Senate File 2308 - Introduced SENATE FILE 2308 BY COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH/REBUILD IOWA (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 3110) A BILL FOR An Act relating to economic development by affecting programs, 1 tax incentives, and project completion and other assistance 2 administered by the economic development authority, by 3 abolishing the film tax credit program, by replacing 4 references to the economic development fund and financial 5 assistance program, and by providing spending authority, 6 by providing for properly related matters, and including 7 effective date and retroactive and other applicability 8 provisions. 9 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 10 TLSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc
S.F. 2308 DIVISION I 1 HIGH QUALITY JOBS PROGRAM AND RELATED ASSISTANCE AND PROGRAMS 2 Section 1. Section 15.327, subsections 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 3 and 13, Code Supplement 2011, are amended to read as follows: 4 2. “Benefit” has the same meaning as defined in section 5 15G.101 means nonwage compensation provided to an employee . 6 Benefits typically include medical and dental insurance 7 plans, pension, retirement, and profit-sharing plans, child 8 care services, life insurance coverage, vision insurance 9 coverage, disability insurance coverage, and any other nonwage 10 compensation as determined by the board. 11 5. “Created job” has the same meaning as defined in section 12 15G.101 means a new, permanent, full-time equivalent position 13 added to a business’s payroll in excess of the business’s base 14 employment level . 15 7. “Fiscal impact ratio” has the same meaning as defined 16 in section 15G.101 means a ratio calculated by estimating the 17 amount of taxes to be received from a business by the state 18 and dividing the estimate by the estimated cost to the state 19 of providing certain project completion assistance and tax 20 incentives to the business, reflecting a ten-year period and 21 expressed in terms of current dollars . For purposes of the 22 program, “fiscal impact ratio” does not include taxes received 23 by political subdivisions. 24 8. “Maintenance period completion date” has the same meaning 25 as defined in section 15G.101 means the date on which the 26 maintenance period ends . 27 10. “Project completion date” has the same meaning as 28 defined in section 15G.101 means the date by which a recipient 29 of project completion assistance has agreed to meet all the 30 terms and obligations contained in an agreement with the 31 authority . 32 12. “Qualifying wage threshold” has the same meaning as 33 defined in section 15G.101 means the laborshed wage for an 34 eligible business . 35 -1- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 1/ 31
S.F. 2308 13. “Retained job” has the same meaning as defined in 1 section 15G.101 means a full-time equivalent position, in 2 existence at the time an employer applies for financial 3 assistance which remains continuously filled and which is at 4 risk of elimination if the project for which the employer is 5 seeking assistance does not proceed . 6 Sec. 2. Section 15.327, Code Supplement 2011, is amended by 7 adding the following new subsections: 8 NEW SUBSECTION . 1A. “Base employment level” means the 9 number of full-time equivalent positions at a business, 10 as established by the authority and a business using the 11 business’s payroll records, as of the date a business applies 12 for incentives or project completion assistance under the 13 program. 14 NEW SUBSECTION . 2A. “Business engaged in disaster recovery” 15 means a business located in an area declared a disaster area 16 by a federal official, that has sustained substantial physical 17 damage, that has closed as the result of a natural disaster, 18 and that has a plan for reopening that includes employing a 19 substantial number of the employees the business employed 20 before the natural disaster occurred. 21 NEW SUBSECTION . 6A. “Financial assistance” means assistance 22 provided only from the funds, rights, and assets legally 23 available to the authority pursuant to this chapter and 24 includes but is not limited to assistance in the form of 25 grants, loans, forgivable loans, and royalty payments. 26 NEW SUBSECTION . 7A. “Full-time equivalent position” means 27 a non-part-time position for the number of hours or days per 28 week considered to be full-time work for the kind of service 29 or work performed for an employer. Typically, a full-time 30 equivalent position requires two thousand eighty hours of work 31 in a calendar year, including all paid holidays, vacations, 32 sick time, and other paid leave. 33 NEW SUBSECTION . 7B. “Fund” means a fund created pursuant 34 to section 15.335B. 35 -2- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 2/ 31
S.F. 2308 NEW SUBSECTION . 7C. “Laborshed wage” means the wage level 1 represented by those wages within two standard deviations 2 from the mean wage within the laborshed area in which the 3 eligible business is located, as calculated by the authority, 4 by rule, using the most current covered wage and employment 5 data available from the department of workforce development for 6 the laborshed area. 7 NEW SUBSECTION . 7D. “Maintenance period” means the period 8 of time between the project completion date and the maintenance 9 period completion date. 10 NEW SUBSECTION . 8A. “Necessary physical infrastructure 11 project” means a project that creates necessary infrastructure 12 for economic success throughout Iowa, provides the foundation 13 for the creation of jobs, and involves the investment of 14 a substantial amount of capital. Physical infrastructure 15 projects include but are not limited to projects involving 16 any mode of transportation; public works and utilities such 17 as sewer, water, power, or telecommunications; physical 18 improvements that mitigate, prevent, or eliminate environmental 19 contamination; and other similar projects deemed to be physical 20 infrastructure by the authority. 21 NEW SUBSECTION . 9A. “Program support” means the services 22 necessary for the efficient administration of this part, 23 including the delivery of program services to eligible 24 businesses. “Program support” may include the administrative 25 costs of providing project assistance, conducting a statewide 26 laborshed study in coordination with the department of 27 workforce development, outreach to business and marketing of 28 programs, the procurement of technical assistance, and the 29 implementation of information technology. 30 NEW SUBSECTION . 9B. “Project completion assistance” means 31 financial assistance or technical assistance provided to 32 an eligible business in order to facilitate the start-up, 33 location, or expansion of the business in this state and 34 provided in an expedient manner to ensure the successful 35 -3- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 3/ 31
