSMENT YEARS.  Telephone and telegraph
 company property subject to assessment under chapter 433 for
 assessment years beginning before January 1, 2022, shall be,
 for assessment years beginning on or after January 1, 2022,
 assessed by local assessors under chapters 427, 427A, 427B,
 428, and 441, and any other applicable provision of law in the
 same manner and on the same basis as other commercial property
 located in the assessing jurisdiction where situated.
    Sec. 25.  SAVINGS PROVISION.  Except as specifically
 provided, this Act, pursuant to section 4.13, does not affect
 the operation of, or prohibit the application of, prior
 provisions of chapter 433, or rules adopted under chapter 17A
 to administer prior provisions of chapter 433, for assessment
 years beginning before January 1, 2022, and for duties,
 powers, protests, appeals, proceedings, actions, or remedies
 attributable to an assessment year beginning before January 1,
    Sec. 26.  IMPLEMENTATION.  Section 25B.7 shall not apply to
 this Act.
    Sec. 27.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  The following take effect July 1,
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 476.1D.
    Sec. 28.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  The following take effect July 1,
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 29C.24.
    2.  The section of this Act amending section 331.401.
    3.  The section of this Act amending section 331.427.
    4.  The section of this Act amending section 331.512.
    5.  The section of this Act amending section 331.559.
    6.  The section of this Act amending section 427.1,
 subsection 2.
    7.  The section of this Act amending section 427A.1,
 subsection 1, paragraph "h".
    8.  The section of this Act amending section 427B.17.
    9.  The section of this Act amending section 429.1.
    10.  The section of this Act amending section 437.15.
    11.  The section of this Act amending section 441.19.
    12.  The section of this Act amending section 441.21,
 subsection 2.
    13.  The section of this Act amending section 441.21,
 subsection 5.
    14.  The section of this Act amending section 441.21,
 subsections 9 and 10.
    15.  The section of this Act amending section 441.73.
    Sec. 29.  APPLICABILITY.  The following apply to assessment
 years beginning on or after January 1, 2022:
    1.  The section of this Act amending section 476.1D.

                                                                                            CHARLES SCHNEIDE

                                                                                            LINDA UPMEYER

                                                                                            W. CHARLES SMITH

                                                                                            KIM REYNOLDS
