Senate File 2216 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  DAWSON

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the collection of sales tax for deposit in
  2    the secure an advanced vision for education fund and to the
  3    use of tax revenue from the secure an advanced vision for
  4    education fund.
    TLSB 5167XS (4) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 423.2, subsection 11, paragraph b,
  1  2 subparagraph (3), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  1  3    (3)  Transfer one=sixth of the remaining revenues to the
  1  4 secure an advanced vision for education fund created in section
  1  5 423F.2. This subparagraph (3) is repealed December 31, 2029
  1  6  January 1, 2050.
  1  7    Sec. 2.  Section 423.2, subsection 14, Code 2018, is amended
  1  8 to read as follows:
  1  9    14.  The sales tax rate of six percent is reduced to five
  1 10 percent on January 1, 2030 2050.
  1 11    Sec. 3.  Section 423.5, subsection 5, Code 2018, is amended
  1 12 to read as follows:
  1 13    5.  The use tax rate of six percent is reduced to five
  1 14 percent on January 1, 2030 2050.
  1 15    Sec. 4.  Section 423.43, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code
  1 16 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  1 17    b.  Subsequent to the deposit into the general fund of
  1 18 the state and after the transfer of such revenues collected
  1 19 under chapter 423B, the department shall transfer one=sixth of
  1 20 such remaining revenues to the secure an advanced vision for
  1 21 education fund created in section 423F.2. This paragraph is
  1 22 repealed December 31, 2029 January 1, 2050.
  1 23    Sec. 5.  Section 423F.2, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended
  1 24 to read as follows:
  1 25    3.  a.  The moneys available in a fiscal year in the secure
  1 26 an advanced vision for education fund shall be distributed by
  1 27 the department of revenue to each school district on a per
  1 28 pupil basis calculated using each school district's budget
  1 29 enrollment, as defined in section 257.6, for that fiscal year.
  1 30    b.  (1)  Prior to distribution of moneys in the secure an
  1 31 advanced vision for education fund to school districts, two and
  1 32 one=tenths percent of the moneys available in a an amount equal
  1 33 to the equity transfer amount for the fiscal year shall be
  1 34 distributed and credited to the property tax equity and relief
  1 35 fund created in section 257.16A.
  2  1    (2)  For purposes of this subsection, the equity transfer
  2  2 amount is determined by multiplying the equity transfer
  2  3 percentage by the amount of moneys available in the secure an
  2  4 advanced vision for education fund in the fiscal year. 
  2  5    (a)  For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, the equity
  2  6 transfer percentage is two and one=tenths percent.
  2  7    (b)  For each fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2018,
  2  8 the equity transfer percentage is equal to the equity transfer
  2  9 percentage for the immediately preceding fiscal year, unless
  2 10 the amount of moneys available in the secure an advanced vision
  2 11 for education fund in the fiscal year equals or exceeds one
  2 12 hundred two percent of the amount of moneys available in the
  2 13 fund for the immediately preceding fiscal year, in which case
  2 14 the equity transfer percentage shall be the equity transfer
  2 15 percentage for the immediately preceding fiscal year plus one
  2 16 percent subject to the limitation in subparagraph division (c).
  2 17    (c)  If the equity transfer percentage calculated under
  2 18 subparagraph division (b) exceeds ten percent, the equity
  2 19 transfer percentage for that fiscal year shall be ten percent.
  2 20    Sec. 6.  Section 423F.3, subsection 1, paragraph d, Code
  2 21 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  2 22    d.  For any authorized infrastructure purpose of the school
  2 23 district as defined in subsection 6, excluding the construction
  2 24 or purchase of an extracurricular athletic facility.
  2 25    Sec. 7.  Section 423F.3, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code
  2 26 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  2 27    b.  (1)  If the board of directors intends to use funds
  2 28 for purposes other than those listed in paragraph "a", or
  2 29 change the use of funds to purposes other than those listed
  2 30 in paragraph "a", the board shall adopt a revenue purpose
  2 31 statement or amend an existing revenue purpose statement,
  2 32 subject to approval of the electors, listing the proposed use
  2 33 of the funds. School districts shall submit the statement to
  2 34 the voters no later than sixty days prior to the expiration of
  2 35 any existing revenue purpose statement or change in use not
  3  1 included in the existing revenue purpose statement.  If the
  3  2 board of directors intends to use funds for the construction
  3  3 or purchase of an extracurricular athletic facility that is
  3  4 approved by the board on or after July 1, 2018, such use
  3  5 must first be specifically included in the school district's
  3  6 revenue purpose statement, subject to approval of the electors.