S.F. 2308 completion of the start-up, location, or expansion project. 1 NEW SUBSECTION . 10A. “Project completion period” means the 2 period of time between the date financial assistance is awarded 3 and the project completion date. 4 Sec. 3. Section 15.329, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 5 1, Code Supplement 2011, is amended to read as follows: 6 To be eligible to receive incentives or assistance 7 under this part, a business shall meet all of the following 8 requirements: 9 Sec. 4. Section 15.329, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 10 Supplement 2011, is amended to read as follows: 11 b. (1) The business has not closed or substantially 12 reduced operations in one area of this state and relocated 13 substantially the same operations in a community in another 14 area of this state shall not be solely relocating operations 15 from one area of the state while seeking state or local 16 incentives . A project that does not create new jobs or 17 involve a substantial amount of new capital investment shall 18 be presumed to be a relocation. In determining whether a 19 business is solely relocating operations for purposes of this 20 subparagraph, the authority shall consider a letter of support 21 for the move from the affected local community. 22 (2) The business shall not be in the process of reducing 23 operations in one community while simultaneously applying 24 for assistance under the program. For purposes of this 25 subparagraph, a reduction in operations within twelve months 26 before or after an application for assistance is submitted to 27 the authority shall be presumed to be a reduction in operations 28 while simultaneously applying for assistance under the program. 29 (3) This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit 30 a business from expanding its operation in a community if 31 existing operations of a similar nature in this state are not 32 closed or substantially reduced. 33 Sec. 5. Section 15.329, subsection 1, paragraph c, 34 subparagraphs (1) and (2), Code Supplement 2011, are amended 35 -4- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 4/ 31
S.F. 2308 to read as follows: 1 (1) If the business is creating jobs, the business shall 2 demonstrate that the jobs will pay at least one hundred percent 3 of the qualifying wage threshold at the start of the project 4 completion period, at least one hundred thirty twenty percent 5 of the qualifying wage threshold by the project completion 6 date, and at least one hundred thirty twenty percent of 7 the qualifying wage threshold until the maintenance period 8 completion date. 9 (2) If the business is retaining jobs, the business 10 shall demonstrate that the jobs retained will pay at least 11 one hundred thirty twenty percent of the qualifying wage 12 threshold throughout both the project completion period and the 13 maintenance period. 14 Sec. 6. Section 15.329, subsection 2, Code Supplement 2011, 15 is amended by striking the subsection. 16 Sec. 7. Section 15.330, Code Supplement 2011, is amended to 17 read as follows: 18 15.330 Agreement. 19 A business shall enter into an agreement with the authority 20 specifying the requirements that must be met to confirm 21 eligibility pursuant to this part. The authority shall may 22 consult with the community during negotiations relating to the 23 agreement. The agreement shall contain, at a minimum, the 24 following provisions: 25 1. A business that is approved to receive incentives 26 or assistance under this part shall, for the length of the 27 agreement, certify annually to the authority the compliance of 28 the business with the requirements of the agreement. If the 29 business receives a local property tax exemption, the business 30 shall also certify annually to the community the compliance of 31 the business with the requirements of the agreement. 32 2. The repayment of incentives or financial assistance 33 by the business if the business does not meet any of the 34 requirements of this part or the resulting agreement. 35 -5- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 5/ 31
S.F. 2308 3. If a business that is approved to receive incentives 1 or assistance under this part experiences a layoff within the 2 state or closes any of its facilities within the state, the 3 authority shall have the discretion to reduce or eliminate 4 some or all of the incentives or assistance . If a business 5 has received incentives or assistance under this part and 6 experiences a layoff within the state or closes any of its 7 facilities within the state, the business may be subject to 8 repayment of all or a portion of the incentives or financial 9 assistance that it has received. 10 4. A project completion date, a maintenance period 11 completion date, the number of jobs to be created or retained, 12 or certain other terms and obligations described in section 13 15G.112, subsection 1 , paragraph “d” , as the authority 14 deems necessary in order to make the requirements in project 15 agreements uniform. The authority, with the approval of 16 the board, may adopt rules as necessary for making such 17 requirements uniform. Such rules shall be in compliance with 18 the provisions of this part and with the provisions of chapter 19 15G . 20 5. The amount and type of project completion assistance to 21 be provided under section 15.335B. 22 6. The amount of matching funds to be received by a business 23 from a city or county. The authority shall adopt by rule a 24 formula for determining the amount of matching funds required 25 under the program. 26 7. The business shall not be relocating or reducing 27 operations as described in section 15.329, subsection 1, 28 paragraph “b” . 29 8. The proposed project shall not negatively impact other 30 businesses in competition with the business being considered 31 for assistance. The authority shall make a good-faith effort 32 to identify existing Iowa businesses within an industry in 33 competition with the business being considered for incentives 34 or assistance. The authority shall make a good-faith effort 35 -6- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 6/ 31
S.F. 2308 to determine the probability that the proposed incentives or 1 assistance will displace employees of the existing businesses. 2 In determining the impact on businesses in competition with the 3 business being considered for incentives or assistance, jobs 4 created or retained as a result of other jobs being displaced 5 elsewhere in the state shall not be considered direct jobs 6 created or retained. 7 9. A report submitted to the authority with its application 8 describing all violations of environmental law or worker 9 safety law within the last five years. If, upon review of the 10 application, the authority finds that a business has a record 11 of violations of the law, statutes, rules, or regulations that 12 tends to show a consistent pattern, the authority shall not 13 provide incentives or assistance to the business unless the 14 authority finds either that the violations did not seriously 15 affect public health, public safety, or the environment, or, 16 if such violations did seriously affect public health, public 17 safety, or the environment, that mitigating circumstances were 18 present. 19 10. That the business shall only employ individuals legally 20 authorized to work in this state. In addition to any and 21 all other applicable penalties provided by current law, all 22 or a portion of the incentives or assistance received under 23 this part by a business that is found to knowingly employ 24 individuals not legally authorized to work in this state is 25 subject to recapture by the authority or by the department of 26 revenue. 27 11. Any terms deemed necessary by the authority to effect 28 compliance with the eligibility requirements of section 15.329. 29 Sec. 8. NEW SECTION . 15.330A Maintenance of agreements. 30 1. An eligible business receiving incentives or assistance 31 under this part shall meet all terms and obligations in an 32 agreement by the project completion date, but the board may 33 for good cause extend the project completion date or otherwise 34 amend an agreement. 35 -7- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 7/ 31
