Senate File 2202 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  PETERSEN

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act concerning department of administrative services'
  2    procedures regarding the designation of individuals as
  3    ineligible for state employment and sanctions for violations
  4    of competitive bidding procedures.
    TLSB 5795XS (5) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 8A.311, Code 2016, is amended by adding
  1  2 the following new subsection:
  1  3    NEW SUBSECTION.  23.  The director shall establish by rule
  1  4 sanctions for violations of competitive bidding procedures
  1  5 including but not limited to requirements governing the bidding
  1  6 process for a particular procurement or contract.  Sanctions
  1  7 shall include fines and, for an employee of an agency, possible
  1  8 suspension, dismissal, or demotion.
  1  9    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  8A.403  State agency employment ====
  1 10 designation=of=ineligibility procedures.
  1 11    1.  The department may designate an individual as ineligible
  1 12 to apply for; to be considered, referred, or approved for; or
  1 13 to be appointed to employment by a state agency for any of the
  1 14 following reasons:
  1 15    a.  The individual knowingly misrepresented the facts when
  1 16 submitting information relating to an application, examination,
  1 17 certification, appeal, or any other facet of the selection
  1 18 process for employment by a state agency.
  1 19    b.  The individual used or attempted to use coercion,
  1 20 bribery, or other illegal means to secure an advantage in the
  1 21 application, examination, appeal, or selection process for
  1 22 employment by a state agency.
  1 23    c.  The individual was convicted of a crime that is shown to
  1 24 have a direct relationship to the duties of the job class or
  1 25 position for which the individual wishes to be considered.
  1 26    d.  The individual is proven to be an unrehabilitated
  1 27 substance abuser who would be unable to perform the duties of
  1 28 the job class or position for which the individual wishes to be
  1 29 considered or who would constitute a threat to state property
  1 30 or to the safety of others.
  1 31    e.  The individual is not a United States citizen and
  1 32 does not have a valid permit to work in the United States
  1 33 under regulations issued by the United States citizenship and
  1 34 immigration services.
  1 35    f.  The individual was terminated from employment by a state
  2  1 agency for creating a hostile work environment.
  2  2    g.  The individual was sanctioned pursuant to rules adopted
  2  3 by the director pursuant to section 8A.311 for a violation of
  2  4 competitive bidding procedures including but not limited to
  2  5 requirements governing the bidding process for a particular
  2  6 procurement or contract.
  2  7    2.  The department shall do all of the following upon a
  2  8 determination that an individual is ineligible as provided in
  2  9 subsection 1:
  2 10    a.  Notify the individual in writing within five working
  2 11 days following the designation of ineligibility for employment
  2 12 by a state agency. The notification shall include information
  2 13 regarding the extent of the individual's ineligibility and the
  2 14 process for the individual to appeal, remove, or modify the
  2 15 designation of ineligibility.
  2 16    b.  Maintain documentation of the designation of
  2 17 ineligibility, the extent of the individual's ineligibility
  2 18 for employment by a state agency, proof of notification of
  2 19 the individual, and any information concerning any appeals
  2 20 regarding the designation.
  2 21    c.  Upon request by an individual determined to be
  2 22 ineligible, review whether the designation of ineligibility of
  2 23 the individual should be removed or modified and to notify the
  2 24 individual, in writing, if the designation of ineligibility is
  2 25 removed or modified.
  2 26    3.  An individual designated as ineligible as provided by
  2 27 this section may file a written appeal to the employment appeal
  2 28 board in the department of inspections and appeals for a review
  2 29 of the action.  The written appeal must be filed with the board
  2 30 within sixty days following the notice of initial designation
  2 31 of ineligibility.
  2 32    4.  The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter
  2 33 17A to administer this section including establishment of a
  2 34 procedure for an individual, following the time for filing an
  2 35 appeal, to apply to the department for removal or modification
  3  1 of a designation of ineligibility.
  3  3 REQUIREMENTS.  Individuals designated as ineligible to apply
  3  4 for; to be considered, referred, or approved for; or to
  3  5 be appointed to employment by a state agency, prior to the
  3  6 effective date of this Act, shall be notified, in writing, by
  3  7 the department of administrative services that they have been
  3  8 designated as ineligible and of their rights relative to that
  3  9 designation as provided in this Act.
  3 10                           EXPLANATION
  3 11 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  3 12 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  3 13    This bill concerns procedures of the department of
  3 14 administrative services (DAS) relating to sanctions for
  3 15 violations of competitive bidding procedures and state employee
  3 16 hiring.
  3 17    Code section 8A.311, concerning competitive bidding
  3 18 procedures, is amended to require the director of DAS to
  3 19 establish sanctions for violations of competitive bidding
  3 20 procedures.  The bill provides that sanctions shall include
  3 21 fines and, for state agency employees, possible suspension,
  3 22 dismissal, or demotion.
  3 23    New Code section 8A.403 requires DAS to establish procedures
  3 24 for designating an individual as ineligible to apply for or to
  3 25 be considered or approved for or appointed to employment with a
  3 26 state agency.  The bill describes the permissible reasons for
  3 27 designating an individual as ineligible, provides for notice
  3 28 to the individual within five days following the designation
  3 29 of ineligibility, and requires that documentation of the
  3 30 designation be maintained by DAS.
  3 31    The bill provides for the ability of an individual to
  3 32 appeal the designation of ineligibility and for the ability
  3 33 of the individual to request that the department review the
  3 34 designation of ineligibility.
  3 35    The bill also provides that individuals designated as
  4  1 ineligible as of the effective date of the bill be notified
  4  2 of this designation by the department in writing and of their
  4  3 rights under the bill.
       LSB 5795XS (5) 86