  3  7 For purposes of this subparagraph, "extracurricular athletic
  3  8 facility" means a building or structure, or portion thereof,
  3  9 that is not physically attached to a student attendance
  3 10 center and that is primarily used for extracurricular athletic
  3 11 activities or nonschool sponsored activities.  For purposes of
  3 12 this subparagraph, "construction" does not include repair or
  3 13 maintenance of an existing facility.
  3 14    (2)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
  3 15 for each school district with an existing revenue purpose
  3 16 statement for the use of revenues from the secure an advanced
  3 17 vision for education fund adopted under this paragraph or
  3 18 adopted under another provision of law before July 1, 2018,
  3 19 such revenue purpose statement shall terminate and be of no
  3 20 further force and effect on January 1, 2023. If such a school
  3 21 district intends to use funds for purposes other than those
  3 22 listed in paragraph "a" and does not intend to operate without
  3 23 a revenue purpose statement on or after January 1, 2023, the
  3 24 board of directors shall submit a revenue purpose statement for
  3 25 approval by the electors under subparagraph (1) on or after
  3 26 July 1, 2018, and such revenue purpose statement submitted to
  3 27 the electors shall include all proposed uses including those
  3 28 previously approved by the electors, if applicable. If a
  3 29 revenue purpose statement is terminated under the provisions
  3 30 of this subparagraph, such termination shall not affect the
  3 31 validity of or a first lien on bonds issued under section
  3 32 423E.5, Code 2018, or section 423F.5 prior to January 1, 2023.
  3 33    Sec. 8.  Section 423F.3, subsection 5, unnumbered paragraph
  3 34 1, Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  3 35    A school district with a certified enrollment of fewer
  4  1 than two three hundred fifty pupils in the entire district or
  4  2 certified enrollment of fewer than one hundred forty pupils
  4  3 in high school shall not expend the amount received for new
  4  4 construction without prior application to the department of
  4  5 education and receipt of a certificate of need pursuant to
  4  6 this subsection. A certificate of need is not required for
  4  7 repairing schoolhouses or buildings, equipment, technology, or
  4  8 transportation equipment for transporting students as provided
  4  9 in section 298.3, or for construction necessary for compliance
  4 10 with the federal Americans With Disabilities Act pursuant to 42
  4 11 U.S.C. {12101 = 12117. In determining whether a certificate of
  4 12 need shall be issued or denied, the department shall consider
  4 13 all of the following:
  4 14    Sec. 9.  Section 423F.3, subsection 5, paragraph b, Code
  4 15 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  4 16    b.  The infeasibility cost=benefit analysis of remodeling,
  4 17 reconstructing, or repairing existing buildings.
  4 18    Sec. 10.  Section 423F.3, subsection 5, Code 2018, is amended
  4 19 by adding the following new paragraph:
  4 20    NEW PARAGRAPH.  i.  Benefits and effects of the new
  4 21 construction on student learning.
  4 22    Sec. 11.  Section 423F.4, Code 2018, is amended to read as
  4 23 follows:
  4 24    423F.4  Borrowing authority for school districts.
  4 25    1.  A Subject to the conditions established under subsection
  4 26 2, a school district may anticipate its share of the revenues
  4 27 under section 423F.2 by issuing bonds in the manner provided in
  4 28 section 423E.5, Code 2018. However, to the extent any school
  4 29 district has issued bonds anticipating the proceeds of an
  4 30 extended local sales and services tax for school infrastructure
  4 31 purposes imposed by a county pursuant to former chapter 423E,
  4 32 Code and Code Supplement 2007, prior to July 1, 2008, the
  4 33 pledge of such revenues for the payment of principal and
  4 34 interest on such bonds shall be replaced by a pledge of its
  4 35 share of the revenues under section 423F.2.
  5  1    2.  a.  Bonds issued on or after July 1, 2018, shall not
  5  2 be sold at public sale as provided in chapter 75, or at a
  5  3 private sale, without notice and hearing as provided in section
  5  4 73A.12 as if the school district were a municipality within the
  5  5 meaning of chapter 73A.