S.F. 2308 2. During the maintenance period an eligible business 1 receiving incentives or assistance under this part shall 2 continue to comply with the terms and obligations of an 3 agreement entered into pursuant to section 15.330. 4 3. The authority may enforce the terms of an agreement as 5 necessary and appropriate. 6 Sec. 9. Section 15.335A, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 7 1, Code Supplement 2011, is amended to read as follows: 8 Tax incentives are available to eligible businesses as 9 provided in this section . The incentives are based upon the 10 number of jobs created or retained that pay at least one 11 hundred thirty twenty percent of the qualifying wage threshold 12 as computed pursuant to section 15G.112, subsection 4 , and 13 the amount of the qualifying investment made according to the 14 following schedule: 15 Sec. 10. Section 15.335A, subsection 2, paragraphs b, c, 16 f, and g, Code Supplement 2011, are amended by striking the 17 paragraphs. 18 Sec. 11. Section 15.335A, subsections 3 through 5, Code 19 Supplement 2011, are amended to read as follows: 20 3. A community may apply to the economic development 21 authority for a project-specific waiver from the qualifying 22 wage threshold requirement provided in subsection 1 in order to 23 seek tax incentives for an eligible business. The authority 24 may grant a project-specific waiver from the qualifying 25 wage threshold requirement in subsection 1 for the remainder 26 of a calendar year , based on county wage or regional wage 27 calculations brought forth by the applicant county including 28 but not limited to any of the following: 29 a. The county wage calculated without wage data from 30 the business in the county employing the greatest number of 31 full-time employees if the community meets the requirements of 32 an economically distressed community pursuant to 15.335C . 33 b. The regional wage calculated without wage data from up to 34 two adjacent counties. 35 -8- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 8/ 31
S.F. 2308 c. The county wage calculated without wage data from the 1 largest city in the county. 2 d. A qualifying wage guideline for a specific project based 3 upon unusual economic circumstances present in the city or 4 county. 5 e. The annualized, average hourly wage paid by all 6 businesses in the county located outside the largest city of 7 the county. 8 f. The annualized, average hourly wage paid by all 9 businesses other than the largest employer in the entire 10 county. 11 4. Each calendar year, the authority shall not approve 12 more than three million six hundred thousand dollars worth of 13 investment tax credits for projects with qualifying investments 14 of less than one million dollars. 15 5. 4. The authority shall negotiate the amount of 16 tax incentives provided to an applicant under the program 17 in accordance with this section and section 15G.112 , as 18 applicable . 19 Sec. 12. NEW SECTION . 15.335B Assistance for certain 20 programs and projects. 21 1. a. Under the authority provided in section 15.106A, 22 there shall be established one or more funds within the state 23 treasury, under the control of the authority, to be used for 24 purposes of this section. 25 b. A fund established for purposes of this section shall 26 consist of the moneys appropriated or otherwise provided for 27 purposes of this section. 28 c. Interest or earnings on moneys appropriated or provided 29 to a fund to be used for the purposes of this section, and 30 all repayments or recaptures of the assistance provided under 31 this section, shall accrue to the authority and shall be used 32 for purposes of this section, notwithstanding section 12C.7. 33 Moneys in a fund are not subject to section 8.33. 34 2. a. Moneys appropriated or provided pursuant to 35 -9- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 9/ 31
S.F. 2308 subsection 1 shall be allocated by the authority in appropriate 1 amounts to be used for the following purposes: 2 (1) For providing project completion assistance to eligible 3 businesses under this part and for program support of such 4 assistance. 5 (2) For providing economic development region financial 6 assistance under section 15E.232, subsections 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7 6. 8 (3) For providing financial assistance for business 9 accelerators pursuant to section 15E.351. 10 (4) For deposit in the innovation and commercialization 11 fund created pursuant to section 15.412. 12 (5) For providing financial assistance to businesses or 13 communities engaged in necessary physical infrastructure 14 projects. 15 (6) For providing financial assistance to businesses 16 engaged in disaster recovery. 17 (7) For providing financial assistance to Iowa’s councils 18 of governments. 19 b. Each fiscal year, the authority shall estimate the 20 amount of revenues available for purposes of this section and 21 shall develop a budget appropriate for the expenditure of the 22 revenues available. 23 3. In providing assistance under this section, the 24 authority shall make a determination as to the amount and 25 type of assistance that is most appropriate for facilitating 26 the successful completion of an eligible business’s project. 27 Before making such a determination, the authority shall do all 28 of the following: 29 a. Consider a business’s eligibility for the tax incentives 30 available under section 15.335A and ensure that the amount of 31 assistance to be provided appropriately complements the amount 32 and type of tax incentives to be provided. 33 b. Consider the amount of private sector investment to be 34 leveraged by the project, including the eligible business’s 35 -10- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 10/ 31
S.F. 2308 equity investment, debt financing, and any venture capital or 1 foreign investment available, and make a good-faith effort to 2 provide only the amount of incentives and assistance necessary 3 to facilitate the project’s successful completion. 4 c. Consider the amount and type of the local community 5 match. The authority may provide assistance to an early-stage 6 business in a high-growth industry regardless of the amount of 7 local match involved. 8 d. Calculate the fiscal impact ratio of the project and use 9 it to guide the provision of incentives and assistance under 10 this part. 11 e. Evaluate the quality of the project based on the factors 12 described in section 15.329, subsection 5, and any other 13 relevant factors. 14 f. Ensure that the combined amount of incentives and 15 assistance are appropriate to the size of the project, to 16 the value of the project, to the fiscal impact ratio of the 17 project, and to any other relevant factors. 18 4. Each eligible business receiving assistance under this 19 section shall enter into an agreement with the authority and 20 the agreement shall meet the requirements of sections 15.330 21 and 15.330A. 22 Sec. 13. NEW SECTION . 15.335C Economically distressed 23 areas. 24 1. a. Notwithstanding section 15.329, subsection 1, 25 paragraph “c” , the authority may provide tax incentives or 26 project completion assistance under this part to an eligible 27 business paying less than one hundred twenty percent of the 28 qualifying wage threshold if that business is located in an 29 economically distressed area. 30 b. A business in an economically distressed area receiving 31 incentives or assistance pursuant to this section shall be 32 required to pay at least one hundred percent of the qualifying 33 wage threshold. 34 2. For purposes of this section, “economically distressed 35 -11- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 11/ 31
