Senate File 2258 - Reprinted SENATE FILE 2258 BY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION (SUCCESSOR TO SF 2219) (As Amended and Passed by the Senate February 27, 2014 ) A BILL FOR An Act providing for a voluntary program to recognize school 1 districts and accredited nonpublic schools that participate 2 in programs that promote financial literacy for high school 3 students and including implementation provisions. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 5 SF 2258 (2) 85 je/sc/jh
S.F. 2258 Section 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act shall be known and may be 1 cited as the “Champion of Financial Literacy Act of 2014”. 2 Sec. 2. Section 256.9, Code 2014, is amended by adding the 3 following new subsection: 4 NEW SUBSECTION . 65. a. Develop and implement a voluntary 5 program to recognize school districts and accredited nonpublic 6 schools that participate in programs that promote financial 7 literacy for high school students and that have the following 8 characteristics: 9 (1) Capability for implementation without additional 10 teacher training or cost to students or school districts or 11 schools. 12 (2) Capability for implementation using both existing 13 instructional time or time outside of the school day. 14 (3) Capability for implementation as both a new curriculum 15 component or as a complement to existing curriculum components. 16 (4) Inclusion of a money management system for students. 17 (5) Inclusion of curriculum and supporting materials that 18 can be personalized for students and that were developed 19 through partnerships with financial literacy experts in the 20 public, private, or nonprofit sector. 21 (6) Inclusion of newsletters that provide family members 22 with weekly savings information and the opportunity to 23 participate in their children’s activities in the program. 24 (7) Education of students in areas of financial literacy 25 including but not limited to the following: 26 (a) Spending on necessities versus spending on 27 discretionary matters. 28 (b) Creating a budget and spending goals. 29 (c) Banking and personal finance. 30 (d) Paying monthly bills and managing expenses on a set 31 salary. 32 (e) Borrowing and use of credit cards. 33 (f) Opening and contributing to a savings account. 34 (g) Understanding financial aid and college expenses. 35 -1- SF 2258 (2) 85 je/sc/jh 1/ 2
S.F. 2258 (h) Career planning. 1 b. The department shall select and make available a 2 voluntary assessment that measures student achievement, based 3 on the program developed and implemented pursuant to paragraph 4 “a” , for use by school districts and schools. The department 5 shall announce the selection of the assessment annually by 6 August 1. 7 c. The governor or the department shall annually acknowledge 8 school districts or schools in this state that demonstrate 9 a proficient level of achievement in financial literacy as 10 determined by at least seventy percent of their enrolled 11 students in grades eleven and twelve or in grade twelve having 12 completed the assessment with at least an eighty percent 13 competency level. 14 d. The governor or the department shall annually recognize 15 school districts or schools in this state that demonstrate 16 a superior level of achievement in financial literacy as 17 determined by at least eighty percent of their enrolled 18 students in grades eleven and twelve or in grade twelve having 19 completed the assessment with at least an eighty percent 20 competency level. The governor or the department shall 21 annually recognize school districts or schools in this state 22 that demonstrate a superior level of achievement in financial 23 literacy as champions of financial literacy. 24 Sec. 3. IMPLEMENTATION. The department of education shall 25 develop and implement the program provided for in this Act and 26 select and provide the assessment provided for in this Act for 27 use by school districts and schools by March 1, 2015. 28 -2- SF 2258 (2) 85 je/sc/jh 2/ 2