  5  6    b.  For bonds subject to the requirements of paragraph
  5  7 "a", if at any time prior to the fifteenth day following the
  5  8 hearing, the secretary of the board of directors receives a
  5  9 petition containing the required number of signatures and
  5 10 asking that the question of the issuance of such bonds be
  5 11 submitted to the voters of the school district, the board shall
  5 12 either rescind its adoption of the resolution or direct the
  5 13 county commissioner of elections to submit the question to the
  5 14 registered voters of the school district at an election held
  5 15 on a date specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph
  5 16 "c". The petition must be signed by eligible electors equal in
  5 17 number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of the
  5 18 number of voters at the last preceding regular school election,
  5 19 whichever is greater. If the board submits the question at an
  5 20 election and a majority of those voting on the question favors
  5 21 issuance of the bonds, the board shall be authorized to issue
  5 22 the bonds.
  5 23    c.  After fourteen days from the date of the hearing under
  5 24 paragraph "a" or fourteen days after the date of the election
  5 25 held under paragraph "b", if applicable, whichever is later,
  5 26 an action shall not be brought questioning the legality of
  5 27 any bonds or the power of the authority to issue any bonds
  5 28 or to the legality of any proceedings in connection with the
  5 29 authorization or issuance of the bonds.
  5 30    Sec. 12.  Section 423F.6, Code 2018, is amended to read as
  5 31 follows:
  5 32    423F.6  Repeal.
  5 33 This chapter is repealed December 31, 2029 January 1, 2050.
  5 34    Sec. 13.  STATE MANDATE FUNDING SPECIFIED.  In accordance
  5 35 with section 25B.2, subsection 3, the state cost of requiring
  6  1 compliance with any state mandate included in this Act shall
  6  2 be paid by a school district from state school foundation aid
  6  3 received by the school district under section 257.16.  This
  6  4 specification of the payment of the state cost shall be deemed
  6  5 to meet all of the state funding=related requirements of
  6  6 section 25B.2, subsection 3, and no additional state funding
  6  7 shall be necessary for the full implementation of this Act
  6  8 by and enforcement of this Act against all affected school
  6  9 districts.
  6 10                           EXPLANATION
  6 11 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  6 12 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  6 13    Code section 423.2 imposes a state tax of 6 percent upon
  6 14 the sales price of all sales of tangible personal property,
  6 15 consisting of goods, wares, merchandise, and other items
  6 16 designated by statute, sold at retail in the state to consumers
  6 17 or users, except as otherwise provided by Code chapter 423.
  6 18 Generally, by operation of law, a sale subject to the sales
  6 19 tax is also subject to the use tax. Following the transfer
  6 20 of amounts required by statute, if applicable, one=sixth of
  6 21 the remaining state sales tax revenue from the 6 percent tax
  6 22 is transferred to the secure an advanced vision for education
  6 23 (SAVE) fund created in Code section 423F.2.  Moneys in the SAVE
  6 24 fund are allocated to school districts on a per pupil basis to
  6 25 be used for infrastructure and property tax reduction purposes
  6 26 specified in Code chapter 423F.  Under current law, the sales
  6 27 tax rate of 6 percent is reduced to 5 percent on January 1,
  6 28 2030, and Code chapter 423F, along with other corresponding
  6 29 provisions, is repealed December 31, 2029.
  6 30    This bill extends the 6 percent sales tax rate, the
  6 31 allocation to the SAVE fund, and the statutory repeal of Code
  6 32 chapter 423F until January 1, 2050.
  6 33    Current law requires that one=sixth of the revenue from the
  6 34 6 percent statewide sales tax be deposited in the SAVE fund
  6 35 for distribution to school districts on a per pupil basis.
  7  1 Code section 423F.2 provides that prior to such distribution,
  7  2 2.1 percent of the moneys available in the SAVE fund are
  7  3 distributed and credited to the property tax equity and relief
  7  4 (PTER) fund to be used for additional property tax levy aid.
  7  5 The bill provides that for each fiscal year beginning on or
  7  6 after July 1, 2018, the percentage used to determine the
  7  7 amount of the transfer from the SAVE fund to the PTER fund is
  7  8 equal to the percentage for the immediately preceding fiscal
  7  9 year, unless the amount of money available in the SAVE fund
  7 10 in the fiscal year is equal to or exceeds 102 percent of the
  7 11 amount of money available in the SAVE fund for the immediately
  7 12 preceding fiscal year, in which case the percentage shall be
  7 13 the percentage for the immediately preceding fiscal year plus 1
  7 14 percent.  However, the bill caps the percentage at 10 percent.