S.F. 2308 area” means a county that ranks among the bottom twenty-five of 1 all Iowa counties, as measured by one of the following: 2 a. Average monthly unemployment level for the most recent 3 twelve-month period. 4 b. Average annualized unemployment level for the most recent 5 five-year period. 6 Sec. 14. Section 15A.7, subsection 3, Code Supplement 2011, 7 is amended to read as follows: 8 3. That the employer shall agree to pay wages for the jobs 9 for which the credit is taken of at least the county wage or 10 the regional laborshed wage, as calculated by the authority 11 pursuant to section 15G.112 15.327 , subsection 3 , whichever 12 is lower 7C . Eligibility for the supplemental credit shall 13 be based on a one-time determination of starting wages by the 14 community college. 15 Sec. 15. Section 15E.193, subsection 1, paragraph b, 16 subparagraph (1), Code Supplement 2011, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 (1) The business shall provide a sufficient package of 19 benefits to each employee holding a created or retained job. 20 For purposes of this paragraph, “created job” and “retained job” 21 have the same meaning as defined in section 15G.101 15.327 . 22 Sec. 16. Section 15E.193, subsection 1, paragraphs c and d, 23 Code Supplement 2011, are amended to read as follows: 24 c. The business shall pay a wage that is at least ninety 25 percent of the qualifying wage threshold. For purposes of this 26 paragraph, “qualifying wage threshold” has the same meaning as 27 defined in section 15G.101 15.327 . 28 d. Creates or retains at least ten full-time equivalent 29 positions and maintains them until the maintenance period 30 completion date. For purposes of this paragraph, “maintenance 31 period completion date” and “full-time equivalent position” have 32 the same meanings as defined in section 15G.101 15.327 . 33 Sec. 17. Section 15E.231, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 34 Supplement 2011, is amended to read as follows: 35 -12- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 12/ 31
S.F. 2308 In order for an economic development region to receive 1 moneys under the economic development financial assistance 2 program established in section 15G.112 assistance pursuant to 3 section 15.335B , an economic development region’s regional 4 development plan must be approved by the authority. An 5 economic development region shall consist of not less than 6 three counties, unless two contiguous counties have a combined 7 population of at least three hundred thousand based on the 8 most recent federal decennial census. An economic development 9 region shall establish a focused economic development effort 10 that shall include a regional development plan relating to one 11 or more of the following areas: 12 Sec. 18. Section 15E.232, subsections 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, 13 Code Supplement 2011, are amended to read as follows: 14 1. An economic development region may apply for financial 15 assistance from the economic development a fund established 16 pursuant to section 15.335B to assist with the installation 17 of physical infrastructure needs including, but not limited 18 to, horizontal infrastructure, water and sewer infrastructure, 19 and telecommunications infrastructure, related to the 20 development of fully served business and industrial sites by 21 one or more of the region’s economic development partners 22 or for the installation of infrastructure related to a 23 new business location or expansion. In order to receive 24 financial assistance pursuant to this subsection , the economic 25 development region must demonstrate all of the following: 26 a. The ability to provide matching moneys on a basis of a 27 one dollar contribution of local matching moneys for every two 28 dollars received from the economic development fund. 29 b. The commitment of the specific business partner 30 including, but not limited to, a letter of intent defining a 31 capital commitment or a percentage of equity. 32 c. That all other funding alternatives have been exhausted. 33 3. An economic development region may apply for financial 34 assistance from the economic development a fund established 35 -13- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 13/ 31
S.F. 2308 pursuant to section 15.335B to assist an existing business 1 threatened with closure due to a potential consolidation to an 2 out-of-state location. The economic development region may 3 apply for financial assistance from the economic development 4 fund for the purchase, rehabilitation, or marketing of a 5 building that has become available due to the closing of an 6 existing business due to a consolidation to an out-of-state 7 location. In order to receive financial assistance under this 8 subsection , an economic development region must demonstrate the 9 ability to provide local matching moneys on a basis of a one 10 dollar contribution of local moneys for every three dollars 11 received from the economic development fund. 12 4. An economic development region may apply for financial 13 assistance from the economic development a fund established 14 pursuant to section 15.335B to establish and operate an 15 entrepreneurial initiative. In order to receive financial 16 assistance under this subsection , an economic development 17 region must demonstrate the ability to provide local matching 18 moneys on a basis of a one dollar contribution of local moneys 19 for every two dollars received from the economic development 20 fund. 21 5. a. An economic development region may apply for 22 financial assistance from the economic development a fund 23 established pursuant to section 15.335B to establish and 24 operate a business succession assistance program for the 25 region. 26 b. In order to receive financial assistance under this 27 subsection , an economic development region must demonstrate 28 the ability to provide local matching moneys on a basis of a 29 one dollar contribution of local moneys for every two dollars 30 received from the economic development fund. 31 6. An economic development region may apply for financial 32 assistance from the economic development a fund established 33 pursuant to section 15.335B to implement economic development 34 initiatives that are either unique to the region or innovative 35 -14- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 14/ 31
S.F. 2308 in design and implementation. In order to receive financial 1 assistance under this subsection , an economic development 2 region must demonstrate the ability to provide local matching 3 moneys on a one-to-one basis. 4 Sec. 19. Section 15E.351, subsection 1, Code Supplement 5 2011, is amended to read as follows: 6 1. The economic development authority shall establish and 7 administer a business accelerator program to provide financial 8 assistance for the establishment and operation of a business 9 accelerator for technology-based, value-added agricultural, 10 information solutions, alternative and renewable energy 11 including the alternative and renewable energy sectors listed 12 in section 476.42, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , subparagraph 13 (1), or advanced manufacturing start-up businesses or for a 14 satellite of an existing business accelerator. The program 15 shall be designed to foster the accelerated growth of new 16 and existing businesses through the provision of technical 17 assistance. The economic development authority may provide 18 financial assistance under this section from moneys allocated 19 for regional financial assistance for business accelerators 20 pursuant to section 15G.111 section 15.335B , subsection 9 2 . 21 Sec. 20. Section 159A.6B, subsection 2, Code Supplement 22 2011, is amended to read as follows: 23 2. The office may execute contracts in order to provide 24 technical support and outreach services for purposes of 25 assisting and educating interested persons as provided in this 26 section . The office may also contract with a consultant to 27 provide part or all of these services. The office may require 28 that a person receiving assistance pursuant to this section 29 contribute up to fifty percent of the amount required to 30 support the costs of contracting with the consultant to provide 31 assistance to the person. The office shall assist the person 32 in completing any technical information required in order 33 to receive assistance by the economic development authority 34 pursuant to the value-added agriculture component of the 35 -15- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 15/ 31
S.F. 2308 economic development financial assistance program established 1 pursuant to section 15G.112 section 15.335B . 2 Sec. 21. Section 266.19, Code Supplement 2011, is amended 3 to read as follows: 4 266.19 Renewable fuel —— assistance. 5 The university shall cooperate in assisting renewable fuel 6 production facilities supporting livestock operations managed 7 by persons receiving assistance pursuant to the value-added 8 agriculture component of the economic development financial 9 assistance program established in section 15G.112 section 10 15.335B . 11 Sec. 22. Section 455B.104, subsection 2, Code Supplement 12 2011, is amended to read as follows: 13 2. The department shall assist persons applying for 14 assistance to establish and operate renewable fuel production 15 facilities pursuant to the value-added agriculture component 16 of the economic development financial assistance program 17 established in section 15G.112 section 15.335B . 18 Sec. 23. Section 455B.433, Code Supplement 2011, is amended 19 to read as follows: 20 455B.433 Physical infrastructure assistance —— funding —— 21 liability. 22 1. The department of natural resources shall work in 23 conjunction with the economic development authority to identify 24 environmentally contaminated sites which qualify for the 25 infrastructure component of the economic development financial 26 assistance program established in section 15G.112 assistance 27 under section 15.335B as necessary physical infrastructure 28 projects . The department shall provide an assessment of the 29 site and shall provide any emergency response activities which 30 the department deems necessary. The department may take any 31 further action, including remediation of the site, that the 32 department deems to be appropriate and which promotes the 33 purposes of the necessary physical infrastructure component 34 project . 35 -16- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 16/ 31
S.F. 2308 2. The department shall be reimbursed from the economic 1 development fund created in section 15G.111 by the economic 2 development authority for any costs incurred pursuant to this 3 section . 4 3. A person shall not have standing pursuant to section 5 455B.111 to commence a citizen suit which is based upon 6 property that is part of the infrastructure component of the 7 economic development financial assistance program established 8 in section 15G.112 receiving assistance pursuant to section 9 15.335B as a necessary physical infrastructure project . 10 Sec. 24. RULES. The economic development authority shall 11 adopt rules for the implementation of this division of this 12 Act. 13 DIVISION II 14 TARGETED INDUSTRIES PROGRAM 15 Sec. 25. Section 15.102, subsection 11, Code Supplement 16 2011, is amended to read as follows: 17 11. “Targeted industries” means the same as defined 18 in section 15.411, subsection 1 industries of advanced 19 manufacturing, biosciences, and information technology . 20 Sec. 26. Section 15.106B, subsection 2, paragraph d, 21 subparagraph (1), Code Supplement 2011, is amended by adding 22 the following new subparagraph division: 23 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH DIVISION . (g) Services related to 24 outreach and assistance to businesses for small business 25 innovation research and technology transfer pursuant to section 26 15.411, subsection 5. 27 Sec. 27. Section 15.411, Code Supplement 2011, is amended 28 to read as follows: 29 15.411 Targeted industries Innovative business development —— 30 internships —— technical and financial assistance. 31 1. As used in this part, unless the context otherwise 32 requires: 33 a. “Innovative business” means the same as defined in 34 section 15E.52. 35 -17- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 17/ 31
S.F. 2308 a. b. “Internship” means temporary employment of a student 1 that focuses on providing the student with work experience in 2 the student’s field of study. 3 b. “Targeted industries” means the industries of advanced 4 manufacturing, biosciences, and information technology. 5 2. The authority shall, upon board approval, may contract 6 with service providers on a case-by-case basis for services 7 related to statewide commercialization development in the 8 targeted industries of innovative businesses . Services 9 provided shall include all of the following: 10 a. Assistance provided directly to businesses by experienced 11 serial entrepreneurs for all of the following activities: 12 (1) Business plan development. 13 (2) Due diligence. 14 (3) Market assessments. 15 (4) Technology assessments. 16 (5) Other planning activities. 17 b. Operation and coordination of various available 18 competitive seed and prototype development funds. 19 c. Connecting businesses to private angel investors and the 20 venture capital community. 21 d. Assistance in obtaining access to an experienced pool 22 of managers and operations talent that can staff, mentor, or 23 advise start-up enterprises. 24 e. Support and advice for accessing sources of early stage 25 financing. 26 3. The authority shall establish and administer a program 27 to provide financial and technical assistance to encourage 28 prototype and concept development activities by innovative 29 businesses that have a clear potential to lead to commercially 30 viable products or services within a reasonable period of time 31 in the targeted industries . Financial assistance shall be 32 awarded on a per project basis upon board approval. The amount 33 of financial assistance available for a single project shall 34 not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars. In order to 35 -18- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 18/ 31
S.F. 2308 receive financial assistance, an applicant must demonstrate 1 the ability to secure one dollar of nonstate moneys for every 2 two dollars received from the authority. For purposes of this 3 section, “financial assistance” means assistance provided only 4 from the funds, rights, and assets legally available to the 5 authority pursuant to this chapter and includes but is not 6 limited to assistance in the form of grants, loans, forgivable 7 loans, and royalty payments. 8 4. The authority shall, upon board approval, establish 9 and administer a program to provide financial assistance for 10 projects designed to encourage collaboration between commercial 11 users and developers of information technology in the state 12 for the purpose of commercializing existing software and 13 applications technologies. Financial assistance shall not 14 exceed one hundred thousand dollars per project. In order to 15 receive financial assistance, an applicant must demonstrate the 16 ability to secure two dollars of nonstate moneys for every one 17 dollar received from the authority. Financial assistance shall 18 be awarded to projects that will result in technologies being 19 developed as commercial products for sale by Iowa companies 20 rather than as custom applications for proprietary use by a 21 participating firm. 22 5. The authority shall, upon board approval, establish 23 and administer a program to provide financial assistance to 24 businesses or departments of businesses engaged in the delivery 25 of information technology services in the state for the purpose 26 of upgrading the high-level technical skills of existing 27 employees. The amount of financial assistance shall not exceed 28 twenty-five thousand dollars for any business site. In order 29 to receive financial assistance, an applicant must demonstrate 30 the ability to secure two dollars of nonstate moneys for every 31 one dollar received from the authority. 32 6. 4. The authority shall , upon board approval, establish 33 and administer a targeted industries an innovative businesses 34 internship program for Iowa students. For purposes of this 35 -19- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 19/ 31