  7 15    Code section 423F.3(1) generally describes the uses for
  7 16 which a school district may use revenues from the SAVE fund
  7 17 if the school district does not have a valid revenue purpose
  7 18 statement.  The bill excludes the construction or purchase of
  7 19 an extracurricular athletic facility, as defined in the bill,
  7 20 approved by the school board on or after July 1, 2018, from
  7 21 that list of authorized uses.  The bill also provides that if
  7 22 a school board intends to use SAVE funds for the construction
  7 23 or purchase of an extracurricular athletic facility that is
  7 24 approved by the board on or after July 1, 2018, such use must
  7 25 first be specifically included in the school district's revenue
  7 26 purpose statement, subject to approval of the electors.
  7 27    Under the bill, revenue purpose statements for the use of
  7 28 SAVE fund revenues adopted before July 1, 2018, shall terminate
  7 29 and be of no further force and effect on January 1, 2023.
  7 30 If a school district intends to use SAVE fund revenues for
  7 31 purposes other than those which can be approved by the school
  7 32 board alone and does not intend to operate without a revenue
  7 33 purpose statement on or after January 1, 2023, the school
  7 34 board must submit a revenue purpose statement for approval
  7 35 by the electors on or after July 1, 2018, and such revenue
  8  1 purpose statement submitted to the electors shall include
  8  2 all proposed uses including those previously approved by the
  8  3 electors, if applicable. The bill specifies that if a revenue
  8  4 purpose statement is terminated on January 1, 2023, under the
  8  5 provisions of the bill, such termination shall not affect the
  8  6 validity of or a first lien on bonds issued under Code sections
  8  7 423E.5 and 423F.5 prior to January 1, 2023.
  8  8    Current law authorizes a school district to anticipate
  8  9 its share of SAVE fund revenues by issuing bonds without
  8 10 voter approval. The bill provides that revenue bonds issued
  8 11 on or after July 1, 2018, shall not be sold at public sale
  8 12 or at a private sale without notice and a public hearing.
  8 13 Additionally, if at any time prior to the 15th day following
  8 14 the hearing, the secretary of the board of directors receives
  8 15 a petition containing the required number of signatures and
  8 16 asking that the question of the issuance of such bonds be
  8 17 submitted to the voters of the school district, the school
  8 18 board shall either rescind its adoption of the resolution or
  8 19 direct the county commissioner of elections to submit the
  8 20 question to the registered voters of the school district. The
  8 21 petition must be signed by eligible electors equal in number to
  8 22 not less than 100 or 30 percent of the number of voters at the
  8 23 last preceding regular school election, whichever is greater.
  8 24 If the school board submits the question at an election and a
  8 25 majority of those voting on the question favors issuance of the
  8 26 bonds, the board shall be authorized to issue the bonds.  The
  8 27 bill also places limitations on the period of time during which
  8 28 an action questioning the legality or procedural compliance for
  8 29 the issuance of such bonds may be brought.
  8 30    Currently, a school district with a certified enrollment
  8 31 of fewer than 250 pupils in the entire district or certified
  8 32 enrollment of fewer than 100 pupils in high school must apply
  8 33 to the department of education for a certificate of need
  8 34 before the school district can expend the supplemental school
  8 35 infrastructure amount received for new construction or for
  9  1 payments for bonds issued for new construction against the
  9  2 supplemental school infrastructure amount. The bill increases
  9  3 the enrollment thresholds to a total enrollment of 350 pupils
  9  4 and to a high school enrollment of 140 pupils.
  9  5    The bill also modifies the criteria to be used by the
  9  6 department of education in determining whether to issue a
  9  7 certificate of need to include the cost=benefit analysis of
  9  8 remodeling, reconstructing, or repairing existing buildings
  9  9 versus new construction and consideration of the benefit of the
  9 10 new construction on student learning.
  9 11    The bill may include a state mandate as defined in Code
  9 12 section 25B.3.  The bill requires that the state cost of
  9 13 any state mandate included in the bill be paid by a school
  9 14 district from state school foundation aid received by the
  9 15 school district under section 257.16.  The specification is
  9 16 deemed to constitute state compliance with any state mandate
  9 17 funding=related requirements of Code section 25B.2.  The
  9 18 inclusion of this specification is intended to reinstate the
  9 19 requirement of political subdivisions to comply with any state
  9 20 mandates included in the bill.
       LSB 5167XS (4) 87