S.F. 2308 subsection , “Iowa student” means a student of an Iowa community 1 college, private college, or institution of higher learning 2 under the control of the state board of regents, or a student 3 who graduated from high school in Iowa but now attends an 4 institution of higher learning outside the state of Iowa. The 5 purpose of the program is to link Iowa students to small and 6 medium sized Iowa firms in the targeted industries through 7 internship opportunities. An Iowa employer may receive 8 financial assistance in an amount of one dollar for every 9 two dollars paid by the employer to an intern. The amount 10 of financial assistance shall not exceed three thousand one 11 hundred dollars for any single internship, or nine thousand 12 three hundred dollars for any single employer. In order to be 13 eligible to receive financial assistance under this subsection , 14 the employer must have five hundred or fewer employees and must 15 be engaged in a targeted industry an innovative business . The 16 authority shall encourage youth who reside in economically 17 distressed areas, youth adjudicated to have committed a 18 delinquent act, and youth transitioning out of foster care to 19 participate in the targeted industries internship program. 20 7. The economic development authority shall work with the 21 department of workforce development to create a statewide 22 supplier capacity and product database to assist the economic 23 development authority in linking suppliers to Iowa-based 24 companies. The economic development authority may procure 25 technical assistance for the creation of the database from a 26 third party through a request for proposals process. 27 8. The technology commercialization committee created 28 pursuant to section 15.116 shall review all applications for 29 financial assistance and requests for proposals pursuant to 30 this section and make recommendations to the board. 31 9. In each fiscal year, the authority may transfer 32 additional moneys that become available to the authority 33 from sources such as loan repayments or recaptures of awards 34 from federal economic stimulus funds to the innovation 35 -20- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 20/ 31
S.F. 2308 and commercialization development fund created in section 1 15.412 , provided the authority spends those moneys for the 2 implementation of the recommendations included in the separate 3 consultant reports on bioscience, advanced manufacturing, 4 information technology, and entrepreneurship submitted to the 5 department in calendar years 2004, 2005, and 2006. 6 5. a. (1) The authority shall establish and administer 7 an outreach program for purposes of assisting businesses with 8 applications to the federal small business innovation research 9 and small business technology transfer programs. 10 (2) The goals of this assistance are to increase the number 11 of successful phase II small business innovation research grant 12 proposals in the state, increase the amount of such grant 13 funds awarded in the state, stimulate subsequent investment by 14 industry, venture capital, and other sources, and encourage 15 businesses to commercialize promising technologies. 16 b. (1) In administering the program, the authority may 17 provide technical and financial assistance to businesses. 18 Financial assistance provided pursuant to this subsection shall 19 not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars to any single business. 20 (2) The authority may require successful applicants to 21 repay the amount of financial assistance received, but shall 22 not require unsuccessful applicants to repay such assistance. 23 Any moneys repaid pursuant to this subsection may be used to 24 provide financial assistance to other applicants. 25 c. The authority may also provide financial assistance 26 for purposes of helping businesses meet the matching funds 27 requirements of the federal small business innovation research 28 and small business technology transfer programs. 29 d. The authority may contract with outside service providers 30 for assistance with the programs described in this subsection 31 or may delegate the functions to be performed under this 32 subsection to the corporation pursuant to section 15.106B. 33 10. 6. The board shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A 34 necessary for the administration of this section . 35 -21- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 21/ 31
S.F. 2308 Sec. 28. Section 15.412, subsections 2 and 3, Code 1 Supplement 2011, are amended to read as follows: 2 2. Moneys in the fund are appropriated to the authority and, 3 with the approval of the board, shall be used to facilitate 4 agreements, enhance commercialization in the targeted 5 industries , and increase the availability of skilled workers 6 within the targeted industries in innovative businesses . Such 7 moneys shall not be used for the support of retail businesses, 8 health care businesses, or other businesses requiring a 9 professional license. 10 3. Moneys in the fund , with the approval of the board, may 11 also be used for the following purposes: 12 a. For assistance to entities providing student internship 13 opportunities. 14 b. For increasing career awareness training. 15 c. For recruiting management talent. 16 d. b. For assistance to entities engaged in prototype and 17 concept development activities. 18 e. c. For developing a statewide commercialization network. 19 f. For deploying and maintaining an Iowa entrepreneur 20 website. 21 g. For funding asset mapping and supply chain initiatives, 22 including for identifying methods of supporting lean 23 manufacturing practices or processes. 24 h. For information technology training. 25 i. For networking events to facilitate the transfer of 26 technology among researchers and industries. 27 j. For funding student competition programs. 28 k. For the purchase of advanced equipment and software 29 at Iowa community colleges in order to support training and 30 coursework related to the targeted industries. 31 Sec. 29. Section 15E.52, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 32 Supplement 2011, is amended to read as follows: 33 c. “Innovative business” means a business applying novel 34 or original methods to the manufacture of a product or the 35 -22- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 22/ 31
S.F. 2308 delivery of a service. “Innovative business” includes but 1 is not limited to a business engaged in a targeted industry 2 as defined in section 15.411 the industries of advanced 3 manufacturing, biosciences, and information technology . 4 DIVISION III 5 OTHER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHANGES 6 Sec. 30. Section 15.106A, subsection 1, paragraph o, Code 7 Supplement 2011, is amended to read as follows: 8 o. Establish one or more funds within the state treasury 9 under the control of the authority. Moneys deposited in or 10 accruing to such a fund are appropriated to the authority for 11 purposes of administering the economic development programs in 12 this chapter, chapter 15E, or such other programs as directed 13 by law. Notwithstanding section 8.33 or 12C.7 , or any other 14 provision to the contrary, moneys invested by the treasurer 15 of state pursuant to this subsection shall not revert to the 16 general fund of the state and interest accrued on the moneys 17 shall be moneys of the authority and shall not be credited to 18 the general fund. The nonreversion of moneys allowed under 19 this paragraph does not apply to moneys appropriated to the 20 authority by the general assembly. 21 Sec. 31. REPEAL. Sections 15.103 and 15.104, Code 22 Supplement 2011, are repealed. 23 Sec. 32. HOUSING ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDIT ISSUANCE. 24 1. Notwithstanding section 15E.193B, subsection 4, the 25 authority may issue a tax credit to an eligible housing 26 business for a project not completed within two years from 27 the time the business began construction if a city failed to 28 file the appropriate paperwork with the authority requesting 29 an extension for the project pursuant to section 15E.193B, 30 subsection 4. 31 2. The authorization described in subsection 1 only applies 32 to projects for which a city failed to file an extension 33 between January 1, 2007, and January 1, 2008, and only to 34 benefits earned for a project between February 8, 2005, and 35 -23- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 23/ 31
S.F. 2308 February 8, 2008. 1 DIVISION IV 2 FILM TAX CREDIT PROGRAM 3 Sec. 33. Section 2.48, subsection 3, paragraph c, 4 subparagraph (5), Code 2011, is amended by striking the 5 subparagraph. 6 Sec. 34. Section 15.119, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 7 Supplement 2011, is amended by striking the paragraph. 8 Sec. 35. Section 422.7, subsection 52, Code Supplement 9 2011, is amended by striking the subsection. 10 Sec. 36. Section 422.33, subsections 23 and 24, Code 11 Supplement 2011, are amended by striking the subsections. 12 Sec. 37. Section 422.35, subsection 23, Code Supplement 13 2011, is amended by striking the subsection. 14 Sec. 38. Section 422.60, subsections 10 and 11, Code 15 Supplement 2011, are amended by striking the subsections. 16 Sec. 39. Section 533.329, subsection 2, paragraphs f and g, 17 Code Supplement 2011, are amended by striking the paragraphs. 18 Sec. 40. REPEAL. Sections 15.391, 15.392, 422.11T, 19 422.11U, 432.12J, and 432.12K, Code 2011, are repealed. 20 Sec. 41. REPEAL. Section 15.393, Code Supplement 2011, is 21 repealed. 22 Sec. 42. EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT. This division of this 23 Act, being deemed of immediate importance, takes effect upon 24 enactment. 25 Sec. 43. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. This division of this 26 Act applies retroactively to January 1, 2012, for tax years 27 beginning on or after that date. 28 Sec. 44. APPLICABILITY. This division of this Act does not 29 apply to contracts or agreements entered into on or before the 30 effective date of this division of this Act. 31 EXPLANATION 32 This bill relates to economic development by affecting 33 programs, tax incentives, and project completion and other 34 assistance administered by the economic development authority. 35 -24- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 24/ 31
S.F. 2308 The bill provides general spending authority to the economic 1 development authority for funds established pursuant to Code 2 section 15.106A. The bill abolishes the film tax credit 3 program. 4 HIGH QUALITY JOBS PROGRAM. Division I relates to assistance 5 in the high quality jobs program and related assistance and 6 programs. 7 The bill amends Code chapter 15, part 13, to provide for 8 assistance when providing for incentives. The bill includes 9 amendments to definitions, which incorporate the language of 10 the definitions in Code chapter 15G, the economic development 11 fund and financial assistance program (formerly, the grow Iowa 12 values fund and program), which is repealed June 30, 2012, with 13 some modifications. The bill transfers the definitions of 14 “created job”, “maintenance period completion date”, “retained 15 job”, “financial assistance”, “full-time equivalent position”, 16 “maintenance period”, and “project completion period” from Code 17 section 15G.101 to Code section 15.327. 18 The bill transfers the definitions of “benefit”, “fiscal 19 impact ratio”, “project completion date”, “qualifying wage 20 threshold”, and “base employment level” from Code section 21 15G.101 to Code section 15.327, with modifications. The bill 22 changes the definition of “benefit” by providing that the 23 economic development board, rather than the authority, shall 24 determine any other nonwage compensation that is considered a 25 benefit. The bill changes the calculation of a “fiscal impact 26 ratio”. The estimated taxes to be received by the state from a 27 business would be divided by the estimated cost to the state of 28 providing certain project completion assistance and incentives 29 to the business rather than dividing the estimated taxes by 30 the cost of providing financial incentives to the business. 31 The bill amends the definition of “project completion date” 32 to provide that the person may be a recipient of project 33 completion assistance rather than financial assistance. The 34 bill amends the definition of “qualifying wage threshold”. 35 -25- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 25/ 31
S.F. 2308 The bill provides that the qualifying wage threshold means 1 the “laborshed wage” as defined in the bill rather than the 2 county or regional wage. The bill provides that the “base 3 employment level” is calculated as of the date the business 4 applies for incentives or project completion assistance rather 5 than financial assistance. 6 The bill also adds definitions for “business engaged in 7 disaster recovery”, “fund”, “laborshed wage”, “necessary 8 physical infrastructure project”, “program support”, and 9 “project completion assistance” in Code section 15.327. The 10 bill provides that a “business engaged in disaster recovery” 11 means a business located in a federally declared disaster 12 area that sustained substantial physical damage and closed 13 as a result of the disaster, but has a plan for reopening 14 that includes employing a substantial number of the employees 15 the business employed before the natural disaster. The bill 16 provides that “fund” means a fund created pursuant to new Code 17 section 15.335B. The bill provides that “laborshed wage” means 18 the wage level represented by those wages within two standard 19 deviations from the mean wage within the laborshed area, as 20 calculated by the authority. The bill defines “necessary 21 physical infrastructure project” as a project creating 22 necessary infrastructure for economic success by providing 23 the foundation for job creation, and involving investment of 24 capital. The bill defines “program support” as the services 25 necessary for the efficient administration of the high quality 26 jobs program. The bill defines “project completion assistance” 27 as financial or technical assistance provided to an eligible 28 business to facilitate the start-up, location, or expansion of 29 the business. 30 The bill strikes the definitions for “benefits”, “county 31 wage”, “qualifying wage threshold”, and “regional wage” as used 32 in Code section 15.335A, as those definitions placed by the 33 bill in Code section 15.327 also apply to Code section 15.335A. 34 The bill amends Code section 15.329 regarding qualifying 35 -26- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 26/ 31
S.F. 2308 wage thresholds for eligible businesses. The current law 1 requires that any jobs created or retained pay at least 2 130 percent of the qualifying wage threshold at the project 3 completion date until the maintenance period completion 4 date. The bill provides that a business eligible to receive 5 incentives or assistance for creating or retaining jobs must 6 pay at least 120 percent of the qualifying wage threshold 7 at the project completion date until the maintenance period 8 completion date. The bill also eliminates a credit against 9 the qualifying wage threshold for businesses that create or 10 retain jobs with sufficient benefits packages. However, the 11 bill allows the authority to provide assistance to a business 12 paying less than 120 percent but at least 100 percent of the 13 qualifying wage threshold if the business is located in an 14 economically distressed area. An economically distressed 15 area is defined in the bill as a county that ranks among the 16 bottom 25 counties in Iowa based on either the average monthly 17 unemployment level for the most recent 12-month period, or 18 the average annualized unemployment level for the most recent 19 five-year period. 20 The bill amends Code section 15.330 to include financial 21 assistance where the statutory language provides for 22 incentives. The bill also amends Code section 15.330 to 23 eliminate references to Code chapter 15G, the economic 24 development fund and financial assistance program, which is 25 repealed on June 30, 2012. 26 The bill allows the authority to consult with the community 27 during negotiations relating to an agreement between the 28 authority and a business under the high quality jobs program. 29 The bill provides that an agreement between the business 30 and the authority that specifies the requirements to be met to 31 confirm eligibility must include the amount and type of project 32 completion assistance to be provided, the amount of matching 33 funds from a city or county, a provision that the business 34 shall not close or substantially reduce operations as those 35 -27- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 27/ 31
S.F. 2308 terms are modified in the bill, a provision that the proposed 1 project shall not negatively impact other businesses in 2 competition with the business being considered for assistance, 3 a report submitted to the authority describing violations of 4 environmental law or worker safety law, a provision that the 5 business shall only employ individuals legally authorized to 6 work in the state, and any terms necessary to effect compliance 7 with the eligibility requirements of Code section 15.329. 8 The bill adds a new Code section 15.330A regarding the 9 maintenance of agreements. The new Code section provides that 10 an eligible business that is receiving incentives or assistance 11 must meet the terms and obligations in the agreement by the 12 project completion date and the business must comply with the 13 agreement throughout the maintenance period. If the recipient 14 business experiences a layoff or closure within the state, the 15 authority is authorized to reduce or eliminate part or all of 16 the incentives or assistance. The business may also be subject 17 to repayment of the incentives and assistance. The bill allows 18 the authority to enforce the terms of an agreement as necessary 19 and appropriate. 20 The bill provides that a community may apply to the economic 21 development authority for a project-specific waiver from 22 the qualifying wage threshold requirement in order to seek 23 tax incentives, and the authority may grant the waiver for 24 the remainder of the calendar year if the community meets 25 the requirements of an economically distressed community as 26 provided by new Code section 15.335C. The bill eliminates 27 the county wage or regional wage calculations as a tool for 28 determining whether to grant a project-specific waiver. The 29 bill also eliminates a provision that prohibits the authority 30 from approving more than $3.6 million worth of investment tax 31 credits for projects with qualifying investments of less than 32 $1 million. 33 The bill provides that one or more funds shall be established 34 within the state treasury to be used for assistance under 35 -28- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 28/ 31
S.F. 2308 newly created Code section 15.335B. Moneys deposited into the 1 fund shall be used for project completion assistance, economic 2 development region financial assistance, financial assistance 3 for business accelerators, the innovation and commercialization 4 fund, financial assistance to business or communities 5 for necessary physical infrastructure projects, financial 6 assistance to businesses engaged in disaster recovery, and 7 financial assistance to Iowa’s councils of governments. 8 The bill provides that the authority shall estimate the 9 revenues available for project completion and shall develop 10 a budget for the expenditure of funds each fiscal year. In 11 providing assistance, the authority shall make determinations 12 as to the amount and type of assistance that is most 13 appropriate. Each eligible business that receives assistance 14 under Code section 15.335B must enter into an agreement with 15 the authority that meets the requirements of agreements under 16 the high quality jobs program pursuant to Code sections 15.330 17 and 15.330A. 18 The bill removes references to the economic development 19 fund and financial assistance program and replaces it with the 20 assistance created by new Code section 15.335B. 21 TARGETED INDUSTRIES PROGRAM. Division II relates to the 22 targeted industries program. The term “targeted industries” 23 in Code section 15.411 is replaced with “innovative business”. 24 The bill no longer requires board approval for the authority 25 to contract with service providers for services related to 26 commercialization development. The bill removes the $150,000 27 limitation on financial assistance for a single project of 28 an innovative business. The bill removes the requirement 29 that the authority administer a program to provide financial 30 assistance for projects designed to encourage collaboration 31 between commercial users and developers of information 32 technology. The bill also removes the requirement the 33 authority establish and administer a program to provide 34 financial assistance to business or business departments 35 -29- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 29/ 31
S.F. 2308 engaged in the delivery of information technology services 1 in the state. The bill eliminates the requirement that the 2 authority and department of workforce development create a 3 statewide supplier capacity and product database. The bill 4 provides that applications for financial assistance under the 5 innovative businesses program no longer require a review by 6 the technology commercialization committee. The bill removes 7 the transfer provisions relating to money received by the 8 authority as loan repayments or recaptures of federal economic 9 stimulus funds. The bill requires the authority to establish 10 and administer an outreach program to assist businesses with 11 applications to the federal small business innovation research 12 and small business technology transfer programs. However, 13 the authority may contract with outside service providers for 14 assistance with the program or may delegate the administration 15 of the program to the Iowa innovation corporation pursuant to 16 Code section 15.106B. The authority may provide technical 17 or financial assistance and may require that successful 18 applicants repay any financial assistance received. The 19 bill specifies that moneys appropriated to the innovation 20 and commercialization development fund shall not be used for 21 retail businesses, health care businesses, or other businesses 22 requiring a professional license. The bill also reduces the 23 number of purposes for which money in the innovation and 24 commercialization development fund may be used. 25 OTHER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHANGES. Division III of the 26 bill repeals Code sections 15.103 and 15.104, relating to the 27 economic development board, which was replaced by the economic 28 development authority board in Code section 15.105. 29 The bill provides spending authority for moneys deposited 30 in or accruing to funds established pursuant to Code section 31 15.106A for the purposes of administering economic development 32 programs in Code chapters 15 and 15E, or other programs as 33 directed by law. 34 The bill allows the authority to issue a tax credit to an 35 -30- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 30/ 31
S.F. 2308 eligible housing business, as defined in Code section 15E.193B, 1 when the project was not completed within two years from the 2 time the business began construction if a city failed to file 3 appropriate paperwork with the economic development authority 4 requesting an extension. The authorization to issue a tax 5 credit is limited to projects for which a city failed to file 6 an extension between January 1, 2007, and January 1, 2008, and 7 only to benefits earned for a project between February 8, 2005, 8 and February 8, 2008. 9 FILM TAX CREDIT PROGRAM. Division IV repeals the film tax 10 credit program and the tax credits provided under that program. 11 The bill makes changes corresponding to the repeal of the 12 program and the related tax credits. 13 -31- LSB 5347SV (2) 84 ad/sc 31/ 31